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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
     He  misses  the  freedom  to  go  EVERYWHERE  &  NOWHERE  without  needing  to  look  over  his  shoulder  and  surroundings  with  every  breath  he  took.  It’s  become  A  STATE  OF  MIND  as  the  wanted  man  that  he  is.  His  gaze  is  always  casually  scanning  the  room  with  a  quick  glance  that  he  can  spare  that’s  anywhere  but  his  drink  as  if  he’s  waiting  on  someone.  He  is  ,  technically  …  his  target  spends  a  lot  of  time  here  and  so  far  ,  the  night  has  been  a  lucky  one  for  him  as  he  hasn’t  been  recognized  yet.  The  beard  really  does  the  trick.  It’s  quickly  PROVEN  WRONG  when  he  catches  the  approach  of  someone  who  could  make  his  job  a  lot  harder  (  and  here  he’d  thought  he  was  doing  Natasha  proud  by  blending  in  ).
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         ❛    –––––––––––   Work  has  been  …  stressful.    ❜   It  wasn’t  a  lie  which  is  why  it  coolly  left  his  lips  WITHOUT  A  STUMBLE.  His  smile  is  just  as  strained  as  he  feels.
    It was almost a talent of his to pick people out of the crowd.    Not for any particular reason other than to sate his boredom and give him something to do.    His night wasn’t the worst he’s had,  but it didn’t stand to be the best either.    Seeing that the man looked quite frustrated made Lucius want to brighten both of their nights.    He raised a brow at the obviously forced smile,  adding a depth to the answer he was given.    Either work really was that stressful or Lucius was being a bother.    He decided to ignore the possibility of the latter.
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    “    You wanna talk about it??    I’ve heard letting it out helps ease the stress   --   and I happen to be a great listener.    ”
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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
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For Arthur it mattered little what time of year it was as long as there were waves, his body easily ignored the cold weather, low temperatures never bothered him, after all, he can withstand the chilling depths of the ocean easily. Most of the locals are used to his sight, they know him as Arthur, he went to the local high school, he is one of the residents even if his standing is a bit more unique and he will always be grateful for that.
Once he had enough he starts to make his way onto the beach, his board under his arm when he’s approached by someone he hasn’t met before. He watches curiously, hoping it’s not a journalist, and just generally being weary of strangers, but relieved when the innocent question is posed to him.     “   I developed a sort of   RESISTANCE   to it, it doesn’t really bother me. It just means I never have to   wait   for surf weather.   “     Or wear a wetsuit.
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“    I wish I had that sort of resistance.    The chill cuts me right to the bone.    ”    Hence the thick coat and the gloves and scarf.    He was jealous of the man,  though even if he had that resistance, he wouldn’t even think of going in the water.    Looking out to sea,  Lucius stared out for a moment before turning his attention back to the man.
“    Sorry to bother your day.    I’m Lucius.    ”    He smiled to the other and took off the glove of his right hand before offering it to shake.
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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
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The superstar ♡
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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
looking at how different kieran and lucius are, they seem to be almost night and day. they live well together, but even when it comes to their drinking habits, they just seem to clash a little.
lucius is someone that can drink most people under the table. he doesn’t really look it, but he’s got an insanely high tolerance. he likes to joke that it’s the irish genes he got from his mother. but most nights when he goes out or just when he drinks in general, he has hard liquor. beer isn’t to his taste but he’s also not one for cocktails. usually he’ll drink bourbon or whiskey but only when he’s with someone else does he drink tequila. it doesn’t feel like a drink someone should have when you’re alone.
while kieran, on the other hand, only drinks beer. and the bar he plays at has learned to give him beers with a straw in it. people find it childish and some thinks he does it just to be cute, but he hates drinking it from the bottle. no real reason as to why, but he just doesn’t like it. he’s gotten careful drinking with a straw as well because he’s gotten himself wasted by drinking it too fast like that.
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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
BUCKY BARNES COMIC STARTER SENTENCES from various issues, but mostly from the winter soldier solo run. 
“to be fair, you do have the moves.”
“you think i can’t disarm you?”
“you still like yours sunny side up right?”
“see, you’ve still got a sense of humor.” 
“that trick never works.”
“i wasn’t meant for the spotlight anyways.”
“what’s up, ____? you’ve been tense all day.”
“it’s my fault…anything that happens…”
“you’d love that.” 
“she always amazes me.”
“take a gun.” 
“you should all take guns.”
i don’t understand.”
“get used to it partner.” 
“i try and live by that wisdom every damn day.”
“y’know, i’m gonna be really mad if you’ve been there the whole time.”
“being one of the good guys means going what’s right, no matter what the cost.”
“aw. this is heart warming stuff.” 
“hide your stash.”
“i figured it was because you wanted an autograph.” 
“what the hell do you want from me?”
“no. there’s always a choice.”
“i just needed a moment.”
“you can’t fix the past, you can only search for the strength to change the future.”
“actually…i did that on purpose.”
“every time things are finally stable, finally good, something sudden happens to wreck it all.” 
“i have to face it. before it finds me.” 
“together we have a chance, _____. take it with me.”
“you idiot.” 
“man do i love my girlfriend.” 
“i need a sidekick, ____.”
“well, luck hasn’t exactly been on my side lately.”
“he better not have said that.” 
“the thing about war? i hear it never ends.” 
“where’s my gun?”
“well, at least i survived.” 
“you were the one good thing in all of it.”
“i’ll do what i do.”
“that was your last act on earth, pal.”
“thank you, for coming for me.”
“i get too pick the restaurant too.”
“you know me too well.” 
“you know what the best thing about being a dead man is? you can do anything you want.”
“i wanna hit something.”
“i’m going crazy.”
“i saved you for a change, that’s all.”
“man…you are such a girl sometimes.”
“…please tell me i didn’t kill anyone.”
“okay…i deserve that.”
“all i’ve ever brought her is trouble.” 
“she’s better off without me.” 
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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
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“    DO YOU LIKE IT??    ”    the piece the customer  (  hopefully  )  was holding in their hands was of a small bird,  one with the finest details carved into it and the best attention paid.    kieran took care of every piece he made,  giving it all of his love and care in hopes that others would appreciate it.    though he had sold a few larger pieces for a good sum,  he still found himself sitting in the park with his figurines spread out on a blanket out of sheer boredom.    he had sold a few pieces already,  hoping to maybe sell a few more.
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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
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“    SHODDY FUCKING PAIR OF SHOES…    ”    as beautiful as the heels had been,  he should have known there was a catch if they were at such a reasonable price.    not two weeks had he had them and the heel had snapped while he was just walking along the sidewalk.    holding onto the hand that was offered to him,  lucius smiled as he got up with the help of the other.    “    thank you, dear.    ”
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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
that moment when i realize i use lucius’ comic/powered/monster verse more than i use his regular verse. maybe i should just make that his main because i love it so much
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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
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                            to the sound of the monstrance clock,  air is cleansed,  assembled flock.    BLACK candles burn, all minds aligned.     as the parish sighs in smoke,  enters lady revealed of cloak,  to the haunting sound of the monstrance clock.    SINGING,  come together, together as a one.
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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
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lucius    starter    call
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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
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kieran    starter    call
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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
lucius: I’M SUPER, THANKS FOR ASKING!! me: please shut the fuck up
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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
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Why anyone would go to the beach when it’s cold out is beyond him.    Why he’s there himself is something to ponder about,  but this was planned a few weeks ago.    Once a week Lucius goes somewhere he’s not been just out of curiosity.    The weather channel told him it would be warmer than it was.    Thankfully he had brought a coat along,  as well as good shoes to walk around in the sand with.    The beach is nice,  quiet,  and clean.
Still,  it’s cold.    And it’s baffling how someone could even be surfing in this weather.    Staring out to the man on the board riding one wave after another,  he wonders how crazy this man must be.    When the other comes out from the waters,  he figures he may just get his answer.
“    Sorry for staring.    But how can you stand being out there when it’s this cold??    ”
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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
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Some people think he’s mad spending most of his night playing in bars instead of hanging out in them.    But he’s never enjoyed just sitting around and hanging out unless it was in the comfort of his own home.    Plus he can’t find any other job he likes more than this,  and though the pay might not be the best,  it’s helps him a lot when his sculptures and carvings don’t sell.    The bar seems to enjoy having him around as well.
He finishes the last song for the night and wishes the audience well before he gets off of the small stage,  his guitar packed away and carried with him.    Kieran goes over towards the bar and sits down near one of the men there,  ordering a beer and pulling out a small dog figurine.    His kit with his tools is taken out of a side pocket on his case and set on the bar, whittling away and working on the finer details.
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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
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picquery tells him it should be more than enough that she’s allowing him to dress as he wants.    that if he has to call himself lucy and pretend he’s a woman,  it comes with the refusal to wear men’s suits.    most,  if not all,  aurors and employees at MACUSA believe him to be a woman so it’s not too hard to keep up with the charade.
that doesn’t make it any easier,  especially after he’s chewed out for using the men’s room while he’s dressed like that.    lucius knows he has to make a compromise at some point,  but that doesn’t mean he likes it.
his gaze picks up as he hears footsteps approach him,  letting out a soft whine as he reaches out towards queenie.
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kierluc-blog · 7 years ago
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            FIVE MORE MINUTES.    Words echoed to himself not twenty minutes another bourbon ago.    Bored,  irritated,  he was split between retiring for the night and bringing the next person that returned interest towards him home.    So far,  however,  his luck seemed to be anywhere but with him.    Sighing,  his drink was finished and the glass rested against the bartop.    His gaze scoured through the crowd before landing on a man who sat himself back and away from the patrons.    Tall,  gorgeous,  his type   --   might as well give it a shot.    Pushing himself away from the bar,  he got up and walked over towards the man, a smirk spreading to his lips as he stopped by the other’s side.    “    You don’t seem to be enjoying yourself here.    Got something on your mind??    ”
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