khudadevikusanali · 6 hours
My name is Devi Kusanali. It's nice to meet you, Mister Moth butterfly! And please don't worry aumeru us mostly a safe place.
{The dendro archon doesn't want to tell stranger that they are an archon. It's for the best.}
And you will be okay... Well, no one would come to a cave such as this one, but adventures might, but they are friendly people.
Come one, let's go now, we have to go to the exit!
Trudging through the undergrowth, the cloaked stranger looked around at their surroundings curiously. They were far away from home. Very far.
But this place held promise.
He just needed to find a way back.
(moth in your inbox, moth in your inbox)
The dendro archon turned their back to, and they noticed thar someone was close and just a few steps away.
The dendro archon came to this cave to play with their aranara friends. They weren't expecting anyone, but this could be an interesting meeting.
The curious archon ran to the place where they heard the strange noise, and they looked up at the strange nara with a curious look.
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khudadevikusanali · 16 hours
Fox trees is the sacred sakura tree? I guess it is, l think of this tree before, but it's different from the tree back in sumeru.
Hello, scary miss, and no, l don't know why l came here... l was just curious about this shrine and the fox tree.
The curious archon was walking up the steps to the shrine, and the little archon decided to visit the electro archon, but curiousity led them to a strange shrine.
They were lost again for the third time... But the curious archon was still walking up to the shrine. Something tells them that this is not a dangerous place.
Once the little archon reached the top of the shrine, they quickly ran to the strange fox tree. They never ever saw that tree before it looked so strange.
The little archon curiosily looked at the tree as they were so surprised with it!
Wow, that sakura tree looks like a fox! I never saw that before... Sumeru doesn't have strange fox trees.
🌱 A curious archon
Yae Miko turns around to see them
"Oh look who's here..."
"Hello little one, You're interested in the Sacred Sakura?"
"Fox trees? That's a Interesting way to describe it."
Yae Miko giggles
"The kitsune do take good care of it."
"Is there a reason you came to the Grand Narukami Shrine today little one?"
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khudadevikusanali · 16 hours
The dendro was far away in vanarana again. The dendro archon loved to play with the aranaras in the forest and would send half of their day on vanarana.
The dendro archon was still playing their favourite games such as hide and seek and hopscotch. Those games were really fun to play with the aranaras.
The little archon ran to their hiding place, and they hid there until an aranara finds them.
Why do l have this feeling that someone new is going to come here? Well, that's okay, it's fun to make new friends.
Lesser Lord Kusanali was someone Geegee had respect for. She never understood why anyone would call the archon a ‘Lesser Lord’, really. You would need to have a ‘Greater Lord’ for that! Always a good question to ponder on, really. But nonetheless, even among the secondary children of Nabu Malikata(The Ishtar, the first being the Jinn), the Dendro archon was quite respected overall. In fact, there was a whole sect devoted to the archon ! Specifically that of those with Viparya Blooms, of course. Most of the reason why some Viparya’s would want to journey to the surface to begin with would be because of the desire to see Buer! Some Ishtar took devotion reeeeal seriously.
Geegee wasn’t one of the Viparya devotees. She respected the archon, sure, but it’s not like she KNEW her! With Maman Malikata, every Ishtar had a connection with her that surpassed just having her blood in their veins! More as to question why she even had been sent up onto the surface in the first place.. Oh yeah! Hadn’t that er.. What was his name again… Whatever! Didn’t Lesser Lord Kusanali send that one guy out to go look for scrolls? Right. Yeah. Unimportant, however, as Geegee wasn’t quite intrigued as to why the Archon would need some ratty pieces of paper..
Nonetheless, as Geegee wandered around the rainforest, she was reminded of that of the beginning of her journey up on the surface. Her eyes began to water at that. She STILL missed home and she was NOT making any secret of it. Hey! And that’s the tunnel she came out of! The one that can open up to the Ishtar and lead them back down home! Geegee stepped forward, mesmerized by the whirl of vines and foliage covering up the entrance. As she looked down at it with nostalgic eyes, the girl longed to reach out and whisper a string of words in her first language, watch the vines open up before her, and run down the long winding passage to be welcomed home by her grandma and friends.
Something, however, stopped the girl, making her hand freeze and gut fill with rejection. More accurately, a feeling that told her she could not go home quite yet. And why? Geegee had no clue.
starter for @khudadevikusanali
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Well, whatever you came here to do, l would still like to welcome you to sumeru! It's nice to meet you tall mister.
No, l never visited inazuma before... My home is in sumeru and l never that the opportunity to leave.
✧˚ · . — Well hello, isn't is nice the weather out here? I find myself quite enjoying the sumeru enviroment lately. I wanted to know more about it and you, miss, look like you have a ton of knowledge to share. ❀
Hello tall mister, Welcome to sumeru, the land of knowledge of wisdom!
And yes, you're right. The weather here is very nice, but it's very humid sometimes due to the rain... l assume you're here for a visit?
Hehe, l do know a lot of things, What would you like to know tall mister?
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The curious archon listened to Mister Moth butterfly... After a few seconds, they decided to answer the questions of the strange nara.
Oh, we are in a cave in sumeru... But above this cave is a forest, The exit is up there, l can take you there if you want.
Trudging through the undergrowth, the cloaked stranger looked around at their surroundings curiously. They were far away from home. Very far.
But this place held promise.
He just needed to find a way back.
(moth in your inbox, moth in your inbox)
The dendro archon turned their back to, and they noticed thar someone was close and just a few steps away.
The dendro archon came to this cave to play with their aranara friends. They weren't expecting anyone, but this could be an interesting meeting.
The curious archon ran to the place where they heard the strange noise, and they looked up at the strange nara with a curious look.
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The little archon doesn't know how to answer his questions... Come to think of it, archons don't have guardians or parents for that matter.
The dendro archon doesn't know how to answer his questions but summoned the courage to talk about this topic.
I am not alone... My friends are here... My parents? I don't know...
Trudging through the undergrowth, the cloaked stranger looked around at their surroundings curiously. They were far away from home. Very far.
But this place held promise.
He just needed to find a way back.
(moth in your inbox, moth in your inbox)
The dendro archon turned their back to, and they noticed thar someone was close and just a few steps away.
The dendro archon came to this cave to play with their aranara friends. They weren't expecting anyone, but this could be an interesting meeting.
The curious archon ran to the place where they heard the strange noise, and they looked up at the strange nara with a curious look.
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The little archon curiosily looked at the tall, moth butterfly person again with their curious eyes full of wonder and curiosity.
The little archon answered the moth butterfly after a few minutes of inspecting the nara to determine that the person wasn't a bad nara.
Hello, Mister Moth butterfly, and no l am lost l came here to play with my friends.
Trudging through the undergrowth, the cloaked stranger looked around at their surroundings curiously. They were far away from home. Very far.
But this place held promise.
He just needed to find a way back.
(moth in your inbox, moth in your inbox)
The dendro archon turned their back to, and they noticed thar someone was close and just a few steps away.
The dendro archon came to this cave to play with their aranara friends. They weren't expecting anyone, but this could be an interesting meeting.
The curious archon ran to the place where they heard the strange noise, and they looked up at the strange nara with a curious look.
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Trudging through the undergrowth, the cloaked stranger looked around at their surroundings curiously. They were far away from home. Very far.
But this place held promise.
He just needed to find a way back.
(moth in your inbox, moth in your inbox)
The dendro archon turned their back to, and they noticed thar someone was close and just a few steps away.
The dendro archon came to this cave to play with their aranara friends. They weren't expecting anyone, but this could be an interesting meeting.
The curious archon ran to the place where they heard the strange noise, and they looked up at the strange nara with a curious look.
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khudadevikusanali · 2 days
✧˚ · . — Well hello, isn't is nice the weather out here? I find myself quite enjoying the sumeru enviroment lately. I wanted to know more about it and you, miss, look like you have a ton of knowledge to share. ❀
Hello tall mister, Welcome to sumeru, the land of knowledge of wisdom!
And yes, you're right. The weather here is very nice, but it's very humid sometimes due to the rain... l assume you're here for a visit?
Hehe, l do know a lot of things, What would you like to know tall mister?
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khudadevikusanali · 3 days
So that's what it is... I had never heard of that before... That's how it is in different countries, huh... Is it really interesting?
Ooc: Is Halloween really tomorrow? I wonder what it's like?
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khudadevikusanali · 3 days
Wow, that's so cool! A pumpkin like the one in cinderella!
But what is a suburbs?
Ooc: Is Halloween really tomorrow? I wonder what it's like?
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khudadevikusanali · 3 days
Who wouldn't want a lot of candy? And those scary parties with skeletons seem really cool and scary!
Ooc: Is Halloween really tomorrow? I wonder what it's like?
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khudadevikusanali · 3 days
It seems really fun! I bet everyone loves to dress up in different costumes.
Ooc: Is Halloween really tomorrow? I wonder what it's like?
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khudadevikusanali · 3 days
Ooc: It looks fun, but l am not allowed to celebrate that... But that's okay!
Ooc: Is Halloween really tomorrow? I wonder what it's like?
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khudadevikusanali · 3 days
Ooc: Is Halloween really tomorrow? I wonder what it's like?
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khudadevikusanali · 3 days
You don't have to call me miss... I am not old enough to be called that yet, And please don't act so formal with me, Mister chike.
It's nice to meet you too! And you can just call me Devi if you would like!
The dendro archon knows that they don't look like an archon, but that's okay... As long as they work hard and they will be a great archon one day! For now, they should just work hard and enjoy their freedom.
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When Chike arrived to the nation of Sumeru, he was mainly searching for some information about his father and on a trip to learn more cooking styles from different nations in order to bring them to 'life' in Natlan and help residents of the pyro land taste other nation's cooking. "Ouch.. Hey! I don't wanna hurt you little guys!" Chike whined, trying to avoid the small mushrooms that were trying to attack him. Slinging his claymore over his shoulder, he made a run for it before a small squeak came out of him. One of the fungi had attacked his ankles which made him fall!! ouchies man, that probably hurt!! "Poor tree.." Chike whimpered as his claymore was thrown into a tree trunk, the blade being stuck. "I accept defeat!..." Chike cried out, not noticing the footsteps as he sniffled, fungi surrounding him.
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Starter for @khudadevikusanali!
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khudadevikusanali · 3 days
I still don't know what l am going to, but until then, l will still rp as lesser lord kusanali.
Occ: If l change my muse, would that be okay with everyone?
I still don't know if l will change my muse, but until then... l will still rp as Lesser lord kusanali!
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