khoodan · 5 years
The nice island I live on only got surface efficiency. And Taiwan think their system is inefficient. Yours can see , we only hide here and there. Trying to pull me, a small fry down by letting me handle something that deals with business money without any training
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khoodan · 5 years
Taiwan got many things they could depend on. The island I live on could only depend on their reputation. Sometime I really got a hankering to try to pull down the reputation or died trying so.
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khoodan · 5 years
韩国瑜 once said in a interview he meet a person who wants to be a MP because his application for a factory have not been approved in 8 years. Won^t it be fun, if people found out that the island I live on functions almost like that, us with the clean reputation
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khoodan · 5 years
Taiwan think their system is inefficient. Our are the same only appears efficient. in logistics, permits are one important part. In trying to 'settle' me a small screw in the system, putting countless obstacles in my way while I try to settle problems on my own
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khoodan · 5 years
Taiwan think their system is inefficient. Our are the same only appears efficient. in logistics, time is money. Because we want less work, we cut the permit out when a new system comes in causing companies burning through money on a daily basis and they do not know it
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khoodan · 5 years
Taiwan no need be jealous of us. Our system is also same rotten core.for business, time is money. just departments playing whose dick is biggest. The time spend in shooting emails can cause companies unknowingly burn through money
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khoodan · 5 years
The island I live have the same rotten system like Taiwan but nobody knows it. The rot is not overnight and one wonder in our history, how many companies went bankrupt because of incompetence that I see on a daily basis and we pride ourselves on our clean reputation
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khoodan · 5 years
韩国瑜 said in a interview, he thought running away will help. He realize how foolish this thinking was when DPP sent people to his wife school to threatened them. And I being in the same position as him now. I also wonder what I will do.
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khoodan · 5 years
Help company waste money , you guys are pro.
Bully people, you guys are also pro
I will see what you guys want to do
The information is there in my brain
In internet age, let see if the information in my brain get out.
You guys win or I win
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khoodan · 5 years
Oh lah lah, someone wear slippers again. Not the way to display humble. We want money. Oh wait , that money is in your pocket not ours, what a shame.
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khoodan · 5 years
Hong Kong slow police actions despite mob actions shows why 韩国瑜 can win plenty of opinion polls hands down.
Clean, responsible and humble and no need high pay
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khoodan · 5 years
Why 韩国瑜 win hands down in the Kuomintang opinion polls. Cause he want the people to be rich and he try his damn best to get results.
Unlike Terry Gou who display his image of only wanting himself to be rich
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khoodan · 5 years
Hope 韩国瑜 gets to 反转 Taiwan like he gets to 反转 Kaohsiung
The people deserve a good life
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khoodan · 5 years
You see a crazy woman when provoked especially now means what?
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khoodan · 5 years
La la, of all times start to attack me with rules
You wanna see a crazy woman?
If I am still around, my mouth is there
If I am not around, who knows when this information will burst out or where it is hidden
You can control everywhere?
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khoodan · 5 years
Finally I get to see once in a lifetime of OPPO'S being united
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khoodan · 5 years
Discussion for 无能官
One fine daysss later
Things depending on you guys mood get done finally
While $$$$ get wasted
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