khaliltumandar · 4 years
(Moulana Wali Rahmani Rahmatullah - alaih) (1/2)
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***حضرت مولانا سید ولی رحمانی رح ----چند یادیں***
انا لله وانا الیه راجعون
الله پاک غریق رحمت فرمائے حضرت مولانا سید ولی رحمانی نورالله مرقدہ کو ' جن کے ساتھ اب رحمتہ الله علیہ کے الفاظ کا اضافہ کیا جارہا ہے
یاد آتا ہے 22 اکتوبر 2014ء کی وہ شام تھی - اسی رات ممبئی( ہندوستان )سے ٹورانٹو (کینیڈا) کی فلائٹ سے ناچیز مع اہل و عیال مستقل طور پر سکونت اختیار کرنے کی غرض سے کینیڈا منتقل ہورہا تھا
حسن اتفاق کہ 22 اکتوبر 2014ء کی شام ہی میں ' انجمن اسلام کیمپس ممبئی میں سیرت لیکچر کا اہتمام کیا گیا تھا اور الحمدلله راقم الحروف ہی کے حصے میں سیرت لیکچر دینے کی سعادت آئی تھی-
شہر ممبئی کا تقریبا" ڈیڑھ سو برس قدیم تعلیمی ادارہ انجمن اسلام ایجوکیشنل ٹرسٹ ممبئی گزشتہ ربع صدی سے زائد عرصے سے' اپنے سابق صدر و سرپرست معین الدین حارث میموریل سیرت لیکچر کا انعقاد کرتا آرہا ہے اور 22 اکتوبر 2014ء کی شام میں ' 23واں معین الدین حارث سیرت میموریل لیکچر کے موقعء سعید پر راقم السطور کو بحیثیت مہمان مقرر/ Guest Speaker مدعو کیا گیا تھا - کریمی لائبریری انجمن اسلام ہیڈ کوارٹرز ممبئی میں اس بابرکت مجلس کے افتتاحی کلمات ادا کرتے ہوئے شہر ممبئی کے معروف صحافی' محقق و ادیب شمیم طارق صاحب نے کہا تھا کہ معین الدین حارث سیرت میموریل لیکچر پروگرام کا اولین لیکچر مفکر اسلام حضرت مولانا سید ابوالحسن علی حسنی ندوی رح نے دیا تھا -اسی طرح پروفیسر نثاراحمد فاروقی صاحب کا یادگار سیرت لیکچر آج بھی لوگوں کے قلب و ذہن میں محفوظ ہے -
الله کے فضل و کرم سے ' اس ممیوریل سیرت لیکچر میں ناچیز کا قرآن کریم کی آیت " وما ارسلنك الا رحمته للعالمین "کے عنوان پر تقریبا" چالیس منٹ کا ایک خطاب رہا اور اس مبارک تقریب کی صدارت حضرت مولانا سید ولی رحمانی رح فرما رہے تھے -اس پروگرام میں انجمن اسلام ایجوکیشنل ٹرسٹ ممبئی کے موجودہ صدر ڈاکٹر ظہیر قاضی' ایڈوکیٹ مشتاق انتولے اور انجمن اسلام ممبئی کے دیگر ذمہ داران کے علاوہ شہر ممبئی کے سینکڑوں ارباب علم و فن بھی شریک اجلاس تھے
تین اپریل 2021ء کو جب حضرت مولانا سید ولی رحمانی رح کی وفات کی افسوسناک خبر کانوں سے ٹکرائی تو یہ اطلاع و خبر سن کر سیرت نبوی صلی الله علیہ و سلم کی اس تاریخی نشست کے سارے مناظر یکے بعد دیگرے نگاہوں میں تازہ ہوتے چلے گئے -
بانی ء دارالعلوم ندوہ العلماءلکھنئو' عیسائی مشنری و پادریوں کا سختی سے مقابلہ کرنے والے اور قادیانیت کے جعل مکرو فریب اور سازشوں کو بے نقاب کرنے والے حضرت مولانا سید محمد علی مونگیری رح کے پوتے ' امیر شریعت بہار حضرت مولانا سید منت الله رحمانی رح کے صاحبزادے و آل انڈیا مسلم پرسنل لاء بورڈ کے جنرل سکریٹری حضرت مولانا سید ولی رحمانی نور الله مرقدہ کی ساری یادیں از سر نو ذہن میں تازہ ہوتی چلی گئیں-اس تقریب میں محترم مولانا ولی رحمانی دامت برکاتہم کی صدارت کی بنا ناچیز نے دوران تقریر موصوف کے والد بزرگوار امیر شریعت بہار حضرت مولانا منت اللہ رحمانی رح کا کا بھی تذکرہ کیا کہ دسمبر 1972 ء کے وہ ایام تھے - آل انڈیا مسلم پرسنل لاء بورڈ کا پہلا شاندار اجلاس وائی ایم سی اے گراوءنڈ بائیکلہ ممبئی 400008 پر منعقد کیا گیا تھا اور اسٹیج پر اس وقت کے اکابر علماء و ملت اسلامیہ کے آفتاب و ماہتاب جلوہ افروز تھے جس میں خصوصی طور پر حکیم الاسلام حضرت قاری محمد طیب صاحب رح ' مفکر اسلام حضرت مولانا سید ابوالحسن علی حسنی ندوی رح ' امیر شریعت بہار حضرت مولانا منت الله رحمانی صاحب رح ' ڈاکٹر کلب عابد صاحب ' سلیمان سکندر صاحب اور غلام محمود بنات والا جیسے صاحبان کی موجودگی میں اس تاریخ ساز جلسے کا آغاز ہوا تھا اور اللہ کا فضل و احسان رہا کہ اس ناچیز کو بھی اس اجلاس میں شریک ہونے کی سعادت میسر آئی تھی گو اس وقت راقم السطور ثانوی جماعت کا ایک ادنی سا طالب علم تھا لیکن اس اجلاس کی بناء اکابرین کو دیکھنے کی سعادت نصیب ہوئی آور آج حضرت مولانا ولی رحمانی دامت برکاتہم کو دیکھ کر حضرت مولانا منت اللہ رحمانی و دیگر علماء کبار کی بھی یادیں تازہ ہوگئیں -
دلچسپی رکھنے والے حضرات اس مذکورہ حارث میموریل سیرت لیکچر کو یوٹیوب / گوگل پر -Seerat- un- Nabi Lecture by Dr Khalil Tumandar ٹائپ کرکے تین حصوں میں Part 1,Part 2& Part 3 سماعت فرما سکتے ہیں اس لیکچر کے تیسرے حصے Part (3) میں خصوصا" حضرت مولانا سید ولی رحمانی رح کا خطبہء صدارت و تقریب کی اختتامی دعاء بھی شامل ہے -
علاوہ ازیں راقم السطور کے حقیقی برادر معظم مرحوم امین الدین شجاع الدین سابق رئیس التحریر تعمیر حیات فکری ترجمان' دارالعلوم ندوہ العلماء لکھنئو کی تیسری و آخری تصنیف "روبرو " جو مختلف مشاہیر کے انٹرویوز کا مجموعہ ہے ' میں حضرت مولانا سید ولی رحمانی رح نے " کتاب اور صاحب کتاب" کے عنوان سے اپنے تاثرات و مقدمہ بھی ضبط تحریر میں لایا ہے مزید یہ کہ اسی تصنیف " روبرو" میں محترم مولانا سید ولی رحمانی رح کا ' برادر مرحوم امین الدین شجاع الدین کے توسط سے لیا گیا ایک انٹرویو بھی شامل ہے
جس کے عکس کو یہاں فیض عام کی خاطر شامل کیا جا رہا ہے -( جسے آپ صفحہ 2/2پر دیکھ سکتے ہیں ) -
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khaliltumandar · 4 years
(Moulana Wali Rahmani Rahmatullah - alaih) (2/2)
برادر مرحوم امین الدین کی تیسری و آخری تصنیف روبرو پر" کتاب اور صاحب کتاب " کے عنوان سے مولانا ولی رحمانی رح کے تاثرات و مقدمہ
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برادر مرحوم امین الدین شجاع الدین کے توسط سے مولانا سید ولی رحمانی رح کا لیا گیا ایک یادگار انٹرویو -
بارگاہ رب العزت میں ہم سب دعاگو ہیں کہ الله پاک حضرت مولانا سید ولی رحمانی رح کی قبر کو نور سے بھر دے - انھیں اعلی علیین میں جگہ عنایت فرمائے نیز ان کی تمام دینی و ملی خدمات کو ذخیرہء آخرت بنائے -
( آمین یا رب العالمین )
دعاگو و مخلص: ڈاکٹر خلیل الدیں شجاع الدین تماندار
سابق فزیشن حرم مکی شریف مکہ مکرمہ-
مقیم : انٹاریو کینیڈا
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khaliltumandar · 4 years
" Influence & Impact of the Arabic Language & Literature on the Western World "
Speech delivered by:
Dr. Khalil Tumandar on 9th Dec 2020 in an international Conference/ webinar, organized by Arabic Dept of Sir Syed College, Aurangabad,
alongwith the Guest Speakers from different Countries including : (Canada ,Egypt,India, Iraq,Japan,KSA,
Kuwait,Turkey,UAE,USA & Yemen).
اعوذ بالله من الشیطن الرجیم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
الحمدلله رب العالمین والعاقبته للمتقین والصلوہ والسلام علی سید الانبیاءوالمرسلین وعلی آله و اصحابه اجمعین اما بعد -
قال رب الشرح لي صدري ویسر لي امري و احلل عقده من لساني یفقهوا قولي
Respected Chairperson ,
Dr. Shamama Parveen۔
Principal Sir Syed College,A'abad ,India,
Dr Shaikh Kabir Ahmed.
Prof & Head, Department of Arabic , Sir Syed College,Aurangabad(Maharashtra),
Dr. Muhammed Mustafa khan Al - Nadwi Al- khairi.
Former Prof, Dr. Abdur Rasheed
Al- Nadwi ,Al-Madni.
Former Prof Dr. Muhammed Sadrul Hasan Al- Nadwi Al - Madni.
Distinguished Guest Speakers from different Countries .
Respected and Dear Audience .
As-salam- Alaikum
السلام علیکم ورحمتہ الله وبرکاتہ
Indeed it is a great privilege and honour for me to be here, on this auspicious occasion of two days Arabic International Conference / Webinar on
" Literary & Linguistic Influences of Arabic on International Languages" organized by , Department of Arabic, Sir Sayyed College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.
Late (Marhoom) Prof Tilawat Ali was founder Chairman of this renowned institute. Prof Tilawat Ali was very well known to me since 1989-90 when he planned to establish this great educational center. May Allah accept his deeds and services as a source of maghfirat in Aakhirat ( the life hereafter)Aameen .
Today I have been asked to highlight few relevant points over the topic,
" Influence and impact of the Arabic Language and Literature on the Western World ".
Dear Audience ,
Before we should proceed our main discussion, it would be better to know how many spoken languages exist presently ?
It is around 7117.
if we select, ten top most popular spoken languages among these, then the list would be as:
(1) Mandarin
( Mandarin and Cantonese languages , used mostly in China).
(2) English .
(3) Hindustani (mixed Urdu & Hindi ) .
(4) Spanish.
(5) Arabic .
(6) Malay.
(9) Portuguese &
(10) French.
The Arabic language is ranked as , fifth spoken language in the world.
Dear Friends,
Today I would like to begin my talk, with the Divine Message of the Holy Quran, Chapter 30 Surah Al - Rum, Aayat 22.
ومن آیاته خلق السماوات والارض و اختلاف السنتکم والوانکم ان في ذلك لایات للعالمین -
And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the diversity of your languages and colours. Surely, in this there are the signs for those of sound knowledge.
These Divine words of the Holy Quran indicate clearly that, all languages are signs of the greatness of our Creator Allah Subhanahu Taala. Hence, we should respect all languages and at no cost discriminate against any human being based on language and colour.
The Arabic language has a great significance all over the world, as it is the language of the Holy Quran.
We know very well that, the first aayat of the Holy Quran revealed as :
اقرا باسم ربك الذی خلق
Translation: " Read, O' Prophet, in the name of your Lord "Chapter 96/1.
Another reference regarding the importance of the Arabic language:
احبوا العرب لثلاث:
لاني عربي' والقرآن عربي و کلام اھل الجنته عربي
رواه العقیلی فی الضعفاء
والطبرانی فی الکبیر
والحاکم فی المستدرک
والبیہقی فی شعب الایمان
( عن ابن عباس رضی اللہ عنہ)
and there is one more reference as :
عن ابی ھریرہ رضی الله عنہ: قال قال رسول الله صلی الله علیہ و سلم انا عربي والقرآن عربي ولسان اھل الجنته عربي
It is narrated from Abu Huraira ( رضی الله عنہ ) that, Rasoolullah Prophet Muhammed( P.B.U.H) صلی الله علیہ و سلم said that, I am Arabi, Quran is in Arabic and the language of Paradise is Arabic.
Al - hamdu- lillah, these (03) three are the main reasons why we should love the Arabic language.
According to data collected in the recent past, it was believed that around two hundred & twenty( 220) Million Arabic speakers exist, but equally four hundred & fifty ( 450) Million could be considered as Arabic language speakers all over the world when one should include non- Arabs, who know the Arabic language because of their interest.
Arabic is the language of the Holy Quran, Prayers ( Salah )and Islamic Studies( Hadith & Fiqh- Islamic Jurisprudence) for a billion and a half Muslims all over the globe. it is also used by a large number of people in different fields of culture, religion, history, trade, technology, agriculture, medical fraternity, engineering, fabrics & clothing, chemicals & pharmaceuticals, food & drugs, Mathematics & Astronomy, Algebra& Geometry, Zoology & Botany.
English and other European languages are enriched with numerous Arabic loan words. As many words in the European languages are originally derived from Arabic.
Just for an illustration, few examples of the English words as:
Camel جمل ،Giraffe زراف' Camphor - کافور ' Musk - مسک ،Caliph - خلیفہ ' Lemon- لیمون ' Alcohol - الکحل ' Sugar - سکر '
Syrup - شراب, Algebra- الجبرا '
Carat - قیراط etc.
There are almost more than 1000 English words of Arabic origin used in a routine.
Dear Friends,
Arabs invented the concept of numerical digit (0)Zero/ صفر ( sifar ,khali - kuch naheeh ,zee- roh) which means emptiness or nothingness and it made easier all complicated mathematical calculations.
We equally noticed that Western Culture is very much influenced by Arabic Philosophers like Khalil Jibran ( خلیل جبران ), Poet Mehmud Darwesh. ( محمود درویش )۔ Even they were impressed by great scholars like Avicennia ( ابن سینا) Ghazali ( غزالی ) and Ibn Rushd( ابن رشد ).
The translation work of renowned Mathematician Al - Khwarizmi who invented Algebra ( الجبرا) mostly at the end of the eighth century, Jabir bin Aflah & Muslima Al - Majriti were the famous names referred by Madrid ( Capital of Spain), even in the 12th century.
Andalusian Scholar completed the great work of translation of Aristotle and Ibn Rushd into Latin & that too in those days, when Greek Philosophy did not exist in Europe. It is also mentioned in the history of the world that collection of Indian Stories known as پنچ تنتر / Panchtantra was translated into Arabic from the Persian version of Ibn- Al - Muqqaffa with the name " Kalila - wa- Dimnah" . This Arabic portion was translated in many languages of the world and collection of these stories were published five hundred years ago, by an English publisher named William Caxton in 1484.
It is also observed that the Spanish language has many Arabic words.
Cardova (Qartaba/ قرطبہ) is also called Cardoba, a city located in southern Spain. There is a library that has more than 400000( four hundred thousands) manuscripts ( مخطوطات ). But, this was a time when taking a gus'l or a bath was considered a dangerous custom.
Non-muslim Arabic Scholars from the West are called " Orientalists"( مستشرقین). They are paid for presenting their critical concepts. They have a keen interest in learning the Arabic language, to know details about the Holy Quran & Hadith (Traditions of Prophet Muhammed, P.B.U.H,صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم) and deep knowledge of Islam & history. They dedicate their lives to their missions. Few of them during their research realized the truth and finally enter the fold of Islam. The Hidayat ( ہدایت / guidance) comes to them only from Almighty Allah subhanahu Quddus ( الله سبحانہ قدوس).
Infact , we should be thankful to the Orientalists who learn the Arabic language & literature, irrespective of their intentions and missions. I would like to enumerate the few .
(1) Joannis Damascene: (676-749 ) official of the Caliph of Damascus.
(2) Abd - al - Masih ibn Ishaque Al- Kindi, an Arab Christian most probably of the 8th / 9th century, his work was translated into Latin and very much popular in Europe.
(3) Petrus Venerablis ( 1092-1156 ) translated , Holy Quran into Latin.
(4) Mose bin Maimoon ( 1135-1204 ) A Jewish Theologist and Talmudist wrote a book Dalalat al- Harin, a guide on Jewish theology, published in 1190.
(5) Marco de Toledo: ( 1193-1216 )
Did translation of Holy Quran, from Arabic to Latin.
(6) Frederik 2: ( 1194-1250 )
An emperor, who continued the mission of translation of Holy Quran from Arabic to Latin.
(7) Ibn- Kammuna : ( 1215-1285)
A Jewish scholar who wrote a book in Arabic on examination of inquiries into three faiths.
(8)Alfonso Sabco: ( 1221-1284)
who did the translation from Arabic into Greek, over the scientific works of Arabs, later on, it was translated into Latin and its maximum translators were jews.
(9) Raman Marti ( 1286):
A traditional partisan ( a strong supporter of a cause), who studied Islam thoroughly and in his book gave the references of Holy Quran, Hadith and quotations from Al - Farabi, Ibn - Sina, Al - Ghazali & Ibn Rushd in his books.
(10) Bar -Ebraya: ( 1226-1286)
much influenced by Al - Ghazali.
(11) Theodor Barliander: ( 1506-1564).
A Zurich theologian published his book with a preface written by Martin Luther.
(12) Andre Ryer: ( 1580- 1660)
Did translation of holy Quran from Arabic to French, published from Paris
in 1647.
(13) Alexander Ross:(1591-1654)
From Scotland did a translation of holy Quran Kareem from French to English.
(14) Antoine Galland :( 1646-1715)
From France, first in the West to translate the Arabian Nights.
(15) Humphrey Prideaux: (1648-1724) wrote many books on Islam.
In addition to the above mentioned, there are many more orientalists, still busy round-the-clock in their mission since the last 1400 years.
No doubt, the Arabic language has also influenced the English language and Western Culture.
Indeed the Arabic language is a live language, which is survived in its original form even after 1400 years, when the first aayat or the First Divine Message of Almighty, in the form of the Holy Quran revealed to, our Beloved Prophet Muhammed ( P.B.U.H) صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم, brought by Archangel Jibraeel علیہ السلام ( Alaih salam), at the Mount Hira ( جبل نور ), Holy Makkah.
اقراء باسم ربك الذی خلق
" Read, O Prophet, in the Name of your Lord, who created ".
Hence, we must read and understand the Arabic language as much as possible, so that we can convey the message of our Creator to mankind all over the world.
انا انزلنه قرانا عربیا لعلکم تعقلون ( سورہ یوسف آیت 2 )
We have revealed it as a Recitation in Arabic that you may fully understand ( surah Yusuf,aayat number 2).
May Allah guide all of us and everyone in the world so that we can understand the words of our Lord Almighty Allah , the words of wisdom in the form of
" Holy Quran " on this earth . ( Aameen ).
Speech delivered by :
Dr. Khaliluddin Tumandar,
mbbs( Bom)mcps.
Former physician, Haram Shariff
Holy Makkah
Presently at :
Ontario, Canada.
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khaliltumandar · 5 years
" The First Murder on Earth "  (The tale of the two sons of Adam- Peace be upon him).  *  واتل عليهم نبا ابنىء أدم بالحق *
Written  By Dr. Khaliluddin Shujauddin Tumandar.
   بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم   In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful.
In  Oxford Dictionary the word            " Murder " is defined as the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought;  often more explicitly wilful that is deliberate or intentional murder . ( Malice aforethought means: the conscious intent to cause death or great bodily harm to another person, before a person commits the crime ).
Today I would like to pay your attention to the first murder committed on this earth. As in the words of the Holy Quran :
مِنْ أَجْلِ ذَٰلِكَ كَتَبْنَا عَلَىٰ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ أَنَّهُ مَنْ قَتَلَ نَفْسًا بِغَيْرِ نَفْسٍ أَوْ فَسَادٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَتَلَ النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا وَمَنْ أَحْيَاهَا فَكَأَنَّمَا أَحْيَا النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا ۚ وَلَقَدْ جَاءَتْهُمْ رُسُلُنَا بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ ثُمَّ إِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِنْهُمْ بَعْدَ ذَٰلِكَ فِي الْأَرْضِ لَمُسْرِفُونَ
(سورة المائدة، الآيه ٣٢)
Because of that, We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone killed a person, not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind. And indeed, there came to them Our Messengers with clear proofs, evidence, and signs, even then after that many of them continued to exceed the limits (e.g. by doing oppression unjustly and exceeding beyond the limits set by Allah by committing the major sins) in the land!. 
(Al-Ma'idah, aayat number  32)
Before this aayat, discussion of the two sons of the first Prophet Adam ( Peace be upon him  ( سیدنا آدم علیه السلام ), Habil and Qabil are described here. Just to make it easier to understand the whole background, it is necessary, one must go through the translation of aayaat number 27 to 31 of Surah Ma'ida  ( The Table Spread), Chapter 5th of the Holy Quran.
"But recite to them with truth the tale of the two sons of Adam, how they each offered a sacrifice, and it was accepted from one of them and it was not accepted from the other.      ( The one ) said: I will surely kill you ( The other) answered: God accepts only from those who are pious. Even if you stretch out your hand against me to kill me, I shall not stretch out my hand against you to kill you. Lo! I fear God, the Lord of the Worlds. Lo! I wish that you should bear the punishment of the sin against me and your own sin and become one of the inhabitants of the Fire. That is the reward of evildoers. But ( the other's ) mind imposed on him the killing of his brother, so he slew him and became one of the losers. Then God sent a raven ( A large heavily built crow feeding on carrion), scratching up the ground, to show him how to hide his brother's naked corpse. He said: Woe to me!  Am I not able to be as this raven and so hide my brother's naked corpse? And he became repentant". ( The Quran translated -  Message for humanity  by M Marmaduke  Pickthall ).
These  Quranic aayaat of Surah Ma'ida covered the incidence of two sons of Prophet Adam ( P.B.U.H)  one was Habil or Abel and the second one was Qabil or Cain.  ( As these names, mentioned in old scriptures of Israel &  in Hebrew Bible.) This historical incidence has a great lesson ( درس و عبرت ) for future generations. Prophet Adam and Hawwa (Peace be upon them) were great grandparents of the whole humanity and we all are their progeny or descendants. 
When  Prophet Adam & Hawwa       ( Eve) ( Peace be upon them ) sent by Almighty Allah from Paradise to this Earth. Our Great Grand Mother Hawwa reached to Jeddah ( جده) present city of Saudi Arabia and Great Grand Father        (ابوالبشر) Prophet Adam ( P.B.U.H) reached Cylone presently known as Srilanka. Later on, they met in Arafaat Field    ( میدان عرفات ) and started their family life.
By the grace of Allah, they were gifted first twin pairs, one boy named Qabil or Cain and one beautiful girl Iqlimiya, both were considered as real brother and sister and among them, marriage was forbidden or not allowed. Next time again they were gifted twin pairs, one boy named Habil or Abel and one girl Layudha but, she was not so beautiful as the first one. Now by the order of Allah, with special consideration for marriage among the first twin pairs, male boy Qabil was allowed to marry the girl  Layudha from second twin pairs, but  Qabil was not interested to marry Layudha and insisted to marry with his real sister Iqlimiya,  ideally speaking, Qabil was not supposed to do so. 
Afterward, Prophet Adam ( P.B U.H)  asked his both sons Habil & Qabil to give sacrifice in the name of  Allah. Habil or Abel gave some sacrifice of goats and sheep  & Qabil or Cain gave some sacrifice of food grains. But Qabil's sacrifice was not accepted. Due to this,  Qabil was extremely upset, disappointed and disheartened, and out of jealousy, personal grudge and enmity he threatened his brother Habil and finally killed him. So this was the " First Murder on Earth ".
 Encyclopedia Britannica submits its words about the First human being and also First  Prophet Adam and his wife Hawwa/Eve  ( Peace be upon them) the first woman on earth in the following words  " Adam & Eve as.     " In the Judeo- Christian and Islamic traditions, the original human couple parents of the human race". Hence among the three major religions of the world I e Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, agreed on this point that, the human race is a single-family and began with the single ancestors known as Adam & Eve or Hawwa. The overall conclusion is that the tree of the human race expanded from this single-family. Then from families bifurcated into various tribes and tribes into communities, later on, multiplied based on colour, language, religion, caste &  creed. The geographically too human race formed villages, villages developed into cities and cities gradually turned into a country, and finally, different countries unite together to form our present world. According to demographic data, the current world population recorded last week, dated 6th March 2020 was as in the following figure: 7,768,987,991 or about 7.8 Billion with a history of thousands of years (Allah Knows best) to reach the present level.
Surely, one will be surprised to know this fact that, how a single family of Adam & Eve ( Peace be upon them)  multiplied and turned into billions. Indeed all these things happened with the will & wish of the Creator of the Universe  Allah Subhanahu Quddus  (۔( اللہ سبحانه قدوس  As He, The Lord of all domains of existence (Aalamin,  mankind ' jinns  and all that exists)   placed human generations in this world, just to testify that who will remain His obedient and follow good qualities and who will adapt bad qualities and make violence, mischief or evil works, as in the words of Surah Al - Baqarah, Chapter 2, aayat  number 30:
وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ إِنِّي جَاعِلٌ فِي الْأَرْضِ خَلِيفَةً ۖ قَالُوا أَتَجْعَلُ فِيهَا مَنْ يُفْسِدُ فِيهَا وَيَسْفِكُ الدِّمَاءَ وَنَحْنُ نُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِكَ وَنُقَدِّسُ لَكَ ۖ قَالَ إِنِّي أَعْلَمُ مَا لَا تَعْلَمُونَ
(سورة البقرة، الآيه ٣٠)
And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "Verily, I am going to place (mankind) generations after generations on earth." They said: "Will You place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood, - while we glorify You with praises and thanks (Exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners) and sanctify You." He (Allah) said: "I know that which you do not know."
(Al-Baqarah, aayat 30)
It is noticed that few qualities of Habil or Abel and  Qabil or Cain also transferred from generation to generation. Pious, God-fearing and good people follow the descent qualities of Habil and disgusting, embarrassing or horrendous qualities of Qabil are adapted by evildoers.  In brief, an inert feeling of jealousy, personal grudge, and enmity of Qabil play a vital role in the killing or murder of a real brother like Habil. When we look around the world, then human violence seems to be more prominent,  it reflects in different forms, such as Wars, Racial discrimination, Religious confrontations, Inflammatory & Provocative speeches which spark communal tensions and create a feeling of hatred in the society.
Then,  after-effects of all such things come under observation like people start killing each other without any valid reason, human beings get slaughtered and buried alive, killing of innocent children and misbehaviour with women takes place, and burning of shelters of poor become a routine act. When this happens, it seems as if the world is losing its humaneness, peace, and harmony, which is being replaced by chaos and evil actions.
 The same situation is described in Surah Al - Rum of Holy Quran as ظَهَرَ الْفَسَادُ فِي الْبَرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ بِمَا كَسَبَتْ أَيْدِي النَّاسِ لِيُذِيقَهُمْ بَعْضَ الَّذِي عَمِلُوا لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْجِعُونَ
(سورة الروم، الآيه ٤١)
Evil (sins and disobedience of Allah, etc.) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds, etc.), that Allah may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repenting to Allah and begging His Pardon).
(Ar-Rum, aayat 41)
Finally, we should realize that today or tomorrow everyone leaves this mortal world and moves towards the eternal life of hereafter or Aakhirat. On the day of judgment, we all are accountable for what we did. To be wiser, we should try our level best to make an end to violence in the world, we must stop oppression unjustly, we must avoid exceeding beyond the limits set by Allah.  Hence it is our moral duty to respect human values and fulfill our duty to remain sincere, obedient and faithful to our Creator. May Allah Almighty guide all of us and make ease of this task. ( Aameen, Ya- Rabbal - Aalameen).
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khaliltumandar · 5 years
Dietary habits in Islam & Corona Virus
By : Dr Khalil Tumandar
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. Today I am interested to discuss few words about " Talk of the town " or more preferably to say " Talk of the world " that is " Corona Virus " . As we know food habits were the main cause of its spread and transmission. Hence my overall talk will move around, food habits permissive and forbidden i .e Halal  & Haram in the light of Holy Quran & traditions  of our beloved Prophet Muhammed صلى الله عليه وسلم (Peace be upon him ).
Without a shadow of a doubt, it is certainly true to say that all of us are aware about  Corona Virus .It  started at Wuhan City of China, caused by Novel Corona Virus. Major cause of its spread was an animal source. Research Scientists have suspected the most likely source of infection in humans are bats and or Chinese Pangolin ( Manis Pentadactylia ). Initially it was transmitted from bats to human beings and then continued from one person to another, till it was spread out most of the countries all over the world. To name few, they are like: Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Australia, Germany, Taiwan, USA, Vietnam, Malaysia, France, Canada, India, Italy, UK, Russia, Combodia, Nepal, Srilanka, Swedan, Finland, Belgium & Spain. Total number of cases affected by Corona Virus reached in thousands and the death toll increasing day by day.
If we study the world history of the past few thousands years, we learn about a large number of pandemics. Pandemic is a combination of Greek word, where Pan means all & demos means an  epidemic of a disease, that has spread all over the world. In past, the most disastrous calamity or Pandemic was the Black Death or Black Plague, which killed more than 100 million people in 14th Century. Other pandemics were as Bubonic Plague in 1720, Cholera outbreak in 1820, Spanish Flu in 1920, SARS ( severe acute respiratory syndrome)  in 2003, HIV / AIDS pandemic's peak was in  between 2005-2012, H1N1 ( swine flu) in 2014 etc & presently we are facing  severe crises due to Novel Coronavirus  since December 2019 to January 2020 onwards, and now it has become a pandemic.
Symptoms: Few common symptoms of Corona Virus are like dry cough, fever, severe breathing leading towards Pneumonia and finally Death. No specific vaccine existing right now & no particular treatment available so far, only symptomatic treatment is given to all those affected patients.
Quarantine : Seclusion or isolating affected patients are the only major preventive measures to keep safe other non affected people .  In quarantine one has to keep the target population in seclusion for some days till the duration of incubation period of the virus is passed . In the case of Corona Virus the Quarantine duration is 14 days.Just imagine 1400 years before our beloved  Prophet Muhammed (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) Peace be upon him, said about plague ( طاعون)  and now the same concept will be broadly applicable for all other epidemics or outbreaks of such communicable diseases like Corona Virus .      عن اسامه بن زيد رضى الله   عنهمامرفوعا"   :   " اذا سمعتم الطاعون بارض فلا تدخلوها   و    واذا وقع بارض و انتم فيها فلا تخرجو ا منها " ( صحيح - متفق عليه )  Usamah ibn Zayd رضى الله عنهما  (May Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet ( Peace Be Upon Him ) said:  " if you get news of the outbreak of a plague in a land ,do not enter it and if it breaks out in a land in which you are , do not leave it "
Now in China by following the lock down, they are following and practicing  the same teachings of Prophet Muhammed صلى الله عليه وسلم ( Peace be upon him ) . Now they realized the importance of Quarantine and they started blocking and lock down of whole Wuhan City, and not allowing anybody either to enter and or to  exit from those affected areas.
Food Habits: We know very well that many people have different food habits. Some individuals eat even bats, cats, dogs, monkeys, snakes and all sort of wild animals. Final Divine message of Almighty Allah's Holy book, Quran-e- Kareem make an announcement for food habits such as: (1) یاایھا الرسل کلوا من الطیبات و اعملوا صالحا" انی بما تعملون علیم ( سورہ  51     51 --------------- المومنون ،آیت ---------------- -O messengers, eat from the good things, and act righteously, of whatever you do , I am fully aware. ( Surah Al- Muminun ,The Believers ,Chapter 23 , Ayat 51) .---------------(2) فکلوا مما ذکراسم الله علیه ان کنتم بآیاته مومنین (سورہ 118 الانعام ،آیت  -------------So eat of that upon which the name  of Allah has been mentioned , if you do believe in His revelations  . ( Surah Al - An'am : Cattle, Chapter 6 , aayat 118 ) .---------------(3) ولا تاکلوا مما لم یذکرا سم الله علیه وا نه لفسق وان الشیطین  ولیوحون الی اولیھم  لیجادلوکم  وان اطعتموھم انکم لمشرکون ( سورہ الانعام آیت 121-----------------and do not eat that over which the name of Allah has not been mentioned . This is surely a sin .  And the satans inspire their friends to dispute with you. And if you were to obey them, you would be Mushriks ( Polytheists). Surah Al- Ana'm : Cattle, Chapter 6 ,aayat 121.
(4) یآیھا الذین آمنوا کلوا من طیبت ما رزقنکم واشکروا الله ان کنتم ایاه تعبدون (172) انما حرم علیکم المیتته والدم ولحم الخنزیر وما اھل به لغیر الله - فمن اضطر غیر باغ ولا عاد فلا اثم علیه ان الله غفور رحیم - (173) -----------------------O those who believe ,eat of the good things ,We have provided you and be grateful to Allah .If really you are to worship Him alone (172)  He has only forbidden you (a) Carrion: the decaying flesh of dead animal (b) Blood, the flesh of swine & that upon which a name other than Allah, has been invoked .So whoever is compelled by necessity ,neither seeking pleasure nor transgressing , then there is no sin on him, Verily Allah is Most Forgiving ,Very Merciful ( Surah Al - Baqarah : The Cow, Chapter 2, aayaat 172--173).
Preventive and safety Measures: Various precautions we must follow to protect ourselves and others too like ( a) Use mask, ( b) To  wash  hands before eating, to do gargle inside of the mouth & to clean the outer part of the mouth (c) While sneezing, one must take all possible precautions so that  nearby persons should not be affected. ( d) we must know that, when ever our beloved Prophet Muhammed صلی الله  علیہ و سلم ( P.B U .H ) sneezed, he would cover his mouth with his hand or a piece of cloth, so that  other person should not be affected by the droplet of sneeze .
Lastly, we all being the follower of our Prophet Muhammed صلی الله  علیہ وسلم who is known as Prophet of Mercy for the whole Mankind, we must make a duwa or supplication  to Almighty Allah Subhanahu Taala, our Creator, our Sustainer that  : اللھم انی اعوذبک من البرص ،والجنون ،والجذام ومن سییء الاسقام  ----- O Allah I seek your refuge from leprosy, insanity, mutilation and from all serious illnesses. (Aameen) 
Finally we should never forget  in our duwaas or supplications, specially the people of China & all others affected by Corona Virus, so that  Allah will make everyone free & protected from the disastrous effects of Corona Virus (Aameen).
Written by : Dr Khaliluddin Tumandar, 
mbbs ( Bom ), mcps, Former Physician Haram Shariff, Holy Makkah. 
Presently: Ontario, Canada. Email: [email protected]
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khaliltumandar · 5 years
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Dr. Khalil Tumandar
MBBS (BOM), MCPS, Former Physician, Haram Shariff, Holy Makkah
Presently: Ontario, Canada
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