What is my purpose now? Why am Ieven alive? Is my purpose waiting out there among the stars? I guess there'sonly one way to find out.Kingdom Hearts RP Blog starring a post!KHUX keyblader. What his story is exactly awaits within.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
An updated map of The Etherium!
(Explanation of terms and locations under the cut)
Galaxy: A system of planets
The "Solus" planets (Angler Planet, Eris Planet, etc.): Planets that aren't tethered to a galaxy-- they occupy their own space in the Etherium's vast gaps between galaxies
Nebula: Large, conspicuous galactic trails that help ships navigate through the Etherium.
Abyss: Uncharted "waters". They are denser, darker parts of the Etherium that are deemed much too dangerous, and nearly impossibly to navigate or chart.
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Concept art for my fav Disney movies logos in Kingdom Hearts
Black Cauldron, Atlantis the lost empire, The Great Mouse Detective and Treasure Planet
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A Fierce Flash of Old
The Dreamer was expecting many things to happen when he and Gabriel were sent out on the town to look for parts from a certain store. More things then he was actually expecting his lacking mind and expectations to come up with. Most of them depicted difficulties getting said parts for one reason or another... He wonder what it said about himself and his memories that every single one of them depicted some kind of fight breaking out. "HYAAAAAH!! HRAGH HAH HAH~!!!" Tamiel was certainly giving it her best shot and bruising MANY of the big burly cretins trying to surround her... But the Dreamer could see it plainly. The men's tactic was to surround her, keep her from escaping and quickly overpower her once they grabbed her arms to keep her from fighting back- "H-HEY!! LET GO!!! YAAAH!!" Just like that, which only prompts the girl to start kicking viciously, nailing quite a few faces and sending the men sailing into walls. Her strength was prominent... But it wasn't enough.
"... Are we... Not going to jump in here?" The Dreamer's words cut through Gabriel like a knife as he watches the show fearfully, watching as his sister attempts to flip her grabber over her head but fails at almost every turn. She might have been a fighter, but she wasn't a particularly SKILLED fighter. More a brawler really. But even her minuscule experience with combat was more then he had. "I... I can't-!" The poor thing shrinks back, utterly fearful of what's to come. "Whenever she does this, she always comes back to the house roughed up and needing repairs from father!" He takes a step back. "But at least she knows how to fight-! M-Me? I'm a pacifist-! I hate fighting-!"
"Get off me!! LET GO!!!" A second later, a man walks up with a crowbar. "HEY NO FAIR USING A WEAPON YOU CHEATS-!!!" CLANK!!! "EEK-!!!!" "This'll teach you to stay out of grown up business ya lil' metal brat!!!" .....
And then suddenly, the world around him vanishes. ---------------------------------------------------
"What business of it is yours to interfere in Ursus affairs?"
The Dreamer doesn't know who this person is, all he knows for certain is that he's much bigger then he is. Towering over him to such an extent that at immediate eye level, all he can see is his decorative robes-
"Why interrupt their dispute? Why not let it play out? After all, if one were to die... It would mean less competition for you."
And then... There was that thing. A menacing looking... Weapon-? Claw? Something-? All the boy knows is that an intense phantom pain shoots through his chest the moment he see's it.
"Hmph... But if you feel you deserve to be a judge... Then come. Let us see if a mere child has any business playing the adult."
-------------------------------------------------------- Back in reality, the man holding the crowbar reels it back, ready to use it to dent in Tamiel's face, the girl glaring at him defiantly. "Alright little brat! Time for you to learn y-" A hand suddenly takes his shoulder. "Excuse me." The dockhand turns, furious at being interrupted but curious as to wh- WHAM!!!!!!!! Only for a metal FIST to send him flying into a brick wall just past Tamiel and her current captor, the other adults turning to glare at the sudden new intruder. "HEY!! Mind your own business Aye?? This don't concern y-" The men then double take. Gabriel meanwhile is silently shouting and screaming in panic. And the Dreamer?
He is in complete control of Gabriel's body and is furious. "HEY. HOW ABOUT YOU PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE?"

Tamiel, meanwhile, is completely agape. "G-Gabe-?" ... The men all chuckle and the one holding Tamiel pulls her back so the others can get in the way... The Dreamer, to his credit, only picks up the dropped crowbar and prepares to jump into the fight. "Alright boy~. You wanna tussle? We'll give you a tussle~!!" "BUDDY. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT A TUSSLE LOOKS LIKE." "I think I D-" The Last thing the grunt knows is the sight of the Crowbar flying at his head before he's sent flying catching quite a few guys off guard... And that was just the start of the chaos. ----------------------------------------------------
Information Defeat the Grunts and free Tamiel!
Theme Tune playing for fight; Go Hero Go! (Really, "Battle On!" the Random Encounter theme from Sea of Stars.)
[ Link - https://youtu.be/ogF2RIvHZ3g?si=wBsYwXyFSHbzSRUx ] ------------------------------------------------------
The Adults are completely taken by surprise by the blow, Tamiel even more so... And the boy makes them SUFFER for that hesitation, quickly SLAMMING the crowbar into one of the alien critter's knees. "-?!?! A-HAGH-!??! MY KNEECA-" He's shut up in seconds with a fist to the gut, winding the alien figure and causing him to crumble to the ground. However, the fighter doesn't slow down, quickly looking around for another angle to exploit.. And he finds one, via an entire collection of barrels nearby, collected and tied up nearby. Seeing it, he rushes over to the barrels and snaps the rope off with an effortless yank, before kicking all of the barrels at the crowd. The Sailors all shout as the barrels quickly slam into them, some of them even getting flattened onto the ground. Those that remain are fast to charge in, trying to grab the boy bot-. But no, he wasn't having it, the crowbar skillfully swings around with a twirl, catching three grunts faces with such force that they're sent flying across the alleyway. When one grabs him from behind, he STOMPS the man's foot so hard, he could feel a bone crunching under it, prompting him to let go- AND be PROMPTLY rewarded with a crowbar to the gut- STOMP!!! "AAAAGH!!! SWEET ETHER-!!!!" A motion Tamiel quickly copies and uses to break free. "Hah! Nice idea~! Come on~!! Let's finish this up!!" And now that she was free, she grips her fists and- WHAM-!!! WHOOOSH-BAM!! BIFF BIFF! KER-SLAM!!!! Well... She goes to work. And the dreamer in Gabriel's body? He's PROMPT in joining her, the pained groans quickly starting to echo throughout the alleyway and out into the town... ----------------------------------------------------- "Wha-... What's going on-? Why is this happening-? I... I don't-... I don't understand-..." ".... Hey, at least your sister is safe right?" ...... Yep. This guy DEFINITELY had to go.
#Kingdom Hearts#Treasure Planet#Gabriel#Tamiel#The Dreamer#Planet Montressor#montressor spaceport#crescentia#The Coming of Daybreak#Coming of Daybreak
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A Simple Chore?
"So... You really don't remember anything?"
"No. I don't."
Crescentia, as it was called, was an amazing place to see no matter which way the dreamer, using Gabriel's eyes, wanted to look.
It just looked like a series of platforms, with relatively few safety rails, hovering over an abyss of pure space in all directions... But oh what a space it was outside of that, a city that elicited so many... Memories? Phantom feelings? Ghostly images?
Either way, the city felt vaguely familiar and yet something entirely new on it's own.
"I don't really remember HOW I got here, or where I came from before that. All I can really recall is this super vague sense that I needed to... Cut out, you know? Get as far away from something as possible." The ghostly intruder rubbed Gabriel's chin,
"Hmmm...." Gabriel considers this as he walks along the path.
"Well... there certainly DOES seem to be SOMETHING going on with your inner circuitry Gabriel."
When Gabriel woke up that morning with that strange secondary personality hanging around in his head, he'd been many things; terrified, concerned, uncertain of what to do about the whole thing... But the more he had thought about it, the more he just KNEW his father, Dr. Lumen, would have some kind of answer for them.
"But for the life of me, I can't explain what exactly it is. It's not some alien new part that was added to your body, it doesn't appear data-based... And even stranger, it doesn't even appear viral." Pulling away from his screen, Dr. Lumen takes in the robot, Gabriel looking at a loss. Tamiel was already gone, out to seek out her next job for the day. "It's some kind of strange something and it's just... there."
"B-But professor, that doesn't make sense! I've never had to deal with something like this before! Tamiel hasn't had it before either! What is it?" Gabriel was actually coming close to whining at this point, which the dreamer can't help but pity somewhat. He definitely felt like he was intruding a LOT now.
However, he's quickly calmed down by Dr. Lumen, the man smiling gently. "Now now, let us calm down. I don't recognize what it is yet, but perhaps all I need to do is refine my sensors." He pokes Gabriel on his metallic nose. "But to do that, I'm going to need a few parts from town... And, if this new personality is speaking to you, see if you can learn more about it. See if even IT knows what it's doing here."
... Yeah, Gabriel knew that face. The Doctor was curious and he wanted to learn more.
Gabriel meanwhile just wanted it out. He just wanted his body to be his own again.
"Still, I'm glad I found myself here, this place is just... Outta sight man~." As they pass by the window, Gabriel can see the reflection of the young man in it.
Indeed, he looks amazed at everything that is going on; the ships arriving and leaving all of them going to different parts and portions of the galaxy.
..... Wait hold on. "Out of sight? What are you talking about? It's all perfectly IN sight to me." Gabriel looks out to the ships again, checking his ocular sensors. "Is there something wrong with my eyes?"
"N-No, I mean-...." ...... "Huh... Wait a tick..."
When Gabriel looks at the reflection, he see's the boy looking thoughtful. ".... That statement felt purposeful... Like it's meaning was unclear to you, but it made perfect sense to me... And yet, thinking back on it, I can't remember what I meant by 'Outta sight' now... Maybe I was just amazed? Was that a statement of my amazement?"
".... You're weird you know that?"
"Said the guy talking to his reflection."
Gabriel's eyes didn't twitch like a human's did, but he certainly felt like if they COULD this would be the kind of emotions flowing through him when they did.
"Still, 'Outta Sight'... I'll have to make note the next time I let that slip, remember my feelings when I say it. ANY feeling I have naturally HAS to be some kind of clue as to who I am." The young man shakes his head before turning to look at Gabriel in the reflection.
"So, anyways, where's this shop we're looking for anyway?"
... Gabriel huffs before looking around. "We're looking for the Moogle Shop. Those guys are wizards when it comes to machines. Dr. Lumen has worked with the moogles a LOT over the years and they still owe him plenty of favors..." Gabriel looks a bit concerned.
"At the very least, we don't have to pay them munny for parts..."
"Moogles?" Wait, that was familiarity in the dreamer's voice-
Gabriel stands stock still, unsure what to do or say. "Uhhhhh-?"
"HAH!!! TRY THAT!!!!!"
... And then THAT causes him to react. Primarily with a groan of ANNOYANCE. "... Oh no..."
"Wait... Wasn't that-?" ----------------------------------------------------
When Gabriel arrives, he indeed finds a happy, spunky and feisty Tamiel bouncing from one foot to the next, hands up, curled into fists... And completely surrounded by goons of every imaginable shape, size and assortment of oddities and limbs...
And not a SINGLE ONE OF THEM look friendly as they approach, ready to meet Tammy's challenge.
"Hah! Please! Your boss couldn't beat me! What makes you think you goons can~??? Come on!!!"
... "So... I take it your sister does this often." "Please shut up...."
#Kingdom Hearts#Treasure Planet#Gabriel#Tamiel#The Dreamer#Planet Montressor#Montressor Spaceport#Crescentia#Post!Kingdom Hearts 3#The Coming of Daybreak#Coming of Daybreak
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Introducing Tamiel
"What was with the shouting?? That's it! I'm coming in!" Both the Dreamer and Gabriel jump as that voice gives it's final warning, something on the other side turning the door knob.
Gabriel looks into the mirror and quickly shushes the alien figure in it. "Don't say anything, I don't want her to worry. Let ME do the talking." ... A moment later, the alien reflection vanishes and Gabriel's is left in it's place. At the same time, the whispers of strange thought quiet in his head.
And when the door opens, a new figure walks in. A young girl about the robot boy's age. Where the boy wore a simple cap to hide most of his hair however, this one let her wiry but somehow full head of blonde hair, dressed in reds similar to the young man, and decked out in steam punk looking gear here and there as well.
"Pfft, what's taking so long lazy bum~?"
Gabe lets out a fond sigh. "Good Morning Tamiel."
Tamiel? .... Huh. And Gabriel. For whatever reason, the Dreamer was starting to pick up a theme here.
"It's Tammy, Gabby! Tammy!" The girl puffs out her cheeks, and the motion looks so fluid and so fleshy, that the dreamer briefly forgets, in spite of the copious amounts of evidence provided, that this girl is made of metal. "You really gotta stop using the full name thing. The only one 'round here who should be saying 'Gabriel' or 'Tamiel' should be dad." The robotic fem huffs and looks around. "BUT, more importantly, I heard shouting. Is everything alright?"
"OH UH THAT. UH... Let's see uh...." This poor kid starts to very clearly flounder, and it becomes apparent to the Dreamer that Gabriel has never lied even once in his entire life. There isn't even a single idea tinging up in his brain that could plausibly explain the shout.
... So that's when the Dreamer comes in, briefly taking control. "OH RIGHT! Meh, it wasn't anything too serious... Just uh.. Just somehow got grime in a place I didn't know I had." The excuse he fires out? It was clear the Dreamer had been INTENDING to imitate Gabe's voice with a simple impression... And yet it almost FEELS like he had briefly taken control of Gabriel's voice box a few times in there.
... He could TELL Gabe wanted to glare at him.
But Tamiel just titters. "Oh is THAT all~? Well I guess that'll teach you not to jump into Ole Mr. Grinder's dump again~."
Gabriel takes over from there, "I JUMPED IN TO GET BACK THAT PART YOU DROPPED!!" Ah, the exasperation of a flustered brother~. And the mischievous tittering of a younger sister. It was honestly cute~.
"Well WHATEVER Mr. gross~." Tammy continues giggling, fit to burst for a good few seconds before she regains control of herself. "Dad's ready if you are! He wants to give us both a check up before we rush out to do work around town!" With that said, she backs up to the door. "Don't keep us waiting anymore! You've already slept in by a lot!"
And with that? Tamiel takes her leave out the door, leaving Gabriel alone in his room.
".... How did you do that?" Gabriel shoots out in anger, though he also sounded terrified at even the POTENTIAL answers.
"... Well, honestly, I was just trying to do an impression of you to help you out... And for whatever reason it just... Came out as your voice-?" Gabriel turns to the mirror to give it a flat look.
The young dreamer in the mirror just blushes a bit. "I'm sorry! I swear I didn't mean to take over your voice box too~..."
... Gabriel just lets out a groan. "WHATEVER... Well, hopefully my Dad'll be able to make heads or tails of you." His smile becomes wide and victorious. "He's the smartest guy on the Spaceport and he knows everything! I'm sure he can make sense of it~!"
... Spaceport?
"Hold on... Gabriel right? Where... Exactly are we?"
That causes the robot to look confused. "Wait... You don't know? I thought you might've been some kind of ghost or somethin... But you don't even know that? Weird..." He grumbles as he walks to the window. "Well whatever. You're currently on-" Then he opens the window.
... And Words? Words do not even begin to describe the sight that awaits outside said window.
-------------------------------------------------------- Title Card Reference: [ https://youtu.be/tWDv7ZQ9v8A?si=tzSedq2bRZ4OAOOv ]
#Kingdom Hearts#The Coming of Daybreak#Coming of Daybreak#Gabriel#Tamiel#The Dreamer#Treasure Planet#Planet Montressor#The Etherium#Crescentia#Montressor Spaceport
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Introducing Gabriel
The light evens out, dims...
And the dreamer awakens to find himself staring up at a strange wooden ceiling, with plentiful iron pipes making their way about... A strange sight to be sure.
The dreamer takes a moment to sit up, take in his surroundings... And their a bit confused when they see that the bedroom isn't just a bedroom. There's also plenty of machines about some of them seeming alien in purpose and design... Honestly, no matter how much the dreamer looked at everything, this felt just as much like a laboratory as it did a bedroom.
... Where was-
There comes a knock at the door.
"Last chance Gabe! Get your butt up or I'm gonna get you up myself!
... So that voice was talking to him?
... So his name was Gabriel-? ... Somehow that... Didn't feel right.
"Okay sis okay! I'm up!" ... That voice came out of HIS mouth? What? For whatever reason, the dreamer knows it's not his voice. Apparently he's a he? It's been so long, but he knows that for certain... "... Did I fall asleep sitting up-? Weird... Maybe a subroutine got a bit buggy. Might have to talk to the Doctor."
And then the body moves on it's own, getting up from the bed... And as the Dreamer follows the body's eyes, he starts putting together more and more details.
The body he's in is a strange silverish sheen, with what looks like slots and creases to allow a free range of movement on every natural curve the body might have... Which to him screams something unnatural. Something that merely imitates the human body as opposed to actually being one.
The body begins a routine, using some tools to fix itself up; a wrench to tighten some screws, a comb to straighten out some wiry artificial hair, then a cast-iron scrub brush to brush away some dust, grease and other assorted oddities one might get. From there, he puts on clothes, a sleeveless black vest, a green scarf, a red hat, red pants, and throwing it all together with a thick brown leather coat that almost looked previous century...
Finally, the dreamer gets a look at himself in the mirror.
.... The hand lifts up to the face... It definitely feels like it's made of a strange type of metal. But the metal also has some synthetics to it. It's almost like it's both at the same time? The face looks so young, probably around the dreamer's age or there-abouts... You know, if he wasn't a robot... Why does he think that? What are robots? What is-
"-? Why am I-?" And apparently to confuse the issue further, this body wasn't even his own. The actual owner pulls his hand back and looks at it oddly. "... Why did I do that?"
And as he, as Gabriel, questions this, something even stranger happens. One moment he's looking at his own reflection.
And the next?
It's brief and he can't honestly see more then just an eye... But it's enough.
"AGH-?!?!?!?" The robotic boy trips and falls backward landing flat on his metallic rump. "Wha-?? What was-!? WHO was-!?"
"Was that... Me-?"
!!!! The robot is back on his feet in an instant. He has no weapons on his person, but now he WISHES he did. "W-Who said that?? Where are you??"
"P-please calm down. I can explain! ... I think. But you need to chill out first."
... That voice seemed to be coming from everywhere and yet nowhere at the same time... Gabriel didn't LIKE that he was taking a suggestion from an unknown intruder, but he does as he's asked, lowering his guard. "... Alright... I won't punch you... Where are you though-? I don't see you anywhere..." The mechanical boy bops himself on the head a few times... "And why does it sound like you're inside my head?"
... He, the Dreamer, the Intruder... He takes control of Gabriel's body and turns him back to the mirror. "Wha-?? Why-?? Why is-??" For the briefest of moments, Gabriel see's his reflection again.
... ... ... ... ...
And then it morphs again.
This time, Gabriel and the Intruder both are able to get a better look. As opposed to a simplistic looking robotic being with white metal, synthetic skin, wiry brown hair and dot eyes, they see a young man with a healthy tanned complexion, black hair, primarily wearing blues and whites, and sporting feathery looking black hair.
To Gabriel, it's magical, it's nonsensical, it's honestly kind of scary.
But to the intruder, it's an eye-opening experience. A memory deep deep DEEP down in his mind tickled at the sight. A part of him looking at that sight... And *realizing* it looks familiar. Intimately familiar. Like he himself had looked into a mirror once before and this sight awaited him as well... Did that mean...
This was his reflection? What he was *supposed* to look like?
"..." Gabriel once more calms down when he looks down at his hands and realizes the reflection isn't matching up with what he looks like now. Comforting since it meant that he didn't suddenly transform into the reflection he was seeing in the mirror. "... Who are you-?"
".... I...."
"I don't remember."
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A Peculiar Dream
It's the same dream night after night.
That same ominous figure in the dark. Those same yellow piercing eyes. That strange staff. A sense of timeless horror, the dreamer powerless to do anything about the creature's presence or anything about what it might be doing.
And what does it do?
Why... It takes hearts of course.
From various corners untold in a great space, through it's eyes and it's presence, the viewer see's many different and strange places. From the highest mountain tops where great magical beings reside, to the lowest latitudes where murky swamps can be found... But that's not all this creature has seen.
It has seen all kinds of strange lands as it's gone about it's many duties; a great swampland inhabited by strange anthropomorphic amphibious creatures, immense woodlands filled with secrets and weirdness alike, a peculiar civilization perched upon the remains of a long since dead and decayed giant, an ancient kingdom straight out of history books depicting ancient Mesopotamia, an immense ocean and more. But where-ever it went, the story was always the same.
In these worlds, it would find the hearts of fallen warriors. Warriors that gave it their all against unknown forces of great power and unknown origin, teetering between the realm of the living and the Final World of the deceased. And as their bodies, now invisible to the world around them, float between the physical and astral planes, it comes into the scene, gently taking the hearts from the warriors. This causes the bodies to disappear and for normalcy to continue to be held within the world without accidentally coming across the fallen warrior.
And this is what the strange monster did. Traveling from world to world, sometimes from town to town; sometimes it would find hearts to collect, sometimes those hearts would be kept from it by figures unknown, more powerful then itself. Yes, indeed. It was a task that it started as far back as the Keyblade War (Whatever that meant), and continued on even to this day...
And it likely would STILL be continuing on this task had it not been for that... That boy.
The day began like any other. That strange, ominous figure was drawn to a great mountain where a warrior had been sent flying after a mighty battle. The warrior was not unlike everyone else it had come across, yet another poor, foolhardy young man, taken well before his time. Ah, but it wasn't for the figure to judge. Just to do it's job-
And that was when the trouble started. As it takes the heart, the figure looked down from where the warrior floated.
Down on the ground level? Another young warrior, one's eyes still brimmed with an unmistakable light and life, and curiously, one with eyes wide open... Eyes wide awake.
Strange to be sure, but the figure paid the young man no heed, it just did it's job and then quickly left...
But no.
Seven times does that boy give chase. Seven times does he cross his sword with the figure's ominous staff. Seven times does their magical skill clash against each other... And each time the two clashed, the figure would lose the heart it was attempting to take, due to the boy soundly defeating it despite it's every effort to escape. When the seventh clash comes and goes... It's finally just too much. The mysterious figure vanishes into the ether, it's body having taken too much punishment and unable to continue on.
And when that figure disappears? The Dreamer feels it again. Hope. Optimism...
So the dreamer travels. It travels and travels and travels and travels...
Well away from the places he/she/they once knew...
Until, one day, they finally find-
"Gabe! Gabriel wake up! Gaaaaabe!"
-? Huh-?
------------------------------------------------- Light. Illumination. Blinding...
"May your Heart be your Guiding Key, my stubborn little student~."
#Kingdom Hearts#A New Beginning#The Lich#Treasure Planet#KH3#Post-Kingdom Hearts 3#Coming of Daybreak
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