kevta-koetic · 7 years
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Stage crew for last week's VBS: Maker Fun Factory. A good week of Kingdom work. Where we and the kids learned that God is our Creator, sustains us, will always love us, and has made us for a purpose. (at First Evangelical Community Church | Cerritos)
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kevta-koetic · 7 years
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The progression of taking a picture together. Perfect. Pc: @themigonpai
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kevta-koetic · 7 years
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She and her family are Taiwan bound! Will miss her and see her in a few weeks. (at LAX - Los Angeles International Airport)
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kevta-koetic · 7 years
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Journey. Four months and four days in, and how much of a journey it has been and will continue to be. And how we've anticipated this day, haha. Rachel, you have such a gentle, compassionate, and steadfast heart. In the midst of my imperfections and stumbles, you look at me and say that you don't think of me any differently. At times I feel it to be unfathomable and incomprehensible that my wrongs have not made you run away from me, and yet at the same time I see such a tangible reflection of God's grace toward us. I am reminded to think, that because of Christ's work on the cross and because of faith in Him, Christ's righteousness is now counted towards us? That when God sees us, He sees Jesus? How wonderful that is. And how great it is to see that you point me towards that. I have learned so much over these past four months, and I am sure I have much else to learn in the future. Being with you has shown me so much more of how I am a sinner, but it has also prompted me to meditate on this bedrock truth: That God must be worshipped wholeheartedly, and no other should have His attention. My ultimate wish is that you will see our Lord Jesus in me, and that by the end, you will be a better person than you once were. God-willing, may that be so. As we say many times, I will say it here: I will strive to love all that God has created you to be. But I will also add, I will strive to embrace all of who you are. Thank you for being you. Friends and family, please pray for us and help us going forward. :)
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kevta-koetic · 7 years
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Thank you all for your greetings! Graduation ends today! Four years passed by so fast, and to the Lord be the glory to the end. Onto the next season of life. Thank you all for being a part of it. :) (at California State University, Long Beach)
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kevta-koetic · 7 years
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Last day of class instruction of my undergrad career, and it's a bowling class? Haha Where did the time go? It feels like I just started! One more week to go. :)
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kevta-koetic · 7 years
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I never fathomed how big the ocean could be, an endless blue that stretches beyond the horizon. And to think that God's love is more vast than all the ocean? It puts things into perspective. If I am but a sand grain among billions on the shore of His Creation, why would He even once give me a thought? And yet in the grandness of His love He says to me, "For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.' And they began to celebrate. Luke 15:24 ESV [Could we with ink the ocean fill, And were the skies of parchment made, Were every stalk on earth a quill, And every man a scribe by trade; To write the love of God above Would drain the ocean dry; Nor could the scroll contain the whole, Though stretched from sky to sky.]
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kevta-koetic · 7 years
Death could not hold You The veil tore before You You silence the boast of sin and grave The heavens are roaring The praise of Your glory For You are raised to life again Learning that bridge. 🎹 (Please excuse the head bobbing haha)
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kevta-koetic · 8 years
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A happy happy birthday to my loving, caring, and talented mother. She is always hard working in what she does, whether it be arranging flowers or doing a craft, and she always has the utmost care for me and my sisters. Happy birthday Mommy! Thank you for all that you do for me. I love you so much. :)
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kevta-koetic · 8 years
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First day of the last semester. One more to go! 😂 (at California State University, Long Beach)
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kevta-koetic · 8 years
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Beautiful mornings from Youth Retreat this past weekend. (at Running Springs, California)
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kevta-koetic · 8 years
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Back from our church's T outh Retreat. Some shenanigans my small group came up with for a photo scavenger hunt. 😂#Inconvenientrapture
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kevta-koetic · 8 years
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Today marks the 25th anniversary of my parents' marriage. My Mom and Dad are a shining example of what love is and are both role models for me, and my two sisters. Their love and care for one another is what I hope to reflect when I have a significant other. Mom and Dad, I love you both so much and am always grateful for all that you have done for us. Thank you for continuing to care for and raise me as your son. Happy Anniversary! :)
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kevta-koetic · 8 years
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Theme verse for the year. #Repost @omf_us with @repostapp ・・・ "You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness." Ephesians 4:22-24
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kevta-koetic · 8 years
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My church's theme for this new year is "Offering my life for the Gospel". Wow. I pray that the Lord will continue to use our church for His purposes. To grow our hearts and mind and our wills to be for His, especially in bringing the good news to others. "I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings." (1 Corinthians 9:23 NIV) (at First Evangelical Community Church | Cerritos)
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kevta-koetic · 8 years
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Wow, experiencing three weddings from our congregation in one year? How great is that. Glory to the Lord for the marriages He has brought together this year. :) (at FECC Kairos)
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kevta-koetic · 8 years
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These Photo Booth photos are always so great from Mebo Photo. Glad to capture some of these with friends at the wedding. :) #cantsayngotoco
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