keshababyy-blog · 5 years
I’m sorry, my lips are sealed. Really? No way. You are taller than me then so I’m not too surprised. Maybe we should actually try that? It’ll be an interesting experiment. I’m very happy with doing both if I’m being honest. Thank you very much, as soon as I know I’ll be there because everyone deserve a cruise once in a while. Did you enjoy Halloween, by the way?
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Yes, please! We need to do this experiment in the name of science. And then when there’s certain shoes that you want that only left in giant sizes, you’ll know how many stock piles of socks you’ll need to get that perfect fit. We can go shopping for the correct fitting pair and those socks at the same time, let’s kill two birds with one stone. I agree! I had tons of fun, I dressed up as a dinosaur this year. What about you? I still honestly can’t believe we’re only two weeks away from Thanksgiving.
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keshababyy-blog · 5 years
I absolutely am. I’m too embarrassed to share what size I am, just know that they’re small and I probably wouldn’t fit in your shoes. I wouldn’t fit in anyone else’s shoes. You’re sweet for thinking about doing that, thank you. Yeah, we can definitely go shopping. I’d be up for that. Yeah, it’s was a bizarre moment. How anyone could be that silly, I have no idea. I may have to. I’ll let you know closer to the time, because I’m unsure what my schedule will be, but I’m really interested in going.
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Now you’re only making me super curious about what size shoe you are! If it makes you feel any better, I have giant ass feet—almost a size ten—so it wasn’t likely that anyone else was going to fit in them, either. Maybe that can be a new challenge? See how many socks it takes to be able to even come close to fitting in them. Or we can stick with the shopping, I like that idea! I completely understand. If you do have some time off during that period, though, the invitation's always going to be good. 
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keshababyy-blog · 5 years
Happy 10th anniversary of 21 to me! Now what song are we going to karaoke? 
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Oh man, that’s genius— happy birthday, Jamel! How about we pick a song that gets stuck in everyone’s heads?
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keshababyy-blog · 5 years
Oh stop it, you look great, and I’m often always right. Thank you doll, you’re too cute. I’ve never actually owned a proper pair of cowboy boots, so I may have to order some. You talking about them is making me want some. Oh my gosh, yes. That was so idiotic. I don’t get why people do silly stuff like that. Oh awesome. I bet you’re so excited. You’re going to pretty much have great weather throughout the cruise then. You definitely have to take pictures.
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You’re going to win this debate with that comment about always being right, huh? Because it’s hard to argue with that. What size shoe do you wear? I have so many pairs from over the years, most of them like brand new, I could give you a pair! Or we can go shopping for a pair— breaking them in is a real bitch, though. Right? And it happened out of nowhere, too, like you suddenly couldn’t escape anywhere without hearing about Tide Pods. Trust me, I will! There’s a spot on the cruise for next year if you want to go, too.
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keshababyy-blog · 5 years
They really are, I hate it. Oh stop it, yours is far better than mine. Really? Were they nice? Cowboy boots are cool, so I don’t blame you for camping out for them. Do you still have them? Yeah, people going crazy on Twitter about it. You’re right though, promo is good, although if its overly bad sometimes that can affect the company in a terrible way. No way? Where is your cruise heading to. Well, if you go the next cruise we’ll have to do a duet on the Karaoke. Tuesday is perfect for me.
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Yeah, right. Most of my outfits looked like they’ve been thrown together at the last minute without any thought in the world— have you looked in the mirror?! I love your fashion choices! But they were and I still do have them, I’m always a sucker for cowboy boots. God, yeah, sometimes there’s no coming back from it; remember when everyone went crazy about the tide pod challenge? At least that’s an example of how it can be construed with free promo, there were so many memes and even tide pod colored doughnuts. Yeah! It goes from Miami to the Bahamas, this is gonna be our second time. 
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keshababyy-blog · 5 years
It really is. So quick and easy. I’m not sure, maybe a new outfit, if I’m remembering correctly. What about you? What did you camp outside for? So silly. Companies always come up with ideas that don’t really help. I’m probably free at some point next week? When are you free? Are you on the cruise?
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New clothes are always the worst when you’re waiting— knowing your fashion sense, I bet it was something worth waiting for! I think the last thing I camped out for were these pairs of vintage cowboy boots that I got off eBay. Right? Then they have a bunch of angry people at them, which... I mean, I guess any kind of promo is good promo for them? I didn’t go on the cruise this year since I have my own next week, but I’m free anytime before then! What about Tuesday?
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keshababyy-blog · 5 years
I agree, although I have amazon prime so most things come the next day so then I don’t have to worry about staying in all week wondering if it’ll come. Everyone does to be honest, especially if it’s something you really want. Oh yeah, I heard you have to wait when getting gig tickets, which must be so frustrating. I’d get so annoyed that I’d completely miss my shot to get the tickets. I definitely will, I’m sure I’ll love them. Perfect, that’ll be so much fun, it has to happen.
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Amazon prime is the best thing to ever be invented, I swear— except for maybe making us a little spoiled when it comes to other companies. What’s the last thing you bought that made you want to camp out at the door? Yeah! Which is kinda ironic since I think it was meant to combat people not getting tickets, but y’know. It’s a free for all trying to get tickets for shows nowadays. It does! Are you free anytime soon?
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keshababyy-blog · 5 years
It’s so annoying, isn’t it. It’s like, at least move to the side. Online shopping is something sent from heaven. I don’t think I’ve ever been stuck to see if I get something or not but I can imagine it’s horrible, hopefully I’ll never experience it. I’m going to check it out this weekend and see what all the fuss is about. Yeah I’d love that, you can show me all your favourite spots.
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It really is! The only thing that sucks is having to camp out at your door impatiently waiting for the order to arrive. Which, come on, I’m sure everyone sets up their beach chair at the door waiting for their order to arrive five minutes after they paid. Right? Right. I think it’s something new sites are doing for big orders; or at the very least Ticketmaster has that now with a virtual waiting queue. Let me know how you like it there! Their chocolate chip muffins are the best anywhere. It might be getting chillier outside, but I’m over here near the beach and I can show you all my secret spots.
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keshababyy-blog · 5 years
You know, I never actually thought about that. You’re probably right, scratching definitely hurts ten times worse than pinching ever will. Really? I still can’t believe the Kesha actually wants to watch movies with me! I still feel like it’s a dream or something. Of course, we all have those moments so I completely understand! That’s the only way to actually eat popcorn. That sounds good to me! I’ll grab a whole bunch of popcorn at the store today for our movie night.
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Unless someone seriously went all out with the pinching and left a terrible bruise; but even then the potential to draw blood with a cat scratch? Now I can’t decide which one would be worse. Seriously, I’m about to start crying over here with how sweet you’re being— here I am about to pinch myself (ha!) over watching movies with the Dove Cameron. Now the real question is... extra butter? With some extra candy for even ratios?!
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keshababyy-blog · 5 years
I don’t think I could forget a whole season of craziness! I think marathoning it made it all blur into one season… or maybe I’m just protecting Pebe from any embarrassment…! It was worth a try, I suppose — if you call them up, I’ll be straight on the phone to them after, “it’s not worth it, I’m really boring, I promise. Kesha and I spend all of our time watching antique shows and discussing politics, we’re just very boring people.’ Wale schools!! I don’t care if it’s not correct, it is now. Yeah, that sort of thing, what do you think we should put in it? Maybe directions to some nonexistent buried treasure. Oi, watch it, Kesha, if you don’t zip about that, you’ll be next! Season 11!
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Maybe you just need to binge-watch all two seasons again.... you know, for the sole purpose of refreshing your memory just to embarrass my mom. You’re family at this point and that means you need to stop protecting her and begin starting shit with her! Man, you suck at describing us as an exciting couple that people would love to watch alongside their trashy television. We’re supposed to be the trashy television! How does one get into these Wale schools?! I want to go and learn about Whales! Could you imagine someone actually finding the bottle and thinking there’s some magical treasure buried somewhere? We’d be trolling everyone even when we’re long gone. Make me, Iwan! I’m not gonna shut up!
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keshababyy-blog · 5 years
I hate shopping during Christmas time. I do all mine online now because too many people bug me, especially those who stop in the middle of the aisle and have a chat with their friends as if no one needs to get past. That’s so awesome, I’m sure I’ll be saying the same a few years down the line. So many people are saying Coral Street, I think it’s top of my list. Oh really? I love Italian so that’s a definite yes. Thank you, I love hearing which places are good or not.
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I hate when people do that in the aisles— especially when they’re completely oblivious to the fact you need to get by! Thank god for online shopping. Although I don’t know what’s worse; having to brave the crowds and ignorance of everyone else during the rush or waiting in virtual waiting rooms online hoping you can get the item. Have you ever waited in one before? I swear I’ve been kicked off too many times to count. Ha, I knew everyone would say the same exact thing! That place is always buzzing. Let me know if you ever want a tour guide around town!
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keshababyy-blog · 5 years
That’s exactly what I plan to do! I don’t mind shopping but I get bored easily so when I go shopping I have to make sure I go somewhere that I love otherwise I’d want to go home within half an hour. Vintage is always fun, I’ll definitely check that out. Yeah, that’s true. There’s so much to do here, it seems, so I’m sure I’ll find something. Stores with food, also known as cafes or restaurants. What about you? What kinds do you like?
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I think you just described the problem with shopping in general— especially when the crowds are out, like during the holiday season, and you just want to run out of there if you’re not having fun finding anything! God, yeah, I’ve been here years and it still feels like there’s tons of things left to be explored. Coral Street is a really popular option for a cafe! There’s a nice Italian restaurant downtown that’s one of my favorites, too, if you want to check it out. 
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keshababyy-blog · 5 years
Or you could come over, watch Disney movies with me while playing with the cats but no pinching will be involved. Cause now that I think about it, pinching sounds like it may hurt a lot. Oh my gosh, yes. Like yes a million times! Oh, you mean those buncha crunch? Yes, those are like amazing in the popcorn! I love it so much! When it melts it’s like the best. I can never get enough and now I realllllllllly want them.
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Well... you’re right about the pinching hurting, but we both have cats. We’re used to being scratched— maybe the pinching wouldn’t hurt that much? It would still be worth it to be able to watch the movies with you. Yeah, those! My brain drew a blank so thank you for remembering the name. God, I know, it’s sweet and salty goodness all wrapped into one bucket. How about I bring over the buncha crunch and you get the popcorn?
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keshababyy-blog · 5 years
So I might have promised my kids that I would take them out for ice cream without actually checking if there’s an ice cream parlor around here…. any help or suggestions for where we should go would be amazing, and I’d forever be in your debt. 
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The Purple Cow! It’s over near the lake in Green Acres, which... can you even go wrong with those two things? It’s honestly some of the best ice cream ever, I think you—and your kids—are going to be hooked on wanting to go there every single day.
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keshababyy-blog · 5 years
Now that I’ve finished work and I’m back in town, I finally have time to explore. I was gutted that I had to leave so soon after moving it but here I am, ready to be a little nerd and go into every store or cafe I see. First though, what is one place you’d recommend visiting first? 
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Now you can make up for all the lost time from you having to travel! Shopping is always fun. One of my favorite stores to shop at is this thrift store in town— if you love vintage and one a kind items, you can’t go wrong with shopping there. I just think it depends on what you like to do. What kind of stores do you like?
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keshababyy-blog · 5 years
Season 2: ‘OUR Crazy Beautiful Life’ It’s genius, but I’m not sure I’m cut out for reality TV unless people would enjoy watching me birdwatch in silence? Top notch entertainment that would be! Feels like ages ago, doesn’t it? In a weird way, I suppose I sort of miss those times a bit; if I could go back to that night at The Grammys, I’d relive that any day. Is that what you get taught in American schools? This is the first I’ve heard of it! But I had a suspicion all along. Poker’s only played by drunkards and masterminds, you’re right. No, no you don’t; blond pubes can’t be the secret because the neighbours will hear me crying from next door! ‘Get this crazy woman off me!’ See? Just not practical. I think we should start burying some stuff at the beach as our secret. You know like in those old films where they send a bottle to sea, that sort of thing. Or just plain old murder. That’s a classic secret. She won’t be afraid of it, I promise. If she is, then bring on the surfing lessons!
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Don’t you mean Season 3: Our Crazy Beautiful Life?! Don’t tell me you haven’t seen the second season with all of my mother’s glory moments, I’m gonna have to sit you down for the sheer fact of embarrassing her— if that’s even possible! But you’re not convincing me to not call MTV right now. Nice try attempting to make me cry to distract me from calling them, Iwan, but I’m not falling for your tricks; even if I wish we could invent a time machine and go back, too. Duh! Don’t they teach that in Wale schools? Okay, no, that wasn’t correct but now I can’t stop laughing at Wale schools. But... okay, fine. You win this time around but I’m not going to stop bringing up the topic of the bleach! Like buried treasure mixed with a time capsule? Count me in. Good luck with that one after you almost threw her into the ocean! That’ll be season ten of the show.
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keshababyy-blog · 5 years
One thing I never understood is, how come you never see Troy and Gabriella acting in the first High School Musical? I mean, they’re auditioning for a play, and a play has words. Words need to be spoken and stage directions need to be taken. What is the plot of this musical anyway? Did anyone go see it? How come Sharpay and her brother didn’t get supporting roles? Were there even any supporting roles, or was it just Troy and Gabriella the entire time? What is the high school musical in High School Musical and why does Ryan keep wearing hats? @townofbayview
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How are you going to drop a bombshell like this and make us all question that movie without losing our minds?! All I remember is that Sharpay and her brother wanted to bop it to the top and.... yeah, you’re right. Does anyone really know what it was about, or was it just one big competition? It’s a conspiracy. 
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