23 posts
18. I write on ao3 and go crazy hard on character analysis occasionally. ENG/ESP.
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keres-nyx · 23 days ago
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keres-nyx · 23 days ago
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trigun x panty & stocking: a knives to match 😌
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keres-nyx · 23 days ago
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Another commission I made for Luisss. Be sure to check out the fanfiction (<click it) it was based on, written by him. :)
Thank you for commissioning me again!
Also, y'all take this as a reminder my commissions are still open! :D Please check my form on Artistree for more information.
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keres-nyx · 23 days ago
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O brother mine
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keres-nyx · 6 months ago
Do you think Guren might not be super intent about getting Yuu back because he knows Yuu won’t go back to him? Like, he recognizes Yuu is a lot like him (both loyal to a fault, both need to be needed by others, both try to shoulder the burdens of everyone around them, etc) and so Guren tried to make sure Yuu was attached to his squad to make the decision that Guren himself couldn’t make: be with Mika or be with his friends? Literally most of not all of Ca16 is Guren trying to have both his friends and Mahiru at his side but in the end he can’t just choose one or the other so he loses both. But with Yuu there is no hesitation; he chooses Mika, always. Maybe Guren sees that and realizes he’s not getting Yuu back. At least, not without one hell of a fight.
Guren definitely tried to instill the whole "family" thing into the squad so that Yuu wouldn't make the same mistake he did. He absolutely raised him in a very purposeful way, especially because Guren realizes how similar Yuu is to him when he was at that age. Guren had said there is no room for "loners" in the army; the complete opposite of what Guren himself. And as such, Guren forced Yuu to make friends if he wanted "to survive in the army." Unlike Guren, because he tried to handle everything himself, and because he was unable to choose between Mahiru and his friends, lost both. So to an extent, Guren tried to keep Yuu from doing that. Which did work...not to his benefit, but he did choose. Guren himself is pretty smart and aware of people, it's why he's trying to force Yuu to come back instead of talking or negotiating like Shinoa Squad was thinking. Guren has known Yuu the longest. He knows Yuu's entire existence revolves around Mika. Even when Guren gave Yuu that whole speech of "find a reason to live", and it ended up being revenge for Mika. I honestly expect some sense of jealously but also pride on his side because Yuu has made a firm decision. And yeah, it's gonna be one hell of a fight. Because we all know Guren ain't giving up just yet.
lore makes me passionate sorry for the ramble
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keres-nyx · 6 months ago
You ever think about how Vash was the one who gave a voice to the plant song, but the motif is heard all over Knives’s themes?
Knives never heard it before Vash did:
And Vash was the one who added it to their little duet (I couldn’t add another video, but it’s at the start of episode 8 🥲)
Ironic that the man taking on the task of saving his sisters is using the song his brother—who is much more in tune with them than Knives is & can help in ways Knives can’t—came up with to represent them himself.
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keres-nyx · 6 months ago
Guren vs Shinoa — what do they want with Yuu-chan?
In reply to a tweet which said this:
���Okay, question time, why isn't Guren's goal to bring Yu back? Dude went out of his way to get Yu back, but now it turns out he doesn’t need it???”
I don't think their goals completely align anymore. The Shinoa Squad wants Yuuichirou "back" (so like how he was before, teammate and friend, etc). While Guren wants Yuu back in his "control" (unquestioning obedience, loyal to him.)
Could be wrong but Guren does view Yuuichirou more as a "soldier/tool" than his "adoptive son".
While the Shinoa squad most likely still perceives him as "friend and teammate" so just USING him probably feels a bit wrong. That's why they want to "bring" him back. Not force.
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(thanks to @/kittie_aupa on twitter for translation)
This is what I meant. The squad wants to "save" Yuu (convince him to return?) while Guren wants to bring Yuu "back" (back under his control).
The intention is what is different. They want the same thing, in different ways.
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keres-nyx · 6 months ago
Shikama, Yuu-chan, and Mikaela (plus some theory talk)
I’m starting off with Yuu and Shikama, because there is a lot of back and forth that I see with Yuu, Shikama, and Mika. But, to do so I need to make sure we’re all on the same page here. And I realize that people don’t quite understand the way things work (the soul switching stuff) between them, so I’m going to try and explain it in easier terms.
Soul Switching:
Before we get started, let’s get one thing clear: Yuu-chan is Yuu-chan, and Mika is Mika. Yuu did say this, not entirely sure what chapter, that although he has original Mika’s soul (Angel Mika) inside him, and Mika has eyeYuu’s soul (since Angel Mika have eyeYuu a heart, therefore giving him a soul). So they simply switched spots.
Yuu-chan is the original Angel Mika. He has his soul inside him.
And Mika is the original Yuu. He has that soul inside him.
But, to repeat, as Yuu-chan said before, it doesn’t matter if he is “technically” Mika, and Mika is “technically” Yuu. It doesn’t matter.
Because they are now their own people. Yuu is Yuu right now, and that is what matters. (Essentially saying that their past does not change or define them, Yuu is still Yuu and Mika is still Mika) They don’t have to go through an existential crisis. It’s been so much time since they switched souls, and this Yuu, our Yuu, is Yuu. And Mika is Mika.
An example could be to imagine it as their past lives. In their past lives, Yuu was Angel Mika and Mika was eyeYuu. But then they died (not Yuu-chan technically but moving on) and they were reincarnated in each other’s spots. So Angel Mika reincarnated into our current Yuu, and Yuu reincarnated into our current Mika.
And since it is their past lives, and not this one, (like Yuu said) it does not matter anymore.
Mika and Yuu, Shikama being their shared “father” or not?
The short answer is no.
Actually, the whole “selfcest” stuff is more likely than the whole “brothers” stuff. I’ve seen some people worry because “oh both of them have called him father.”
Imma need you to lock in real quick, alright?
Mika (our Mika, human to vampire to demon, Mika) has never once called Shikama father.
The only Mika who has called Shikama “father” was angel Mika. And as I established earlier, the one who has Angel Mika’s soul is Yuuichirou. So therefore it is right for him to say that.
And also, the only person who called Shikama our Mika’s father was Guren. But Guren doesn’t know (or so we are to assume, I will get to that later) about their soul switch. Since nobody knows except for Yuu and Mika, it is normal he would think that our Mika carries Angel Mika’s soul. I will say it again. Mika does not.
Shikama is not our Mika’s “father.”
He is technically Yuu’s “father”, because it was, and always has been, Angel Mika who refers to Shikama as “father”. And, once again, Yuu is the one with Angel Mika’s soul. And our Mika has eyeYuu’s soul in him. Not Angel Mika’s.
The only thing Mika has in relation to Angel Mika is the Mikaela gene. But many people are capable of having that, which means it bears no full connection to Shikama or Angel Mika. (i.e. Ferid having it.)
So, no, Yuu and Mika are not “related” or share a father, or anything of the sort. Your gay little ship is safe.
Once again, Yuu would be the one “related” (in quotes for now, because we aren’t exactly sure how Angel Mika was created. Perhaps if they used Shikama’s DNA or something then they might be) to Shikama. And only Yuu. Because it is Yuu who carries Angel Mikaela’s soul.
Shikama and Yuu (plus some theory talk)
I’ve seen some people questioning if Shikama knows that Yuu and Mika have switched souls, and the short answer is once again no.
Nobody, that we are aware of, knows about this switch besides Mika and Yuu themselves.
I have mentioned this before, but there is a possibility that Ferid and Guren could know. Again, not quite sure what chapter it was, but there was a scene where recently captured Mika and Yuu were laying on a bed. And Ferid mentioned going through their memories, and Guren was also there. This means there is a chance that Guren and Ferid know about it, without Yuu’s knowledge. Not to mention the Hyakuya Sect. has also messed with Yuu’s memories, so he doesn’t fully remember everything. And when he and Mika went to look through his memories for answers, they went all the way back into the past. And didn’t look through this Yuu’s lifetime.
Now, if Guren might know about the switch, why would he call Shikama Mika’s father? For the same reason that Mika and Yuu are actively (they explicitly said this) withholding the information. For power. An advantage.
Theory Talk
Now I mentioned Guren and Ferid being aware of the switch before, but let me give you some background if you didn’t see that on why I think so.
If “Angel Mika” is the person they need, the person that Guren needs for his plan, why did Guren agree to a plan where he wouldn’t get that? When he and Krul struck the deal, Guren chose Yuu. Not Mika.
And this worked out for Krul, because in her mind, she was getting the “better” end of the deal.
He then proceeded to spend the next four years trying to make it impossible for Yuu to betray him, for Yuu to listen to him and stay by his side.
Guren doesn’t seem scared or nervous at all about losing Mika, even though he’s needed. But he does seem very adamant about getting Yuu back. And keeping him alive. He didn’t try to kill Yuu at any point, just harm him.
Of course, this gives Guren an advantage over the other people (i.e. the vampires and Shikama) who are trying to get both/Mika back. Since Guren knows that Yuu is actually the one who carries Angel Mika’s soul.
Back to Shikama and Yuu
But, Shikama himself does not know this, nor is he aware. That’s why, in that panel where he sees Yuu-chan, he calls out for Yuu. For he is under the impression that Yuu is Yuu.
Oh, but what if he’s only saying that because he knows? No. If anything, he is pulling Yuu closer because:
He is aware Yuu has Mika within him. He knows demon Mika resides in Yuu.
If he’s not aware of Mika’s death (which I doubt, it seems vampires are aware when someone dies) he assumed vampire Mika would be at his side.
“Yuu” could be the final piece, or key, needed in Shikama’s plan.
Shikama did mention that he “had to tell” Yuu something because he didn’t have much time yet.
Anyway thanks for coming to my tedtalk, for more crazy stuff follow me on Twitter @kerres_nyx
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keres-nyx · 6 months ago
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A fight between knives & bullets
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keres-nyx · 7 months ago
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keres-nyx · 7 months ago
what's good, I'm Johan. More popularly known as Ker keres_nyx. Any/star prns. I write and analyze stuff. Mostly on Twitter as kerres_nyx. Not active hardly ever I'm a college student. Here's writer stuff and have fun here. Honestly this blog is mostly here just to document my analysis stuff. DMs are open.
Links to all my analysis:
Guren vs Shinoa — what do they want with Yuu-chan?
Shikama, Yuu-chan, and Mikaela (plus some theory talk)
Mika and Yuu Body Language Analysis
Shinoa & Yuu Analysis
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keres-nyx · 7 months ago
Mika and Yuu Body Language Analysis
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(A conversation between me and a friend where I analyzed the image/scene where the bite scene happens, and they played off it and added more. I also go by Ker so that's me lol)
Mikaela Hyakuya
Mika's right hand being on Yuu's thigh is a sign of vulnerability. This is because he's pressing himself closer to Yuu, willingly putting them into a more intimate position to essentially convey a "I am trusting you with myself" while also sort of a "I am willing myself to trust myself for you." Now, the fact it's a tight grip and not quite relaxed just shows that he struggles to completely let go of it. Which brings us to his left hand. Clutching at the shelf. This side of him shows his hesitance. While he's given in and allowed himself to become a full vampire, it's against his wishes/will. And while he's allowed himself to become vulnerable and trust Yuu, he can't quite bring himself to trust him. Not to mention this scene specifically has Mika facing away from us, almost saying "don't look at what I've become." Going onto his body, he's trying to accommodate Yuu as best as he can. He's not pinning Yuu down or pushing against him, even though he probably has the urge/instinct to. He's resisting the instinct and restraining himself to be as gentle as possible with him. The fact Mika's injured and bleeding as well shows how much he trusts Yuu with himself.
“This side of him shows his hesitance. While he's given in and allowed himself to become a full vampire, it's against his wishes/will.” THIS PART COMES FROM THE FACT THAT THE OTHER TIMES HES SHOWN TO BE HUNGRY, HE TAKES IT. FORCEFULLY GRABBING KRUL'S ARM AND PINNING THAT RANDOM KID DOWN, FOR EXAMPLE.
Yuuichirou Hyakuya:
Oh boy there's a lot here. Especially seeing the entire scene animated. But for the sake of word limits, I'll do this still frame. Number one: his hand in Mika's hair. He's actively, most likely softly, pushing Mika's head into his neck, thereby pressing Mika's mouth and fangs into his neck more, silently reassuring "it's okay, I'm alright with this." Why? Because as stubborn and naive Yuu may appear sometimes, that boy is awfully and extremely aware of the people around him. Yuu knows Mika hates this. He knows that Mika doesn't want this. But he also knows that he must do this to keep Mika alive. So, just like Mika, he's trying to be as accommodating and gentle as possible. The blood sucking probably feels weird and violating, in a way. Especially because it's against his own nature and instinct, which would tell him to fight Mika off. But just like Mika, Yuu is fighting against his own human instinct. Not to mention his training. And not to mention his hatred for vampires. Yuu's only reaction was the initial bite, the slight wince. (FUCK IT IM TALKING ABOUT THE ANIMATED SCENE.) Immediately after getting bit, Yuu gently lifts Mika and scoots them into a more comfortable and easy position. As he does so, he gently cradles Mika. It would be human nature to squirm and hiss when a vampire is drinking your blood, since blood is your life essence. But Yuu forced himself, forced his body and breathing, to relax. This way, he would make Mika more comfortable and less guilty, even if just a little. He also gently rubs Mika's hair, creating a soothing/caring stimulation, another reassurance. Moving on to Yuu's right hand on the floor, this is also a sign of vulnerability. He could have put it on Mika's shoulder to push him off later, but he's essentially saying "I know I am safe with you, I needn't worry about it." This is also proven with the way Yuu tilts his head back, and let Mika's hand push against his thigh. Adding on: the rubbing could also be seen as a grounding agent. To keep Mika calm and mentally with him.
“This way, he would make Mika more comfortable and less guilty, even if just a little. He also gently rubs Mika's hair, creating a soothing/caring stimulation, another reassurance.” they both take care of each other so wonderfully it's amazing. i worry that i don't depict yuu taking care of mika enough as much as mika does BUT IT DEF GOES BOTH WAYS thats one of the reasons i'm feral for them. they're mutually obsessive and while it CAN be unhealthy, it's ALSO in a healthy way in particular to the way they take care of the others emotional and physical needs since the other cannot take care of themselves. or want to due to their equal self-loathing. i'm getting a lil sidetracked but these soothing gestures he did in this scene, i saw the potential of them BOTH being the caretaker of the relationship. mika just takes his to a greater scale bc like i said, he's nurturing AND his unending loyalty makes him a ferocious protector.
“they take care of the others emotional and physical needs since the other cannot take care of themselves.”
While it could be seen as an unhealthy obsession, this is still good for them. Because they themselves do not believe themselves to be worthy/good enough for comfort. But they do not reject it if it comes from one another. That is the beauty of their relationship. That is the reason Mikaela has not let himself fully die yet. Because he knows. God he knows. That Yuu would never be able to truly live without him. Not anymore. Because was Yuu living before? Even during their separation, Yuu still lived for Mika. He wanted to kill vampires to avenge Mika. For Mika. Yuu didn't truly live, he existed to fulfill something. And Mika is smart, he noticed it. Mika had probably hoped Yuu could move on and live on without him. But deep down, he's keenly aware of the fact that won't happen. Why else do you think Mika asks Yuu to let go of him? Why else do you think Mika isn't the one to leave, if he is so adamant of Yuu forgetting and giving up on him? It's the same reason he's so aware of why Yuu won't do it. Mika feels the exact same way. That's why he asks Yuu to give him up. Because Mika can't give Yuu up either.
*slams table* AHHHHHH
I think mika wanted yuu to hate him. to give up on him, so he tries to emotionally close himself off in that scene and says things that may hurt him even if he would hate to see yuu cry, but he underestimated JUST how stubborn and just how much yuu was willing to cling onto him. that broke him more man.
“you have it just as bad as he does”
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Absolutely. That's why he tried to hurt him.
They protect each other, no matter the cost. Whether it's themselves, or the world. This has been proven with actions and words from both sides.
Chrono: it's so crazy how they're so different from each other YET share so many qualities at the same time
Ker: the difference is where the desire comes from. For Mika is comes from selflessness, but for Yuu it derives from selfishness. They're opposites. And that's the point of them.
Chrono: like i love how they're both stubborn, how they had their angry phases, how they bring out the best and worst.... but in spite of it all, what really makes me happy, is to see them finally free themselves from the stresses in the life BECAUSE it's just them two. they're laughing again and say what these theorists will about demon mika simply copying a personality yuu simply wants to see... i think their banter and happiness with each other is genuine.
they're also teaching eachother to be selfish / selfless respectively. like mika telling yuu the whole world matters, not just the ones close to you... and yuu teaching mika its okay to chase his own happiness. there will be a way without comprising anyone's own happiness/life. it will simply be harder.
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keres-nyx · 7 months ago
I'll post my other analysis stuff when I have the time. Here's Guren patting Yuu-chan meanwhile
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keres-nyx · 7 months ago
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keres-nyx · 7 months ago
Shinoa & Yuu Analysis
Actually, now that I'm not caged by a small word limit, I do want to talk about Yuu and Shinoa’s relationship because I actually really really love their relationship. And the similarities and discrepancies, how their characters are adjacent to each other. Opposites, but so similar. Similarities between characters (be it personality wise, backstory wise, or ambition wise) do not only occur between Yuu and Mika, but there are actually a lot of similarities between Yuu and Shinoa.
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I had mentioned this once before in a tweet, that Yuu and Shinoa are two sides of the same coin. Where Yuu is aware he is being manipulated and used (and we know this because he himself has directly said this) and he does not care. Not in the way a normal person would, at least. He feels rewarded, a sense of usefulness. He likes being useful to someone (in this case, it would be Guren), he is being needed and wanted, and that’s what Yuu yearns for and desires. He wants to be wanted, he wants to be needed. In consequence, he allows himself to be used, because it means that someone wants him. And even if it is for their own benefit, it still means someone wants him.
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Not to mention, this feeling was what kept him alive, his whole reason for living. When Yuu was at his lowest, at his most vulnerable and easily manipulated state, Guren had told him: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t live to be happy, live to serve my purpose. My desires. I need you, want you, and that is why you should keep living. Live, because I want you to kill vampires.” (this part is excluding Yuu’s thoughts about Mikaela on the matter, but I do believe he did it not only for that, but yes, out of spite and to avenge Mika.)
And so Yuu, from the beginning, he was aware he was being used. He’s been used in his entire life, in general. The vampires used him as livestock, being used was nothing new to Yuu.
And then we have Shinoa, on the other hand, who is not as socially aware as Yuu is, because she did not grow up in that environment. She is quite the opposite to Yuu, and is pretty socially inept when it comes to people. Shinoa also puts up a front. But her’s is not as carefully and meticulously built as Yuu’s. It’s actually quite easy to see through. Because Yuu’s is so good, some of the readers (us) don’t even realize he has it.
The way Shinoa was raised in a way that she never really got that socialization, she never got the opportunity to read into and analyze the people around her, because that was what they were doing to her instead. She was the one being used. Not only that, but she never really got to see anybody outside that circle. The few times she did, it was people who were already aware of others, and it was her sister literally beating her emotions out of her.
But unlike Yuu, Shinoa wants the opposite. She wants to have her own agency. She wants to have her own will, and make her own choices, not influenced or manipulated by anyone. She wants it to be her. And this is why she confronts Guren so many times. She is aware enough to realize that Guren is using her against Yuu. Not only her, but their whole “family” against him. But, she is not fully aware of just how deep Guren’s influence runs.
For example, her declaration of love to Yuu. The reason Yuu rejected her confession was because he knew it wasn’t real. That is why he didn’t give her too many words, or try to be kinder about it. He didn’t seem to think that something not real, needed to be treated in such a way.
But back to Shinoa, there is a thread out there (I don’t have the link but if you do pls dm it to me) and that Shinoa was manipulated into falling in “love” with Yuu. The topic of love in Seraph of the End is treated differently, in a much deeper manner, than what Shinoa feels for Yuu. It’s more surface level, than anything.
At every waking moment, Guren kept making discreet remarks to Shinoa, almost like accusations, of her liking him. Guren had basically told her “you like Yuu.” And, psychologically, joking about speaking about something at a constant enough rate, you will start to feel that way. It’s why many therapists and psychiatrists will tell people to have positive affirmations, because the brain reacts to the words we speak, and incorporates them into our thoughts until we unconsciously believe them. The first few times we saw it happen, she fervently denied the feelings. But the thought kept getting forced onto her, over and over, until she simply accepted it. “I like Yuu.” She believed it, because other people say that she does.
And that’s one of the biggest things about Shinoa. She is Shinoa, because people tell her she is Shinoa. She behaves a certain way because that’s just how “Shinoa” behaves. She is a squad leader because they tell her she is a squad leader. And why do you think she's the squad leader? Because she listens. She obeys, she’s obedient. Mitsuba has shown to not blindly follow every order, Yoichi and Kimizuki were new; the JIDA weren’t sure what they are capable of, and Yuu also had a reputation for ignoring orders.
But Shinoa was an obedient dog. She listens, and obeys. (Even though she was an outcast from the Hiiragi’s, she never complained. She’s complacent. Even when she found out what had happened with Guren, and Yuu. She still obeyed him. Still does.) You tell her “jump” she says “how high.”
But, once again, in contrast to Yuu, Shinoa doesn’t realize just how much influence people have on her. Just how easily she is manipulated. She thinks that making her own choices, being squad leader, means she’s “out” and “free”, she isn’t. Shinoa is very easily influenced by people around her. (It is simply human nature to want to be validated, and recognized. But for someone who did not have that, they will go through terrifying measures to gain their acceptance. Whether it means hurting themselves, or others. Just look at Yuu, for example.)
While I do not doubt she feels a sense of affection for Yuu, (and I try to be as non biased here for the sake of analysis, but it is impossible to be completely objective) I personally believe that Shinoa does not love Yuu, and that she has been manipulated to think this way, given what I said earlier.
I do not want to disregard her feelings, because she absolutely does feel affection towards Yuu, but I do not believe that it is love. I think her feelings for Yuu border the same feelings she has for the rest of the squad. (Specifically, Shinoa idolizes him. Having such respect and admiration and desire to be like someone, could easily be misinterpreted as love. Especially with someone as out of tune with their emotions like Shinoa.)
Shinoa has a special type of affection for Yuu. Because Yuu is everything she could possibly hope to be. He is doing what she could not. He has his own stubborn, unwavering will, his own agency. And she has said this before, as her reason for loving him.
Shinoa idolizes Yuu. And they knew she would, they made her idolize him. They put those two in the same squad together for a reason. It was not a coincidence. She was literally assigned to him by Guren. But why?
Because they want Yuu to choose somebody other than Mika.
What I believe they hoped to achieve was to get Yuu attached to his “new family.” Guren knew these two, Yuu and Mika, would eventually see each other again. So he wanted to make sure Yuu would choose his new family over Mika. (And it did, sort of work. Like when Mika asked Yuu to run away with him, Yuu told him they had to save his family first. Although, nowadays, he just calls them his ‘friends’ instead. Has anyone else noticed that?)
Anyway, Guren is a smart asshole bitch fuckface (lighthearted I love him). He wanted Yuu to have multiple options. It’s easy to choose when it’s only two people. Like, between Mika and Shinoa, Yuu would choose Shinoa. But Guren is aware that no matter how dark and hurt Yuu gets, he has a pure heart. He knew it would be harder for Yuu to choose Mika over multiple people. And we do see that happen when Mika tries to…kidnap him. He goes back for them. (Although it was all thrown out the window the moment they ‘betrayed’ Yuu, lol.)
But, Shinoa doesn’t understand, nor is aware of this, because she doesn’t have the social intelligence for that. Not that it’s bad, it’s simply from the way she was raised. Honestly, I do hope Shinoa can come to realize that herself, that she slowly learns and realizes what’s going on.
And this is why I love Shinoa so much, she is such a complex character. Her character is the complete opposite of Yuu, in juxtaposition, since they are also quite similar. They are in a similar, if not the same, situation, but flipped. In which you have a person, who has been used his entire life, willingly allowing himself to be used, and aware of it; and someone who has been used her entire life, and doesn’t want that anymore, but is not aware that she is still being used. I say that because at this point in time, many if not all her decisions are being influenced by external factors.
Shinoa lets things get to her very easily, and Yuu does not. Because over the time, he has learned to cultivate a strong will. His will is strong enough that for FOUR YEARS he has never once given up on Mika. (And Yuu knew Mika the same amount of time he knew Guren…interesting, right? Is there a meaning to that?) For four years, Mika has been his pinnacle, his priority. His goal.
Shinoa does not have that. She does not have a priority, nor a goal. She doesn’t even know herself. She cannot find her priorities, morals, standards, etc. until she finds herself first. Yuu knows who he is, and that is why he is not afraid to let himself be used. Because nothing can change who he is fundamentally, because he’s made sure to cement it into himself. (You can really tell with how calm and relaxed he was when Angel Mika and eyeYuu were introduced. He did not falter, because Yuu is sure of himself, and his identity. The past does not change who he is now.)
And I genuinely hope that Kagami gives Shinoa her deserved good character development, because she is, and could be much more, of an amazing character.
Anyway that's the entire rant on my thoughts about them thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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keres-nyx · 7 months ago
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He's so cute.
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keres-nyx · 7 months ago
“Is it okay if I draw fanart of your fanfic?👉🏼👈🏼”
My brother in Christ we shall have a spring wedding
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