A personal blog which shows my weekly reflection about the growth and development of my plant. My name is Keren Elviña from STEM 11 - SV03, join me as I keep on track to the journey of my life together with this plant.
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Plant #11 - Welcome 2019, Goodbye Plant 🍁

| January 4, 2018 |
( Let Prosperity Enter The Year )
" Sometimes our lives have to be completely shaken up, changed, and rearranged to relocate us to the place we are meant to be. " - Anonymous
When life becomes difficult to understand, let your mind be open, accept the fact that i goes on and on, maybe all your desires might not be granted, but as soon as we tell our hearts that everything will be fine in perfect time then whatever it is that we struggle, we can understand deeply.
2018 has been so quick but I can't compile or even summarize every detailed memories in my mind. A year full of heartaches, circumstances, struggles, rejections and more. But I see the good in every situations I've encountered in my journey.
Acceptance, there will be new beginnings for us to start, be in the moment.
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Season 2 : Episode 3
WEEK 10 - Allow The Light To Cover Darkness From Within 🌟

| November 30, 2018 |
( Found Strength In The Midst Of Trials )
" Where there is no struggles, there is no strength. " - Oprah Winfrey
I remember this story way back in 2016 that is entitled "Footprints In The Sand" by William Blanco. One day, he had a dream that he was walking along the beach with God and across the sky, it flashes the scenes of his life. In each scenes, he noticed two footprints in the sand, one belongs to him and the other from the Lord. After the last scene of his life that flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand, and he noticed that at many times among the path of his life especially at the very lowest and saddest time, there was only one set of footprints. This troubled him, so he asked the Lord about it, "Lord you said that once I decide to follow you, You'd walk with me all the way, but I noticed that during the saddest and troublesome times of my life, there was only one set of footprints. I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me." then the Lord replied, "My son, my precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of suffering, where you could only see one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you."
Knowing that we are unworthy, He gave us a privilege to seek His face and communicate with Him. This week's reflection, I've noticed many struggles and difficulties in my life that I've encountered, there comes a time where I don't workout my faith and believe that He can do something, I only seek and rely on my strength, but one thing's for sure, he said in Hebrews 13:5 "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.", I realized that there is one God, the creator of heaven and of earth, the one who chose and called me will surely save me and renew/restore my strength, telling me that I can't do it on my own but with the help of God then I can do it.
Let His will be ours, and let His words manifest and renew our strength.
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More Of You
You gave me a hint of your shadow
But the chances are still narrow
Why not say "us"
I'm broke, you lied a million times
Elviña 2018
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Hold On
Too far but I'm patient
Day by day there's a thousand signs
Give me a reason, a million reason please
Until I see, I see you holding on to me
Elviña 2018
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Season 2 : Episode 2
WEEK 9 - Time To Look Back 🍂

| November 23, 2018 |
( See How It Turned Out Well... )
" The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be. " - Marcel Pagnol
To be able to see how you improved in terms of your emotional aspect, you must learn how to reminisce from your past and know how it makes your way out to what you are right now. It's never a mistake looking back to your old self--past, though there are some sort of parts wherein you felt hurt, happy, and somehow afraid. We all have different being, different stories and different feelings, however, we also have differences on how we handled situations from our past. First of all, in my opinion, moving on to a particular scenario that happened in my life wasn't that easy to bare with. 3 years ago and until now, I always felt nostalgic about myself, I barely think of what tomorrow may give me, neither hope nor a new beginning. Well, life isn't unfair but it strikes us a deep and meaningful lesson. But we must take heart, know how past lets each and everyone of us live in this present world having the best people and dreams that surrounds us, knowing how tomorrow will see the glory of ourselves living peacefully.
In this week's theme, reminiscing the past, learning how to move on in a way where it can help you become a better person, makes me realize that whatever it takes and brought you into another chapter of your life, past will still remain and forever will.
God doesn't allow situations from your past just to punish you to your present and future life, no, that's absolutely not the real purpose of His plans among His people.
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Season 2 : Episode 1
WEEK 8 - Think Positively, Become More Beautiful 💕

| November 16, 2018 |
( Unbelievably Beautiful Creation )
" What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create. " - Buddha
I think it's time for us to realize the inner beauty of ourselves though people might not get it instantly but we have an idea that we may know ourselves, each day, deeper and meaningful. Everyone is confused about their true personality, because they don't take time to appreciate themselves, they see their real identity to others being better if they would be given a chance. If we remind ourselves that we are loved by the people around us, becoming positive evey single day of our lives, definitely, the result could be even greater to what we are expecting.
In this week's reflection impressed me to grow in the beauty of ourselves, nonetheless, what it aims to our adolescence level is to nurture the real identity of ourselves and know the importance of each aspects of our lives. Teenagers depend on its society, what comments or compliments they throw through social media accounts, by people's judgement towards their appearance and traits, and so much more, basically, teenagers can be so called "society dependent", reality hurts but that's the truth. Maybe because we don't see the traits and characteristics that people expects to us personally that's why we rather choose to bring up ourselves to the "reality of the world" which is to imitate one's self identity just to please others in order for them to like you as a human being born in this crucial, judgemental society that grows even wider because of out of control at times.
So know your worth, the moment you realize that you aren't, come to think of how God gave His mercy and unending love to this sinful humanity and world just to forgive each one of us.
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Season 1 : Episode 7 (Finale)
WEEK 7 - Hello Little Sisters 🌿

| November 9, 2018 |
( Welcome To My Humble Abode, Dear Sisters! )
" Excellence is never an accident; it is the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, skillful execution, and the vision to see obstacles as opportunities. " - Anonymous
The more you expect bigger future to yourself and to others around you, the more you will see the beauty of your perseverance to let everything happen. Plant knowledge in your open mind, don't hesitate to excel and explore in this world full of hatred and pride. There isn't wrong if you always expect and give the best, it's not just you who will benefit but also the people who trust and believes in you. So do not be contented on the status of your life right now.
So last week, I've noticed a problem about my plant because instead of sprouting in no order and plenty yet it turned out to have only one big sprout. I have extra seeds so I’ve decided to plant the rest beside the sprout, and as our normal routine, I water it everyday and speak positivities to it. Now, it turned out successfully, I never knew those seeds would still grow but I’m impressed to it’s outcome. Just take a look and give appreciation to that tiny little sisters of my big sprout.
In this week, the lesson that I've learned is to not get contented about the status of your life if you are still in the level of immaturity but as well as be contented on what you have right now in your life, treasure each and everything. Why not to be contented about the status of your life? Because we all believe that everyone is in the process of development in their intellectual being but some are not aware of it that is why they choose to stay and just accept what they are and not to who they really are if they would try to pursue in seeing the better version of themselves. I've realized that the knowledge, advice, and the word of God is being planted in my life, and as soon as I see myself improving and developing, I continue to do more, see more, and expect more.
If we're not yet matured enough to handle problems and difficult situations, then let yourself be open to corrections for the betterment of ourselves.
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Season 1 : Episode 6
Week 6 - Beauty In It's Purest 🥀

| November 2, 2018 |
( Appreciation Of Beauty Makes Everything Better )
" Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises. " - Pedro Calderon de la Baca
Lately, I've found out that my plant should sprout in no particular order meaning it should sprout not just one but many. I felt worried about my plant if it will grow from my expectations, but besides, I appreciate how it turned out in week 6. I appreciate it's growth and development and I love and will always love what I see about my plant.
In this week, I will reflect about how gratitude and appreciation to a particular person gives big impact to their personal being. Our school's UN event has been stressful to us, but the major part is the dance. We need lots of time for preparation, we need to exert efforts and sacrifices. I volunteered myself to teach every steps of the Columbian's Bambuco Antioqueño dance, to overview each steps, it's really hard to understand and execute, but I did my best in doing it for the class. It's been 4 weeks since we started the practice and so far we ended up successfully and we finished the whole music. But inside that 4 weeks of efforts and sacrifices that I did, no one was able to appreciate. Well, I don't expect that much from them, if I see them in good situation then I'm happy, because what I wanted for them is to learn the steps easily. Reality and truth hurts, that people around you doesn't show and realize all your efforts but they do appreciate the small things that someone did but not for them. I still love each and everyone's imperfections and mistakes, I love the way how we unite as one class.
However, life must go on, still in the midst of that roller coaster cycle of life. We just need to appreciate and be grateful for all the small and big things around us. Life is not just about receiving compliments, it's about how you make it beautiful in your own way.
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Season 1 : Episode 5
WEEK 5 - The Bright Side Of Life ✨

| October 26, 2018 |
( Beautifully Sprouted )
" Life is a mirror, what you see as your outside always comes from your inside. " - Anonymous
We have this two sides of our life, the dark one and the bright one. It's up to us which side we wanted to live in though there are people behind us who tell us what is the right thing to do. We exist to see the beauty of life and creation so why not live with the bright side and share it with others. Everything is a matter of influence and impact to other people, we desire to see the good for them but we try to keep it all by ourselves because we always oversee to the possible outcome. A stone-hearted person doesn't show the real beauty and worth of life. Know what is right and what is good, don't just keep it, we are planted in this world to become a difference and a voice to others. With what I've experienced, I realized that there really is a bright side of life, my eyes were only controlled by the world and I am not aware with it.
As soon as I see that the sun shines towards my plant and it nurtures every single part of it, I wanted to live my life better without minding the voices of negativities.
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Season 1 : Episode 4
WEEK 4 - I See The Sunshine 🌞👀

| October 19, 2018 |
( Getting Healthier, Bigger Leaves )
" Keep your face always towards the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you. " - Walt Whitman
The sun is the main components of the growth of the plants and just like us, humans, we need this kind of source. It represents the positivity around us, the more we get into it, the more chances we grow in living. Base on my experience from the past years, I let negative people ruin the dreams I slowly build and even in my mind, I keep on hearing thoughts like "You're not gonna make it!". So I always remind myself to not keep the sunshine maintain inside my pockets all the time.
Everyday, I expect great things that will happen to my plant. Seeing it's flowers from different pictures on the internet makes me more excited and it gives me the perseverance to continue what I've started.
We are all surrounded with shadows of fear but be the change you wanted the world to see.
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Season 1 : Episode 3
WEEK 3 - In The Process Of Growth 🍃

| October 12, 2018 |
( "You're getting a little bit taller buddy!" )
" Those little things can add up to make a big difference. " - Tim McAvoy
Even a small changes from yourself can be noticed by other people. It's not about the improvements of your physical appearance but what matters most is the changes and developments from within.
I never realized and believed at first that talking to your plant makes a big impact to its growth, it seems crazy but its definitely real. I practiced speaking positive things about my plant like how beautful it will become someday, I share my stories everyday and spend even a short time.
The joy in our heart should maintain and continue 'til the end. I love how the world and our society will react and notice the difference we had. Appreciation to one another mustalso be considered in our daily basis, because it motivates each one of us to do more and better for other people and for ourselves. Jiust take a break and seize the moment of how the world can be if every individual do the same thing.
The process may be too long, but if you patiently wait for the best outcome of your perseverance, it would all be worth it until you see it.
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Season 1 : Episode 2
WEEK 2 - Welcome To The World 🌱

| October 5, 2018 |
( Tiny Sprout, Big Dreams, High Hopes! )
" Every single thought is like a seed, it needed to be sprouted with actions. A dormant seed would never become a giant tree. " - Words by Din
An overwhelming heart paused for a while, says "Wow!" to this plant and a shout of rejoicing with my feet jumping happened on this day when I visited my plant. At first, I don't believe that this plant will grow because in the packaging of the seeds that I bought from the market, it says that it grows in a span of 16 - 20 weeks in a good condition of weather. But despite of the negative thoughts in my mind, I encouraged my plant that it will have a flower someday.
This week, I've learned trust not just with my plant but to all the people around me. I know that it takes time to earn trust with someone but if we try to open our hearts and minds, we will be amazed on how smooth the flow of our lives is.
Just in addition. Whenever I see the picture of this plant, the memories from back then always flashes in my mind and it seems nostalgic everytime I remember it.
There are so many chances, and we were only given few of those. So we must keep in mind that loosing another opportunities ahead of us will never happen again.
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Season 1 : “Pilot Episode”
WEEK 1 - The Beginning Of Everything 🌏

| September 28, 2018 |
( Pot, Soil, Seeds and Water )
" The tiny seed knew that in order to grow, it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered with darkness, and struggle to reach the light. " - Sandra Kring
I came to this world without anything, no money, no friends, no relationship, and even knowledge, but as soon as I open my eyes, i see it's beauty and life became meaningful and worthy to live. With the help of every people nurturing us with the needed knowledge of our lives, all must be grateful. Yes, negativities will sooner or later pass behind and ahead of us simply because we are human and we all grow and learn from it. Knowing the purpose of our existence makes us motivated to live life to the fullest. Realizing how unworthy we are to receive God's love, mercy and grace by sacrificing His one and only son for the redemption of our sins, there is a purpose, our lives has a value in the very own eyes of the Darling of heaven.
Having a chance to grow a plant makes me become more responsible about my whole being. My subject teacher thought us how everything would work, you must say positive and motivating words, do such usual things like watering plants, just the way you wanted to be treated by others in your community.
We begin and must finish the race with hearts full of passion and excellence, that's what matters 'til the end of our goal.
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