7 Probable Reasons Even The Best Hair Regrowth Treatment Fails
Who doesn’t want lush and long hair? It is one of the most sought after desires in the world. Women are ready to spend any amount of money and try any remedy or hair product to achieve longer, shinier, and fuller mane.
Alas, not all are successful in their endeavors.
What is it that makes them fail in their efforts?
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Probable reasons for the failure of your hair loss treatment
·       You are not following any of the top 10 tips for hair regrowth.
·       You are malnourished and don’t know. Please consult a dietician to rule out a possibility of a nutritional deficiency. Deficiency of protein, iron, selenium, zinc, or other mineral or vitamin affects hair growth cycle.
·       You are using harsh shampoos and other hair products. They usually contain strong detergents like sulfates that, over time, make your hair drier and weaker, encouraging their premature fall and breakage.
·       Your shampoo contains synthetic chemicals that produce toxic formaldehyde gas and other toxic substances.
·       You are rough in handling hair. You jerk or pull them while combing, keep them tied all the time, especially in tight hairstyles, and rub the strands vigorously with a towel to dry them. Stop all these hair-unfriendly activities now!  
·       Your hair is falling due to some underlying medical condition. Please consult a doctor for a health checkup. In this case, no amount of hair growth treatment would work unless you address the real cause.
·       You are excessively stressed for a long time.
What new treatments can you try?
Apart from the top 10 tips for hair regrowth, you can try newer and advanced treatments that have arrived in the hair care front. Certain advanced formulas are available in the form of supplements. Please consult a doctor and start using them.
You can also try laser hair regrowth treatment comb. It is a brand new treatment that has already started getting raving reviews thanks to its effectiveness.
Remember, good hair care combined with appropriate treatment creates beautiful results.
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Minoxidil is one of the most acceptable and effective ways to regrow hair. Originally an anti-hypertensive drug, minoxidil’s hair growing property caught the attention of doctors when they administered this drug to hypertensive patients.
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When we talk of hair, we talk of hair strands, their texture, hair follicles, cuticles, and so on. But we hardly talk of skin. Some of you may wonder why talk of skin when talking of hair, right?
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When we talk of hair, we talk of hair strands, their texture, hair follicles, cuticles, and so on. But we hardly talk of skin. Some of you may wonder why talk of skin when talking of hair, right?
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Ever tried massaging warm coconut oil on scalp? This is one of the most effective remedies to encourage hair growth. The oil, which is derived from the meat and milk of coconut fruit, is a healthy non-sticky oil, ideal for application on hair and skin, say dermatologists.
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A plethora of hair growth formulas are available in the market. At times, it becomes confusing to choose the right formula. Not every formula agrees with every type of hair. Also, you must know the cause of hair loss to choose the right treatment.
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Hair loss is a problem that has left many an expert clueless. It has triggered a host of research and studies, experiments, and debate. The fact that there is no single reason for hair loss makes the problem more complicated.
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Hair loss is a problem that has left many an expert clueless. It has triggered a host of research and studies, experiments, and debate. The fact that there is no single reason for hair loss makes the problem more complicated.
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Minoxidil, a name that’s synonymous with hair loss solutions, started out as a component in the medication prescribed to people suffering from high blood pressure. Upon usage, several patients spoke of experiencing dense hair growth.
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One of the key causes of hair loss, according to a new study by trichologists, is the use of harsh shampoos. They contain a string of synthetic compounds, which your hair don’t actually need.
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As it comprises lactic acid which is believed to cleanse the scalp by removing dead cells, when using yogurt for hair growth, do know that benefits will accrue. It will encourage hair follicle growth which will add density to your scalp hair.
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Losing hair and at your wits’ end about what to do? Rather than fretting about this and that, like what chemicals cause hair loss or which shampoo is the best for hair fall, read the list given below carefully to put an end to hair loss
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With cases of rampant hair loss on the rise among even the very young, the world is indeed facing a hair emergency. What usually was to be the bastion of elderly males in earlier times, hair loss is slowly affecting people of all genders and ages across the globe.
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Hair loss is a common problem among men and women. It affects an individual’s self esteem and make them look and feel unattractive. At times, it is puzzling to find locks of hair on your comb or hand. You just don’t seem to know why they are falling in large numbers. And this makes it more frustrating
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Using hair loss shampoos and taking pills to combat the problem of hair loss are fine measures. However, nature has given us a series of ingredients that can help to fight hair loss. Most of these ingredients are easily available in our kitchen.
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The exact mode of working of minoxidil is not yet known. Doctors believe that, because it is a vasodilator, it dilates blood vessels so that they transport more oxygen and nutrients to hair follicles. It is also found that minoxidil helps to increase follicle size, so it can help in cases wherein follicle shrink and stop producing hair.
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Does Cell Phone Cause Hair Loss?
Hair loss is a problem that has left many an expert clueless. It has triggered a host of research and studies, experiments, and debate. The fact that there is no single reason for hair loss makes the problem more complicated.
Causes for hair loss are many. At times, it is a combination of causes. In some cases, it’s nothing but body’s way of coping with physiological stress such as surgery, childbirth, or menopause.
As the world advances in technology, yet one more cause for hair loss has cropped up. It is cell phone. But does cell phone cause hair loss? Experts are busy finding a definite answer for this question.
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Research results
As research and studies on this subject is going on, results show that electro magnetic frequency (EMF) emitted by gadgets like cell phones contribute to hair loss. Hair experts have observed cases wherein patients complained of hair loss near the temples and behind the ears. They were avid users of cell phones.
Experts advised them to wear ear phones and keep their cell phones at a distance of more than six feet. They did. It was found that their hair loss reduced within a few weeks.
This shows that cell phones do have a role to play in hair loss.
More research papers have been published indicating that EMF can trigger hair loss. Yet, there are some experts who do not believe that cell phones can trigger abnormal fall of hair.
While the research and debate goes on, the best thing for you to do is keeping your phones a little away from the body. One thing is certain – they do emit EMF.
Meanwhile, you can use essential oils for hair growth. Use ear phones. Keep your cell phone six feet away, especially when you sleep. This is an important step not only for hair, but also for your brain. Research has established that EMF can disturb the frequency of your brain.
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