kenziesspacedout · 1 year
*knock* * knock*
a gift 💝
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And what a beautiful gift it is! 🥰
Take the Edge Off
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Word Count: Almost 550
Warnings: Bucky Barnes, E.S.C., slight -br*eeding, written on my phone.
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Bucky tried to concentrate on the conversation going on around him. He really did. But how could he when he knew you were waiting for him? How could he not count down the seconds until he was back with you?
Until he was inside you again?
Like he had been hours before. 
"This is your fault, doll," Bucky groaned as he stretched over you, chuckling darkly in your ear when you tried and failed to shake your head. "Bending over in front of me like that. Practically begged me to slide my dick home, didn't you?"
You cried out with every forceful movement of his hips, possessiveness flowing through his veins as you clutched the sheets. He was the one who told you not to wear underwear. You were being good by complying to his wishes. Naturally he had to use it against you. 
Which was why you found yourself facedown and ass up in your bed while Bucky nearly pummeled your insides. 
He chuckled again as he put a hand to the back of your neck and leaned up to pound into you with hard, deep strokes. "You're gonna take everything I give you. Gonna fill your pretty pussy up. Make you round and full of me," he promised, moaning when your walls fluttered around him. 
"Bucky," you moaned, nearly drooling on the sheets when he fucked you harder. The bedframe smacked the wall, adding to the sounds of pleasure the two of you let out. "I-"
"If you can still say anything besides my name, I'm not doing this right," he snarled, slipping his other hand between your legs to rub your clit. His touch had you clamping around him, ready to fall over the precipice. "You're gonna milk my cock 'til I leak out of you. And you're gonna beg for me to do it all over again tonight. Do you understand me?"
You whimpered his name as he smirked. The way you clenched around him and tried to push your hips back, you needed your release. He was the only one who could give it to you. And he'd paint your insides with every drop of himself the way you deserved. 
"You can take me. I know you can," he praised, bending over you once again to press a kiss to your warm neck. "Now keep my dick nice and wet. Give it to me. Come."
You reached back to grab his hair as you moaned with your release, the dark strands twisting in your fingers as your cunt got overwhelmingly tight. He didn't let up as you trembled, keeping your body pinned beneath him to chase his own end. He wished he fucked you in front of the mirror to see your blissed out expression, but there was time for that later. 
"Good. Fucking. Girl. Take it."
You moaned again when he filled you to the brim as promised, your walls still pulsing as he branded you as his. 
"That was to take the edge off until I get back," he panted, brushing his lips against your temple. 
Blinking, he realized he missed the question directed his way. He didn't care. All that mattered to him was you, waiting at home for him to take you apart all over again. 
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Love and thanks! 💙
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kenziesspacedout · 2 years
tumblr polls have amplified the human need to vote on things. this place just became the roman senate
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kenziesspacedout · 2 years
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kenziesspacedout · 2 years
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Luke @ GQ's Man of the Year Awards in Sydney
📸: Don Arnold and Lisa Maree Williams for Getty Images
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kenziesspacedout · 2 years
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kenziesspacedout · 2 years
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kenziesspacedout · 2 years
i think "take a hike" is like the funniest response to someone. like dude just get outta here. and go experience the wonder of nature for a bit
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kenziesspacedout · 2 years
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how y’all feelin
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kenziesspacedout · 2 years
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kenziesspacedout · 2 years
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kenziesspacedout · 2 years
I think now that queens dead they should have her stuffed and put on display in Cairo for the next 150 years.
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kenziesspacedout · 2 years
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kenziesspacedout · 2 years
My dash right now:
the queen rests in luxury while the working class starves
Sans fanart!
random unrelated post
While we celebrate, it is important to remember the effect this will have on nationalism, white supremacy, and poor people. The Queen's death has not removed the system that put her in place, and many countries, including Britain, still suffer under the British monarchy's rule.
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kenziesspacedout · 2 years
Try to have some respect the queen just DIED. It's not like she was evil or anything
And why should I do that for the head of a family that oversaw the British Empire's legendarily brutal concentration camps in colonialist Kenya during the 1952-1960 Mau Mau rebellion, has personally and repeatedly shielded credibly accused rapist Prince Andrew and tried to get the scandal to go away, personally paid Andrew's financial settlement while the family treated Meghan Markle terribly and gave her none of the same protection, exerted a huge amount of control over UK public finances without any transparency or disclosure (while also receiving huge amounts of that money), got to personally edit laws according to her likes and dislikes, enjoyed sweeping legal immunities that are described as a "threat to UK democracy," is the most visible figurehead of British colonialism even as her descendants put on a horribly tone-deaf Caribbean tour (twice in one year!) that was basically about unreconstructed imperial imagery of the kind that is poisoning Britain, while the entire country buys into the fantasy that she is an impartial, uninvolved, kindly and benevolent grandmotherly figure....?
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kenziesspacedout · 2 years
Also the tattoo roulette is more evidence for the pain kink
he was bricked up on main
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kenziesspacedout · 2 years
autistic anger issues are So Much. i have my temper more under control now in that i rly dont yell/lash out anymore but i do regularly boil inside with incandescent uncontainable rage over something inconsequential and then it evaporates in the span of ten minutes. incomparable
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kenziesspacedout · 2 years
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Pairing: MMA!Fighter Ari x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Oral (fem receiving), overstimulation, beefy Ari, brief mentions of blood (during a fight with his opponent)
A/N: Written on my phone.
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Ari stares down at his opponent, blood dripping down the side of his face, deep blue eyes wild and unfocused. His broad chest heaves as he cracks his neck, flexing his massive fists, draws back his arm to land another devastating punch.
The dull roar in his ears fades, one singular voice piercing through the haze.
“Levinson stop. Goddamn it, get off of him. Now!” Clint screams, ducking under the ropes to climb on the mat.
Ari blinks, wiping his face with the back of his hand. One glance down at Brock’s mangled nose and he grimaces.
“My bad,” he states with a shrug, placing a hand on his knee, he pushes himself to a standing position. Jumping on his heels, he stretches his arm over his head.
“Your bad,” Clint sputters, running his hand over hair. He sighs, his eyes darting between the unrepentant Ari and the groaning Brock. “Your-fuck it.” He sighs, clutching his fist to his forehead. “Good job Levinson. We got two days until your match so I need you to calm down enough to finish training. Get rid of some this excessive energy, okay? We’re running out of men willing to spar with you.”
“That’s not my-“ Ari closes his mouth, playfully raising his hands when Clint glares at him, muttering threats through gritted teeth. “I’m going, I’m going.”
Ari steps out of the ring, a devious smirk pulls at his lips. Oh, he knows exactly how to work off some of his energy. He hopes you stretched. 
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You’re on your way to bed when you get his text. Staring at the two blunt sentences, you can practically hear his deep timbre whispering them in your ear. Fuck. It’s visceral-the way your body just instantly reacts to the thought of him, needing him instantly. Especially since his upcoming match means you’re both deprived thanks to his no sex before a match rule.
It’s not fucking fair.
You have Ari in peak form, even bigger than usual from his hours at the gym, his tanned, tattooed muscles testing the strength of all his shirts, his large hands bruised and calloused dangling in front of your face like a five star dessert and he won’t let you touch him until after the fight. He’s been stomping around the house, full of pent up aggression and you want him to take all of it out on you.
The only things keeping you from spontaneously combusting or begging on your knees are the memories of the last time he got like this, the things he did to your body after he won-oh god you’ve never experienced so much pleasure in your life. You didn’t walk right for a week. He wasn’t joking when he said you were going to feel him inside you for days.
You look at the message again. Indecision and lust clouding your judgement. Tapping your foot on the carpet, your brow knit together as you study his words. Is this a test? Do you say yes because your pussy is saying fuck yes with every pulsating throb? Does he want you to say no so he can use it to get more worked up for the fight?
When the throb turns into a heartbeat between your thighs, you have no choice but to type out a quick “yes please.”
“Good, because I’m already here, Bunny,” his baritone voice washes over you, drowning out your startled squeak.
Before you can glance over your shoulder, everything becomes a blur. You’re pushed down on the bed, your hands sliding forward as he lifts your ass up. Your toes scrape the soft fibers of the carpet. Panties ripping off. Massive hands gripping your ass. And then his warm, wet, soft tongue delves between your folds while his rough beard grazes across your sensitive thighs.
And he licks one long strip from your dripping slit all the way to your clit. So fast it takes a second for the sensations to register. Then they hit you. Hard and fast. And you let out a low, needy moan that urges him on. Another long lick followed by a slow suck of your clit into his warm mouth. Two long fingers push inside you, curling to find the spot that has you keening as he lavishes your pussy with attention.
He’s unhinged. Feral. Primal.
Ari’s not eating you like your dessert, he’s fucking you like you’re the very air he needs to breathe.
“Shit Ari, oh god,” you pant, grasping the sheets in your fists, eyes rolling back.
You can’t close your mouth or stop the animalistic noises from spilling out, you definitely can’t escape from his talented, devoted tongue.
Ari has you pinned between him and your bed so you have no choice but to take every ounce of pleasure he’s giving you
Pressure builds inside you, the coil becoming tight and hot with every drag of his fingers across your spot, the fast flicks blend with soft kisses until you’re delirious. “Ohgodohgod,” you cry out, a scream clawing it’s way up your throat. “Ohmyfuckinggod Ari!”
You don’t recognize the noise you just made. He does. Ari grins into your pulsing, sweet little pussy and goes even faster, taking everything from you until you go taut, fine tremors wracking down your spine. Your orgasm whips through you, colorful stars explode behind your eyelids and pure bliss surges through your veins.
You’re still floating on your high when he picks you up and tosses you in the middle of the bed. “Damn, that was good. You feel better? Cause I do,” you say breathlessly.
Ari waits until your eyes open and he stares down at you, his blue eyes darkened with heady desire and he slowly lowers his large body between your thighs. He smirks even as he shakes his head. “I’m still really stressed, Bunny.” There’s a dangerous tinge to his softly spoken statement. “They gave me explicit instructions to get rid of all my stress before I can go back to the gym. And since I can’t fuck you the way I want, I’m going to have to eat you until I feel better.”
Not taking his eyes off yours, Ari traces his name across your swollen clit, watching as your back arches off the bed. “I’ll let you know when I had enough. Now grab the headboard and hold on Bunny. I’m going to need a few more orgasms from this pretty little pussy.”
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