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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
Hi! I have the same question as you about the mentioning with reblogs. Personally, I don't think I will use reblogs in my project but I do think it would be a great way to show discourse community in the project. You could do this by creating a few brief reblogs of fan responses or studio responses and adding to the conversation that way. As far as your apology question, I don't think it would be necessary in the context of your show. If you do feel the need to add an apology it could be in the form of a reblog to an upset fan. However, I would recommend directing fans to communities to further discuss or share fond memories of the show, if the studio wants to continue a community in the space. I hope this helps a little and good luck!
Peer Request-On Angry fan/TV Movie Studio Co posts...
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I picked a nature documentary type television show on oceans as the genre of Favorite Show with John Doe as the host, cancelled after 27 years. In analyzing my audience, I believe they have a lot of public service backgrounds in science/medical/education, are students, or who live near the ocean; all care about the ocean and the show, but through the analysis they also care about the way they communicate in a public setting, even when they are mad. I worded many of the posts to show their disappointment, but I kept the anger more so contained because I don't believe the majority of that audience would go too off the handle, more so disappointed.
Attached is only a screenshot, and some of my posts are not shown that do include hashtags towards the show to bring together community. With the space being Tumblr, do you think I should add/edit to the posts for the angry fan commenters to communicate with each other through mentioning reblogs on the posts to reinforce the community of the digital space they had with Favorite Show?
Also with the Tv Movie Studio Co's comments in response to the angry posts, I kept them relatively short and added empathy to them but without apology, do you think rather if the co wants to continue a community digital space to support their cause for oceans after the show's cancellation that they should apologize to the audience/viewers? Thank you!
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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
Hi! I think your post does exactly what you want it to. The way your posts insinuates the show MIGHT come back to keep fans at bay but plugs another show seems to be the way many real studios handle these situations. My only suggestion would be to capitalize certain words like "TRULY" or "DIFFICULT" to appear as though the studio cares while suggesting other shows by the studio to continue that attitude of the studio not really caring. I hope this helps a little and good luck!
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Peer review request:
Does this give the vibe of a company trying to save face, but not actually caring about the audience and their feelings? That’s what I’m going for lol.
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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
I love how you added the signature at the end, it's a really nice touch! Overall, I think your responses are well thought out and convey a supportive and comforting feeling to fans of the show. I would suggest directing your posts to foster some interaction between fans, this way there is a little more variety and opens up the conversation a bit more. I plan to do this by having a response that directs fans to certain communities on Tumblr, but for Instagram you could direct angry fans to fan pages. Hope this helps and I wish you luck!
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Peer Request
I created seven TV Movie Studio Co. Response posts. Here are about 4 of them. This is just my draft but how do my responses to angry fans sound?
I chose to use Instagram as my social media platform and have already found several templates on canva.
How did everyone else do with their responses?
If your comfortable do you mind sharing your response posts ?
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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
Peer Request!
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Hey y'all! These are my draft posts and I'm wondering if you guys have any tips on how to make my posts sound specific to my show? My shows genre is horror (based loosely off of American Horror Story) and I am having trouble thinking of ways I can make my posts specific to the show. I thought about creating fake references that the posts could use or creating a fake villain character for fans to compare the studio to, but I would appreciate any tips you all have. Thanks in advance and good luck to all!
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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
The Appeal of Long Podcasts
The appeal of long podcasts is fairly similar to the appeal of long Youtube videos. Podcasts are an easy way for people to stimulate their brain while physically focusing on a different task. For example, listening to a podcast while you work out, paint, go on a walk, etc. It seems as though the main appeal nowadays is the way you can access nearly any genre of podcast. There are so many different accounts on many platforms that upload podcasts tailored to very specific interests, meaning nearly everyone would be able to find a podcast that appeals to them. Podcasts also tend to feel like an accomplishment once one is finished. This keeps listeners wanting more and leaves them feeling a little better than they did before, regardless of the content.
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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
The Appeal of Long Youtube Videos
I personally enjoy viewing long Youtube videos because I am able to multitask while watching or listening. I found long Youtube videos to be a fun addition to crafting or cleaning because I don’t always feel like I have to intently watch the video. The main appeal for others appears to be the way creators talk in these videos. Oftentimes, long video creators employ a different speech pattern compared to creators who make shorter videos, such as speaking more relaxed, using ‘trendy’ words, or making meme references to keep the viewer intrigued. By doing this, the viewer doesn’t seem to notice they are watching a 15-20-30 minute video and allows them to keep listening/watching.
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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
My Fave TV Show
One of my favorite TV series is American Horror Story. For those who have not seen the show, it is essentially an anthology series where each season has a different storyline/time period/cast. This show will help with this assignment as I plan to base Favorite Show around a horror TV show. By using American Horror Story as inspiration, I can use aspects from each season to create my show and further understand audience anger. American Horror Story often has fans complaining about certain storyline and casting decisions, so having that firsthand experience of watching an angry fandom posting about their complaints will help a lot when I make my sample posts.
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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
Dr. P Check-In
After doing our content analysis project, I had some questions about content strategy. My definition of content strategy is how a creator plans to pose content to a target audience, however I am beginning to wonder if that is too broad. Am I thinking about content strategy too broadly? To me, it seems like the definition is supposed to be broad because strategies can vary from creator to creator. So, I guess I’m wondering, should I be including specific aspects in my personal definition? Is content strategy supposed to be a broad topic? Am I reading too far into this? @npfannen
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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
Hi! Overall, I really like how you designed your document! I love how you added the pictures and details to draw in your target audience. The only thing I would recommend if you wanted to keep it on one page is adding little text boxes to highlight your tips and tricks and other important points. This way you can keep the reader engaged and break up the text for clarity. I hope this helps! Good Luck!!
Peer Request
I started a draft for our how to write guide. I am planning on using this canva document for my tips and tricks since I will be creating them for early hood educators on instagram I felt as if this doc was appealing and as a future early childhood educator I’d consider reading it. I know when ever I see anything presented nice with lots of color and information that doesn’t look to long I’m sold.
I am still adding in my brief overview on what it is I’m evening offering in this “post”for my intended audience. I am also still formatting where I want to put everything I’m thinking of creating potentially a second page.
Any recommendations on how I can better this document? Any tips ?
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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
Hey! I understand the feeling, I had some issues figuring out how to transfer document text to a slideshow. For me, I looked at what I had written in my proposal, draft, and notes then categorized the information. Since you are using PowerPoint, I would suggest taking notes on whats written in your document. This way you are identifying the important points and able to expand on those points a bit easier and with more clarity. I hope this helps a little! Good Luck!!
Peer Request
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For my title slide I felt as if it would be good to have my primary example on the front page (Alfabusa's Hunter the Parenting) a visual novel of sorts set and animated in white wolfs world of darkness setting. as one of the main topics i intend to touch on due to it having the most art made of it from official sources I felt that it was an extremely visually striking opening paired with the title of The power of lore grabbing the readers attention now moving forward I am not sure how id like to format the remaining content I have pages upon pages of narrative how and why but putting it from document to PowerPoint seems rather daunting. Id greatly apreciate any advice that yall could give.
thank you
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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
Hi! I think your language is great for your audience! Also, your format is easy to follow and engages the reader by talking to them. My recommendations for working through the guide is to 1) keep the same language/pov and 2) use color, images, or different fonts to emphasize important idea. You got this! Good luck!!
Peer Review Week Post!
Is this language appropriate for an audience of teacher content creators of TikTok to understand how to assess who their audience is? I am having a hard time creating my HTWG, so any and all feedback is appreciated! Thanks in advance!
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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
Peer Request
For my H2WG I decided to to a slideshow since I think it would be the best format for my intended audience. I am using Youtube for this assignment, so I wanted to keep the color scheme similar and present the information in a way that is fairly entertaining. I will be adding more images and transitions (for text and slides), along with changing the fonts. I am wondering if there is anything I should add to give it that Youtube feel? My slide titles use mostly internet language or look similar to a Youtube video title and I will likely revise my actual text to fit that theme as well. Does anyone have any tips for using internet language in this context? Should I even commit to using internet language or keep it 'professional'?
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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
Peer Request
When I drafted my content analysis, I wanted to break up the text portions with subheadings to make sure I was answering all the questions. These subheadings would also be a way for me to ensure clarity and focus in my writing. The more I work with this outline, the more I feel a little unsure about my strategy. My main worry is that I may write too little or have too much overlap in content. I still plan on breaking up my text with subheadings, but my question is should I break it up less? What outline methods are working for you? Should I scrap this outline and try something else? Thanks y'all!
*I picked a random page of my content analysis for my image, the subheadings correspond with the questions on the content analysis project document*
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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
H2WG: What Matters About My Audience
The audience of my chosen content mostly cares about hearing social media drama accompanied by jokes or personal relation to the drama. In the Youtube space, the audience gravitates towards creators and content that keep them hooked. For my chosen accounts, the audience appeals to personalism and attempts to be relatable through jokes. There is a generally unserious approach to making this type of content and there are ways to rework the content to make it unique. Also, within this space, the audience is able to consider many creators who upload similar content and allows users to decide who they enjoy watching more.
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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
H2WG: Hardest Part of Content Creation?
The hardest part of my content creation will likely be filming and planning a rough script. The content I will be basing my work on often has jokes made on the fly and the conversations are rarely scripted. I will have to practice what I want to say but also know enough about the topics to speak candidly to give a more personal feel. I am also planning for many redo’s and mistakes during filming that may set me back a little. Ultimately, being able to foster a certain feeling of personalism and relatability through a video will be the biggest struggle.
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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
H2WG: Easiest Part of Content Creation?
The easiest part of my content creation will likely be figuring out my topics. The content I am analyzing focuses on current social media drama or news in pop culture while keeping the conversation humorous and relatable. I plan to find these topics from drama accounts and from observing what are TikTok users are focusing on. I also believe the process of creating this content will be fairly easy for me. I tend to ramble about random topics, so this does not feel much different. Since I am basing my content on podcast-like videos, I will not have to worry too much about editing or cutting parts of the video.
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kenneth26 · 2 months ago
Dr. P Check-In
I had a few questions about the Content Analysis Project and the How to Write Guide. Firstly, for the How to Write Guide, is there a specific format we should use for the title page? Also, since I will be making a video for my content portion, should I include a link or figure out how to insert the video into the document? For the Content Analysis Project, are we supposed to include anything from the How to Write Guide? I noticed there is overlap between the two and was unsure if we are to include portions of the Guide in our Analysis. @npfannen
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