kenezbian02 · 5 years
Happiness Will Come To You.
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kenezbian02 · 5 years
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I’m a married man!
Yeah well, I got something to show you. Boy, maybe something will happen ;)
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kenezbian02 · 5 years
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Lindsay said that so sweetly it took me back to the good old 2012 days.
Tip Jar
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kenezbian02 · 5 years
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im emo
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kenezbian02 · 5 years
Alfredo and Gavin and Alec have seen Jeremy's penis
I had an asthma attack about it
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kenezbian02 · 5 years
uh hey. god, this feels weird haha but i was into the ragehappy thing way back in the beginning (i remember when we decided to use ragehappy as a tag) and now im getting back into rt/ah, and it all feels so weird but so good at the same time.
Welcome back boo <3
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kenezbian02 · 5 years
get out of my room, MOM, i’m analyzing homoerotic subtext that doesn’t actually exist
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kenezbian02 · 5 years
Pairing: Matt B/Fiona
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1950
Summary: He could hear Fiona humming quietly to the last song they heard in the car home, her voice carrying softly like a magic spell. He followed it like she was a siren but he didn’t crash onto the rocks like a sailor, instead Matt pulled her up to stand and let her back onto his back with a little bit of choking and one soon-to-be-bruise on his side. But she was piggy backed down the hall to his door and through it to his room.
Notes: @kenzie-no-mc you little shit.
So, these two are now some of my favourites and I thought- put them together- do it.
Also on my AO3 Same name
When Matt finally opened his door to his place he smiled, feeling Fiona shift a little as he piggy backed her through the door. She was quiet and sleepy on his back, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist even though her shoes dug into his hips. She was happy to be carried against Matt’s warm body.
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kenezbian02 · 6 years
kenzie do you remember a blog a while ago, one that was kind of controversial in its portrayal of random, nsfw photos posed as members of RT employees? it was called something along the lines of 'sexy pictures of r/oostert/eeth or something? i keep trying to find it, but i dont know where it went. i remember that you reblogged or posted about it somewhere also? maybe? or am i going crazy?
i think i recall there being one, and then there was controversy over whether it was fake or not?? or maybe it had something to do with kara’s leaked nudes???
i don’t remember, but i hope that by publishing this maybe one of my followers can help us both out
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kenezbian02 · 6 years
Do you still remember the moment you start shipping that couple?
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kenezbian02 · 6 years
Pairing: Jack/Geoff, Trevor/Alfredo, Matt/Jeremy all heavily hinted
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1097
Summary: Geoff rubbed at his eyes, feeling the sandpapery feeling come back from lack of sleep. “Okay everybody, I’d say we head to bed and wake up refreshed to debrief what happened today. Go get some rest and I’ll see you shits whenever. Alright?”
Notes: Fake AH Crew, Alternate Universe - Grand Theft Auto Setting, Hurt/Comfort, Minor Injuries, Jack is a guy in this
Geoff was already snoring when Jack had nudged Michael with his socked foot, one hand in Geoff’s hair and the other holding his book. “Can you get Gavin and Jeremy? It’s time for bed for us all I think.”
“I think you’re right. Okay I’ll get them.” Michael grunted softly as he got up from off the floor, moving to turn off his console and the TV. When he turned around he saw Jack smiling down at Geoff, the older man needing the rest. “I’ll text Ryan and Matt to let them know to be quiet when they get home. Maybe Trevor too if they actually went and picked him up.” Jack just nodded as he softly woke Geoff up.
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kenezbian02 · 6 years
We hit the 100 follower mark, so I wrote a song! A Michael/Gavin song. Yep.
I honestly never thought I’d have this many followers, so thank you!! I love you guys. Sorry about the crappy video quality.
Rage Happy
my name is michael “rage quit” jones and I can get pretty fuckin pissed there’s a lot of things that can offend me but someone’s at the top of my list and your name is gavin gavin free gavino vagino slow-mo homo you mean a lot to me and I’m thankful to a stupid british town that I don’t even know the nae of who ever knew a dumbass like you and me could ever fall in la la la la la la la you’re a stupid guy and a cutie pie and red fills my eyes until I cannot see it’s called rage happy you make me rage happy you make me rage happy rage happy rage happy so let’s go for a wimmy woo just me and you I promise I’ll leave my socks on when we’re playing slender my veins threaten to pop but when we’re kicking ass in contra I think you’re really top there’s only one thing to call these things you do to me it’s not like this with anyone else you make me rage happy
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kenezbian02 · 6 years
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I had to do it to ‘em
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kenezbian02 · 6 years
Okay, so do vampires drink from arteries or veins or both? Asking for a friend.
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kenezbian02 · 7 years
Anyone else ship Yssa and Chad
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kenezbian02 · 7 years
Day 5 of 365 - Cobra Starship, “The City Is At War”
here’s how it goes it’s about who you know
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kenezbian02 · 7 years
raywood? in MY 2017?
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it’s more likely than you think
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