kendolljen-blog · 11 years
I think I'm going to curl up and watch The Breakfast Club and see if that helps. 
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Have some pineapple ice-cream, watch your favourite movie, go for a run, listen to raps and dance along, listen to anything and dance along. Buy your favourite junk food, call your family and talk about everything. Buy your best friend one of their favourite things. You won’t feel sad, you’ll feel happy and I don’t know that’s what I do.
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kendolljen-blog · 11 years
The air in this place is toxic- I woke up in a sad mood and I can't seem to shake it. 
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kendolljen-blog · 11 years
That girl has an amazing set of pipes, absolutely. She's also such a sweetie. Her talent baffles me. And Mac Miller is just as wonderful. 
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Same, Ariana’s voice is so mind blowing, I honestly thought it was Mariah Carey singing. 
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kendolljen-blog · 11 years
Yes, that sounds like it will work just fine. Although if I faint that might mean I could get some brain damage, or get amnesia- and then we'd be in a world of hurt. Just make sure you can remind me who I am when I wake up haha. If you were Kylie, I'd make you spit swear not to tell. However I seriously don't think it's a good idea to have you do that, so we'll just promise and keep it at that. Lips sealed.
Oh god. I could.. catch you when you faint after I compliment you and take care of you until you wake up? Yes? I don't know, I just like to compliment you because I think you deserve compliments. I do love the show. Keeps me entertained when I don't have much to do. Haha, I won't tell them. My lips are sealed.
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kendolljen-blog · 11 years
I was literally just listening to that song I love it so much it's probably not healthy.
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You give me that kind of something, want it all the time, need it everyday. On a scale of one to ten, I’m at a hundred, never get enough, I can’t stay away. 
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kendolljen-blog · 11 years
I don't know how you're supposed to ease me into them! Compliments don't usually come from people like Josh Hutcherson it's a new thing for me! My family loves you too, trust me. Aw, I'm happy you watched the show, like genuinely. I'm totally not judging you whatsoever. I love Kourt! Well of course I love all my sisters but, I can understand why she might be your favorite. Shh don't tell me other sisters I said that either. 
You're so cute. Honestly. I'll make it work, no matter what, and you shall walk that carpet with me! Oh, how am I meant to ease you into them? Ah man, I love your family. Which leads me to admitting that I have watched your show when I had some free time. It's a guilty pleasure, I guess. I only watch it for you and Kourtney, to be honest. Shhhh, don't tell your other sisters.
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kendolljen-blog · 11 years
That sounds like a perfectly perfect deal to me. Now I've got two reasons to be excited for the movie to come out- well more than two but, I'm too lazy to count them all. Ease me into the compliments, okay? I can't just quit being shy about them cold turkey, so I'll need help. You've got a point. Although if the show was scripted that would mean my family wasn't crazy as bat shit, and that might be kind of nice for a few days. But I guess it wouldn't be my family if they weren't all insane. and we probably wouldn't get as many viewers if we were a typical American family. 
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Yeah, I'd rather you go with me than be in that box - buuuut, if you do have to go in the box, I'll make sure I'm the last person then after then interview with me, I'll take you on the carpet with me. Deal? Yeah, you should get used to it, gorgeous. Well you see, your show isn't scripted and you don't play characters so really it's totally different to what I do, so I see why you don't see yor family as cast mates.
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kendolljen-blog · 11 years
She sure did! Aw, sweets, you're too kind. I'm a little excited, pretty full of energy actually. I don't know why it just kind of hit me. I'm also craving starbucks. You should get some caffeine in your system, it might help. 
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Did Kendall Jenner really just call me gorgeous? I’m speechless. Um, I’m slightly tired, at the moment, but I’m sure I’ll get over it, what about yourself?
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kendolljen-blog · 11 years
Well I think I'd rather go with you than go and be in the Bing Box all night- although I totally didn't just say that shhh. Oh my god! I almost forgot about that! That really was a lot of fun. You're going to make me blush again- I have to get used to this whole you calling me beautiful thing. Ah, I see. I've never been in a movie so movie premiere's and casts are a new thing to me. Keeping Up with the Kardashians is my family, so I don't ever really think of them as a cast. 
So was I! Hahah. I hope he does because I loved that interview, I also loved how you had your own reaping bowl. That was awesome. Of course. I'd love to take a beautiful girl like you. No, I'm there as Jennifer's cast mate, not her date.
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kendolljen-blog · 11 years
Hi there gorgeous! How are you doing this afternoon?
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kendolljen-blog · 11 years
I was so excited when the trailer was released, not gonna lie. If Ryan sets Ky and I up for the bing box again then I'll certainly interview you. Oh, really? It's an honor that you'd even consider taking me. You're not like, sworn to go with Jennifer or anything? 
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Haha, oh gosh. Ouu, don’t feel stupid about it, it was great. Well, for newbies you both did a great job. Aw man, I hope you like it. It was amazing to film and I’m super excited to do all the promotion and stuff. Hey, you might be interviewing me again! Or I might even take you to the premier as my date, haha.
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kendolljen-blog · 11 years
@KendallJenner: Some people gossip like they're in grade school. It's pathetic.
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kendolljen-blog · 11 years
I think I need to find a common ground between incredibly too shy and incredibly too weird because right now I'm either one or the other. Thank you, though, that means a lot considering I've felt stupid about that day for awhile now. Kylie and I are kind of new at being on the interviewer side of interviewing. As long as it wasn't painful, that's all that matters! I'm super excited for catching fire, by the way. I saw the hunger games like six times. 
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Well, I try. I know! Far, far too long. Yeah, when you interviewed me - which, by the way, was the best interview ever. You were starstuck? I was overwhelmed by your beauty. Nah, you did great. It was fun.
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kendolljen-blog · 11 years
Okay I'll find something. I just can't think of anything that sounds good right now and that's kind of a bummer. I'm too worried about if you're going to be okay or not to worry about food!
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Yes, I don’t know what’s come over me, at least I don’t have much going on right now. I’m good, just need some TLC I guess. Go and eat now because Demi kills you okay, love. 
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kendolljen-blog · 11 years
Are too. I wouldn't lie to you Juju- you're weird. But I didn't say that was a bad thing!
M’not weird.
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kendolljen-blog · 11 years
I just cannot with you right now you're so sweet. It's been far too long, Josh. When was the last time we talked? The Hunger Games premiere? Which I'm positive I made a complete fool of myself during our interview with you.  I was pretty damn starstruck. 
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But I like it when girls blush. Pfsh, no way. I’m the one talking to perfection. Have you seen you? Just, wow.
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kendolljen-blog · 11 years
I already ship you and Josh I can't help it you're both just rojaijfafd
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