kendaku · 8 years
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Imagine “Inferno Lariat!” or “Darkest Divider!”
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kendaku · 11 years
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The real Banri knows what it feels like to have your own body ruled over by someone else
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kendaku · 11 years
Stop Hating the REAL Banri
why is everyone hating "ghost" banri, he is the original banri. he was there since birth and this "current" banri took everything from him, now he's stuck in the "current" banri's sub conscious watching him live his life, fall love something he can no longer do. The current banri is just an invader that took over "ghost" banri's body. Ghost banri doesnt desrve this, bring back the original personality. Also I started to think, how the heck did Banri leave his body without dying or Astral Projecting? That is, because the fake banri took over his body. This would be funny if it had a twist and then fake banri was actually a demon who possessed "ghost" banri and took his body.
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