Kelly Haynes
933 posts
Third Year Visual Communication Student Arts University Bournemouth
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
FMP Evaluation
The final outcomes for my final major project consist of:
–branding for Purbeck including typography, colour choice, a logo, photography, pictograms and tone of voice –a prototype website –an Instagram page –set of five posters –a promotional leaflet
At the start of the project I was finding it difficult to choose a subject. I eventually chose to look at Purbeck. Due to my dissertation being on place branding, I already had an understanding of the subject and thought Purbeck would be a good place to brand due to it being somewhere I love and visit quite often. I felt Purbeck did not make the most of it’s tourism opportunities and I decided a new identity would bring the place up to date and would encourage an adventurous, younger audience to visit. 
Some key research in my project was the branding for the 1972 Munich Olympics and Otl Aicher’s design for this. His simple pictogram design inspired me to make my own for Purbeck to represent the different activities you can do in Purbeck. Another branding example was for Porto in Portugal which took visual inspiration from the tiles found around the city. I liked how one aspect of the city informed the whole design of the brand. 
This led me to think about what a key part of Purbeck would be that could influence my brand. After quite a few trips to Purbeck and trials of various logo ideas, I decided that Purbeck stone was a huge part of the peninsula’s identity. From this, I developed a logo inspired by dry stone walls with soft edged type for the word ‘purbeck’ and a square block surrounding this. With this I looked at the colours found in Purbeck stone and the landscape to provide me with my colour palette. The natural beauty of Purbeck is one of its main features and brings in a lot of tourism therefore I wanted this to come across in the brand. Photography was a big part of the brand and was used to show the beauty of the landscape, I wanted this photography to entice people in without being too obvious and unauthentic like some tourism photography. A main part of the brand was the idea of exploring. This idea started with ‘unhelpful’ wayfinding that just encouraged people to make their own paths and explore new places and did not tell people where to go specifically. 
I have used these ‘go explore’ and ‘go wander’ quotes on my set of promotional posters. I am happy with how these posters turned out as I think the photography makes you want to visit the place but does not tell them specifically where the place is, the website link is displayed at the bottom of the poster which is where you can find out more information. The promotional leaflet is similar as it is mainly photography based to draw the person in, I wanted the photography to speak for itself therefore I did not include too much text- only a small piece about Purbeck and the web links. 
The website was quite challenging in terms of trying to get a sense of exploration across but I think I have managed this with the four way navigation. I used Xd to create the prototype website but this did have some limitations as it doesn’t allow rollovers or GIFs and also I couldn’t create carousel style images on the landing page like I wanted but I think the simplicity of the landing page makes it stand out and encourages the user to look further. 
I believe my branding would encourage a younger audience to Purbeck but would also be appealing to residents and frequent visitors. My branding is centred around exploring and discovering which I think encompasses Purbeck as a place and allows visitors to experience Purbeck in their own way. Although this project had a slow start, my time management has been good due to getting my primary and secondary research and content sorted quite early. This project has also allowed me to use my photography and illustration skills and to develop my branding abilities. Using quite an unusual subject of a place for branding has encouraged me to think differently about what branding is. I set out in this project to create something I was passionate about and proud of, which I have achieved in my branding of a place that is important to me. Branding is a practice I would love to pursue in my future career, therefore this will be an important project in my portfolio that I will be confident to talk about.
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
A link to my finished website. I only a did one example of each option on ‘activities’ and ‘attractions’ therefore I have included little pointers to recommend where to click. I did a video for hand in of me using the website which included the GIF logo on the landing page as Xd does not support GIF’s. So this link does not include the GIF but it shows how the website works. 
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
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My Instagram page for Purbeck (best viewed on a phone!)
To continue the explorative theme of my branding, the Instagram encourages the user to look further to discover places. The square format works well with my brand due to my logos being based around squares.
Each of the first 3 posts at the bottom of the Instagram page are a set and when you click and look through the post you discover a large photo of a place, on this post the location is tagged and the user has to click on this to find out where the place is. They can then see what other people have posted about the place. The posts with pictograms also are tagged with a location of where you can do the activity in Purbeck. I wanted the branding to come through on the Instagram therefore the pictograms have coloured backgrounds reflecting the colour palette and photography is used frequently as it is an important aspect of the identity. Instagram is a good way for a brand to connect with their audience and have the ability to keep in contact with them 24/7.
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
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Website Mockups
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
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Final Poster Mockups
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
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My chosen photography for website, posters and leaflet.
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
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My final posters after the suggestions made in the tutorial. I’m happy with these and I think they work well as a set. These posters would be displayed to promote Purbeck as a place and encourage people to go and visit. I think the photographs are intriguing and would hopefully make someone look and want to go. Ollie and Sally suggested I use the different logos on each poster and I think this works really well and looks better than just the square logo. I have had to be careful with my colour choices so the reader can read the text due to it being over an image.  Maybe I should include the website on these posters..?
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
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Trying out some designs for my ‘random place generator’ page. when you click ‘pick another’ it refreshes to a new place and you can click on the name to find out more about the place.
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
Tutorial 3/5/18
This was our last group tutorial :( In this tutorial I showed my posters, new flyer and my how my website had developed since last week. Ollie and Sally suggested a few changes to the posters like having some text at the bottom giving more context, different purbeck logos on each and having a set of posters for different activities. My flyer also needed some changes but these print elements shouldn’t take me too long to finish. They also liked the Instagram I had made and didn’t suggest changes, so I will probably put a few more posts up then that will be done. I think the website is going okay. We talked about how I will hand it in and I’m going to do a video – I will need to do a video anyway as some elements of the website require animation as Xd does not support them. 
Overall I think (hope) I am in a good place. I feel confident that my branding is working but I am a little unsure about my website but hopefully I can sort this out soon.
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
Website progress
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
Landing Page: (four direction navigation) – about > a page about Purbeck with social media links. – explore > click on photos of places to discover where they are > these pages have links to nearby places you can visit when you are there. – attractions - museums/ culture (need a name for this) > use icons? – activities - sports etc (adventure) > already got icons for this
Should I include a random place generator button? -on landing page?
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
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I’m struggling with my website quite a lot in terms of how I want the user to discover a place. I think I need to go back and do a proper plan of the website. I like the four direction navigation style of my landing page but this is kind of causing me problems too. As you can see it is really messy at the moment as I’m trying out different ideas for different sections. 
I started to look at weather being a form of deciding where you should go but I’m not sure how successful this is. Initially in the project I didn’t want the weather to decide what people do because sometimes a windy, rainy hike in Purbeck is better than a sunny one! So I’m not sure i like that it is a little limiting. I might just use a weather indicator on the landing page as people may find it useful to know what the weather is like so they can plan their day and choose appropriate clothing and transport. 
Also although Xd is really nice to use, it does have quite a few limitations, I cannot import my GIF logo onto my landing page so I will have to do this in After Effects and you can’t do rollover effects in Xd. But I think the navigation of the website is actually not too bad even without rollovers so I’m not too worried about this at this stage.
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
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Final leaflet
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
I have started designing an Instagram for Purbeck. I have used my ‘unhelpful wayfinding’ quotes with a photo. When you swipe along you reveal more of a photo- I wanted this to be like the user is exploring the post.
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kellyhaynes-aub · 7 years ago
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