keinushi · 8 years
There is, I think, humor here which does not translate well from English into sanity.
Sanya - “Changes” by Jim Butcher (via mikeberggren)
My favorite all time quote from dresden.
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keinushi · 8 years
I believe so. i used to picture him white too, till a friend reminded me that he's black.
I always picture Billy as starting out as your stereotypical white d&d nerd, where cheeto stains would not go amiss, and ending up looking more along the lines of a quarterback.
Forthill to me is a whizzened old man, whispy flyaway hair only on the side of his head. Weak in appearance, but emanating a deep strength that is his faith. But he is also white in my mind, especially after the description of his youth in death masks and the fact that he is a catholic minister.
Dresden Files dream casting IV: Werewolf Edition
[Parts One, Two, and Three]
Wasn’t sure how to group this so feast your face-holes on EVERYBODY ELSE! (listed by book order)
Storm Front
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Christian Bale as Victor Sells (with Katie Holmes as Monica)
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Diane Guerrero as Biance St. Claire
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Dean Norris as Det. Ron Carmichael
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Dave Bautista as Hendricks
Fool Moon
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Mark Ruffalo as Harley MacFinn (I know, I’m a hack)
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Meghan Ory as Tera West (see above re: hack)
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Michael B. Jordan as Billy Borden
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Dakota Fanning as Georgia
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Eric Roberts as Agent Denton (you have no idea how hard it was to not cast Clark Gregg)
Grave Peril
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Viggo Mortensen as Michael Carpenter
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Sigourney Weaver as Charity Carpenter
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Morgan Freeman as Father Anthony Forthill
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Lena Headey as Mavra
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Anne Hathaway as Justine
Summer Knight
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Charlize Theron as Elaine Mallory
Next time I’ll actually do the Denarians, I swear.
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keinushi · 8 years
why did you cast billy and forthill black but carmichael as white?
Dresden Files dream casting IV: Werewolf Edition
[Parts One, Two, and Three]
Wasn’t sure how to group this so feast your face-holes on EVERYBODY ELSE! (listed by book order)
Storm Front
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Christian Bale as Victor Sells (with Katie Holmes as Monica)
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Diane Guerrero as Biance St. Claire
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Dean Norris as Det. Ron Carmichael
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Dave Bautista as Hendricks
Fool Moon
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Mark Ruffalo as Harley MacFinn (I know, I’m a hack)
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Meghan Ory as Tera West (see above re: hack)
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Michael B. Jordan as Billy Borden
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Dakota Fanning as Georgia
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Eric Roberts as Agent Denton (you have no idea how hard it was to not cast Clark Gregg)
Grave Peril
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Viggo Mortensen as Michael Carpenter
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Sigourney Weaver as Charity Carpenter
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Morgan Freeman as Father Anthony Forthill
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Lena Headey as Mavra
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Anne Hathaway as Justine
Summer Knight
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Charlize Theron as Elaine Mallory
Next time I’ll actually do the Denarians, I swear.
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keinushi · 8 years
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Remember when the actions of this woman were considered beyond strange, more on a level of completely insane. Today i watched an episode where she turned those who harmed the environment into trees. She would say things like: "If your not part of the solution, you are part of the problem." And all I can think is, meh. I've know feminists who are crazier then her.
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keinushi · 8 years
You guys just don't get it
I see all these people complaining about stellaris, how its too complex, how its unintuitive, how the ui is hard to navigate, and how the tutorial is useless. But the truth is, this is the easiest to play paradox fame i have seen thus far. Their previous titles i have attempted: Crusader kings and europa. Those were far worse. I watched a tutorial, played the in game one, and still had no clue how to do anything. With stellaris i quickly figured out where everything went, what ships did what, how to research technology, and 2 hours in i was ready for my first restart. 6 incredibly unfair placements later and a complete reprioritizing of my races abilities, i settled on the playthrough i have now. i seperated my starting 3 corvettes and had them scout out new planets, i would then send a science ship to survey promising worlds. My construction ship was never without a job. 36 hours of play later (8 hours a day over 3 days) i built up my cyrrent empire in which i control a third of the galaxy, having conquered 2 races and infiltrated the planets of 2 others. THIS IS NOT CIV 5. A paradox game requires so much more from you, but the returns are worth the investment.
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keinushi · 9 years
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Christmas Classics: Scrooginald
Website - Patreon
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keinushi · 9 years
  The post Wrestling is fake huh? appeared first on GagnGag.
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keinushi · 10 years
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Hatebeak is a black metal band whose lead singer is a parrot. Source
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keinushi · 10 years
Oh my god yesh. Love these two characters, they need more recognition
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Juri: Thaís Ariane
Koto: Kelly Batista
Photographer: Andrey Lourenco
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keinushi · 11 years
This is what I picture as the future for everyone on this site.
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keinushi · 11 years
Screw you! Some people are not built to handle those kinds of situations. And sometimes those situations develop unprovoked. I was nothing but a perfect gentleman to my ex, and she managed to convince a club I had been a supporting member of for three years that I was mentally and physically abusive to her. Me. The guy who was so scared of his strength he refused to spar with any of the female members of the club. 
Sometimes people have mental problems, sometimes they are just psycho bitches.
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How Domino’s Pizza Tracker Saved A Life
This is a story of why dating bipolar girls is not a good idea and how the Domino’s Pizza tracker saved my life
I have always been on the fence when it comes to Pizza Hut Vs. Dominos. I don’t eat enough pizza from either to really have a concrete answer of which one makes a better pie. I can tell you one solid truth… As my last relationship ended and the lies, scandals and deceptions came out, after all was said and done, my psycho ex girlfriend did teach me one VERY important thing:
ALWAYS choose Domino’s over pizza hut.
I had been having trouble with my now EX-girlfriend for quite awhile, I won’t go into details, but let’s just say she went crazy. I thought, simple: I’ll just break it off.
One Friday night, around 8:00pm, after a long week of work and incessant phone calls/psychotic voicemails from the unbalanced EX, I decided I was going to stay in, which one any weekend night is abnormal for me. Usually on weekend nights that I am in, I usually am cool with a movie, a 6 pack and a pizza. I had been ordering from Pizza Hut the last few times, but after a constant bombardment with Domino’s “WE’VE CHANGED OUR SHIT, I SWEAR WE’RE AWESOME NOW” ad campaign, I decided to give it a shot.
Around 8pm, I went online to order my pizza. I built a modest 2 topping medium pizza, and placed my order. You have to love how far we have come in the delivery pizza world.
Immediately afterwards, I was introduced to the piece of a software that would save my neck.
The Pizza Tracker.
Pizza tracker? Fuck yeah, the pizza tracker. If you don’t know what the pizza tracker is, then get your ass online right now and order a pizza from Domino’s. It’s the equivalent of a loading bar on a web browser, except at the end of the loading you get a delicious pizza.
This is where the night got interesting.
I am on my couch, one eye on “Parks and Rec” the other on the pizza tracker displayed on my lap top that joined me on the couch.
We had just entered stage 2: Prep.
For a split second I thought, “woh that was fast,” I put my order in 10 minutes ago and pizza tracker says it’s still in stage 2.
By the end of my thought, the door swung open.
Guess who.
Yep, it was my psychotic EX. Knife in hand, she starts threatening to do some pretty awful things. I try to stand up, she freaks. I stay on the couch and attempt to calm her down. She goes into a hysterical rant about us getting back together, ya right, and I glance at the pizza tracker.
Stage 3. Bake (Juan is putting your order in the oven)
She goes on while all I can think is GO JUAN GO!!!! GET THAT SHIT IN THE OVEN!
I try to calm her down, I stand up and she freaks out and tells me “SIT THE FUCK DOWN!!”
She continues on her violet outburst and I tell her we can work things out hoping to get her to calm down. It’s no use.
I decide I need to try and get to my phone. I inconspicuously try to look for my cell phone. Dammit! I left it my room. I am screwed. I am dead. The pizza man will get blamed for this! Oh, the poor pizza boy will be wrongfully blamed and get life in prison for what this unstable bitch is going to do to me.
FUCK YEAH! They are boxing up my pizza. Get your ass over here!
She continues on for another 5 minutes. Trying to make eye contact, glancing at the pizza tracker every second she looks away.
Stage 5! DELIVERY: Alejandro is delivering your pizza.
Knowing that the Alejandro is on the way, I try and just keep her talking, but the more she talks the more enraged she gets. I try to interupt, but that just makes things worse.
It’s been 10 minutes, Alejandro should be here any time.
She continues, she is yelling at the top of her lungs about the things we could have been. I am still banking that Alejandro will be here any second and save the day.
10 more minutes go by. Alejandro GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR!
SHE IS OFFICIALLY FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. She puts the knife up to her wrist and then takes it away. I am panicking. Where the fuck is Alejandro! Pizza tracker tells me we’re still in stage 5. FUCK YOU PIZZA TRACKER , YOU’VE BEEN IN STAGE 5 FOR 25 MINUTES!!!! I will never order from Domino’s again!!! After this thought I immediately think to myself, I will be dead, so I will probably never order another pizza again.
Right then, the cops come in. At gunpoint they calm her down and obtain the knife. Alejandro had shown up to the door wide open and saw psycho with the knife and went back to his ’98 Honda Accord and called the cops. Domino’s pizza literally saved my life. They should change the name from the pizza tracker to the savior tracker.
Alejandro is the true definition of a hero. In a way, Alejandro is the 5th ninja turtle. He showed up, accessed the situation, didn’t panic, and saved my ass from the bad guys. Oh yeah, and he brought a fucking excellent pizza too.
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keinushi · 11 years
supernatural is literally a show where the bad guys are mass murderers and the good guys are also mass murderers
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keinushi · 11 years
Greatest line ever. In any movie. Of all time.
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keinushi · 11 years
Does anyone remember this or am I alone?
You know what's a fantastic movie? Swan Princess. Its has action. It has a prince going to rescue a princess, it has a princess freeing herself to rescue the prince. It has a story where a man can be proud to be strong, smart, brave, but is still allowed to be weak; and its a movie about a woman who can be beautiful, smart, and brave, even up against impossible odds and challenges. How can you not love this movie? And best of all?! its actually good! It has good jokes, good animation, its clearly for kids but still funny to adults. The music could be better, but its pretty good as well. 
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keinushi · 11 years
You get that, or equal rights. You can't have special treatment and equal rights. You have to choose one. Either you go to work everyday like everyone else, or you stay home with your reduced pay, unequal vote, and chivalry. PICK ONE LADIES!
it thoroughly pisses me off that a woman’s period is not a valid excuse for her to miss work, school, family events, etc. i mean, depending on the person, women can experience anything from headaches to vomiting to excruciating uterine pain to back pain to fevers to nausea to severe breast tenderness to every fucking body pain imaginable and yet in our society, “i have my period” is not acceptable merely because it happens every month.
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keinushi · 11 years
In anime they use it to give 13 year old boys panty shots of the female characters.
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Can be talk about this angle for a second.
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keinushi · 11 years
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