keilang · 4 years
Read Harry Potter with me🧙‍♂️ (1/?)
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
제 일 장: 살아남은 아이 || Chapter one: Surviving Child
Paragraph 1
프리벳가 4번지에 살고 있는 더즐리 부부는 자신들이 정상적이라는 것을 아주 자랑스럽게 여기는 사람들이었다. 그들은 기이하거나 신비스런 일과는 전혀 무관해 보였다. 아니, 그런 터무니없는 것은 도저히 참아내지 못했다.
The Dursleys, who live at 4th Privet Street, were people who took great pride in that they were normal. They seemed to have nothing to do with weird or mysterious things. No, they couldn’t stand such an absurd thing.
프리벳가 4번지에 살고 있는 더즐리 부부는 자신들이 정상적이라는 것을 아주 자랑스럽게 여기는 사람들이었다. 
프리벳가 4번지에 - 4th pivet street  프리벳 = pivet ~가 subject marker 4번지 = (address number) 4 ~에 location marker
살고 있는 - living  살다 = to live 있다 = to be ~ present progressive
더즐리 부부는 - the Dursley’s 더즐리 = Dursley 부부 = (Married) couple ~는 topic marker
자신들이 - themselves 자신 = oneself ~ 들 = multiple 자신들 = themselves ~이 subject marker
정상적이라는 것을 - normal  정상적 = normal ~ (이)라는 called as (The Dursley’s call themselves normal) ~ 는 것 Describing a noun with a verb (Describing The Dursleys with to be normal)  ~ 을 object particle
아주 자랑스럽게 - very proud 아주 = very 자랑스럽다 = to be proud ~ 게 adverb suffix
여기는 사람들이었다 - were people 여기 = here ~ 는 topic marker 사람 = person ~ 들 = multiple 사람들 = people 이었다 = were  ~ past tense of 있다 
그들은 기이하거나 신비스런 일과는 전혀 무관해 보였다.
그들은 - they 그들 = they ~ 은 topic marker
기이하거나 신비스런 - weird or mysterious 기이하다 = to be weird ~거나 [verb] or [verb] 신비스럽다 = to be mysterious ~ verb to noun form
일과는 - routine 일과 = routine ~ 는 topic marker
전혀 무관해 보였다 - seemed to have nothing to do with 전혀 = completely 무관하다 = to have nothing to do with ~ 아/어 보이다 to seem like ~ past tense
아니, 그런 터무니없는 것은 도저히 참아내지 못했다.
아니 - no 아니 = no (informal)
그런 터무니없는 것은 = that absurd thing 그런 = that, that kind of thing 터무니 = outrageous/absurd 없다 = to not exist/none ~ 는 것 Describing a noun with a verb (describing that thing with to be absurd)
도저히 참아내지 못했다. = cannot stand 도저히 - absolutely 참다 = to endure, to stand ~ 아/어 내다 to express results ~ 지 못하다 to not be able to do something ~ past tense
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keilang · 5 years
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Internet went out, so I guess it’s Mandarin time...
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keilang · 5 years
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Chapter 11: 날씨 (Weather)
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keilang · 5 years
Learning Languages and How to Make it Fun
(gifs not mine, credit to the artist)
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How does a child learns? Immersion
So you gotta dive deep
Find songs that you like. You don't have to understand, you just have to enjoy the song.
Listen them at least once a day. The idea is for you to get familiar with the sounds.
Once you have already heard them too many times (without getting tired of them) look for the lyrics. In their native language, not a translation.
If you can read in that language, then try reading them. Print them if you have to or write them down (this is better) and as you listen to the song try to sing.
If there's a word/sentence you like because it sounds pretty, mark it.
If there's a word you don't know how to/can't pronounce, mark it.
For example, I have a journal in which I write Japanesse Kanji that I find beautiful (whether is because of the meaning or the symbol itself is pretty)
Once you are familiar with the song look for a translation.
Check those words you have marked with the translation.
While looking for definitions it's better if you find images (so can have an idea of what that word is) instead of a definition in your language (unless is a long/complicated concept).
Movies, you must watch movies in that language. Better if they are from that country. (It can also be a doubled movie, perhaps you could look for one of your favorites)
Watch them with subtitles (in your language) once or twice. Then watch them again but this time without subtitles or with subtitles of said language. (You already know the plot, so you can still understand what's going on)
If you like to read, look for children literature. It's easy and fun.
Keep reading even if you don't understand a single sh*t. It doesn't matter.
Mark again those words you like, don't know the meaning or can't pronounce.
Write at least one sentence every day. It doesn't have to be right, it doesn't have to be long or poetic, you just gotta write.
If you still don't know much about grammar (enough to formulate a sentence on your own) then write a quote from one of those songs, movies or books you read. Again it doesn't matter if you don't understand what are you writing.
If you already know another language, try to learn the new language with that one. For example, I learn german from english instead of my native language spanish.
Videogames. In my experience this is amazing. You have no idea idea how much I learned english just from games.
You have fun playing, engaged with a story, while constantly hearing the language. You don't even have to pay attention at what they are saying, eventually you'll figure it out. It's very intuitive.
And because games, usually, requires that you spend many hours playing you will have a lot of practice without actually studying.
Some games, if you look on the settings menu, even have other languages instead of english. For example I played Assassin's Creed Brotherhood in italian and french and AsC III in russian and japanese (the voice actors are fantastic).
Seriously, videogames are freaking amazing for learning.
The idea of this, is that you can imitate the learning process a child does, while also having fun and enjoying it. Kids learn by making mistakes, by playing with words and by being constantly surrounded with the language. At first, kids have no idea what they are doing, they just repeat what they see and hear. So it's okay if you don't know what are you doing, take that pressure off. This is not school/college, this is just you trying to learn a culture. So be kind and patient with yourself.
LEARNING SHOULD BE FUN, be creative with your methods and try everything (so you can find what you are comfortable with). It is scientifically proved that if you like what you are studying and having fun it will be 10x easier to assimilate and remember the knowledge you are acquiring.
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keilang · 5 years
Links for improving your vocabulary!
 SAT/ACT vocabulary
5,000 FREE SAT Vocabulary Words
100 Common SAT/ACT Vocabulary Flash Cards
Must-Know Words for the ACT
250 Most Difficult SAT/ACT Vocabulary Words
SAT Vocabulary Videos
Top 1,000 SAT/ACT Words
Latin Vocabulary
Latin Word List
100 Most Common Latin Words
Latin Core Vocabulary
French Vocabulary
100 Topic Specific Vocabulary Lists
English-to-French Basic Phrases
20 French Phrases to Know
Spanish Vocabulary
Spanish Vocabulary Lists
100 Need-to-Know Spanish Words
100 Most Common Spanish Verbs
Common Spanish Phrases and Words Translated from English
Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary
Ultimate List of Mandarin Chinese Vocabulary Lists
Practice Mandarin Vocabulary
Italian Vocabulary
1,000 Italian Vocabulary Words
English to Italian Vocabulary
Basic Italian Phrases for Travelers
German Vocabulary
1,000 Most Common German Words
Basic Phrases, Vocabulary, and Grammar
German Word of the Day
Japanese Vocabulary
How to Increase your Japanese Vocabulary, List of Vocabulary Lists
Free Japanese Vocabulary Words
Arabic Vocabulary
List of Arabic Vocabulary Lists
Arabic Core 100 Word List
Basic Arabic Vocabulary
Portuguese Vocabulary
Long list of Portuguese words
Useful Portuguese phrases
1,000 Most Common Portuguese Words (With Audio)
Match Portuguese Words to pictures (And other worksheets)
6 Portuguese Terms We Wish Existed in English.
Polish Vocabulary
English-Polish Vocabulary Quiz
Polish Core 100 Word List
1,000 Most Common Polish Words (With Audio)
Polish Vocabulary Building Exercises 
Polish Word of the Day
20 of the funniest Polish phrases (and how to use them)
Interesting English Words to Know
15 English Words You Probably Don’t Know
20 Words That Make You Sound Smarter
60 Cool Vocab Words
Word of the Day
If there are any other languages/links you think should be added, message me.
Good luck!
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keilang · 5 years
English vocab:
sole › bottom of foot⎪single, only⎪exclusive
gruff › voice: hoarse, rough⎪person: surly
dimly › with subdued light⎪fig: vaguely
to grope › to fondle sexually (slang)⎪to feel your way⎪fig: to struggle to find
fug › thick, smoky atmosphere (UK)
to shudder › to shake in emotion
warily › with caution
heckling › interrupting a performer
rash › irritated skin⎪unwise, without thought
to shed › to lose skin.
quavering › voice: tremulous⎪speaking  in trembling voice
fortitude › strength, courage
jetsam › something that washes up on shore
to vouch (for) › to give support⎪defend, corroborate
scrutiny › close examination⎪searching look
to wring › to twist⎪hand: to grip
murky › liquid, glass, etc: cloudy
to weep › to cry
ghoulish › morbid
to usher › to walk somebody to position
ashtray › for cigarette
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keilang · 5 years
Korean Sentence Structure
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keilang · 5 years
Language Learning Mini Tip #1
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Listening Practice Tip/Idea:
Pick at least 2 songs and listen to them each carefully. Write down any vocabulary or grammar you hear in the language and the translation in your native language. Once you're done, look over the lyrics and see what you got wrong and what you got right.
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keilang · 5 years
More Language Learning Tips
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Do at least 3 revision points a day
Read children's books
Read Webtoons and books in the language you're learning
Listen to podcasts in the language
If you can find a connection to a personal memory or experience, that will be extremely helpful in remembering things
Practice often so that you don't forget anything important
Make a schedule and stick to it; don't procrastinate
Speak in it as much as you can
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keilang · 5 years
More Japanese verbs!
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う verbs
嘘をつく・うそをつく・to lie
事故に遭う・じこにあう・to get in an accident
付いて行く・ついていく・to follow
連れて行く・つれていく・to take (people)
[持って行く・もっていく・to take (objects)]
近付く・ちかづく・to approach/get near
呼ぶ・よぶ・to call
叫ぶ・さけぶ・to yell/shout
囁く・ささやく・to whisper
守る・まもる・to protect
話し合う・はなしあう・to discuss
騙す・だます・to trick/deceive/cheat
盗む・ぬすむ・to steal
る verbs
やめる・to quit
諦める・あきらめる・to give up
責める・せめる・to blame
ばれ��・to be found out
信じる・しんじる・to believe
伝える・つたえる・to tell
する verbs
爆発する・ばくはつする・to explode
報告する・ほうこくする・to report
密談する・みつだんする・to speak in confidence
信頼する・しんらいする・to trust
相談する・そうだんする・to consult
批判する・ひはんする・to criticize
来る verbs
付いて来る・ついてくる・to follow
連れて来る・つれてくる・to bring (people)
[持って来る・もってくる・to bring (objects)]
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keilang · 5 years
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Japanese Master Post | Survival Expressions in Japanese
Hey guys, I wanted to make a sort of “master post” of useful Japanese expressions and vocabulary that will help you out either if you’re in Japan or find yourself having a conversation with a Japanese person! This post doesn’t contain everything that you would need to know but hopefully it’s enough to help you out! Greetings
Long time no see・久しぶり・ひさしぶり
Pleased to meet you・初めまして・はじめまして
Pleased to meet you・よろしくお願いします・よろしくおねがいします
How are you?・お元気ですか・おげんきですか
I’m good・元気です・げんきです
I’m so-so・まあまあです
What’s new?・どうしたの
See you later・じゃ、またね
Basic Pleasantries
Good morning・おはようございます
Good afternoon・こんにちは
Good evening・こんばんは
Good night・おやすみなさい
I’m leaving・行ってきます・いってきます
See you later・行ってらっしゃい・いってらっしゃい
I’m home・ただ今・ただいま
Welcome back・お帰りなさい・おかえりなさい
Excuse me・すみません
I’m sorry・ごめんなさい
Thank you・ありがとうございます
Reply to thank you・どういたしまして
Good luck・頑張ってね・がんばってね
Bon appetit・いただきます
Thank you for the meal・ごちそうさまでした
Basic Phrases
What’s your name?・名前は何ですか・なまえはなんですか
My name is __・私は__と申します・私は__ともうします
Where are you from?・どこから来ましたか・どこからきましたか
I’m from Australia・オーストラリアです
What music do you like?・どんな音楽が好きですか・どんなおんがくがすきですか
I don’t know・知らない「知りません」・しらない「しりません」
I don’t understand・分からない「分かりません」・わからない「わかりません」
I understand・分かる「分かります」・わかる「わかります」
Please say that again・もう一度、 言 ってください・もうーいちど、いってください
Please speak more slowly・もっとゆっくり話してください・もっとゆっくりはなしてください
Please write that down・書いてください・かいてください
What did you say?・何と言ったのですか・なんといったのですか
Do you speak English?・英語が話せますか・えいごがはなせますか
I can’t speak Japanese・私は日本語が話せません・わたしはにほんごがはなせません
How do you say __ in Japanese?・“_”は日本語で何と言いますか・“_”はにほんごでなんといいますか
Do you have an English menu?・英語のメニューはありますか・えいごのめにゅーはありますか
I’m lost・私は迷子になりました・わたしはまいごになりました
Can you help me?・手伝っていただけますか・てつだっていただけます
Where is the ___?・“_”はどこですか
Go straight・まっすぐ行ってください・まっすぐいってください
Turn left・左に曲がってください・ひだりにまがってください
Turn right・右に曲がってください・みぎにまがってください
1 hour・一時・いちじ
2 hours・二時・にじ
3 hours・三時・さんじ
4 hours・四時・よじ
5 hours・五時・ごじ
6 hours・六時・ろくじ
7 hours・七時・しちじ
8 hours・八時・はちじ
9 hours・九時・くじ
10 hours・十時・じゅうじ
11 hours・十一時・じゅういちじ
12 hours・十二時・じゅうにじ
What’s the time?・今は何時ですか・いまはなんじですか
Great Britain・イギリス
Hong Kong・香港・ほんこん
New Zealand・ニュージーランド
North Korea・北朝鮮・きたちょうせん
South Korea・韓国・かんこく
Don’t mess around・ふざけるなよ
Shut up・だまれ
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keilang · 5 years
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N4 Kanji worksheets now available ^^ they cover over 200 kanji and include over 50 pages including a reference poster, readings/meanings and writing practice! As always any support is greatly appreciated ^^
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keilang · 5 years
Stating Reasons
There will come a day when you’ll have to explain yourself. You’ll have to give reason for why you think the way you do. Lets learn how to do that.
Here’s the formula: AしBしY。→A,B and so Y.  
*A and B express the reasons for Y
1.) このセーターは軽いし、暖かいし、とてもいいです。(kono seetaa wa karuishi, atatakaishi, totemo ii desu) -> This sweater is light, and warm so it’s very good.
2.) 私の生活は忙しくなるし、時間がないし、勉強しませんでした。(watashi no seikatsu wa isogashiku narushi, jikan ga naishi, benkyoushimasen deshita) ->My life became busy, and I did not have time so I did not study.
3.)私のアパートは古いし、駅から遠いし、あまりよくありません。(watashi no apaato wa furuishi, eki kara tooishi, amari yoku arimasen) -> My apartment in old, and far from the station so it’s not so good.
4.)田中さんは親切だし、真面目だし、とてもいい人です。(tanaka san wa shinsetsu da shi, majime da shi, totemo ii hito desu) ->Mr./Ms. Tanaka is kind,and earnest, so he/she is a good person.
5.)  あの公園はきれいだし、静かだし、いいですよ。(ano kouen wa kirei dashi, shizuka dashi, ii desu yo) -> That park is clean and quiet so it’s good.
6.) そのレストランはおいしいし、あまり高くないし、また行きたいです。(sono resutoran wa oishiishi, amari takaku naishi, mata ikitai desu) -> That restaurant is delicious, and not very expensive,, so I want to go again.
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keilang · 5 years
One word answers
There are some useful one word answers that you’ll probably need to know for everyday conversations in Japanese!
はい “yes”
いいえ “no”
たぶん “maybe”
いま “now”
あとで “later”
ずっと “always”
どこか “somewhere”
あの… “ummh”
あれ “huh?”
まじで “seriously?”
Hope these were useful and you can make good use of them mina-san!
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keilang · 5 years
Whatevers in Japanese
There are different expressions in Japanese that can be understood as “whatever”:
なんでもいい。"Anything’s fine"
どうでもいい。"Any way is fine"
どこでもいい。"Any place is fine"
いつでもいい。"Any time is fine"
だれでもいい。"Anyone will do"
かってにして。"Do what you want"
まいいか。"well,I guess that’s fine"
ワットエバ。"whatever(in English)“
Hope this was useful to you all mina-san!
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keilang · 5 years
Mandarin Holiday Vocab
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I recently went on a trip for 3 days to one of my favourite cities in the whole of my country, but I realised I didn’t have the appropriate Mandarin vocab to allow me to talk about the journey - so here we go!
假期 - holiday/vacation [jiàqī] 在度假 - to be on holiday [zài dùjià] 使放松 - to relax [shǐ fàngsōng] 公共假期 - public holiday [gōnggòng jiàqī] 旅程 - journey [lǚchéng] 出行 - trip [chūxíng] 城市 city [chéngshì] 城镇 - town [chéngzhèn] 村庄 - village [cūnzhuāng] 出城 - to be out of town [chū chéng] 在市中心 - in town [zài shì zhōngxīn] 地点 - location [dìdiǎn] 旅馆 - hotel [lǚguǎn] 住旅馆 - to stay at a hotel [zhù lǚguǎn] 乡间别墅 - villa [xiāngjiān biéshù] 消遣 - relaxation [xiāoqiǎn] 活动 - activity [huódòng] 旅游业 -  tourism [lǚyóuyè] 游客 -  tourist [yóukè] 游览 -  to visit [yóulǎn] 探险 - to explore [tànxiǎn] 观光 -  sight-seeing [guānguāng] 观光游览 - to go sightseeing [guānguāng yóulǎn] 冒险活动 -  adventure [màoxiǎn huódòng] 前往 - to travel [qiánwǎng] 旅行 - travelling [lǚxíng] 旅行者 - traveller [lǚxíngzhě] 海滩 - beach [hǎitān] 海洋 - sea [hǎiyáng] 游泳池 -  pool [yóuyǒngchí] 游水 - to swim [yóushuǐ] 冲浪 -  to surf [chōnglàng] 去冲浪 -  to go surfing [qù chōnglàng] 步行 - to hike [bùxíng] 做徒步旅行 - to go hiking [zuò túbù lǚxíng] 比基尼 - bikini [bǐjīní] 商店 - shop [shāngdiàn] 纪念品 -  souvenir [jìniànpǐn] 记住 -  to remember [jìzhù] 珍馐美味 -  delicacy [zhēnxiū měiwèi] 文化 - culture [wénhuà] 传统 -  tradition [chuántǒng] 地区 - area [dìqū] 买 - to buy [mǎi] 太阳 - sun [tàiyáng] 晒斑 - sunburn [shàibān] 按摩 - massage [ànmó] 海岸 - coast [hǎi'àn] 在国外 - to be abroad [zài guówài] 到国外 - to go abroad [dào guówài] 飞机 - plane [fēijī] 火车 - train [huǒchē] 汽车 - car [qìchē] 乘汽车 - by car [chéng qìchē] 公共汽车 - bus [gōnggòng qìchē] 轮船 - boat [lúnchuán] 飞行 - to fly [fēixíng] 驾驶 - to drive [jiàshǐ] 走 - to walk [zǒu] 航行 - to sail [hángxíng]
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keilang · 5 years
Helpful Chinese Words When Watching IDOL PRODUCER ✧
*To get a better understanding on how tones (the little marks on the letters) work when speaking Mandarin, HERE is a guide from Idol Producer  :) 偶像  |  Ǒu Xiàng = Idol 练习生  |  Liànxí Shēng = Trainee *The show is called “Ǒu Xiàng Liàn Xí Shēng”. lit. meaning “Idol Trainee”
练习  |  Liànxí = To train, practice 全名制作人  |  Quán Míng Zhì Zuò Rén = National Producers 等级  |  Děngjí = Rank, grade *eg. A Děngjí, B Děngjí etc. 准备  |  Zhǔnbèi = Prepare 努力  |  Nǔlì = Work Hard 舞台  |  Wǔ Tái = Stage 编舞  |  Biān Wǔ = Choreography 舞蹈  |  Wǔ Dǎo = Dance (noun) 跳舞  | ��Tiào Wǔ = To dance, dancing (verb) 唱歌  |  Chàng Gē = Singing 说唱  |  Shuō Chàng = Chinese word for ‘Rap’. lit. meaning “talk sing”
表演  |  Biǎoyǎn = Performance  *Can be added to end of actions to describe the type of performance. eg. “WǔDǎo Biǎoyǎn” = Dance Performance “ShuōChàng Biǎoyǎn” = Rap performance
老师  |  Lǎoshī = Teacher 导师  |  Dǎoshī = Mentor *Both can be added to end of words to describe one’s area of teaching.  eg. Jieqiong and Chengxiao are both “WǔDǎo Lǎoshī” (Dance Teacher)  Jackson and MC Jin are both “ShuōChàng Dǎoshī” (Rap Mentor) 
歌曲  |  Gēqǔ = Song 歌词  |  Gēcí = Lyric 风格  |  Fēnggé = Style *eg. WǔDǎo Fēnggé (Dance Style)  团队  |  Tuánduì = Team C位   |  C Wèi = C Position (Center)  主唱  |  Zhǔ Chàng = Main Vocal 主舞  |  Zhǔ Wǔ = Main Dancer 队长  |  Duìzhǎng = Leader 队友  |  Duìyǒu = Teammate
担当  |  Dāndāng = In charge of, responsibility *Often used in member’s introduction when saying their roles. eg. Vocal Dāndāng, WǔDǎo (Dance) Dāndāng etc.
对  |  Duì = Yes, correct 对不起  |  Duìbùqǐ = Sorry 谢谢  |  Xiè Xiè = Thank You 开始  |  Kāishǐ = Start 帅  |  Shuài = Handsome 酷  |  Kù = Cool 可爱  |  Kě ài = Cute 性感  |  Xìng Gǎn = Sexy 粉丝  |  Fěnsī = Fans 投票  |  Tóu Piào = Voting 排名  |  Pái Míng = Ranking 挑战  |  Tiǎo Zhàn = Challenge 任务  |  Rèn Wù = Mission, task 出���  |  Chū Dào = Debut 加油  |  Jiāyóu = Go! Come on! etc. *Equivalent of the Korean ‘Fighting’ or ‘Ganbatte’ in Japanese. lit. meaning ‘to add oil’ 幸苦了  |  Xīnkǔle = Often said at the end of the day. lit. meaning ‘tired’ ‘you’ve worked hard’ 前辈  |  Qiánbèi = Senior (Sunbae, Senpai etc.)  后辈  |  Hòubèi = Junior (Hoobae, Kouhai etc.) 哥哥  |  Gēgē = Older Brother 姐姐  |  Jiějiě = Older Sister  弟弟  |  Dìdì = Younger Brother 妹妹  |  Mèimei = Younger Sister *Gēgē etc. can be added to the end of names, similar to the Korean ‘-Hyung’. A more mature way of calling someone is to shorten it to just ‘-Gē’ ‘-Jiě’ etc.  *Adding 们 (men) at the end turns these into plural form, eg. “Gēgē men” (the older brothers) “Lǎoshī men” (the teachers) etc. 
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越努力, 越幸运  |  Yuè Nǔlì, Yuè XìngYùn The harder you work, the luckier you are. ❤❤❤
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