keepitreigning · 10 years
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My Feels Are Unreal! Can they just admit they are dating, get married and make babies. Kim Chiu and Xian Lim #KimChiu
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keepitreigning · 10 years
My 2 cents on "Acts of War"
First I would like to say I love the Reign fandom for the amount of passion and commitment! Secondly, I love Adelaide! And I will always support her. Okay so in Acts of War Queen Mary was raped when Protestant radicals broke into the castle trying to find and kill King Francis. Don't get me wrong I agreed with the negative response once news broke out about it. And yes I did not find Laurie's response to why they did it as a wise choice. But what is done is done... I personally viewed it as a Queen your life is constantly talked about and judged by your people. I saw it in a way that yes she was raped and so was Catherine. There was the Queen mother showing her love and support for her daughter in law. In the first season Catherine and Mary were very much opposed to each other. Yes she chose to keep it a secret. But lives with the horrible memory of it. Its not forcing her to be silent the ones close to her know what happened.There are different ways people deal with their problems. As a Queen it would ruin her and her destiny.Trials are tests on ourselves and it later shows us our growth and how we got through the difficult times. Queen Mary is the show's star. She is the heroine. This show is based on a woman in power. And it is the same type of struggles we face right now of gender or race unequality. Mary is a smart, beautiful and a stubborn woman. And she is fighting for her rights as a Queen to rule among with Francis in a very male dominant time. Francis the good husband that he is excepts Mary for her very passionate way on how to rule a Kingdom. Even today we are still fighting to have equality for women via Emma Watson's Feminine Campaign. If you think she was told to be silent... Carefully think again. I believe she was told to fight on as a female ruler in 16th century France.
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keepitreigning · 10 years
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Francis and Mary = "They Will Overcome" Frary is a substance over their own existence. Between the real Francis and Mary and Reign's version of them.
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keepitreigning · 10 years
Reign Talk
Can Narcisse just go away and never come back he is dividing my OTP Frary. Francis is trying to keep everything under wraps but, I see his struggle. All he wants to do is protect his wife. From any harm he is a good husband but it is causing them to be distant and is making the Frary fandom holding our breathe. I honestly think Francis needs to spill his guts to the Mary. They are stronger together. Like Catherine said you want her in your corner when your back is against the wall. Mary is smart and crafty they should have no secrets but they must learn about being young, married and rulers of countries. The King needs someone to HELP CARRY his burdens of ruling a realm. And THAT SHOULD BE MARY. And it has not been made any easier with Narcisse and his demands to Francis against the Protestants.
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keepitreigning · 10 years
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If Kelso (Ashton Kutcher) and Jackie (Mila Kunis) got together... I will still secretly believe in Adelaide and Toby. Damn it their chemistry is just TOO GOOD!!!! But I will not press on with the subject.
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keepitreigning · 10 years
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Narcisse do you recognize her? She was Queen Susan Of Narnia! Girl knows how to shoot! Who else thinks Narcisse is a über creepy when it comes to Lola?
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keepitreigning · 10 years
I can’t even pick my favorite scene…
I mean…
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Toby and Adelaide’s chemistry is I N S A N E
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keepitreigning · 10 years
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”It was mid-June. You were eight. We stood outside like this but on the south lawn. We’d escape the castle at night. It had to be dark. You wanted to see the fireflies. Every year we tried to catch them. You always worried they wouldn’t come. And it’s true. Some nights they would, some nights they wouldn’t.”
”And when they didn’t, I would cry.”
”I never worried. The thrill for me was in the waiting. With you.
The world can be dark Mary. And uncertain. And cruel. The only thing that really matters is that we face it together. Whatever the future brings, you are my light.”
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keepitreigning · 10 years
I know they have stated that they are not a couple but this article notices how much chemistry they got going on along with the entire Frary/ Tobelaide Fandom.
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keepitreigning · 10 years
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keepitreigning · 10 years
Toby & Torrance do the Ice Bucket Challenge.:
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keepitreigning · 10 years
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Francis Valois in 10 words
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keepitreigning · 10 years
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keepitreigning · 10 years
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keepitreigning · 10 years
Who wants a Frary Baby?
With all the press coming from last week’s San Diego Comic Con about Francis’ love child with Lola and how would Mary respond.
Laurie McCarthy has always said they (Mary and Francis) would remain childless. And I have tried to deal with that and prepare myself for this heartbreak. That two characters in true love with each other will not have a child together to symbolize their love even further.
Until the Reign panel this year at Comic Con she (Laurie Executive Producer) said “you never know”.
Francis and Mary have a beautiful relationship considering they are young, royal and ruling two countries. They have a very passionate love for one another. And for them to remain childless is still actually really devasting.
So basically what I’m asking…
Then Let Us:
-REPOST this to spread the word within the REIGN/ ROYAL Tumblr Fandom
-TWEET about it to @ReignWriters and @LaurieMcCarthy
Use the Hashtags:
#WeWantAFraryBaby #FraryBaby
And Create Your Own Hashtags.
Ps A gentle reminder to Vote For Adelaide, Toby and Reign. We have about a week left of voting. If they won in all three catergories that would be an amazing accomplishment for them and the Reign/Royal Fandom. Also they would more likely consider a FRARY BABY with those wins at the TCAs.
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keepitreigning · 10 years
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Choice TV Breakout Male & Female Stars and Breakout Show! Click HERE or on the photo above to vote.
You can vote once a day per email address until 11:59 pm PT, August 9. The awards are on August 10. If you’re not a teenager, make sure when signing up you put in a birthday that puts you at at least 19 so you can vote. 
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keepitreigning · 10 years
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Vote For: Adelaide, Toby and Reign. Lets see this 3x on the TCA 2014 stage.
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