keendelirium · 8 days
almost an entire year of reading the phrase 'airstrikes on refugee camps' every single day.
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keendelirium · 8 days
If we relinquish anarcho-liberal fantasies of utopias where we no longer work, if we instead accept that we are workers, if we are able to do so with pride, many realistic victories turn out to be very much within reach. Everywhere that workers already work hard, they simply need to socialize the fruits of their already-socialized labour. Admittedly, reorganizing production isn’t a trivial task. However, the point here is that our social mechanism already offers ample proof that our skills and abilities are in plentiful supply. We already accumulated Alexandrian libraries of scientific knowledge as well as entertainment, and the ability to produce infinitely more without any “help” from capitalists!
Capitalists don’t fear individual rebels. They shower us with such bohemian stories. They fear exactly the opposite: the proliferation of an authentic working-class consciousness that pointedly rejects their “idle rich” lifestyle as everyone’s ultimate ideal. The hatred of “herd mentality” ultimately derives from the aristocratic hatred of the collective wisdom of the underclasses, of their choosing to work together in order to defend themselves from predators that would otherwise pick them off one by one. The project of repurposing this elitist attitude towards utopian goals is a dead end.
If you want to be radical, then, begin by radically rejecting the oldest and most vicious and most widespread bit of ruling class ideology: the idea that there is no wisdom whatsoever to be found in the behaviour of the masses. Reject the idea of “brainwashing,” and insist on seeking the kernel of intelligence and truth and wisdom in everyone’s current actions, even when they seem repulsive or hopelessly short-sighted. Identify where exactly you can intervene, and with whom, in such a way that it dovetails with existing tendencies, but always with an eye to revolution and the prize of a better future. Address yourself to reality in just this way, and you might just begin to change it.
Masses, Elites, and Rebels: The Theory of “Brainwashing” (2022).
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keendelirium · 8 days
SP: In light of this humanitarian solutionism being so reliant on technology rather than political demands, it seems relevant that Israel brands itself as a tech capital. Water technology is a major part of Israel’s nation-building project, from its aspirations of “making the desert bloom,” to its pride in exporting desalinated water to neighboring countries like Jordan. Israel starves Palestinians of water with one hand, and exports it with the other. How does this benefit its global image? MD: Since its creation, Israel has promoted itself as a modernization project. The idea that Israel is coming to these desolate, undeveloped environments to make them flourish fits into a colonial logic that different colonial powers have used to exploit and erase indigenous presence on the land. When Israel promotes itself as a leader in environmental technologies, it exports not only technology, but also the techniques for governing colonized people. For example, their projects that travel to other places around the world lead to a higher level of privatization of water resources, and higher levels of exclusion of colonized people from their resource development, while ensuring a state hegemony over these resources in those places. For this export to happen, Palestinians must first live with manufactured thirst and manufactured scarcity of resources. Technology doesn’t really move apolitically. 
Systematic Thirst: An Interview with Muna Dajani
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keendelirium · 9 days
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keendelirium · 13 days
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I hate this fucker so much because that's literally what Palestinians are saying. We were displaced and became generational refugees. Trying to pass off diaspora Palestinians as "not real palestinians" when our family members were ethnically cleansed from their villages and forced to leave because of literal segregation and apartheid. One of the most insulting israeli talking points and I've seen israelis on here get mad at us (diaspora palestinians) for not knowing how it is "on the ground" and speaking over their "lived experience." Your lived experience came as a result of my family being kicked out of Palestine you fuckers are so goddamn cruel.
Also all my grandparents were born in palestine so were my great grandparents so were—
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keendelirium · 15 days
Quick Sabra and Shatila Massacre Facts:
I should note that some of this is very gruesome and can be triggering to read:
Sabra and Shatila were Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon
President-elect of Lebanon Bachir Gamayel was assassinated shortly after winning the election
Israeli forces told his party [The Phalange Party] that Palestinians were responsible for the assassination [which was a blatant lie to stir conflict]
The Phalange party is a Lebanese Ultra-nationalist party composed primarily of Christians
Israeli forces surrounded the camps, set up checkpoints, and barred any Palestinians from leaving for any reason.
Israeli forces took over the ten-story high Kuwaiti embassy that overlooked the entire camp
Israeli forces allowed Phalangist militants to enter the camp and provided flares throughout the night to keep the camp lit for them, as they proceeded for two whole days to slaughter Palestinians indiscriminately
Homes were bombed with people still inside, families were executed in the streets, people were butchered, all while Israeli forces overlooked the massacre and continued to bar any Palestinians from leaving or foreign forces from entering.
The lowest estimates put the number of Palestinians massacred at 762, while other estimates range from 2000-3500.
The Phalangists began attempting to cover up the massacre by hiding or burning the bodies, but several journalists managed to sneak into the camp
These journalists described witnessing severely mutilated bodies, young boys had been castrated, people had been scalped, and many had the Christian cross carved into their bodies
Dead women were found in their homes with their skirts and dresses hitched up and legs spread apart, in some cases even broken and disfigured, with clear evidence of numerous rapes having taken place, during or after-which the women were killed
“I saw dead women in their houses with their skirts up to their waists and their legs spread apart; dozens of young men shot after being lined up against an alley wall; children with their throats slit, a pregnant woman with her stomach chopped open, her eyes still wide open, her blackened face silently screaming in horror; countless babies and toddlers who had been stabbed or ripped apart and who had been thrown into garbage piles.” –American Journalist Janet Stevens
Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon found guilty of bearing responsibility for allowing the massacre to happen, and was forced to resign
Ariel Sharon eventually went on to become Prime Minister of Israel
Ariel Sharon has a history of slaughtering and massacring Palestinian refugees, and routinely killed those sleeping in their huts in the last 40’s and early 50’s
Several days after the assassination, Habib Shartouni, a Lebanese Nationalist and Maronite Christian confessed to having carried out the assassination.
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keendelirium · 1 month
In one case, Daniel, a Palestinian man who worked for the Catholic church, was threatened by an individual on Facebook who said he had evidence of his homosexuality. “we know that you are a f* you disgrace Christianity and Palestinians with your disgusting nature and I will expose you for what you really are,” the user wrote. “I’m gonna tell the whole world that you are gay and that you are a danger to the children of this society. you are disgusting and you will never get anywhere because I will stop you,” he added. Daniel said the only way someone could have known of his sexuality is if they had monitored his search history. (Drop Site News has changed his name to protect him from retaliation.)
Over the decades, numerous investigations have exposed how Israeli intelligence targets LGBTQ+ people. In 2013, Vice published an investigation detailing how the Palestinian Authority’s preventative security forces, under the direction of the IDF, had isolated gay Palestinians from their communities, kept files on them, and exploited them for intelligence. In 2015, news reports revealed that a surveillance technology company run by a former Unit 8200 official had helped provide Uganda with malware allegedly used against LGBTQ+ activists.
remember tho that israel is a safe haven for the gays
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keendelirium · 1 month
i always preface my posts with vote for whoever you want but anyone who is trying to tell you voting democrat (or republican) is not a deeply morally compromised choice at this juncture is making you stupider and making you evil. you can rationalize this choice, as people always have, but you should not be making this decision by lying to yourself or to others.
this thread from adam mckay (producer of the big short, don't look up, etc) is a pretty good indication of where most of the blue maga on this website are right now:
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keendelirium · 1 month
I just found this gem of qassam fighters eating shawarma and talking to a reporter and I have to share it
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keendelirium · 1 month
A footage of qassam brigades training, 2005.
The way they make western army trainign look like a sweet summer camp from children is insane.
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keendelirium · 2 months
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@khazrablood speaking of single issue
the irony of liberals calling upon us to comprise on genocide.. without even realizing this IS the compromise.. its the bare minimum and we've sacrificed all other goals to force
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keendelirium · 2 months
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keendelirium · 2 months
“Classes were run in caves; each village sent a person to study for a few days, then he went back and taught his co-villagers. When his knowledge was exhausted he returned to the class and learned some more. While teaching others, the teachers also learned themselves. Such was the method we adopted for the mass education work and for its development into a movement… The organization of teaching should be in accordance with the living conditions of the learners, then the movement will last and bear good results. Our compatriots are still poor and cannot afford paper and pens, therefore a small pocket exercise-book is enough for each person. Reading and writing exercises can be done anywhere, using charcoal, the ground, or banana leaves as pens and paper. Clandestine cadres were to teach and make one person literate every three months.”
— Ho Chi Minh
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keendelirium · 2 months
Areas bombed in Gaza by the Israeli occupation government
Oct 2023
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Jan 2024
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July 2024
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There is no safe zone in Gaza
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Israel’s military dropped 75,000 tonnes of explosives by April 2024. Since the invasion of Rafah in May, Palestinians have said the bombings have gotten considerably worse, most recently the strike against Al Tabin school where over 100 were killed during morning prayers
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keendelirium · 2 months
why does talking to a doctor always feel like ur trying to prove u have something and they're just trying to prove u wrong
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keendelirium · 2 months
Journalist Yousef Fares, Gaza
The war has produced a class of young people, women, and men who have lost their entire families. They remain alone, without a home, shelter, or family. These people occupy any empty space in the shelters, and if it the stray dogs had not turned to predatory due to feeding on corpses, they would have chosen to sleep on the streets. Most of those who passed in the Al-Tabaeen massacre were "reunited" with their loved ones who had gone before them, courtesy of the missiles of the dawn.
August, 10th
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keendelirium · 2 months
History will bear witness that in the span of 10 months, Palestinians in Gaza were forced out on almost daily death marches that Israel callously dubbed "evacuation orders" and used them as a tool to further facilitate its genocide in Gaza, all while liberals in the US focused their main concerns around Kamala's ~girl power movement~, purposely ignoring her role in sustaining the current genocide and all its ugly details including these violent displacements of Palestinians in Gaza.
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