Keen Appetite
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keenappetite · 4 months ago
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Blade Runner (1982)
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keenappetite · 4 months ago
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keenappetite · 4 months ago
you know that one horror movie you hate on first watch, give it a couple of rewatches, and then you come around to liking it? well that will never be black christmas (2019)
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keenappetite · 4 months ago
u dont have a list of horror movies or reccs for people that want to get into them but cant take like, actually scary stuff 🥺
like not stuff for kids but also not stuff thats gonna make me wanna sleep with the lights on iykwim
mostly cause it’s super hard to gauge that because fear is subjective, what you might not find scary could very well be scary to other people.
I can give you some recs but I’m not sure where they land if they’re scary to you: gremlins, monster squad, any of the abbott & costello meet the monsters, shaun of the dead, and ghostbusters to start out
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keenappetite · 4 months ago
Kind of funny how stories can inspire adaptations that inspire adaptations.
For example, let's take the 1929 novel Red Harvest by Dashiell Hammett. In this book, an anonymous detective is brought in by the local oligarch to help bring a town back under the rich guy's thumb, after the various factions that used to do the guy's dirty work (the crooked cops, the strikebreakers etc.) all split off to form their own gangs. The detective intends to also get his employer arrested but ultimately unsuccessful on that front.
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In 1961, Akira Kurosawa loosely adapted Red Harvest for his film Yojimbo. In this movie, the action was shifted from a early 20th century industrial town to a town in feudal Japan beset with various criminal gangs. The lead is a Samurai from outside the town who decides to effectively get rid of the gangs for his own amusement.
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In 1964, Italian film maker Sergio Leone remade Yojimbo (originally without authorisation) as the Spaghetti Western (a genre of Westerns made by Italian directors in Spain with occasional American actor) A Fistful of Dollars. For this film the action shifts back Stateside, to a town on the American/Mexican border beset by rival American and Mexican gangs. The protagonist is The Man With No Name (some call him Joe just for convenience) who uses the chaos in the town to destroy both gangs for fun and profit.
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And finally, in 1996 the action film Last Man Standing once again remade Yojimbo (supposedly with permission this time, but in action lifts a lot from A Fistful of Dollars) which takes the action to a town on the American/Mexican border during the 1920s, where two rival Italian and Irish gangs fight for control due to the town's location for shipping across booze into the country from Mexico (it being during the Prohibition and all). The protagonist here is "John Smith", a wandering murderer-for-hire who gets stuck in the town when a Texas ranger basically blackmails him into getting rid of one or both of the gangs.
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So yeah, you have an early twentieth century pulp novel inspiring an iconic Japanese samurai movie which in turn inspires a classic western and then morphs into something approximating the original story in a mostly okay Bruce Willis action film.
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keenappetite · 4 months ago
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TRAIN TO BUSAN (2016) Dir. Yeon Sang-ho
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keenappetite · 4 months ago
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rebeccasundstrom’s 5K Halloween 👻 Celebration
5 Horror Films
1/5 The Others (2001) dir. Alejandro Amenabar
"Don't be stupid. Can't you see it's not me? Victor, touch his cheek so he knows you're real."
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keenappetite · 4 months ago
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keenappetite · 4 months ago
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Dog Soldiers (2002)
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keenappetite · 4 months ago
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Dorothy McGuire as Helen in The Spiral Staircase (1946) - dir. Robert Siodmak
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keenappetite · 4 months ago
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In your brief span of life, enjoy the glittering symbols of the world, which I now renounce.
The Cat And The Canary (1939) - dir. Elliot Nugent
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keenappetite · 4 months ago
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Bell, Book and Candle, 1958 / Austin Powers, 1997  /  Keanu, 2016  /  Alien, 1979  /  The Aristocats, 1970  /  Hocus Pocus, 1993  /  Breakfast At Tiffany’s, 1961  /  Kiki’s Delivery Service, 1989  /  Gone Girl, 2014  /  Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, 2001  /   The Princess Diaries, 2001  /  Inside Llewyn Davis, 2013  /The Hunger Games: Mockingjay II, 2015
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keenappetite · 4 months ago
Moon Magick
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What Is A Moon Magick?
In many cultures around the world, practitioners have used the position of the moon, as well as the phases of the moon in their practice. Each phase of the moon is perfect for certain types of magickal workings. Not all witches depend on the particular moon phase. Many develop their own methods and techniques through trial and error to find out what works best. Those that do use the timing of the moon do so by choosing the moon phase most conducive to their magickal workings. This gives their magickal workings some extra lunar energy boost.
Associated deities: Isis, Diana, Artemis, Morrigan, Holda, Nyx, Nephtys, Sedna, Lilith, baba, Yaga, Kali, Aphrodite, Freya, Ishtr, Hathor, Selena, Oshun, Perspephone, Flora, Cerridwen, Gaia, Epona, Yemanja, Rhiannon, Khonsu, Inanna, Hecate, ...ect
Animals: owls, rabbits, wolves, deer, cats, moths, bats, spiders, raccoons, opossum, cows, frogs, dogs, crabs, whippoorwill, panther
Crystals/Stones: moonstone, selenite, obsidian, silver, mother-of-pearl, aquamarine, gold beryl, topaz, emerald, clear quartz, coral, pearls
Moon Associations: Shadow work, Protection, Meditation, Journaling, Introspection, Strength , Love, Beauty, Manifesting, To attract new things, Purification, Letting go, celebrate your accomplishments, letting go, goal setting, banishing
Plants and Herbs: vervain, moonflower, jasmine, lemon balm, cabbage, camellia, camphor, chickweed, moonwort, gardenia, grape, lemon, passion flower, turnip, potato, pea, cucumber, pear, peach, willow, poppy, mountain ash, mango, wallflower, rowan, cactus
Moon Phases
New Moon
This is the crescent Moon when see the first peak of light, this is a time of newness, the beginning of relationships, the beginning of a new venture, the energy of this phase promotes new beginnings on any level. This is the time for change and for being open to, and looking for new opportunities, tilling the soil and planting seeds actually, and the seeds of ideas.
Waxing Moon
The Moon is beginning to gain strength as it grows in size, and goes from a new to a full Moon, this is a perfect time for growth and increasing things, growth within a relationship, financial growth, a time for learning and gaining knowledge.
If someone is thinking about pregnancy, this is a time of fertility, and it is an exceptional time for communication, in a business matter, or within a relationship. This is also an auspicious time for any legal matters, especially those where finances are concerned, if a healing spell, or healing of any type is needed, this is the time.
Waxing Gibbous
During the phase of the Gibbous Waxing Moon anything to do with increase is compatible; this is a good time for minor magic as the lunar energy is waning.
Full Moon
The full Moon is the most powerful phase, this is when the Moon is seen in its glorious fullness, this is a time of enlightenment and heightened psychic awareness. It is a time when everything comes together, it is a time of ideas, also a time of commitment, to a person, idea or project. It is also a time of family, and or friends coming together, any spell is well aspected during this phase of the Moon.
Waning Gibbous
The Waning Gibbous Moon  is suitable for rituals associated with letting go, and banishing,  if it is time to clear out the old and prepare for the new, this is the Moon phase to spell craft with.
Waning Moon
As the Moon decreases in size, it goes from full to dark, and this is a time of letting go, it is also a time of completion. If you have been wanting to change something in your life, this is the perfect time.
It is also a time of ending anything that doesn’t work in your life, this may be a habit, a relationship, or paying attention to issues  associated with legal matters, this is a time to pay attention to anything that you have been procrastinating about
Moon Water
Moon water is very similar to Sun water. But rather than being charged by the sun, it’s charged by the moon. Moon water can be useful for helping boost the energy of a spell, to help an intention grow, protect and to cleanse a space.
Get a glass bottle
Fill it with any type of water.
Leave the bottle with water out in the moonlight for a whole night.
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keenappetite · 4 months ago
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There are some things, though, that I know for certain. Always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder, keep Rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for luck and fall in love whenever you can. PRACTICAL MAGIC (1998) dir. Griffin Dunne
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keenappetite · 5 months ago
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HALLOWEEN MARATHON 2024 ↳ day 9 🎃 BLACK CHRISTMAS (1974) | dir. bob clark
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keenappetite · 5 months ago
If I had a nickel for every time Yul Brynner starred in a 1950s movie that got an animated remake in the 90s, I'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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keenappetite · 5 months ago
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Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (Valerie a Týden Divů), 1970, dir. Jaromil Jireš
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