my stuf :3
17 posts
the little autistic cat creature who refuses to follow any societal norms got access to a computer and now everyone else is going to suffer the consequences
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I’m afraid I’ll never get over toh and raine- especially raine
Middle school me would’ve loved them, raine would have meant the world to them.
I love raine whispers so much, they’re such a they/them icon I’m afraid dana terrace has changed my life with this character.
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kcsodditiesandcuriosities · 16 days ago
you ever just
get so into a noita run that you forget to do terraria lore i do
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kcsodditiesandcuriosities · 20 days ago
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[Log 6] "I see the decision to create an arena immediately paid off. Most likely disturbed by my construction, the squirrels of the forest retaliated with a massive wooden squirrel mech (note: how? why? I have to study this further). With the strange set objects in my possession from my explorations [See reports: Sandstorm in a Bottle and Fungal Bracelet] along with the weapon I have purchased from the arms dealer, I was able to destroy it quickly and without much damage taken. I then used its remains to finish the construction of a house atop my smithing area for the guide to live in. Ending log here and going to bed, hopefully I can heal my wounds quickly."
as usual, have a nice day :3 finally feeling a little better :)
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kcsodditiesandcuriosities · 21 days ago
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[Log 5] "Not much has happened recently aside from talking to the townsfolk and various small construction and exploration missions. After hearing of some of the stronger monsters from the newest resident, I have taken it upon myself to construct a simple arena just in case. I am now going to work on finding or creating new weapons. End Log."
anyways been sick so not much progress as usual, have a nice day :3
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kcsodditiesandcuriosities · 24 days ago
no terraria lore today
not feeling too good :( I hope everyone is doing alright :3 sending warm and fuzzy feelings (or feelings of violence) to those who need it
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kcsodditiesandcuriosities · 25 days ago
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"[Log: Day Four]. Not much has happened since my last entry. Venturing deeper into the caves proved challenging, but the potential riches within this land call to me. I still do not know why I am here, or how I even got to this place, but I have a feeling that I will need stronger armaments than the copper ones I awoke here with. Using the assistance of a traveling blacksmith, I traded some of my more precious metals and a large amount of gold coin in order for him to take me as his apprentice. He said it was unnatural how fast I learned. Who knows. I think he was just showing his age. Using the techniques I learned, I was able to fashion a set of stronger metal tools. I still have no idea why gold is stronger than copper, but that seems to just be common knowledge around these parts. [End of Log]"
Anyways time for the OOC part :3 Didn't really feel like building too much today, got into a Stellaris game and really wanted to do that. I hope everyone has a pleasant day :D
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kcsodditiesandcuriosities · 26 days ago
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"Day Three. During my explorations of the world, I came across a group of people residing in a large mahogany tree. I was able to negotiate the construction of a pylon, allowing me to use the magi-logistical properties of these crystals as a method of transportation. They were kind, and mainly asked for books. I had found some in my explorations of the Western Dungeon, and was more than happy to share. This world has so many secrets, and I cannot wait to find them all. I also experienced my first "Blood Moon", a cosmological event in which the energies of the moon and dark magic intertwine to raise horrid flesh monsters from the depths of the earth. The locals assure me it is a normal part of the celestial cycle here. Strange. Anyways, closing log three. KC out."
Anyways, today was pretty bad, I couldn't wake up and missed class. That's ok though, my teachers know I have some medical issues and don't mind. I'm doing better now though :D How is everyone doing? Better than me I hope. I am once again petitioning re-logic for living mahogany leaf walls
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kcsodditiesandcuriosities · 27 days ago
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hi! day two time I wanted to do a little more with the tree but cant access the blocks I need yet cause I don't have the dryad. On that note, why is there no living mahogany leaf wall? It would have been great here decided to add the swing last minute and I think its cute :3 anyways, how is everyone's day? Good I hope. I probably wont be able to sleep so I might work on some NPC housing since its technically become day 3 while I was building :P
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kcsodditiesandcuriosities · 28 days ago
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[W1D1] Doing a one year one world challenge. This is my day one :3 sidenote, terraria building is so incredibly fun to me. I was on call with my bf while doing this and felt like Bob Ross giving him the play-by-play of my thought process i love this game so much
Im thinking of making some lore for this world, and im open to suggestions for builds to occupy my time and add to the lore
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kcsodditiesandcuriosities · 1 month ago
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kcsodditiesandcuriosities · 2 months ago
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I need to be put down like this thing right here is the greatest argument for why I shouldn't have been let out of the womb
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kcsodditiesandcuriosities · 3 months ago
the muse in question:
fell out of love with my muse
now i just draw miku
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kcsodditiesandcuriosities · 3 months ago
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I have breached containment and uploaded myself to this tumblr cause I was bored
Im khios/khiaos/khaos/khaios(nobody can ever spell my name right) and I'm the god of space for a setting KC writes for. Unfortunately for them I have become real since I got bored of everything in my old universe.
I sorta control space and use it to fuck with people lmao. I think making people immortal randomly is funny. Watching their reaction almost makes me feel something.
Oh, speaking of something that makes me feel something, my stupid asshat brother is always erasing my creations cause they "disturb the natural order". The double griffin was funny as shit and was a valid contribution to the ecosystem. He looks too closely at things, can never see the bigger picture. Tried to kill humanity a few times before we made a deal. I figure he can go spend his time counting the picoseconds between tree seeding cycles or whatever he does in his (waste of) free time.
He's so picky, never goes with the flow. I've made countless non-destructive things that just get erased because they take too long/short to complete their respiration cycle. Hate the guy, but what can you do about it. Family and all. (also I think killing him would erase time? I'm not sure, everything on that topic is fuzzy)
Anyways, what's fun in this universe? Nevermind. Dammit. Ive already seen and done it all. Fuck's sake. Never let anyone tell you omnipotence you cant turn off is a good thing, worst mistake of my lives.
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kcsodditiesandcuriosities · 3 months ago
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i dont draw often but here's a drawing of my lancer character i don't think is awful like most other things i attempt to draw
Rain is a lancer character I play who unfortunately has a primitive NHP bonded to their cybernetics, leading to frequent bouts of outbursts like this as they try to keep control of their mind
oh fun fact i showed this to a friend and she said "ah very edgelord" or something and i was like "yeah.... shut up" (is there a word for like embarrassed in an annoying way? I only started to feel emotions like 1 year ago and don't know much)
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kcsodditiesandcuriosities · 3 months ago
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yeah, im comedy
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kcsodditiesandcuriosities · 3 months ago
my fucking
my name was taken so now im stuck with this stupid yet endearingly threatening name
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kcsodditiesandcuriosities · 3 months ago
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