kbailey-dancer · 4 years
if one person can be changed by what i'm going through it will all be worth it.
melissa camp
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kbailey-dancer · 4 years
so far
Hi guys! My names Kaitlyn, and I’m really happy you’re reading this! Like I didn’t think any human ever would. Anyways, this is going to be my new blog! Alright, so I have a... complicated life to say the least. I’ll just give you my background so that you can kind of understand me. 
I’m 13 years old, and I’m a dancer. I’m a Christian, and I’m currently growing up in the suburbs of Seattle. I want you to remember that normal teenage girl part of me before you meet the other part. The part that’s sick. With what? Cancer? That’s always a classic, isn’t it. You read the poor sick girls diary that she wrote before she died of cancer, and you think it’s so inspiring and then you don’t go and do anything about it. No offense: I do it too. Even though I am sick. So, if not cancer, then what? I would love to tell you. But I don’t know! I have absolutely no idea. And guess what? Neither do my doctors.
So, you may be thinking, what are my symptoms? Pain. And a lot of it. All the time. In my joints. All of them. Each and every toe, my ankles, knees, hips, low back, shoulders, elbows, wrist, fingers, neck, jaw.... am I forgetting any? I would say I handle pain well (I’ve ran on broken feet and done gymnastics on broken arms without complaining or shedding a tear) but this is different. Now, each and every one of my joints doesn’t hurt that bad all the time. But they do when I open the fridge. Or unscrew the lid to a hydro flask. Or tie my shoes. 
Lately my doctors told me not to dance, because they think there is a possibility that I dance too much and it’s wearing down my joints. They also think the contorition is bad for me. Which, in all fairness to the doctors, is. The thing is, I need to dance. Like I have SLDS (Severe Lack of Dance Syndrome). It’s a thing. Dancing just seems to distract me from the pain. Oh, well. I trust that God will use what I’m going through to impact people's lives. And if one life can be changed by what I’m going through... well, it would all be worth it. If you want to talk to me individually email me at [email protected], I hope to talk with you soon!
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