kazikluscore · 4 years
Residing in Dracula Castle:
Nero (Different Mun) - Vlad considers the closest person to him; his bride, best friend, and live-in boyfriend. Can and will yearn when prompted and otherwise.
Bach ((Different Mun) On and off - see IC for current occupant status) - Dear friend, person second closest to him. 
Valdemar/Vald (Same mun) - A Ghouled black borzoi under remote control by Vlad. Essentially Vlad.exe running on Window: Buppy Version 2.0. Typically with or near Bach unless otherwise prompted. 
Alter (Different Mun) - Vlad is not 100% sure what Alter is or why he is how he is, but he loves his strange purple son... when he is not eating the furniture.
Jacklynn (Same mun) - Blood Doll/Ghoul/Childe of Dracula. 
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kazikluscore · 4 years
Due to past issues it is extremely unlikely I will reach out first. I assure you I am not disinterested or ignoring you. Just trying to stay in my space. If you want to RP please reach out to me in my inbox OOC to talk first and establish boundaries for the comfort of both you and myself. 
I am willing to RP outside of the VtM/WoD universe. 
Mun is 18+ (NSFW is tagged)
Communication. Communication. Communication.
If I do something that does offend or upset you, please message me OOC. I want to know. I want to discuss it and work it out if we can. I am more than happy to apply tags or change something that is making you uncomfortable. 
RP is meant to be fun. I am here to have fun and while I may touch serious subjects I am not interested in constant heavy RP. I like a nice mix and generally tend to stay on the lighter side of things, but if you want something heavy just let me know.
I am NOT my character. His opinions and my opinions are not the same. His emotions and my emotions are not the same. Vlad might not like your character, but that does not mean I do not like you or your character. If Vlad is being too intense and you need me to lighten him up in our interactions please let me know and I will be more than happy to do so. 
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kazikluscore · 4 years
General Information
Rules - Bio - Relationships
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kazikluscore · 4 years
The Library
Book I - ((This is very much less rp, more historical. Crafted from information I and others have found about the real Vlad III Dracula that I use as the base for the character. I try to be as factual as I can in this and diligent with the limited information and varying accounts we have. I want to make a point of separating this from my own writing out of respect for the man who inspired the character who is not only an inspiration to myself, but a national hero in Romania. I feel like he deserves to be known beyond Bram Stroker or any other work of fiction.))
Book II - ((This is my version of events just after Vlad’s Embrace. His years in hiding after staging his death then his life undercover as Elizabeth Bathory.)) 
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