kaysocs-ocs · 9 months
The Anger of Molly Hawke (WIP)
"Her heart shattered the second it had been repaired."
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Molly Hawke, Born from Leandra Amell and Malcolm Hawke, is a very energetic person. She might have a penchant for taking risks, often diving headfirst into situations without necessarily thinking of the consequences, but always managing to come out on top due to her resourcefulness and quick thinking. Molly Hawke's approach to life might be a blend of calculated risks and impulsive decisions.
"Pain? I suffer that no longer."
Upon her brothers Apolo and Lixeans death, she reacted with a mixture of shock, grief, and a fierce sense of protectiveness. Initially, she responded with disbelief, her trademark humor faltering in the face of such a sudden and tragic loss. Her typical banter and light-heartedness gave way to raw, unfiltered displays of emotion—tears, anger, or stunned silences that spoke volumes. Her protective instincts kicked in, and she felt a deep sense of responsibility for their fate, grappling with self-blame for not being able to save them or shield them better.
And the second her brother Apolo was raised from the dead,
In the immediate aftermath, Molly showered Apolo with warmth and affection, attempting to recapture lost moments and reminisce about shared memories. Her trademark humor and playfulness returned, attempting to break through any residual tension and reintroduce the lightheartedness they once shared.
However, as time passed and Molly observed the changes in Apolo, her initial happiness gradually faded into concern and disappointment. The stark contrast between the Apolo she remembered and the changed version he had become shattered her initial euphoria.
"I wish you had understood."
When her mother passed by attempted murder
Her fury simmered beneath the surface, a seething anger that coursed through her amidst the devastation. Apolo stood before her, a hollow shadow of his former self, a stark contrast to the lively brother she once knew. The weight of loss, compounded by Apolo's distant and detached demeanor, ignited a blaze of resentment within her.
As she grappled with the enormity of their family's demise, the sight of Apolo, devoid of emotion and unresponsive to her anguish, stoked the flames of her anger. Her heartache erupted into bitter rage at the realization that the brother who remained was but a ghost of his former self, failing to mirror the genuine sorrow she felt.
When he attempted to offer solace or support, his hollow gestures only fueled her fury. Her outburst cut through the air, a torrent of words fueled by grief and disappointment. She lashed out, denying his support and rejecting his presence, wounded by the absence of the real connection she sought in her time of despair.
Molly's anger surged as she struggled to come to terms with Apolo's changed nature. Her emotions, already raw from the loss of their family members, collided with a deep-seated resentment towards Apolo's emotional absence, intensifying her pain and sense of isolation amidst the tragedy.
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