kaysiahall-blog ¡ 6 years
Two Follow Up Questions About Code Switching
Is it ok to code switch?
Should the people who code switch be judged?
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kaysiahall-blog ¡ 6 years
What Did I Learn From This Research?
I learnt that no matter how hard life gets and no matter the obstacles that may lay before you and no matter what life throws at you,you should always be yourself and never try to change who you are for the pleasures in this world or to try and make everyone happy and in doing that you’re making yourself unhappy.I learnt that life’s not always what it seems and you’re not always going to have things going your way and you’re going to stumble and sometimes fall but the choice wasn’t yours to fall but the choice is yours to get up again and not remain on your face.I learnt that we have to face some difficult times in our lives but we have to be brave and courageous and stand tall and we’ll get through it if we use our voices as our weapons.We can change the world in a better place if we use our voices as our weapons and use it for the good and correct reason.
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kaysiahall-blog ¡ 6 years
Quotes From THUG About Code Switching
“Once upon a time there was a hazel-eyed boy with dimples.I called him Khalil.The world called him a thug.He lived,but not nearly long enough,and for the rest of my life I’ll remember how he died.’’-Starr Carter,-Page 442-443
Khalil, I’ll never forget.
I’ll never give up.
I’ll never be quiet.
I promise.-Starr Carter,Page 444
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kaysiahall-blog ¡ 6 years
Titles,Authors And Publications
Title: The Hate U Give(Thug Life)
Author: Angie Thomas
Publication: This book was first published on February 28,2017
Title: Code Switching
Author: Penelope Gardner-Chloros
Publication: February 2010 By Cambridge University Press
Title: Code Switching Between Structural  And Sociolinguistic Perspectives
Authors: Gerald Stell And Kofi Yakpo
Publication: March 29,2015
Title: Code Switching And Multilingualism In Literature
Authors: Penelope Gardner-Chloros And Daniel Weston
Publication: August 13,2015
Title: Code Switching In Conversations
Author: Peter Auer
Publication: February 7,1999
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kaysiahall-blog ¡ 6 years
Marcus Mosiah Garvey once said:
“The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword,But The Tongue Is Mightier Than Them Both Put Together.
“If You Have No Confidence In Self,You Are Twice Defeated In The Race Of Life”
“God And Nature First Made Us What We Are And Then Out Of Own Created Genius We Make Ourselves What We Want To Be.Follow Always That Great Law.Let The Sky And God Be Our Limit And Eternity Our Measurement”.
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kaysiahall-blog ¡ 6 years
Interesting Statistics
About 75% of the people around the globe code switch every now and then in their daily life.
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kaysiahall-blog ¡ 6 years
What Is Being Done To Address This Issue?
People are learning how to talk out and use their voices in a good way as their weapons.They’re taking it step by step and learning how to be bold,brave,courageous and strong and learning how to accept themselves for who they are.They have been learning that it’s ok to be who you are and you should never try and change they way you are for anything or anyone.Self love is the best love and love is given back or flown back to where it came from.If you first don’t love and respect yourself for who you are or what you are then you can’t expect someone to love or respect you.
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kaysiahall-blog ¡ 6 years
Are There Any Organizations Or Campaigns That Offer Support Or Create Awareness About This Topic?
NPR has a blog that is called ‘Code Switch Now’ and recently published an article called ‘Five Reasons Why People Code Switch’.
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kaysiahall-blog ¡ 6 years
How Does This Happen?
This happens when a person changes his or her voice by switching it to another language or change their vocal tone and accent adjust to a certain situation ot to fix a certain problem or even to maybe introduce someone who has no idea about a particular language.So basically this means when someone changes their character or characteristics to blend.
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kaysiahall-blog ¡ 6 years
Why Does This Happen?
This occurs when someone tries to fit in and talk or act like someone around them.They sometimes do this so that they can speak privately or in secret.Sometimes they just want to blend in with a particular crowd or a group of people.Most times it’s for educational and various job reasons.
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kaysiahall-blog ¡ 6 years
Where Does This Happen?Any Specific Locations?
This can happen in the classroom,at your workplace,on a job interview,if moving to another country you have to adapt and adjust to their style of living,at home,in a large crowd or group,in a governmental business setting or even the streets.
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kaysiahall-blog ¡ 6 years
When Did This Happen?Any Important Dates?
This happens when persons want to make a change or a turning point in their lives.Coming out of the dark and trying to be bold and fight for what’s right in some cases.
For Example,
The Most Honourable Marcus Mosiah Garvey was born on August 17,1887. Along with his wife Amy Ashwood-Garvey they were the founders of the Universalersal Negro Improvement Association(UNIA)and it was founded on July 15,1914.It is a group of black americans and africans and the purpose of this was to empower africans that they didn’t have to live as slaves anymore and  just like Nelson Mandela,they were using their voices as weapons for something good,for something worthwhile,for something positive.
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kaysiahall-blog ¡ 6 years
Who Is Involved?Who Is Affected?
People who try to be someone they’re not just to try and with in with a particular crowd or group of people.For example in the novel The Hate You Give,Starr Carter watched her friend Khalil being shot and killed and she was afraid to speak the truth about what really happened.Everyone was affected by Khalil’s loss but Starr was mostly affected by this because she watched her two best friends got shot and killed.
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kaysiahall-blog ¡ 6 years
What Is Code Switching?
Code Switching is the practice of alternating between two or more languages or different varieties of language in conversation.The term code switching in this study is the use of two languages within a sentence or between sentences. Intrasentential refers to the switch that occurs within a sentence while intersentential points to switches between sentences. Last but not least, extra sentential refers to the tags and fillers that do not exist in the word list of the language used.
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kaysiahall-blog ¡ 6 years
What Are Some Of The Effects Of Code Switching Among Individuals?
In multilingual communities, code-switching is a widespread phenomenon that happens from daily life and workplaces to classrooms in which specific languages have been instituted as the official languages of instruction. Malaysia is one of the nations that have multilingual communities that consists of three main races; Malay, Chinese and Indians. From 1957 to 1967, language was used as an important tool in order to achieve unity and Bahasa Malaysia becomes the national language. Previously, English was compulsory in all schools especially the vernacular schools and due to the lack of English educators at that time, the idea was off the hook. In 1967, English language status was removed but it was still used nationwide. 
Teachers, consequently, have been employing code switching as a means of students' understanding. Furthermore, code switching helps to facilitate the flow of classroom instruction since the teachers do not have to spend so much time trying to explain to the learners or searching for the simplest words to clarify any confusion that might arise. Code-switching should not be considered as a sign of shortcoming in the teacher. Instead, it is a careful strategy employed by the teachers. Code-switching should be allowed whenever necessary with some learners in specific situations.providing students with the opportunities to communicate and enhancing.
Richard (1985) suggests that code-switching is a term in linguistics referring to replacement between two or more languages in a single conversation, stretch of discourse, or utterances between people who have more than one language in common. Speakers of more than one language are known for their ability to code switch or mix their language during communication. This phenomenon occurs when the speaker substitutes a word or phrase from one language to a phrase or word from another language. Ayeomoni (2006) claims that many educators have attempted to define the term "code switching" and each understand the concepts from different points of view. Gumperz (1982) defined code-switching as the use of more than one code or language in the course of a single speech event, taken to refer to teacher utterances in the classroom. In other words, the teachers' use code-switching in order to convey meanings to the students.
Multilingual communities have the tendency to switch code either with or without their consciousness and Malaysia is a good example of a community that practice code switching. People sometimes switch code varied within a domain or social situation. For example, when there is some obvious change in the situation, such as the arrival of a new person, it is the obvious reason why people switch code. In most cases, a speaker may similarly switch to another language as a signal group of membership and shared ethnicity with an addressee. The code switch occurs from the first language to the second language or vice versa. In addition, switches motivated by the identity and relationship between the participants often express a move to show solidarity and it may also referred as the status relations between people or the formality of their interaction.
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kaysiahall-blog ¡ 6 years
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