Kayla Schulte
9 posts
Operations Analyst, Fulltime Student
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kayschulte22 · 4 years ago
Implementation Challenges
The client I have been working with to develop a plan that will improve their social media presence is now at the point of implementation. I have given them all the tools and ideas they’ll need to make an impact, so it is up to them to bring this plan to fruition. As with all things, there will be some obstacles along the way. The biggest thing I think they’ll face is actually taking the time to create content and put it on the site. Creating quality content is a lot for one person to handle, so they will need to make sure they split the responsibility to keep things fresh. Followers will appreciate different points of perspective and posting styles.
Another thing my client may struggle with is really understanding the principles of mass collaboration. They have always operated their Facebook page as a source of information, but it doesn’t allow for much collaboration or follow-through from their community of followers.
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kayschulte22 · 4 years ago
Online Community Building
After reading the required chapters, it was easy to see that the most important principles were directly related to the people. First and foremost, there needs to be a large following on the pages. There could be the most important information in the world on social media pages, but if there are not followers to read and spread that information, it is pointless. The second thing that is needed is tons of collaboration. By involving followers from all demographics, pages are opened up to the possibility of a melting pot of input. Some will be used, some will not, but the collaboration brings everyone together. 
Similar to what I stated above, community is built by providing solid information, gaining followers, and encouraging collaboration. The company I am working with on the project is pretty well-known in this area, but they do not have a very successful social media presence. They have a Facebook page, but they have not made it a priority to post on the page very frequently. The principles will help me build their online presence and gain a bigger following and work to get that community feel. 
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kayschulte22 · 4 years ago
Big Data
Businesses should always pay attention to the level of security they use to protect big data. They need to check and recheck processes, constantly updating and adding levels of security where necessary. It may cost money up front, but it is pennies compared to what could happen if the data is compromised. Consumers need to be weary of who they are giving their personal information to, so that they do not fall victim to unknowingly providing information to bad people. People must do research on businesses seeking PII, especially if they are not familiar with them. Businesses and consumers alike can minimize threats by being proactive. If they are always trying to stay steps ahead of hackers, they will have less cleanup to do because hacks will be less successful. Similarly, consumers can help prevent their information being hacked by not just giving it away to any and everyone who asks for it.
Internet business models promote surveillance because they are sold stories and promises that information will only become even more readily available. They love that technology has given them the ability to be placed in front of potential customers instead of resorting to billboard ads where everyone who drives by sees it, even if it has no effect on the person’s life. The concept allows companies to reach more people who would potentially buy their products or services based on past clicks, site visits, etc.
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kayschulte22 · 4 years ago
Social Media Consultant
A social media consultant is a person who should possess a two key qualities. The first quality is creativity. The consultant will be responsible with coming up with content for social media accounts and trying to draw attention to the company they’re working for. Their creative side will also help them out as they navigate positions throughout different industries. The second quality a consultant should have is adaptability. Their job will require them to work with many types of people who each have their own view of how things should run. Adaptability will also assist the consultant if a strategy doesn’t work as expected.
If I was hired as my own social media consultant, I would focus on my LinkedIn profile and network. I have a profile now, but I never really go on there. I would advise myself to sit down and really look over my job description to ensure I am highlighting myself in the best possible way. I would also work with myself to increase the number of connections I have to market myself to more companies. The last thing I would recommend is posting more on LinkedIn to show things I’m passionate about in the professional world.
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kayschulte22 · 4 years ago
Junk News
The article we read about junk news and how it spreads so quickly was very informative. People flock to the drama that goes along with junk news, and they are easily sucked down the rabbit hole of similar opinions that end up helping them justify their actions. The use of algorithms is very advanced, but extremely invasive. I remember times where I have searched wedding decorations on Google and then opened up Facebook or Instagram only to find ads about the exact thing I was searching only a minute before. I have also clicked on a wedding dress ad on Facebook and then opened a separate tab to check my email and a similar ad popped up on my email page! Advertising is a very common way to spread extremely controversial topics. If I click on a video on Facebook about COVID being a hoax, I will then have more videos and articles about the conspiracy popping up to read. I’ll be invited to join groups about it, and I will be connected with likeminded people. The last reasoning, exposure, is how we choose to align ourselves with others. For example, a person who is a devout Democrat will not seek out information to sway them to be a Republican. They will form bonds and comradery with other Democrats who will see things the same way they do. People do not generally like to be challenged about their beliefs.
Businesses should be aware of how they are being perceived and what they are being associated with. It would be a terrible thing if a business suddenly became aligned with a controversial topic that will drive customers away. Individuals must be careful about the information they are deeming “factual” because they could be highly misinformed or even missing a huge portion of the story. Standing up for what you believe in is honorable, but you should always make sure you know exactly what you’re defending.
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kayschulte22 · 4 years ago
Big Data and Algorithms
Big data and algorithms are so powerful because they control the content we view on the internet by looking at our past behaviors, decisions, and even clicks. This is extremely dangerous because it alters people’s views of what is fact. If I believe the world is flat, these tools will make it so I connect with other likeminded people and see videos, articles, and posts to support my opinion. Suddenly, I’ll believe everyone thinks the world is flat, but that’s far from true. These tools trick our brains into spending more and more time on social media and other platforms by pulling us down the rabbit hole.
I cannot imagine a world without social media, blogs, vlogs, etc., but we almost need to limit or prohibit such things to keep our world safe. As the years go by, artificial intelligence continues to make new breakthroughs, and future generations will eventually not know what it is like to have face-to-face conversations or how to function without technology or social media platforms. This applies on all levels, but mainly personal and societal. I understand the need for advancing technologies within the professional world, but people need to watch out before there is no longer a need for human workers in many occupations.
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kayschulte22 · 4 years ago
Social Media Experiment
For my experiment, I chose to eliminate social media for two days. Generally speaking, I mindlessly access social media many times throughout any given day. It’s the first thing I do when I sit down at my desk before starting work, the way I calm myself during stressful moments, and how I decompress at night after a long day. It’s the last thing I check before bed. I don’t actively post on social media, but I follow family and friends, celebrities, and tons of influencers.
When deciding what to choose, I wasn’t quite sure how I would do giving up my access to the outside world. I’m aware of how much time I spend online, and I sometimes hate how readily available the internet is now. I would have loved to give up all computers and phones for a period of time, but I work an office job, so I spend at least 40 hours on the computer each week. On top of that, I have my online classes, so giving up computers wasn’t realistic.
I started my experiment Friday, and I had to remind myself to leave social media alone within 30 minutes of being awake. My social media apps are in a folder on my phone, so I was able to stop myself once I opened the folder. I think that truly saved me and made my experiment successful. I opened the folder 27 separate times throughout Friday before realizing that I was taking a social media hiatus. My fiancé and I saw a few close friends Friday night, and I wanted to show my friend something on Instagram. I had to quickly tell her I had to wait and explain the experiment. I did give in once on Snapchat that night because my sister and best friend sent me snaps, and I knew they would be pictures or videos of their kids. On Saturday, I successfully stopped myself from opening any of my apps 19 times. Unfortunately, I mindlessly opened Instagram three separate times and started scrolling through my feed. When I finally realized what I was doing, I quickly closed out the app. I was shocked it hadn’t clicked before I opened Instagram. I spent the rest of the day diligently steering clear and didn’t have any more slipups.
This test showed me how much time I waste on social media. I got so much done when I wasn’t glued to my phone the entire day. I am a fairly busy person, and I always have stuff going on, so constantly have the feeling of not having enough time. When I gave up social media, I realized I actually have more time when I’m not sitting on my phone. I have set a new time limit on my phone to better manage how much of my day is spent on social media. I look forward to trying it out!
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kayschulte22 · 4 years ago
Social Media’s Influence on Life
Social media has a big influence on my daily life. When I wake up in the morning, I get ready and get to my desk to work and instantly open every social media account I have to see what I missed the night before. I know myself enough to not do it before getting ready because otherwise I would live in pajamas and be jobless. When I am working and feel angry or frustrated, I open up my social media apps on my phone to see what is going on there. I do similar things all throughout my day, and I know I can get sucked in sometimes.
Max Stossel’s talk resonated with me because I have been part of pretty much everything he discussed. I get sucked in by the red alerts on my phone and feel anxiety until they’re gone. I check and recheck my social media to make sure nothing has changed. I have taken breaks from Facebook or blocked exes to stop myself from repeatedly checking on what they were posting.
I sometimes compare the way my childhood differs from that of my nieces and nephew. When I was growing up, friends called each other on the house phone, and we had dial-up internet. We were constantly warned by our parents to not “tie up the phone line”. Like Emma Rathbone’s article discussed, we had to make our fun because we didn’t have the ability to ask Siri or Alexa what to do. Now, all six of my nieces and nephew have iPhones, iPads, tablets, etc. They have unlimited data, text messaging, and can actually use the internet on any device! Never mind the fact that their age ranges are 12-1. For example, I was Facetiming my sister today, and my five-year-old niece randomly walks up to their kitchen counter and says “Echo, play ‘Let it Go’ by Idina Menzel on Amazon Music”. And then she quickly changed her mind and requested the echo play a Luke Bryan song.
I, truthfully, cannot remember the last time I had to go without internet of some kind, but I have made honest efforts to reduce my screen time. Sometimes I find myself being too plugged in, so I will set limits for myself on how much time I can spend on social media or my phone in general. My fiancé and I try to set our phones aside when we watch movies together so we can really enjoy what is happening.
Max Stossel explained it perfectly when he talked about how nowadays people walk into a room and immediately pull out their phones to make themselves feel less awkward. They keep their phones on the table and scroll social media when the conversation lulls at the dinner table instead of just enjoying the quiet. I would like to focus on being more present and setting my phone aside. I want to not rely on social media to get me through awkward conversations or to find out about someone’s life. I’d rather they tell me themselves and I listen instead of looking.
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kayschulte22 · 4 years ago
Hello, my name is Kayla Schulte, and I am a Junior at Central Michigan University with an expected graduation date of May 2022. I graduated with my associate degree in business administration in 2017, and I started at CMU online last summer. I was born and raised in small-town Iowa, and I moved to the metro Detroit area right before I turned 20. I currently work fulltime at a healthcare staffing agency as part of the operations and human resources teams. I have been with this company for almost six years, and I continue to learn new things about business every day. My goal for my future is to work my way up to a director role and continue to utilize all the skills and knowledge I have learned. I never want to stop learning new things and challenging myself!
My goal for this semester is to really dive in and learn about the pros and cons of companies on social media. I want to learn why it helps them, hurts them, and what else is just fluff. I used to frequent social media sites far more than I do now, so I believe this class will be beneficial in learning the ins and outs of them. One company that stands out to me on social media is Old Navy, a clothing retailer that offers all kinds of apparel, accessory, and shoe options for people of all ages and sizes. They post every day on Instagram, and their posts are filled with bright colors, buzz words, and all types of people. Old Navy openly celebrates all walks of life in all their social media and advertising. The company encourages people to embrace their unique styles. All of this plays a part in the social media component of mass collaboration. Constantly creating content on their social media accounts encourages feedback from customers and enables Old Navy to stay connected.
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