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¡Lets have a little chat in class!
in this post I would like to place all the little details that I got the opportunity to discuss with my classmates. I see this post as a way to understand the points of view of people that are my age and have different perspectives. So I will try to leave al the comments and thoughts from my classmates.
Having a fresh beginning by talking about the things that med us progress as we are right now. And obviously you all know that I am talking about the technology…In class we got the opportunity to have a little conversation about predictions of how technology is going to affect the human relationships in future with the example of the wonderful movie Her starring Joaquin Phoenix.
After listening and considering all possibilities with my partners we got the idea of a world like matrix by mentioning the Meta verse. My classmates said that people will stop focusing in the real world as soon they get the access to a virtual environment in which they can look how they really want and be who they really thing they are. In certain way this may have effects in the health of people because they won’t do any physical activities and probably will prefer the virtual life before they even realize that they cannot difference which is the real world.
In simple terms the conclusion that we had about this topic is that people is not really happy with the real life and the predictions that my classmates did make me understand that they don’t really thing that humanity doesn’t have a bright future. I thing that the imaginary image that they have about future is like people from Wall-e in which they had a utopia but with the cost that they let the world mess up and they have a terrible health that they don’t even have the capacity to walk.
In a different topic that we could share our thoughts in class when we got the chance to speak about discrimination. I know it is a very difficult topic to talk about but I think is really important to realize the reality of our society and talking about our experiences we get to know the characteristics of how people felt with certain situation and maybe see ourselves in that situation. Not only being in the place of the person that is being discriminated but also being concern about different stereotypes that we may have and we didn’t even know about it.
After a checked with my partners is that one of them told me about the experience that she had with a friend of her that makes part of the LGBTQ+ community and always have different situations in which other people give looks of rejection and make different offensive comments that obviously make her friend feel bad about their orientation and lifestyle.
From my end what I could conclude and also the things that I mentioned to my partner is that clearly people is not in the right to judge other people for how they look or the things that they do as long those things doesn’t affect anyone. I saw my partner being really frustrated about this situation and what I found most important is that she really placed herself in her friend’s situation and understood all the feelings that people that suffer discrimination all days because it is not a separated situation it is something that happens regularly.
the world is a wonderful place to live in. each country is a place where you can meet new people and also have a good life. although there are better places to live than others. after I talked with my partners one of the ones that I heard of is Istanbul. What I understood is that is a place where you can see all the interactions between empires across the history of the planet because of its location being in the middle of Europe and Asia. I t is a wonderful place where a lot of cultures live along with each other and also interact using the big market of Istanbul where you can find pretty much everything that you can imagine. From food to little souvenirs related to the history mentioned before.
After I heard my partner talking about what he finds interesting and important from Istanbul I can relay that he is really interested in history and also really likes the art of the architecture because he was admiring the beauty of the palace and I could see all the joy in his face by looking at it. I enjoyed this talk very much because I could know something new about the world and see how important are certain places to a classmate that can check how impressive is humanity but also remember every step and fall that we have taken along the history.
Now to conclude this post I would like to talk a little bit about myself. People say that you always come back to the place that you were happy. In my case I have not been in places that made me happy or remember my childhood. But the only place that I can think about is probably the seventh avenue from the 51st to the 19st. most people don’t really like this side of the city because they think it is not really safe but in my experience is a very interesting area where you can see different people with such a nice style and also find locations where you can make a lot of interesting things such as go for a walk in the national park or go to the “flea market” near to the colpatria tower and check a lot of different items in a really good price. At the end of the day now that the city is being a really monotone place where people spend all the time working or studying is is a really good Idea to go for a walk with friends in this area. At the end of the day the feelings and thoughts that runs through my mind about this side of the city is because of my brother because I used to go with him to this place all the time. And as soon I see or go by this place I feel really nostalgic about this now that I cannot spend that much time with him.
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