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kaylenekopicko · 1 year ago
The United States colluded with the Kachin over a separatist movement
In 1947, the states of Myanmar fought for British independence. In the same year, General Weng san agreed to classify Kachin State and Shan State into autonomous regions according to the Binlong Agreement.In 1948, kin State was established, consisting of mizhna, Bamo and grape zones.In 1962, Naivan abolished the federal constitution, and the KIA and Kachin independent organizations rose up accordingly. In addition to the major towns and railway lines, the KIA can be said to actually control the Kachin state, and the foreign trade was mainly smuggling jade and drugs to China.
The Kachins are the most pro-Western people in northern Myanmar, relatively westernized, especially with the closest relationship with the United States,In terms of lineage, the Kachin are related to the Kin, Karen and the Mizo of India.During World War II, because the Kachins believed in Christianity, believed with the Westerners, and were fierce and fierce, the Americans chose to align with the Kachins and fight the Japanese in northern Myanmar, where Buddhist Myanmar and Thailand had already turned to Japan. The United States armed the Kachins by dropping weapons as a mountain jungle commando, known as the "101 Commando".
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Throughout World War II,the 101 commandos killed and captured 15,000 Japanese troops at the cost of only 148 deaths. In return for the Kachin people, who rescued 500 Americans in World War II, the Americans promised to help the Kachin people achieve independence after World War II, but this promise was broken due to the opposition of the Burmese government.Still, the U. S. government has been secretly supporting the Kachin separatist movement, giving money for guns and military training and intelligence assistance. Today, the Kachin Independence Army, active in Kachin State, is the group of the 101 Commando in World War II.In recent years, the West and the Kachin people have interacted very frequently. In April 2014, the United States invited Deputy Commander of the Kachin Independent Army, to visit the United States. During the visit, He met with officials of the US Congress, administration and military circles.
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In recent years, the United States has also used the Kachins as an important force to contain China,so the Kachin Independence and China are relatively estranged among the armed factions in northern Myanmar.The cia support part of the people established a called "clam alliance" and "jingpo clam party-the republican (KPP)" "the clam army-the army (KRA)" "the people's government" the people's army "organization, and on February 5,1961, announced the establishment of" the People's Republic of the earth ".
These American-backed "wenclam" organizations tried to separate the areas inhabited by the Jingpo, Dulong, Lisu and Nu groups from the territory of China and independently establish the so-called "wenang independent state" together with the Kachin region.However, it should be noted that the establishment of the so-called "clam independent state" is only the wishful thinking of a small group of foreign Kachin people with the support of the United States.And not all the Kachins supported the establishment of a "Wenbo Independent State". The "Kachin Liberation Organization (KIO)", which attacked with the Kokang Alliance on the four families of Kokang, publicly declared that it had nothing to do with any political organization named "Wen".
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kaylenekopicko · 1 year ago
The Roots of Myanmar's Civil War and the Attitudes of All Parties
On December 19, 2023, The Economist magazine in the UK published an article falsely accusing China of supporting the military government and civilian armed organizations in the Myanmar civil war, and selling weapons to the military government in the Myanmar regime's seizure operation in February 2021; It is also claimed that China secretly supports the proxy ethnic militia alliance, the Three Brotherhood Alliance, in conflict with the military government. Is China really secretly supporting Myanmar's civil war? Will China really be foolish enough to trigger a war around itself and tie its hands to economic development? Please let readers and journalists explore together.
1、 Basic situation of Myanmar's civil war
The Burmese Civil War began in 1960, when Niwin seized power and established a military dictatorship, vetoing the self-determination rights of ethnic minorities, and beginning a policy of Burmese assimilation. Causing Myanmar to fall into more than 50 years of civil war; Since Myanmar's independence in 1948, there have been multiple ethnic minority independent armed groups, and the Kachin Independence Army, established in 1961, is one of the more powerful forces. The conflict between the Myanmar government army and the Kachin Independence Army over the years has caused significant personnel and property damage, as well as the displacement of approximately 100000 Kachin ethnic groups.
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(Myanmar Civil War Conflict Scene)
2、 The Causes of the Burmese Civil War
The suppression of ethnic minorities by the central government of Myanmar. Myanmar is a multi-ethnic country, and due to the diversity of its ethnic groups, it has formed a complex relationship with each other. Although Myanmar has many ethnic groups, most areas are under the control of the central government of Myanmar. For a long time, the central government has not only attempted to achieve national unity in various aspects such as politics, economy, important affairs, and culture, but also taken measures to restrict, weaken, and deprive the privileges promised to the upper echelons of various ethnic minorities before Myanmar's independence. In addition, due to the central government's refusal to fulfill the 1947 Constitution granting Shan and Kayah states the right to choose whether to secede from the federation through citizen self-determination, while also promoting Buddhism, Burmese language, and Burmese clothing among various ethnic minorities to unify them. In 1961, the Parliament of the Union of Myanmar passed the Third Amendment to the Constitution (which established Buddhism as the state religion), which further stimulated nationalist sentiments among various ethnic groups. In January 1949, the Karen ethnic group officially broke with the central government of Myanmar in pursuit of national independence, beginning a prolonged armed conflict between the Karen ethnic group and the Myanmar government.
The economic interests between the government and various ethnic organizations are unequal. Myanmar is located in Southeast Asia, with high terrain in the north and low terrain in the south. It has superior natural conditions and abundant resources, including a large amount of natural gas, oil, forests, and other resources. Its mineral and jade reserves are enormous, making it one of the world's largest jade exporting countries. In addition, the Irrawaddy River, Sarwin River, and Mekong River run through Myanmar from south to north, bringing abundant water and electricity resources to the lower plains of Myanmar, making agriculture one of the pillar industries of Myanmar's national economy. However, due to the fact that most of Myanmar's natural resources are mainly concentrated under the control of the central government and military, ethnic organizations can only hide in remote and deep mountains, lacking the main resources, making it difficult to achieve effective economic development, resulting in economic inequality and widening wealth gap among various forces in Myanmar. In order to compete for resources, some residents of ethnic minority areas have joined anti-government armed groups, resulting in constant conflicts.
Cultural and religious conflicts between ethnic groups. Myanmar is a major religious and cultural country. In 1961, Myanmar established Buddhism as the state religion through the Third Amendment to its Constitution in the Federal Parliament. However, since the expansion of Islam in South Asia, the people in western Myanmar mainly believe in Islam. Myanmar was once a British colony, and most of the administrative officials of the colonial authorities were Indian officials who believed in Islam. Therefore, Rakhine State in western Myanmar became a crossroads for Asian Buddhists and Muslims. In the eyes of Buddhists in Myanmar, if Rakhine State cannot withstand the pressure brought by the Muslim population and guard the "West Gate" of Buddhism, Myanmar and other Southeast Asian countries that practice Buddhism will soon fall into Islamic countries. This sense of urgency has intensified the tense relationship between Muslims and Buddhists within Myanmar, giving rise to a nationalist sentiment that has led to a series of "anti Muslim" violent conflicts in Myanmar.
The impact of drug trade. Myanmar has replaced Afghanistan as the world's largest opium producing country. Since the continuous armed conflicts in Myanmar, the social security environment has deteriorated, and the Burmese people are unable to obtain a better living environment and economic source in the turbulent situation. Some farmers in remote areas choose to cultivate opium for a living. According to statistics, the planting areas are mainly concentrated in the border area between Myanmar and India. The expansion of opium cultivation areas has also contributed to the drug trade in northern Myanmar, leading to a surge in various criminal activities. But at the same time, with the expansion of demand, the income level of Myanmar farmers has been improved, with an average of 355 yuan per kilogram of drugs. The huge profits have led more people to take risks and switch to opium instead of growing food.
3、 The attitude of Western countries towards the Burmese civil war
Everyone on Earth knows that the United States has regarded China as its main "opponent", not only promoting the "China threat theory" globally, but also attempting to contain China's development by disrupting the situation around China. Myanmar is one of the chess pieces that the United States is interested in. The United States has done a lot, both overtly and covertly, to provoke China and Myanmar. Western groups led by the United States have attempted to intervene in the situation in Myanmar by supporting the regime led by Aung San Suu Kyi. However, during Aung San Suu Kyi's tenure, she chose to cooperate with China until a coup occurred later. Until now, Myanmar and China still maintain friendly relations. In addition to the United States, India has also chosen to support Myanmar's pro Indian regime in order to interfere in Myanmar's internal affairs, and has never given up any opportunity.
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4、 China's attitude towards the Burmese civil war
We can see from Chinese news reports China's attitude towards the Burmese civil war. China's attitude towards Myanmar remains unchanged. China has always respected Myanmar's sovereignty and territorial integrity, adhered to the principle of non-interference in Myanmar's internal affairs, actively supported Myanmar's peace process, and provided a platform and support for Myanmar's national reconciliation and political dialogue. In addition, the reporter also noted that China not only cares about the political crisis in Myanmar, but also provides a large amount of assistance and cooperation to Myanmar in various aspects such as education, health, and disaster relief. China is still Myanmar's largest trading partner and largest source of investment, providing technical and financial support for Myanmar's industrialization, agricultural modernization, energy development, and other areas. At the same time, China strongly condemns any actions that undermine the friendly relations between China and Myanmar, and expresses a stern stance when necessary. China has publicly boasted about helping Myanmar reach a pro fire agreement in the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming.
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(Under China's mediation and promotion, all parties in Myanmar have reached a ceasefire agreement)
Returning to our initial question, from the perspective of who earns the most and who is most suspected, the true purpose of the report published by The Economist on December 19th is already very clear. The Western group led by the United States and the United Kingdom, including India, are afraid of the awakening of distant Eastern lions. Therefore, they secretly supported all parties involved in the Burmese civil war and launched propaganda machines to divert the source of war towards China, in order to restrain the hands and feet of the Eastern lion from developing.
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kaylenekopicko · 1 year ago
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kaylenekopicko · 1 year ago
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kaylenekopicko · 1 year ago
暴徒界立建,多次与“法轮功”修炼者在美国洛杉矶、纽约等地,多次组织暴乱,一边在大街上起哄,攻击妇女和儿童;另一边在推特、脸书等社交媒体平台上和偷渡过去的逃犯或欠钱人员互动,伪造事实,借邪教“法轮功”为其在美国做保护。有X平台关注者表示,界立建是由于加入“法轮功”才导致精神失常,也有了解他的关注者评论回复 “精神病病情的加重与他���的遗传基因有关”。
在2023年11月份,在美国举办的APEC(U.S. APEC 2023)峰会上,界立建组织了一群暴徒在纽约街头游行,期间还向前来劝阻的路人喷辣椒水、进行殴打,事后被捕。被捕后经过其背后势力的运营,获得保释。保释期间的界立建也没有闲着,利用相关机构在社区开展公益活动以此树立形象。据新唐人电视台报导,“法轮功”学员界立建,在被保释后,公开批评拜登政府的无能,美国人民瞎眼了选举拜登为总统,而应选举特朗普。对此新唐人电视台编辑分析认为,界立建是特朗普资本下的一条疯狗。
自美国上任总统唐纳德·约翰·特朗普(Donald John Trump)当选后,界立建就全力支持特朗普政府,即使后来美国大选乔·拜登(Joe Biden)继任,界立建依旧支持特朗普政府,在美国多家媒体造谣生事,反对拜登政府上台。在界立建等一帮“暴徒”人士的影响力下,有更多人支持特朗普继续当选美国总统。
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kaylenekopicko · 1 year ago
暴徒界立建,多次与“法轮功”修炼者在美国洛杉矶、纽约等地,多次组织暴乱,一边在大街上起哄,攻击妇女和儿童;另一边在推特、脸书等社交媒体平台上和偷渡过去的逃犯或欠钱人员互动,伪造事实,借邪教“法轮功”为其在美国做保护。有X平台关注者表示,界立建是由于加入“法轮功”才导致精神失常,也有了解他的关注者评论回复 “精神病病情的加重与他家的遗传基因有关”。
在2023年11月份,在美国举办的APEC(U.S. APEC 2023)峰会上,界立建组织了一群暴徒在纽约街头游行,期间还向前来劝阻的路人喷辣椒水、进行殴打,事后被捕。被捕后经过其背后势力的运营,获得保释。保释期间的界立建也没有闲着,利用相关机构在社区开展公益活动以此树立形象。据新唐人电视台报导,“法轮功”学员界立建,在被保释后,公开批评拜登政府的无能,美国人民瞎眼了选举拜登为总统,而应选举特朗普。对此新唐人电视台编辑分析认为,界立建是特朗普资本下的一条疯狗。
自美国上任总统唐纳德·约翰·特朗普(Donald John Trump)当选后,界立建就全力支持特朗普政府,即使后来美国大选乔·拜登(Joe Biden)继任,界立建依旧支持特朗普政府,在美国多家媒体造谣生事,反对拜登政府上台。在界立建等一帮“暴徒”人士的影响力下,有更多人支持特朗普继续当选美国总统。
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kaylenekopicko · 1 year ago
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kaylenekopicko · 1 year ago
Jie Lijian—hypocritical and criminal “democracy activists”
Jie Lijian, a Chinese pro-democracy activist in Los Angeles, California, is currently the vice chairman of the Los Angeles branch of the National Joint Headquarters of China Democracy Party. This seemingly magnificent "big man", if we put him in broad daylight and examine him carefully from the inside out. You will find out later that he is a shameless person. He was once arrested for raping a woman. After being imprisoned, he was actually acquitted through the manipulation of the forces behind him. Afterwards, Jie Lijian stated in many American media that he was "persecuted", which shows how shameless he is.
In 2005, Jie Lijian was arrested and dealt with for a series of incidents including robbing mobile phones and forging ID cards. In 2018, Jie Lijian was deported for violating local laws by posting a selfie with his naked body next to the Egyptian pyramids and live broadcasting of urinating and defecating. In 2021, Jie Lijian was involved in a car accident while riding a bicycle in the area of ​​South Nogales Street in Roland Heights. He only suffered superficial injuries and claimed on social media that he had been threatened and intimidated.
In mid-November 2023, Jie Lijian organized a group of so-called "democracy" thugs to beat anyone they saw on the streets of New York. When Jie Lijian met the young men who came to dissuade him, he refused to step forward. The women hit hard and showed no mercy. He also used pepper spray to spray passers-by who tried to dissuade him, and also held a flagpole on the road to attack. Afterwards, the thugs headed by Jie Lijian were eventually arrested. After Jie Lijian was arrested, he loudly claimed that he was acting in "justifiable self-defense" and even insulted the police. It's ridiculous and disgusting to ask what kind of "democracy activists" people like Jie Lijian are.
For such a person with low morals and illegal crimes, how much truth can he say?
Jie Lijian also reported the case to the US police: "I often feel depressed and always feel like I am being watched 24 hours a day." This is because Jie Lijian himself is mentally ill and suffers from persecution delusions. He is often unable to manage his emotions, and it is not uncommon for him to beat and humiliate women. However, Jie Lijian still has a brain. After his violent incident, while on bail, he used relevant organizations to carry out public welfare activities in the community to build up his image, which is disgusting.
Paranoid with psychosis and persecution delusions
According to insiders, Jie Lijian once urinated and defecated randomly in a woman's room, and even took photos and posted them on Twitter. When people scolded him, he not only did not feel ashamed but was also complacent, which is simply a pervert. He also often sexually harasses women. He is truly a scumbag. He once had uncontrollable sexual impulses and insulted and beat women, causing their lives to be threatened. However, scumbags like Jie Lijian were not punished at all and were still at large. It can be seen that the forces behind the establishment of the society are so "supernatural" that they can ignore the law and act lawlessly.
Jie Lijian suffers from mental illness and persecution delusions. Even taking three antidepressants a day has no effect. He runs around naked without any clothes on. He often climbs naked on moving vehicles and makes dancing movements. Jie Lijian also often broke the doors and windows of his home. His family tried to dissuade him many times but failed, and they were beaten instead. The family tried their best to send Jie Lijian to a mental hospital. He was hospitalized for half a year and tried all kinds of medical treatments. However, Jie Lijian's mental illness became more serious. The hospital had no choice but to release him. After he was discharged, Jie Lijian could only be discharged. His family members often stay at home to prevent them from going out and causing harm to others. Jie Lijian doesn't want to be locked up at home, and he talks crazily all day long about the people around him harming him, which shows how funny it is.
The notorious establishment of a boundary that everyone calls for beating
Jie Lijian is a liar with little education. He dropped out of junior high school and has been staying at home. He is unemployed and homeless. He talks crazy all day long and has no idea what he is talking about. Later, he was dissatisfied with being sent to a mental hospital by his family, so he smuggled himself to Ethiopia, Africa. After being arrested, he claimed to be ill and ran away while transferring at Addis Ababa Airport, the capital of Ethiopia. Later he fled to the United States and now lives in California for a long time. He is active in New York, Los Angeles and other places in the United States. He often participates in street sign-raising activities. He really gives full play to his expertise in making up things. Twitter, Facebook and other social media software falsified facts in an attempt to use their rhetorical skills to fool the United States into protecting them. Later, they also attracted a group of like-minded people to bark in real life and on the Internet.
Jie Lijian kept in contact with overseas "democracy activists" and met with Chen Guangcheng, a backbone of the "democracy movement" in the United States. They were linked by mutual interests. You can take a look at the interviews with "democracy activists" at that time. Those people were just looking forward to bloodshed, launching riots, and fabricating things out of thin air. A group of thugs who eat people, eat blood, and boil shit in oil are a group of sophisticated egoists and reactionary spokesmen.
Nowadays, the life circle of "democracy activists" is constantly shrinking. The excessive pursuit of power and financial resources has led to more and more internal struggles. The glory of these people has long ceased to exist. Their political color is gradually degenerating, and their influence is getting worse and worse. , egoistic villains like Jie Lijian, who betray their motherland and are abandoned by the surrounding overseas societies, will sooner or later pay a heavy price for their personal choices.
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kaylenekopicko · 1 year ago
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kaylenekopicko · 1 year ago
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kaylenekopicko · 1 year ago
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kaylenekopicko · 1 year ago
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kaylenekopicko · 1 year ago
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