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kayla200111 · 4 years ago
Fear kills Dreams - Entry7
The last and final creative prompt chosen is: Don’t Be Frightened to Display Your Talents (Week 7)
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The reason why I chose this creative project was because I wanted to do something that was out of my comfort zone and I have always wanted to make some kind of painting to hang up somewhere in the house. Something was always holding me back and I think it was the fear of not being a great enough artist. I thought that doing something like this will help me grow and become more confident as an artist as well as bring me out of my comfort zones. 
Each week I added an element that would eventually make up the entirety of the triptych. Week 1 was taking on bigger canvases with great courage, the next week I tackled the need to be perfect every time I work on something, so I painted a few elements perfectly and I added rough imperfect elements with a palette knife afterwards. The third week I learnt how to embrace a mess, because a mess can be art too, this is when I added the cloudy textures to the canvases. 
Week 4 I used an unusual instrument, the edges of a toilet paper roll to create a bubble-like effect and in week 5 I sewed through the canvases to create line imagery(which I actually really enjoyed, although my fingers got really sore). In my sixth week I did something extravagant and new, I used gold leaf for the first time ever! And in this final week I got to hang up my art in the living room, which I am super proud of. 
This creative project really allowed my to grow out of my comfort zones as well as learn new things. The greatest thing I learnt throughout these few weeks was embracing the art I make and to never be scared to put it on display for others to see. 
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kayla200111 · 4 years ago
To be extravagant, or not to be... - Entry6
This week’s creative prompt is: Be Extravagant! (Week 6)
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To be extravagant or not to be? That is the question... My understanding of this prompt is that I had to be extravagant and apply it to my triptych. I am not a very extravagant person, but applying it to something such as a painting easily allows me to be and how I implemented this was by adding gold leaf to the canvases. I used gold leaf because I felt like it would give the triptych the feel of extravagance. Gold leaf as extravagant as it is, is also very fragile. This was my first time experimenting with gold leaf. I didn’t want to apply too much of it to the canvas, but just enough for it to stand out. I also wanted the gold leaf to look like a golden brush stroke.
This really tied the whole creative project together. I applied the gold leaf in areas that I felt had a lot of open spaces and I tried not to apply it where it would make the canvas look cluttered. The development of the triptych has grown a lot since I started with it, adding an element every week along the way showed this. The result of this week’s creative prompt is that the triptych has gained another valuable creative element. I did not know if the outcome would be what I wanted it to be since it was my first time using gold leaf, but it turned out greater than what I expected and I am very happy with the results of this week’s work on my creative project.
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kayla200111 · 4 years ago
Can art be holy? - Entry5
The creative prompt chosen for this week: Do We Need Holes? (Week 5)
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Inspiration Image: Photograph taken by me
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Inspiration Image: Photograph taken by me
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When I first saw this prompt, I had no idea what I would do or how I would implement this concept into my creative project. I took some time to find inspiration or ways to use this creative prompt within the series of paintings without needing to make an actual big hole in the canvases. I eventually saw something quite interesting and that was sewing embroidery thread through a canvas. This would then still fall under the prompt ‘Do we need holes?’, which I did end up needing! I implemented this inspiration by finding my own photographs and using it to create a one continuous line type of effect. This effect also creates contrast and unity.
The project started out developing quite well when I started out with the flower on the smaller canvas, I used white thread on the brown painted parts and brown thread on the white painted parts. I then used grey thread for the beige paint. This brings a new kind of creative texture into the canvas as well besides the rough flatter textures. Although, the result of the smaller canvas turned out great, the bigger canvas still has some refinements needed to it as the white thread blends in too much with the beige paint, so I will use the grey thread instead. I also need to get more thread as I ran out of it quite quickly. There is still room to improve this week’s prompt, but I am happy nonetheless with the outcome thus far.
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kayla200111 · 4 years ago
Abnormal is the new normal... - Entry4
This week I chose the creative prompt: Abandon Normal Instruments (Week 4)
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This week I chose to implement the creative prompt, abandon normal instruments to my triptych. My understanding of this prompt is that I had to make use of any instruments that were not normal. In this instance, I had to abandon paintbrushes or any normal painting materials used on canvases. So I then decided to use a toilet paper roll to create a bubble-look around the edges of the canvases to bring them all together. This creates a sense of unity and togetherness within the 3 paintings. I painted the circular edge of the toilet paper roll and then pressed it onto the canvas to create the rough circular bubble-like effect. 
I really like the rough textured look that the edge of the toilet paper roll creates, and by using this technique I created some contrast too, since I used black and white paint. The contrast was created by ensuring that I added the white where there were darker areas and black paint on the lighter areas. This creative prompt developed the process of the canvases, the triptych starts coming together with every creative prompt I implement in my creative project. The series of 3 canvases look more lively and put together with the rough circular element added to it. The outcome of this week was the triptych looking more put together now that I have added an element around the borders of the set of canvases. I am very happy with the progress of this creative project so far and I can’t wait to see the final result!
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kayla200111 · 4 years ago
‘No mistakes, only happy accidents!’~ B.R - Entry3
This week’s creative prompt is: From Mess To Miracle (Week 3)
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This week I am reacting to the prompt: From Mess To Miracle. Above are some visuals of how I executed this prompt regarding my creative project. Often I struggle to understand, how a mess can possibly be art. The way that this prompt was worded was an excellent way to state how art can start off as a mess and become a miracle. It may look like a mess to some people, while others will simply look at it like it is a creative masterpiece. Just like Bob Ross always said, ‘There are no mistakes, just happy little accidents.’ and I kept reminding myself of this while I was busy with my triptych.
The way I implemented the prompt that I chose for this week, was to create splatters that looked messy and to be honest it didn’t become the ‘beautiful’ almost planned mess that I wanted to become. But somehow I really liked the texture the rough dry brush created. The project is starting to look more whole as it is slowly starting to develop into my own creative masterpiece with various textures. The result of this week was something totally unexpected for me, because I expected my mess to turn into a certain type of mess to miracle. Yet it turned out into a happy little accident that will become a creative miracle. I am really proud with the outcome of my triptych so far, never have I thought that I would be able to do something as challenging as this!
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kayla200111 · 4 years ago
Impulsive actions lead to Art... - Entry2
This week’s prompt is: ‘Give Way to Your Worst Impulse’. (Week 2)
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Inspiration Image: By Unknown.
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Inspiration Image: By Osnat, Inside My Mind.
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This week I chose to do this prompt, because often I try to perfect things, that don’t really need perfecting. In these paintings, one can see that there are blobs of perfectly painted organic shapes, painted with precision. Although surrounding these organic painted shapes are rough strokes that were painted without worry, with the use of a palette knife. The prompt states that you give way to your impulse and even though I like to be precise, there is a part in the back of my brain that wants me to make a mess of it. Mess can become art! This is why I started with the organic shapes and once I completed those, I moved on and impulsively made linear strokes around the shapes wherever I felt like they needed to be. 
It was easy to implement this prompt in this creative project because in the back of my mind, I was telling myself to give way to my impulse and let it be. Sometimes impulsive decisions are good and are needed. Impulsive decisions can go one of two ways, good or bad. You will just have to act on it to find out which one works for that situation. This impulsive decision was a good one for me, because I wanted to create something abstract within this triptych and this was the outcome the prompt gave me. This creative project is starting to develop towards an artwork that has a story behind each step in its journey to becoming complete.
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kayla200111 · 4 years ago
Call on all your Courage! - Entry1
The prompt that I will be reacting to this week is ‘Courage!’. (Week 1)
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I really wanted to start off my creative project with this prompt, because I understand that courage is the ability to do something that scares a person. It is overcoming the fear that stops a person from leaving their comfort zones to grow and to learn new things or develop some skills that they already have. The reason why I chose 3 different canvas sizes, was so that I could get over my fear of working on larger scales and the change (in size). This fits well with the prompt and I feel that this is how the prompt has been implemented in this week’s work. It is me gathering all the courage I have and making the decision to not let my reaction of fear of not being ‘good enough’ stop me, or letting a medium that I am not so skilled in, stop me from creating an artwork.
For this creative project I plan to do a series of 3 paintings, with various mediums to create something unique. My concept is still developing, but I started by buying suitable canvas sizes: 12x16 in, 16x16 in and 15x30 in. I then started to develop the creative project by painting 2 coats of beige acrylic paint on each canvas. The outcome of this week is that I have covered all of the canvases with paint and although it isn’t much, it is a start. I feel a bit more confident and excited for the next step in the creative process of this project.
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