kaydenuncovers · 6 years
Kayden was excited to talk to the reporter. He was trying to figure things out himself. While what he wrote was mostly bullshit he was still driven by a deep curiosity. He entered the coffee shop just a few minutes late and spotted the guy he thought was Jayden. “Hey there! Jayden, right? I’m Noah, and I’m really sorry I’m late.” 
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Sometimes bits of information seemed to fall right into Jayden’s lap, and he was more than a little excited to see where his new lead took him. It may not be much, but learning about someone being new on the exact night that the City Hall blew up seemed at the very least interesting. It could get him a different perspective if nothing else. He waited for Noah at the coffee shop, having reached out prior to see if he would agree to meeting him.
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kaydenuncovers · 6 years
“I imagine I’ll do just fine without it,” Kayden said, smirking. “I was just looking at your wares, but there may be something a handsome man like yourself could help me with. Can you keep a secret?” 
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“If you’ve come looking for a love potion, we don’t make those.” Milo grinned as he walked up to the customer in the shop. “Those are purely myth, however, I don’t see you needing one. Now, what can I do for you?”
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kaydenuncovers · 6 years
“Which is why I said, two parts, not five. I haven’t been here that long but it is a very quiet place. It’s almost jarring when you’re used to big city life.” Zach blinked and tilted his head slightly. “Your editor wants a five part series on authentic small town life.” Zach was very doubtful of Noah’s story. “Is this for a magazine, or some online site?”
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“I think you’re failing to see the sublime in the pedestrian, my friend. But then, I can’t say I’m surprised. You seem to be all about the big stuff, judging by your movies I mean.” Kayden said, figuring he might as well let it be known that he knew who he was talking to. “And it’s for a magazine, though I really don’t appreciate your dismissal of online journalism, it’s a thriving art form my man.” 
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kaydenuncovers · 6 years
“Five parts, huh? Well, I hate to tell you, Noah, but Hawthorne isn’t that eventful of a place to warrant a five part series. Two maybe, but not five.” Zach grinned as they moved closer to the bar, getting himself a glass of red wine. “You may be getting your hopes up for nothing.”
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“Well, I’m not sure if I’d say that. I hear you had a rather eventful potluck in December, didn’t you? And either way, my editor’s looking to shed light on authentic small town life, so I don’t really require much excitement.” 
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kaydenuncovers · 6 years
Zach winced in sympathy for the guy, more than used to the feelings brought about by transportation problems. “Editor?” wound up being the first thing out of his mouth, feeling slightly anxious about what that meant. “What is it that you do? If you don’t mind me asking, that is.”
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“Oh I don’t mind, I’m a journalist for a lifestyle magazine, I’m here to do a five part story on the life in Hawthorne,” Kayden explained, “it’s a big step up for me, getting to run a long term story like this, so I’m quite excited.” 
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kaydenuncovers · 6 years
Zach was waiting to order a drink to help keep calm his nerves a bit when someone introduced themselves to him. “Hello, Noah. My name is Zach. I’m fairly new to Hawthorne myself. You picked a great day to come though, it’s a great way to make a first impression, seeing everyone dressed their best.”
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“Pleasure to meet you, Zach. I gotta say, I was afraid I wouldn’t make it. First my plane was delayed and then my driver got lost, and well it’s been a hectic day to say the least. My editor wouldn’t have been too happy if I missed the Centennial Celebration.”
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kaydenuncovers · 6 years
“And you joining me wouldn’t be the strangest either. I can’t dance either, but it’s better than just standing here.” She poked back with a playful grin. She didn’t know him, but then again she didn’t get out that much. “Come on, what do you say?”
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Kayden smiled, considering it for a moment before he nodded. “Alright, I’ll dance with you. I might step on your toes though.” He paused just for a moment, just short enough that his net words could be connected to what he’d already said, “Noah Fence.” He held out his hand.
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kaydenuncovers · 6 years
“I’m not much of a dancer, but you should go for it,” Kayden said, smiling at the stranger. “From what I hear it wouldn’t be the strangest thing to happen in this town.” 
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“I know this isn’t one of those events, but do you think they’d mind if people danced? I would if I had a partner.”
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kaydenuncovers · 6 years
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Kayden arrived late, wearing a new suit. His notebook and lucky pen were in his inner pocket, and he was in most aspects a man on a mission. He’d been wanting to get to Hawthorne for a good while now, and finally he’d made the move. There were layers upon layers of deception to his plan, but that was nothing new. He was sure someone in Hawthorne would recognize him, and that his fake name could only last so long anyway. 
He made his way to the open bar, mostly for an excuse to strike up conversation. While in line he turned to the person next to him. “Hey there, I’m Noah, I just came into town earlier today.” 
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