kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
Yeah, no shit asshole. I meant are they still there.
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Course we are. Dear old Dad's a legend.
Anyone seen Josh around?
No I hexed my self for helping. Yes they were there.
-nods slowly- Thought so. Even in Confederation your family is well known.
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kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
Uhm. No. I haven't. Josh's been having nightmares, and I'm the only one who keeps him calm. 
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Aren't they? You'd think they should get rid of them in a school with eleven year olds in it.
Anyone seen Josh around?
At least you’ve been sleeping—you have been sleeping, Kayden, haven’t you? I couldn’t sleep last night and the common room was so quiet!
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Belgium? Those vanishing cabinets are so dangerous!
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kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
Fine - were the goons who threw him in the closet still there? 
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Uhm, yeah. One of them.
Anyone seen Josh around?
-nods slowly-
I am sure you can. But I would like to help. For reasons. You are Innes, right?
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kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
I know, I know - I'm sorry. Aaron's been ... we've been training on the pitch. Last match we sucked so he's training me in his free time.
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Yeah, unless someone shoved him the vanishing closet on the third floor again. You know he ended up in Belgium?
Anyone seen Josh around?
You’re leaving for the whole weekend? But I hardly saw you at all this week!
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-links arms with him- Come on, come on! Josh has to be around here somewhere.
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kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
Yeah. My little brother.
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Don't worry about it. I can take care of him on my own.
Anyone seen Josh around?
Your brother?
-looks down at his now healed chest- excellent. I will help. Least I could do.
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kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
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Yeah, yeah, I smiled. Now come on - help me track down Josh. Uhm ... just something about my Dad. We have to go home this weekend I think. Or like now.
Anyone seen Josh around?
Come on, can’t I get a bigger smile than that? Pretty please? And then I’ll help you look for Josh!
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Oh. What kind of news?
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kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
For fuck's sake. I can't leave him alone for longer than five minutes without him getting into something. 
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-looks over and sighs- Here. Medifica Repulsan. Save you a trip to Pomfrey. My brother taught me that one three years ago.
Anyone seen Josh around?
My English is bad but not so bad, da?
I try to intervene but… Well… Is why I have boils all over chest
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kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
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That's great Mall, but I really do have to find Josh. Aaron got some ... news.
Anyone seen Josh around?
Kayden! Kayden, Josh went that way, but look! -waves her wand and pink butterflies float out- I figured out how to make them different colours!
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kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
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They what.
Anyone seen Josh around?
Four seventh years put him in a cupboard.
Astronomy storeroom.
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kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
Anyone seen Josh around?
Happy little kid, probably bouncing off the walls and claiming his brothers won't let him do anything fun like ever? 
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kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
He says he wants to get to know me. ... and he kissed me.
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We can do whatever you want, Kayden. I mean… this is like, the biggest place I’ve ever seen in my life, if you’re stifled we can wander through the hallways and stuff until you feel better.
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What does Bastian want from you?
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kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
Suppose it must have been. Either her, or just ... a weird desire to do something with my hands that didn't involved breaking things.
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Insert Dowel A into Pre-Drilled Hole G2...
I’d be honored.
Simply rise until you can rise no more, and there’s the Observatory.
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-follows him silently, listening to the story- Is that what sparked your interest in Herbology? Those plants may have died… but I see the way yours reach out for you. Her gift was definitely passed on to you.
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kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
Uhm ... do you wanna help me? Move some of the plants to the Observatory? I ... uhm. Forget where it is.
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My mom was always the one with the green thumb. She was always in the greenhouses, out in the yards or the gardens - we have a maze at our manor, it spans the whole back greens. She grew it, I think - either that or she grew the flowers on it. I can't remember which.
When she died ... they died too. I just remember thinking ... I just remember thinking it was the saddest thing. Watching them all die and having no way to stop it.
Insert Dowel A into Pre-Drilled Hole G2...
Your greenhouse will be done by Thursday morning at the latest.
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kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
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Well ... okay then. 
Insert Dowel A into Pre-Drilled Hole G2...
-smiles softly- I understand that, one uninteresting sibling to another. Samuel was the one in the limelight so I can fully understand where your confusion in that regard comes from. 
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Then figure it out. 
I realize that a great many of my actions can be viewed as retreating into my… turtle shell, as you put it, and I will readily admit that that is my standard tactic when it comes to dealing with interpersonal interactions. But let me be clear that in this case it is not. You have a lot of things that you need to figure out, in your own mind, and as someone who is insane, I can appreciate that. 
So figure them out. 
Whenever you do, however long it takes, I will still be around for that conversation……. provided rebellion has not killed us all. But in the event that we remain alive, I will be here. No turtle shell, just whenever you want to talk about it. And if at any point you question my motives, or anything about me, then talk to me about it, and I will answer with the utmost honesty and transparency. 
The more I have people in my home the more I realize that I will never truly be one of them unless I start to step outside of that shell, regardless of what happens without my shield. So… figure your mind out, and when you do… we can have that talk. 
No shells, and no ulterior motives. 
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kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
I just ... I don't know. I just don't know if I can take it. Bastian ... wants a lot from me, and this place is ... stifling.
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Leave? We just got here, Kayden, but… if you want to leave, that’s okay, too. Did something happen?
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Where are we going instead?
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kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
Okay look. I get where you're seeing this from, okay? I do. It's totally innocent in your head - you just wanna get to know the interesting, brooding guy at the bar that you went to school with. 
But try and see it from my point of view? I'm the second son, I've never been interesting. At school, no one paid attention but Mallory. No one talked to me but Mallory. No one cared. My older brother and my little brother were the ones people loved and the ones people bothered to know - they were either half afraid of me, or didn't even know I existed. 
Then ... it happened, and now even less people want to know me. And in the midst of all that, you pop up and want to know me and kiss me, and I don't know which you want more - to fuck me or to be my friend, and I just ... I'm sorry if that offends you but it's really fucking hard for me to figure out which.
And I'm fucking trying to believe you when you say you just want to know me, alright? I am, but when I try and talk to you about how fucking confused I am you just get like that and pull back into your goddamn turtle shell, and I don't know how anyone that senstivie is ever gonna be my friend.
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I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, Weymouth. I'm just trying to figure out how the fuck my life changed so quickly. 
Insert Dowel A into Pre-Drilled Hole G2...
I wanted to get to know you better before I was attracted to you. The attraction came late, after I thought and pondered. 
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We can… not, then. We could postpone any sort of revelatory conversation until you are convinced that my desiring you as a friend I know well exists separately from my desiring you as anything else. 
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kayden-innes-blog · 10 years
Yeah, he told me you were across from me.
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Mall ... I might leave.
There you are. Just… checking on you! I wanted to make sure that you’d settled in okay. It took me all of ten minutes to unpack my stuff. I think my rooms here are bigger than my flat, even.
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I also wanted to make sure that I knew where your room was. Bastian told me that you were across the hall but he didn’t say which door, and I feel better knowing which one it is.
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