kawneemariee · 5 years
Love this shot!
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kawneemariee · 5 years
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Jamestown, California
Railtown State Historic Park
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kawneemariee · 5 years
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kawneemariee · 5 years
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Just some flowers to make you smile. 8/2019
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kawneemariee · 6 years
Bring it on
With all the madness going on in my life right now, it would be so easy to lose myself in my own mind.  Instead, I will be confident, determined, focused and strong.  Looking for the positive in everything is the key for me.  I will embrace change.  I will accept challenges head on.  I will be appreciative of new opportunities even if they are foreign to me.  #fearnot #changeisgood #positivevibes #bringiton #perserverance #iwillsucceed    
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kawneemariee · 8 years
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This was our table at lunch today. Thinking deep thoughts while grubbin on simple food. (#4 Turkey Tom is my fav!)
Jimmy John’s Sandwich Shop Pleasanton, California Date: 1/26/2017
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kawneemariee · 8 years
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My cute lil patio, living a compact condo life! This inch worm was massive, at least 6 inches long, wow.
Hayward, California Date: 1/21/2017
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kawneemariee · 8 years
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Where is the Remote?!
It’s been an ongoing mystery that has FINALLY been solved!! I’ve lived in my current place for a year. For most of that year I’ve been missing the remote to my DVD player. Of course, I blamed my grandkids and after several searches the remote showed up. ..only to be lost AGAIN a short time later. Second time, still blaming the little monsters who are 7 year old twins, boy/girl. These two are always working hard to “outshine” eachother. Only recently have I noticed they both are in the habit of walking around the house with remote in hand. Caught my grandson red-handed heading upstairs to use the bathroom. I figured out it’s to prevent the other twin from swooping it up and changing the channel or movie on Netflix. I quickly put a stop to that, told both of them that was not allowed. I know it will take many reminders but if my remote goes missing again, HEADS ARE GONNA ROLL!
Sooooo back to the missing remote. I always put these kids to work. Some time ago, I asked my granddaughter to put away a few packs of bath soap we’d just bought. I keep them in a bin on the very top shelf of my linen closet. I took the bin down from the top shelf, set it on the bathroom counter and she did as I asked. Only she must have had the remote control in her hand. Because there it was yesterday when I pulled it down to get a bar of soap. I thought to myself, how could I have not seen it last time I put soap away. Then I realized that because I live (and love) a giant (he’s 6'2"), he’d been the one adding the new soap to the bin and reaching a bar for me when I needed one. The bin hadn’t been taken down from that top shelf in some time giving that remote a nice, fragrant, hiding place. Never a dull moment…
Just wait til the monsters come visit on Sunday!
Date: January 20, 2017
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kawneemariee · 8 years
Sicky Poo
As I write my first post I am practially dying. I picked up a cold over the weekend. A cold for me typically feels like a near death experience as it quickly becomes some sort of infection (ear, sinus or upper respiratory). This one comes complete with a low grade fever, some bodyache and fatigue, sore throat, headache, congestion, sinus pressure, ear pain and the cough from hell. Since I was a kid I've dealt with this so at 46 years old I am immune to certain types of anitbiotics. What makes this even worse is that I JUST had the flu. I had the flu over Thanksgiving...full-blown over Thanksgiving! I had to stay home (so as not to spread cooties instead of good cheer) and miss the annual family gathering at Mom's house. That's right, no turkey, no mashed potatoes, no gravy, no hot apple pie for me. Who did I piss off to deserve that, I ask! The flu lingered for three weeks and was a combo deal, a lil bit of stomach and a whole lot of all the other symptoms. The cough lingered for weeks after. I was finally better mid December. It's been barely a month and down I go again. Cheers to another day in bed, unshowered and unable to function...yay me! Too bad my appetitie isn't suffering this time around, it could be a great jump start to dropping a few pounds. Happy New Year to me! Date: 1/19/2017
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