katzinjamma kreationz
33 posts
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 5 years ago
So HIPPA, which controls health information, controlled and implemented by DEMS, states you CANT SHARE MY HEALTH INFORMATION ! hmmmmm ..
Only if you are a carry conceal gun carrier, which allows your health info to be shared with the regulatory body who oversee and decide if you can carry a gun concealed, LEGALLY because we the people signed off for it to be ok to do that. so HOW are you going to go around HIPPA for non conceal carry gun purchasers?
The more and more you dig you should see how the Dems WANT TO CONTROL ALLLLLLLLL OF US! Did you notice after these two gun massacre shootings, that were in conservative territories, were slaMMed into the publics eye for drama and to have another sounding board to raise money and take away your rights, more and more laws that do nothing to stop kids from shooting kids or mentally defective individuals from hurting and killing inocents... BUT NOT A WORD ABOUT 7 DEATHS OF THE 57 PEOPLE BEING SHOT, IN CHICAGO, WHERE EMERGENCY ROOMS TURNED AWAY VICTIMS BECAUSE OF OVERFLOW..... notice the Dem controlled areas are not in the forefront .... Hmmmmm get it! THEY DONT CARE ABOUT PEOPLE OR LIVES ... they only care about control.
So I say to you this, if you are a law abiding citizen, and have no felonies, domestic abuse charges or released by the military for what ever you did dishonerably etc .. GET YOU PTOTECTION IN ORDER in case .. just in case... And if you think it can't happen .. look at what happened in Venzuala .. IT CAN HAPPEN. If you got for the Dems...
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 6 years ago
Where there is no INEQUALITY other than your own mind.
Income is there for all who put there head down and WORK at being good at what they do. A man, women, black, white, yellow, red, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Atheists .. EVERYONE can MAKE THE SAME MONEY not based on anything but YOUR EFFORT.
You can't compare apples and oranges and say they are equal. They are different as WE THE PEOPLE ARE.
So you can't compare stats and work it to minipulate your agenda unless you compare folks, who do the same thing as each other, started at the same time, have the same knowledge, longevity at a particular company and put in the same exact effort then to say women make less, blacks make less than this that or the other.
The only person or persons you should ever look at in reference to what your life is like is Y O U .. you decide your path in America unlike any other country ON THIS PLANET .
So if you choose the thug life, not graduate high school, get pregnant before marriage, get hooked on addictive drugs etc THATS ON YOU!
It's different if a force outside your control ruins your situation like China taking intellectual property from the USA, get kidnapped by human trafficking, get molested from someone stronger, killed by a criminal or illegal alien or try to take over the USA as did the Comey's, Hillary's, FBI and the like, to frame our President.
It is the reason why the USA has to put up a Wall, enforce trade tarrifs on those who put them on OUR goods and services and why our PRESIDENT must defend himself and OUR COUNTRY from the forces who want ... C O N T R O L ... and that means like ANYTHING in life there may bumps along the way to fix things to a better path.
America is the land of GO AND GET IT. So thank President Trump's from stopping those who want to RUIN our great country. AND "THEY" are going to keep trying to take away your freedom to be WHO YOU WANT TO.
TRUMP 2020 alltheway.
; - j >>>>
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 6 years ago
ONTHERADIO "what's being done" in rotation . I like to mix it up !
; - j >>>>
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 6 years ago
"listen for the silence" or go-to:
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 6 years ago
I was asked ...
To audition ....
No thank you I said. Just go to katzinjamma.com ..
; - j >>>>
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 6 years ago
ON hiatus from the music .. focusing on my art careeer in the sign business ... i"ll eventually get back to MORE music
; - j >>>>
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 7 years ago
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thank you everyone who served for our constitutional freedoms in our armed services ... katzinjamma ; - j >>>> www.katzinjamma.com
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 7 years ago
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www.katzinjamma.com where i live at 10:30 am two residents are arguing and drinking outside by the community dumpster, where about 15 children play everyday.. she, of that drinking couple decided after taking the last sip of her large oversized alcoholic beverage bottle THREW IT, where it hit the concrete, SHATTERED, in bazzilion pieces only 10 feet away from the huge dumpster .. Im trying to mind my business but THIS IS WHERE I LIVE, WALK THE DOG and occasionally play ball with those kids, decided to say something ... "REALLY, REALLY you couldnt take 5 steps 5 STEPS to throw that out in the dumpster RIGHT THERE .. RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU.. I LIVE HERE" , she decided to get verbally abusive and beligerant and started cursing at me .. "i live here" then starts cursing at ME .. the husband chimes in says "I GOT THIS, I GOT THIS" i decided to say .. "YOU GOT THIS, YOU GOT THIS as she throws GARBAGE ON THE CONCRETE where children play YOU GOT THIS... you got nothing i said" she is now starting to get get closer as i said .. "NO NO I GOT THIS IM CALLING THE COPS" she was getting even more beligerant as i walk away where at that time two of my neighbors children are but 50 yards away.. so i call the cops .. i tell them what’s going on 10 minutes go by as i mentioned, these two are VIOLENT .. there are children playing outside ... I call back .. dispatcher says there are on the way .. another 5 minutes go by and ALL THREE COP CARS PASS THE TWO .. i gave description of what they were wearing WHO WERE currently WALKING UP THE BLOCK which they should have had the description I GAVE .. I wave them down .. they stop the cars and two police get out of each of their vehicle as i state AND POINT .. "YOU JUST PASSED THEM" you could still see the man walking up the block .. i tell them what’s going on .. they say "IF THEY LIVE HERE WE CAN’T DO ANYTHING" WELL NY comes out .. "YOU'RE KIDDING ME RIGHT, SO THEY CAN GET ALL VIOLENT WITH ME, MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS I do the right thing, call you guys .. AND YOU CANT DO ANYTHING with children playing RIGHT THERE?" .. as i point to the children playing. they start interrogating ME, i kid you not "WHERE DO YOU LIVE" "WHAT WERE YOU DOING OVER HERE" "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING HERE" "YOU NEED TO CALL THE COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT TO HANDLE THIS" .. as i was reaching out to them as the police pulled up AND MANAGEMENT THEN SAYS .. texting me back "in these matters its best you call the police” .. Yes my returned text to them was harsh. so when something BAD happens, and the powers to be were forewarned.. and so you want to know why we have school shooters? MORAL OF THE STORY .. DO NOT !!!!! tell me about your thoughts on why AS A LICENSED GUN CARRY CONCEAL HOLDER .. who DID THE RIGHT THING, RESPONSIBLY, walked away . stayed clear of escalation called the powers to be to handle it AAAAAAAAAAND .. THEY DO NNNNNNNNNNNOTHING …. AND powers to be tell me, WE THE PEOPLE, SHOULD.. N O T.. BE ALOUD TO HAVE OR CARRY A GUN ... the police don’t do anything, management doesn’t do anything .. really ? I GOTA TAKE CARE OF MY OWN .. katzinjamma
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 7 years ago
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NO LONGER AM I ON facebook, twitter or myspace … please go to www.katzinjamma.com
stop by
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 7 years ago
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Heard Online and Terrestrial radio stations by over 3,168,000 listeners  since the release of “resoNation” played in over 75 countries and 40 states as well as over 1,060,762 online views  over 104,127 full web site plays online since 2008
OFFICIAL NEWS: itSnot the katzinjamma segment on TheJayStoneShow at rockmetaltalk.com ​ katzinjamma is currently in the writing process to  new tracks to the follow up of  " resoNation"  ​ thank you for listening
; - j >>>>
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 8 years ago
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itSnot the katzinjamma segment ONTHERADIO at rockmetaltalk.com.. tune in
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 8 years ago
because I believe in FREEDOM !
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 8 years ago
i am katzinjamma
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 8 years ago
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PROOF OF GREASED PALMS THE NUMBERS NEVER LIES DONALD TRUMP Jan 2015-Jun 2016 Source: OpenSecrets $91.4M raised 3% Super PACs and other groups 97% Campaign donations* *Includes self-financing 28% of campaign donations came from donations of $200 or less HILLARY CROOKED CLINTON Jan 2015-Jun 2016 Source: OpenSecrets $374.4M raised 29% Super PACs and other groups = $108756000 THIS IS WHY ITS SO SCARY this is a big number . yet trump is not being bought .... HILLARRY IS PEOPLE .... and if she loses does she get the remaining .. $200 mill minus moneys she pays out to BUY VOTES SO RIGGED... 71% Campaign donations* *Includes self-financing 28% of campaign donations came from donations of $200 or less so identical moneys on tjis jumber SHOWS THE PROOF HILLARY IS THE PROBLEM WERE ALL GETTING FUCKED AND OUR COUNTRY GOING IN THE SHITTER she doesnt care about you and if she does lose .. i hope SHE WILL BE FUCK YOU RICH trump is already worth 4.8 billion Hillary is worth 32 millon TRUMP IS 140 MORE TIMES RICHER THAN HILLARY think about tHat folks .. he's not in it for the money By the way he e a r n e d it, e m p l o y e d people, built businesses that e m p l o y b u s i n e s s e s that give us J O B S SHE IS in it for the money not in it for YOU .. G R E E D .. and how did you like the Bernie FLIP how much did he get paid? TRUMP IS FUNDING IT AND THE PEOPLE ARE FUNDING TRUMP THE HIDDEN AGENDA IS FUNDING HILLARY... you can find the information folks if you know how to do research and by the way google and and facebook is part of the hillary camp which is a monopoly .. how do you feel about THAT.. kills me. cause all my friends are here
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 9 years ago
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 9 years ago
2 0 1 5 F A V O R I T E H I G H L I G H T S ....
Dec. 17th: resoNation . katzinjamma VOTED AS ONE OF THE BEST album discoveries of the year by radio personality Jay Stone Oct. 13th: LIVE ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE on TheJayStoneShow Oct 13th: katzinjamma reaches Number ONE on the Charlotte Singer/Songwriter Reverbnation Music Charts for the second time since the release of "resoNation" and for the 6th time hitting the Top Ten. Oct. 1st: katzinjamma music has NOW played in the following 76 countries, 44 States and our nation’s capital: hungary, morrocco, egypt, italy, taiwan, macao, netherlands, saint kitts, nevis, croatia, cyprus, poland, luxembourg, montenegro, sri lanka, hong kong, costa rica, denmark, ecuador, barbados, israel, estonia, venezuela, greece, mexico, switzerland, turkey, new zealand, philippines, germany, canada, jordan, malaysia, bosnia, chile, brazil, france, united kingdom, ukraine, portugal, bahamas, peru, japan, panama, iraq, columbia, india, singapore, czech republic, france, korea, thailand, australia, herzegovina, argentina, china, slovenia, south africa, honduras, indonesia, ireland, bulgaria, qatar, pakistan, belgium, guatemala, bolivia, tanzania, saudi arabia, kenya, marshall islands, spain, romania, united arab emirates, bermuda, serbia. ...as well as ALL over our great country the USA such as: New Mexico, Montana, Maine, Colorado, Florida, California, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Texas, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Illinois, North Carolina, Mississippi, Connecticut, Louisiana, Washington, Virginia, South Dakota, Michigan, New York, Kentucky, Iowa, New Jersey, Ohio, Minnesota, Arkansas, Missouri, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Hawaii, South Carolina, Tennessee, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Delaware, Indiana, Utah, Alabama, Oregon, Alaska as well as our nation’s capital Washington DC. District of Columbia, Sept. 19th: katzinjamma music is put in heavy rotation on stone chrome radio and affiliate stations across the United States Sept. 18th: katzinjamma music starts playing on affiliate stations of TheJayStoneShow http://www.rockmetaltalk.com/ http://www.granitecoastentertainment.com/ http://www.theindieauthority.com/ http://www.stonechromeradio.com/ Sept 17th: katzinjamma interviewed ONTHERADIO on TheJayStoneShow http://www.rockmetaltalk.com/ Sept. 11th: katzinjamma has dinner after the show with Dug Pinnick and Jerry Gaskill of KING'S X July 15th: W I N S .. The Akademia Music Award for Best Alternative Rock Song for ‘Listen For The Silence’ from the album resoNation by katzinjamma in the July 2015 Akademia Music Awards! June 2nd: "We Allow" and "Whats being done" by katzinjamma Tracks Moved - up to SongVault Certified. on SongVault FM
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katzinjammakreationz-blog · 9 years ago
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katzinjamma hanging with Dug Pinnick and Jerry Gaskill of Kings'X
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