katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
“fantastic just fantastic “
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“It could be worse.  People could be trying to murder us.”
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katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
“tell me your joking “
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“Trust me, I don’t joke.”
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katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
“i don’t know. i remember the bombs going off while i was trying to help the capitol kids. but when i opened my eyes, i was here not dead.” she explained to her sister.
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“You went to help the kids, and then more bombs fell.  You..You died right in front of me.”  She leaned back, cupping Prim’s face in her hands.  “I...you can’t possibly be alive.”  As soon as she said it the hope died in her eyes, realizing she must just be losing it and she took a step back. “You can’t be real.”
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katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
“noise and people.” he said softly. peeta use to love crowds and gatherings, but now they all just confused the victor. “i don’t know, it’s different than panem. how about you?”
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Katniss just nodded, understanding the struggle.  “Lets find some food.  In the mood for anything?”  She glance around, responding easily.  ‘Anywhere’s better than Panem.”
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katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
prim ran over to her sister, wrapping her arms around her. “i’m so happy you are here katniss.”
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Katniss was shaking as Prim hugged her, the woman pausing for only a moment before she was hugging her little sister back crushing her close.  “Prim.  You’re..how are you here?!  You were dead.”
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katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
prim was still confused with how she got here. the last thing the girl remembered was trying to help the captiol children that were hurt, drones flying overheard, and a boom. and then she woke up here, not hurt or anything. “katniss?” prim asked hoping it was her sister, maybe she could explain things to her.
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Katniss froze, her hands shaking as she looked at the girl, tears in her eyes as she dared to ask.. “...Prim?”
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katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
“how about we eat and then find a quiet spot. maybe in a little when things calm down we can explore the event more.” peeta told katniss with a kind smile. the  man had a hard time in crowds all the loud noises reminded him of some of the things snow tortured him with.
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“Perfect.   I’m not liking these crowds either.  Too much like..”  She shook her head and shifted closer to him, taking his hand in hers.  “How do you like it here Peeta?”
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katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
“Come on.  We’ll get something to eat and then find a quiet spot, okay?”  Katniss looked over at Peeta with a soft smile, taking his hand in hers.  “Or we can stick around the party here if you’d like.  You’re deciding how we spend our day.”  
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@lvmcn (Peeta)
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katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
To be honest, Katniss hated parties.  They reminded her of the Capitol, and that tour after winning the hunger games, all of which were memories she tried to avoid.  There were a long list of memories she tried to avoid actually.  Katniss sighed, deciding she was done here and moved back towards him when a girl in her path made her stop dead in her tracks.  She looked just like Prim.  The sight of her alone was enough to break Katniss, tears forming in her eyes but she just shook her head and picked up her pace.  “Sorry.”
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@lvmcn (Prim)
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katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
She sighed. “I can’t believe I ran into a pole…again.”
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“Again? You do this often?”
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katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
“Ugh! Who would have thought that a door could do that much damage?”
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“Everyone else who didn’t run into it.”  Katniss quirked a brow at the man, gesturing. “Come on, you can get some ice in here.  You going to be alright?”
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katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
“You’re gonna have to keep ice on that or it’s gonna swell a lot. That was a big hit.”
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@warofheartmuses, @fxckedupmuses (any)
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katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
“I’m an accident. I’m a lie, and my life depends on maintaining the illusion.  Or at least, it was and did....here everything seems rather...fine.  Oddly so.”
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@pctentiis, @lvmcn (any blog/chara)
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katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
Katniss couldn’t help but feel like she was in danger all over again.  on edge and worried about Peeta now that they weren’t home in District 12.  She’d just started talking again when she’d suddenly arrived here, and the change was jarring.  She didn’t know how she’d be like if Peeta hadn’t been here too.  Her bow strung across her back and braid in her hair, the young woman moved towards the forest, intending to do some hunting and try to calm herself when she walked right into another girl.  “Sorry, didn’t see you.”
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@pctentiis (Bella Snow)
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katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
“i know. there are just so many people here who look just like you. i was afraid that the war wasn’t over and i was being tortured again.” he admitted to katniss. everyday was a struggle for peeta, never knowing what was real or what wasn’t; worrying always about snapping and hurting someone. he hoped someday he wouldn’t have to worry about losing himself, but with the games and all he saw during the war, he knew that would never happen.
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Katniss just moved in to hug him again tighter, hating what he’d been through and hating that it was her fault.  And she knew there wasn’t any way to fix how broken they both were, but it’d be okay as long as they had each other.  “I could wear my pin again?  So you always know it’s me?”  Not that she was likely to leave his side for a moment for awhile after this, the former victor separating from him now only to pick up his dropped parcels.  “Or just wear a colored band on my arm or something?”
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katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
peeta couldn’t believe it was katniss, the person who he had been waiting for a while was finally here. and not some fake version of her that haunted his nightmares while he has been here. when she came close to him, peeta quickly wrapped his arms around her. “i thought i was never going to see you again.” he told her honestly. “i was so worried that i wouldn’t be able to get through this place without you.”
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Katniss easily pressed into him as he held her, the young woman hugging him back and pressing her face into his neck for a quick moment before looking at him.  “You know I’ll always come for you Peeta.  No matter where or when I’d never leave you alone.”  She smiled softly before shaking her head. “You could’ve Peeta.  I’ve no doubt. You’ve always been stronger.  I’m very, very happy to have found you though.”
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katnixx-everdeen · 5 years
everyday peeta hoped to see katniss, she was the only person who could truly help him whenever he didn’t know what was real. and he didn’t want to hurt anyone, so for the most part, he kept to himself. peeta still didn’t trust himself around most people she at any minute he could turn back into the monster snow made him into and attack someone. he heard katniss voice saying his name and he dropped his packages. “katniss… you can’t be real.. you can’t.” he’d been here for a year with no sign of her. he didn’t know if he could believe it was her.
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As soon as he dropped his things Katniss was running, knowing he needed her and knowing how desperately she needed him.  “Peeta, it’s me.  I’m real, I’m here.”  She stepped in close to him, lifting her hands to cup his cheeks and look him in the eyes.  “It’s me Peeta.  I’m real and I’m not going anywhere.  Just breathe and focus on me okay?  I’m right here I promise.”
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