just here for the rping
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to ensure i don’t clutter my writing blog, i’ve moved all rps here. it’s easier to keep track of. writing blog; grellesutcliffslxt
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
katnightrps · 2 years ago
Alexandra wasn’t one for making friends, or even being nice to people. The woman had grown up trained on how to kill, seduce, and infiltrate. The only girls she could consider friends were the ones she went on missions with.
She wasn’t planning on befriending anyone tonight. Until she saw a girl being harassed, that was. She heard it first from around the corner, and her eyes narrowed. Something sounded off, so the assassin crept closer to assess it.
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katnightrps · 2 years ago
Alexandra stepped inside the small shop her partner ran, hands tucked into the pockets of her trench coat. She rarely visited on her workdays, but after hearing about the mess on the Campania two of the Reapers in dispatch were involved in, she wanted to check on the Undertaker. “Undertaker?” She called quietly, shutting the door.
The shop was dark and quiet. Most would assume this meant perhaps it was closed for the day, or the owner wasn’t around. But for those who knew better, this was par for the course.
The man in pitch black robes still waited until his new visitor was farther into the shop before revealing himself. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, my dear?” he crooned, carefully stepping out into the dim light. His usual hat was gone, and his bangs were swept out of his face, showing off his glowing double-iris eyes.
He usually wasn’t so open with his appearance, but circumstances had changed…
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katnightrps · 2 years ago
i'm so down to do this again
otp question meme
send me a pairing & a number, then I’ll tell you:
Who is the most affectionate?
Big spoon/Little spoon?
Most common argument?
Favorite non-sexual activity?
Who is most likely to carry the other?
What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
Who worries the most?
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Who tops?
Who initiates kisses?
Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Who kisses the hardest?
Who wakes up first?
Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Who says I love you first?
Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Who needs more assurance?
What would be their theme song?
Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
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katnightrps · 2 years ago
Alexandra stepped inside the small shop her partner ran, hands tucked into the pockets of her trench coat. She rarely visited on her workdays, but after hearing about the mess on the Campania two of the Reapers in dispatch were involved in, she wanted to check on the Undertaker. “Undertaker?” She called quietly, shutting the door.
The shop was dark and quiet. Most would assume this meant perhaps it was closed for the day, or the owner wasn’t around. But for those who knew better, this was par for the course.
The man in pitch black robes still waited until his new visitor was farther into the shop before revealing himself. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, my dear?” he crooned, carefully stepping out into the dim light. His usual hat was gone, and his bangs were swept out of his face, showing off his glowing double-iris eyes.
He usually wasn’t so open with his appearance, but circumstances had changed…
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katnightrps · 2 years ago
@katnightrps Things were going pretty good, if he had to say so. His family’s business was prospering, people were admiring and praising him, he was living his best life, as usual. He stepped out of his bedroom, deciding his partner could use a moment to rest while he went to get a drink. He was just getting started with her after all.
He poured himself a glass of hard liquor and took an appreciative sip. Yes, life was very good for Don Lewis right now.
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katnightrps · 2 years ago
Alexandra wasn’t one for making friends, or even being nice to people. The woman had grown up trained on how to kill, seduce, and infiltrate. The only girls she could consider friends were the ones she went on missions with.
She wasn’t planning on befriending anyone tonight. Until she saw a girl being harassed, that was. She heard it first from around the corner, and her eyes narrowed. Something sounded off, so the assassin crept closer to assess it.
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katnightrps · 3 years ago
@williamtshakespears for william and you
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Birds in a hands
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katnightrps · 3 years ago
“Maybe not as a hobby. There’s always the possibility that this has happened before,” Grelle noted thoughtfully. She blinked, as if she had just realized something. “Or… they knew this was going to happen… but surely they wouldn’t be stupid enough to make mini food and offer their help so blatantly? That seems so obvious.”
Everything was going well. The transition in power at Dispatch had gone about as smooth as could be asked for. Most reapers were content, and the new heads were more than happy. Things were going to change, and for the better, and everything looked bright. Everyone went to sleep that night, looking forward to what the next day would bring.
Adrian woke when he realized he wasn't holding his partner, Alexandra. He blinked a few times, looking around to see if she had gotten up for anything. "Alex...?" he mumbled, rubbing at his eyes and grabbing his glasses, since he didn't see any light coming from underneath the bathroom door. But he did see an unusual dark spot on Alex's pillow out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see what it was and dropped his jaw in shock.
Alexandra hadn't left the bed. She was sleeping on her pillow, shrunk down to less than a foot tall.
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katnightrps · 3 years ago
“Ah, you got me,” he teased, allowing her to climb into his lap. He readjusted his arms around her, smiling. “I feel grateful as well, love. We’ve made a good life for ourselves. It’s not something I thought I’d ever have again…”
Alex was indeed taking a while, fussing about leaving them again. The medication helped, of course, but it didn’t fully erase her anxiety about leaving them, just eased it.
Violet noticed that as well, and raised an eyebrow at him. “Really? Because she still seems to have issues leaving the twins.”
Alexandra Coldwater was quite the sight at the moment. The formidable assassin was on the verge of death, by pure design. She had one hand pressed to her stomach, and she looked quite pale, barely able to stand without leaning against the wall. The weather was detrimental as well - cold rain poured down, making her shiver, but she was hoping this would pay off. No demon had accepted her deal, as it entailed playing with the fates of dozens of humans, and no angel could be summoned to even make a deal with.
But a Grim Reaper... A literal god of death would be much better than either of the other beings. To summon one, though, she had to be dying herself. Which is how she ended up here, dark brown eyes hard as she glanced about. When would the reaper sent to collect her soul arrive?
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katnightrps · 3 years ago
“You’d have to ask him,” she shrugged. “Probably a friend of his with a similar hobby? That’s all I can think of. He had it ready with the house when I came back to pick it up, so.”
Everything was going well. The transition in power at Dispatch had gone about as smooth as could be asked for. Most reapers were content, and the new heads were more than happy. Things were going to change, and for the better, and everything looked bright. Everyone went to sleep that night, looking forward to what the next day would bring.
Adrian woke when he realized he wasn't holding his partner, Alexandra. He blinked a few times, looking around to see if she had gotten up for anything. "Alex...?" he mumbled, rubbing at his eyes and grabbing his glasses, since he didn't see any light coming from underneath the bathroom door. But he did see an unusual dark spot on Alex's pillow out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see what it was and dropped his jaw in shock.
Alexandra hadn't left the bed. She was sleeping on her pillow, shrunk down to less than a foot tall.
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katnightrps · 3 years ago
He happily responded to her kiss, tightening his arm around her shoulders. “I still don’t know how I got lucky with you,” he murmured, voicing his thoughts just a moment ago. “But I did… And I will be forever grateful for that. You are the most beautiful, and kindest, woman in the world.”
“Mm…” She nodded. “Is she still having her nightmares even with the medicine?” She knew about those of course and Alex had been sleeping better recently.
Alexandra Coldwater was quite the sight at the moment. The formidable assassin was on the verge of death, by pure design. She had one hand pressed to her stomach, and she looked quite pale, barely able to stand without leaning against the wall. The weather was detrimental as well - cold rain poured down, making her shiver, but she was hoping this would pay off. No demon had accepted her deal, as it entailed playing with the fates of dozens of humans, and no angel could be summoned to even make a deal with.
But a Grim Reaper... A literal god of death would be much better than either of the other beings. To summon one, though, she had to be dying herself. Which is how she ended up here, dark brown eyes hard as she glanced about. When would the reaper sent to collect her soul arrive?
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katnightrps · 3 years ago
Grelle set her book down. “A woodworker nearby,” she responded. “He has different doll houses so this was premade but he was able to just make it super functional and all for you.”
Everything was going well. The transition in power at Dispatch had gone about as smooth as could be asked for. Most reapers were content, and the new heads were more than happy. Things were going to change, and for the better, and everything looked bright. Everyone went to sleep that night, looking forward to what the next day would bring.
Adrian woke when he realized he wasn't holding his partner, Alexandra. He blinked a few times, looking around to see if she had gotten up for anything. "Alex...?" he mumbled, rubbing at his eyes and grabbing his glasses, since he didn't see any light coming from underneath the bathroom door. But he did see an unusual dark spot on Alex's pillow out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see what it was and dropped his jaw in shock.
Alexandra hadn't left the bed. She was sleeping on her pillow, shrunk down to less than a foot tall.
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katnightrps · 3 years ago
He agreed with that. “As do I.” She really was the most beautiful woman in the world, he mused as he reached down to kiss her forehead. He wasn’t sure how he had gotten so lucky as to be her husband, but he knew he would forever cherish her and the privilege of being married to her. “I love you.”
Violet hesitated. No, she didn’t want that, and Alex had been a bit scatter brained. Maybe she was just reading too much into things… “No. I’m sorry.” She blinked. “I was just worried about my sister… Is she doing alright besides that?”
Alexandra Coldwater was quite the sight at the moment. The formidable assassin was on the verge of death, by pure design. She had one hand pressed to her stomach, and she looked quite pale, barely able to stand without leaning against the wall. The weather was detrimental as well - cold rain poured down, making her shiver, but she was hoping this would pay off. No demon had accepted her deal, as it entailed playing with the fates of dozens of humans, and no angel could be summoned to even make a deal with.
But a Grim Reaper... A literal god of death would be much better than either of the other beings. To summon one, though, she had to be dying herself. Which is how she ended up here, dark brown eyes hard as she glanced about. When would the reaper sent to collect her soul arrive?
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katnightrps · 3 years ago
“No,” she hummed out. “I mean, I don’t think so… Isn’t Grelle out there?”
And indeed she was, flipping through a book she’d found. She glanced up at the same time Jelena peered through the window and offered a sweet smile to the other woman.
Everything was going well. The transition in power at Dispatch had gone about as smooth as could be asked for. Most reapers were content, and the new heads were more than happy. Things were going to change, and for the better, and everything looked bright. Everyone went to sleep that night, looking forward to what the next day would bring.
Adrian woke when he realized he wasn't holding his partner, Alexandra. He blinked a few times, looking around to see if she had gotten up for anything. "Alex...?" he mumbled, rubbing at his eyes and grabbing his glasses, since he didn't see any light coming from underneath the bathroom door. But he did see an unusual dark spot on Alex's pillow out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see what it was and dropped his jaw in shock.
Alexandra hadn't left the bed. She was sleeping on her pillow, shrunk down to less than a foot tall.
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katnightrps · 3 years ago
He put his phone down after a minute and glanced to his wife, eyes shining with love. “Richard seems to treat him very well.” He’d taken note of how Richard acted and it seemed nothing but kind and loving. “I’m glad Michael’s found someone for him. I was worried he’d always be alone.”
“Is that why you shut her down when she asked about other affairs?” She snapped, keeping her tone low. Oh, Violet was absolutely crossing a line and she knew this was dangerous, but this man was close to her sister at all times which made the elder Coldwater highly protective. “If she’s so aware, then you wouldn’t mind if I just double checked with her.”
Alexandra Coldwater was quite the sight at the moment. The formidable assassin was on the verge of death, by pure design. She had one hand pressed to her stomach, and she looked quite pale, barely able to stand without leaning against the wall. The weather was detrimental as well - cold rain poured down, making her shiver, but she was hoping this would pay off. No demon had accepted her deal, as it entailed playing with the fates of dozens of humans, and no angel could be summoned to even make a deal with.
But a Grim Reaper... A literal god of death would be much better than either of the other beings. To summon one, though, she had to be dying herself. Which is how she ended up here, dark brown eyes hard as she glanced about. When would the reaper sent to collect her soul arrive?
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katnightrps · 3 years ago
Alex watched her in curiosity, not sure what Jelena wanted her to do. She finally decided to rummage through the fridge for any cold ingredients for her friend. “Now you know! But yeah, I wonder how they knew to have all this sort of stuff ready. An entire functioning dollhouse in, what, five hours?”
Everything was going well. The transition in power at Dispatch had gone about as smooth as could be asked for. Most reapers were content, and the new heads were more than happy. Things were going to change, and for the better, and everything looked bright. Everyone went to sleep that night, looking forward to what the next day would bring.
Adrian woke when he realized he wasn't holding his partner, Alexandra. He blinked a few times, looking around to see if she had gotten up for anything. "Alex...?" he mumbled, rubbing at his eyes and grabbing his glasses, since he didn't see any light coming from underneath the bathroom door. But he did see an unusual dark spot on Alex's pillow out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see what it was and dropped his jaw in shock.
Alexandra hadn't left the bed. She was sleeping on her pillow, shrunk down to less than a foot tall.
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katnightrps · 3 years ago
“I haven’t yet.” He put the book down to pick up his phone and let Michael know they had gone home. He invited Richard for dinner as well, because why not?
“Really?” She wanted to say more but even she still needed to be careful around him. “Your actions suggest otherwise. Perhaps I should make sure Alex is… aware of all the meeting’s decisions. Just to get her caught up, of course.” An insinuation that he was operating behind his wife’s back.
Alexandra Coldwater was quite the sight at the moment. The formidable assassin was on the verge of death, by pure design. She had one hand pressed to her stomach, and she looked quite pale, barely able to stand without leaning against the wall. The weather was detrimental as well - cold rain poured down, making her shiver, but she was hoping this would pay off. No demon had accepted her deal, as it entailed playing with the fates of dozens of humans, and no angel could be summoned to even make a deal with.
But a Grim Reaper... A literal god of death would be much better than either of the other beings. To summon one, though, she had to be dying herself. Which is how she ended up here, dark brown eyes hard as she glanced about. When would the reaper sent to collect her soul arrive?
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