katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
Week 8 Blog Post
I believe that my client will face the challenge of consistency. Since her Etsy is not her main source of income at the moment, and is more or less just a hobby. I believe that she may not be able to fully commit to the amount of time it will take to have a very effective social media presence. MaCayla has already been doing pretty good with her Instagram and TikTok, but I believe if she put more time and effort into it, she could go even further. She has so many good ideas that she wants to post, such as behind the scenes videos and photos, but she hasn’t fully committed to these ideas yet. And while I am a little worried about her not being able to consistently follow everything, I know that she will do her best to learn new things and to follow my recommendations to the best of her abilities.
I am excited to see how MaCayla uses my recommendations to grow her business, and to grow her online community. If you are a fan of handmade jewelry, please go check out her Etsy! She has lots of beautiful pieces on there! https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheDivineGeminine?ref=usf_2020 
Thank you all for a great semester! I have enjoyed reading everyone’s posts every week, and getting to know you all little by little through your posts! Good luck on all of your finals and enjoy your break!
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katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
You did a great job of going over the 3 main goals to keep in mind! These goals are very important to think about while crafting a post for social media! I also like how you mentioned the content specific goal. I think it is a great way of setting small goals at first, and then each time you reach the goal you can increase it by a little bit in order to keep challenging yourself!
Week 7 Blog Post
For effective social media content, the 3 main goals to keep in mind are to make sure you’re connecting with your audience, make sure all posts reflect the brand and its values, and to make sure you have a strong strategy. 
I think connecting with your audience on a human level is one of the most important aspects because they are your customers and the way they view the company is a major factor in their purchases. To connect in this way, its a good rule of thumb to keep content 40% created and 60% curated and to make sure self promotion is only 1/3 of content. This will ensure that your company has more human qualities that the audience can connect with. 
A strong strategy will be based on research and analysis of the current content. It will also include target audiences by platform and content specific goals. An example of a content specific goal would be to reach 30 more people on twitter within 1 week. A content calendar is a great way to keep track of goals, posting, research, etc. 
I thought this infographic perfectly tied in to what we learned about effective social media content. 
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katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
Hi! I like how you focused on the actual post, rather than the photo for these platforms. While the photos are obviously very important, it is also just as important to have an effective caption or headline like you said. I also like how you pointed out how it is important to have a call to action in the post! Overall, great job!
In these modules I learned how effective content is developed and shared. I learned best practices for sharing photos on Instagram, Facebook, Tik tok, Snapchat and more. Overall, a strong headline or caption is key to grabbing a reader’s attention and is important when developing and sharing effective content on any of these sites. Some other key things to posting is having strong, clear posts, Use visual content for engagement, and end your post with a call to action. 
For Instagram sharing content you can use Instagram’s carousel feature to combine photos and videos from an event into one post. When developing your post experts say to make sure 20% of your content is promotional. The rest should tell a story about you or your brand. When posting, using hashtags are essential because they make your content discoverable.
 When talking about Facebook posts should be a maximum of 120 words. When developing your post Hootsuite says to “Make sure to craft your posts with clear language so when your followers click through, and make sure they receive the information they were promised”( chp 3). 
Being a social organization is important to effective content development and sharing because through social organization you have relationships. This will increase revenue for your organization according to the Hootsuite.(chp 3)
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katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
Week 7 Blog Post
Effective content is developed and shared in many different ways. There are tons of different ways of taking photos and editing them in order to make them pop out a bit more. Below are some tips and tricks that were shared in this weeks Hootsuite chapters.
-          Choose your subject for your Instagram post carefully. Take the photo using a striking background. Such as a bright or patterned wall. And always remember to tap the subject before shooting the photo.
-          To make your photo pop out even more, you can edit them. You can use Instagram’s filters as a quick way to introduce a certain mood. Or you can edit the photo using the editing tool. Where you can adjust things such as the brightness, contrast and sharpness.
-          Personally when I take product photos for my Etsy, I use my phone. A lot of small business owners use their phones for photos. So here are some tips and tricks on how to take quality photos using your phone. When posting to Instagram, remember that a portrait photo takes up more space in the Instagram feed, which means it could possibly be cropped.  So either take the photo in a way that there is room for cropping, or take the photo in square.
-          Also remember that the best photo taking conditions are in natural light. Take the photo with the sun behind the camera. Although if necessary, and if lighting conditions aren’t the best, start by adjusting the exposure. Do this by tapping your subject and adjusting the slider.
 Becoming a social organization has a lot to do with the principles of effective content development and sharing. You must understand the complexity of social media, and how to navigate it in order to be a social organization.
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katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
Hi! I agree with your point that each platform has different features and qualities that may or may not benefit your business more. I also agree that is is very important to pin point these features/qualities, determine which ones will work best for you, and then utilize them! I noticed that when I am scrolling on TIkTok or Instagram, I love watching behind the scenes videos of small businesses showing everything they do. So I agree that this is something that a lot of businesses should try to post more of! Many people find it really interesting!
Content for Community Building
Something that stood out to me from this week was that different platforms are better for different aspects of business. I think this is common knowledge but I never dove deeper into the subject to learn about the details. I also thought the concept of breaking apart content and sharing the pieces on different platforms was interesting and something I hadn’t thought of. I think it is also important to take into account the qualities of the platform and base your content off the platform so the audience gets what they expect. Another element that caught my attention was only posting a certain amount of promotion and also sharing other content such as behind the scenes or interacting with others to build relationships and trust. 
Something that applies to my client and I’m sure many others is to have one main message, and share it in different ways across different platforms. It is also important to engage with your audience by liking, reposting, asking questions, etc. 
I thought this infographic was interesting because it shows different statistics for different platforms such as how engagement with brands on Instagram is 10 times higher than on Facebook.
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katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
Hi! These are great ideas on building your online community! Instagram is a great platform to try and grow a business on. There are so many great features such as the poll feature that you mentioned! This is a great way to get people engaged with your account. I like the point you made about how these principles help create meaningful, engageable and creative posts, because its true! Getting people to engage with your content as much as possible is really important! Great job!
Week 6
After reading chapters 4 and five you learn the principles on building an online community. Online community building is important, it makes one feel like they have a place in their organization. One way to help build an online community is understanding your communities goals and culture. This helps create a successful community because it will show everyone shares a common goal. It also ensures that relationships can be developed because understanding a culture can create advocates out of the employees. A vision statement is one of the first things mentioned in the book, this will bring value to the company. 
I learned a lot when reading module 3 and 4 in Hootsuite, there are a lot of options when trying  to build your online community. One that I didn’t know too much about was twitter. To help grow and engage your community you can use an awareness campaign in order to help as many people as possible see your tweets. For my client projects we are using Instagram. Our goal is to mainly build a community on Instagram and we’ve been using many of the concepts from module 3. We have been exploring ways in order to help to create more community online engagement. We have been recently using polls and the questions feature on Instagram more in order to help build our online community. These principles help create meaningful, engageable and creative posts for the cheerleading page.
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katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
Week 6 Blog Post
There are a number of effective principles to be used to build an online community. Some that I have found that seem to be the most effective is to create a powerful concept, commit the time and resources, and start small. I believe that having a powerful concept will be what will originally draw people in, and will be what interests them. You want to have a powerful and interesting concept or topic to talk about. Whatever the concept is, you want to be able to commit the time to it. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself. I have found that this will just cause you to get burnt out. Whatever you do in your business, if you don’t have the resources to keep up, then it will start to negatively effect your business. Which is why you want to start small. If you start out small, you can work on slowly building up to larger ideas and concepts.
After going through the Hootsuite chapters this week I thought about how it I could apply it to the business I am working with. I am working with a small Etsy business called The Divine Geminine https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheDivineGeminine?ref=usf_2020. This shop has only been live for about a year and MaCayla is still trying to figure everything out. She wants to reach a larger audience and has asked me to help! One thing is, I don’t think MaCayla wants to pay for ads right now. So we have been trying to brainstorm some ways she can bring in more traffic to her shop without paying for ads. So far we have creating a content calendar, posting more reels and TikToks, and doing more lives on both Instagram and TikTok. She already has a concept that she wants to start with, which is helping people feel beautiful and confident in affordable jewelry. She wants to reach women that enjoy learning about crystals, and jewelry. So I hope to be able to help her do this!
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katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
Hi! I agree that businesses need to ensure that the information they have is protected. I also agree that it should not be sold or leaked to other companies. But unfortunately most businesses and companies only care about money, and how they can make quick easy money. They don’t think about the consequences or about proactive safety measures they should be taking in order to protect themselves from getting hacked. And while I agree that consumers should limit the amount of information they give businesses, but most of the time the businesses require a lot of information and if you don’t fill it out, you can’t finish your purchase or whatever else you were doing.
Week 5 Blog Post
After watching “The Legal Side of Big Data,” I realized how often data is hacked or leaked from companies that have information on their consumers. I have seen this recently where I have gone to log back into an account of some sort and I get notified to change my password because it was involved in a data leak. I did not realize how often this happens and to all the companies that this happens too. It was shocking to realize how often this happens, and to brands that are popular and a lot of us shop at. 
I think businesses need to ensure that the information or data they have from their customers is protected and will not be sold or leaked to other companies. This happens a lot because they get money for giving other companies data from their customers, but this should not happen. As customers, it would be reassuring to know that companies that you shop with will protect the information that you give them for them to use and know that it will not be sold or used in a data leak. They should be aware of how it affects their customers if this happens and their information is now used from other companies. Consumers should be aware and limit information that they give companies or what they are signing up for to avoid these data leaks or hacks. They should also just check their accounts and things to make sure everything is okay or not hacked. 
After reading “The Internet’s Original Sin” and watching Maciej Ceglowski’s talk, I learned a lot about how the model has advanced and been able to get our information more easily. Companies want to reach more people through their advertising and a way that they do that is get people’s information from other companies to be able to reach them. 
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katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
Hi! I agree, if big companies can big hacked, anyone can be! Even the government, which is terrifying to think about. I feel that most businesses understand that they can possibly be hacked, but the issue is, it costs more money to try and get more protection. Not every business or company is willing to spend that extra money in order to protect their big data. Unfortunately it takes them being hacked, for them to fully understand the consequences of not fully protecting their data.
Week 5 Post
What I learned from “The Internet’s Original Sin”, Maciej Ceglowski’s talk, is that internet business models influence surveillance and data gathering on the internet. An example that he mentioned in his talk is that “Surveillance as a business model is the only thing that makes a site like Facebook possible.” The internet has come to be just full of advertisements and I think that’s due to the business model and data gathering. We are always being watched because we see things on the internet based on an algorithm. Data is being collected on us to find what to show next. Technology has changed the extent of what surveillance can do, and that can be worrisome, the advertisements from businesses are just another reason to hack into our privacy and collect data.
Overall businesses should be aware of everything that involves their business on big data. This could cause them major problems when it comes to their consumers. One thing I gathered from "The Legal Side of Big Data,” is that businesses need to be careful of the information they want to store big data. Not everything is protected like we would think it is. They need to think about who is actually able to get access to their data. If big companies can be hacked then really anyone can and your information really isn’t protected. Businesses need to know that there are consequences when they don’t take the extra steps to protect their data. When it comes to consumers there is not much they can do to help this, but they should be aware what type of data they are sharing with these companies. Sometimes it is as simple as buying things with cash because there is less risk of your personal information being hacked.
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katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
Week 5 Post 1
Businesses should be aware of all the data they are in possession of and who is able to access it and where it goes. They should also be aware of what would happen to the data if the business goes bankrupt or goes out of business. Consumers should be aware of where their data is going and who has access to it. They should also be aware of what data they are sharing. You never know when a place will be hacked. If it’s possible for the government to be hacked, its possible for a company to be hacked as well. The best way to balance the benefits and the threats of big data would be to find ways to keep it safer. Right now, it seems that is very easy for anyone to hack information, and companies need to take proactive measures to ensure the safety of the data. Before anything bad happens.
 Internet business models influence surveillance and data gathering on the internet in many ways. Everything we do on the internet is being recorded and kept somewhere. Even our searches on search engines. And like Maciej mentioned in his talk, it has happened before where AOL had millions of peoples “anonymous” searches leaked, and it became quite apparent that you could actually see who was searching what and it wasn’t actually anonymous. Like I stated before, everything we do on the internet is recorded, and nobody is doing anything to stop this. In fact, companies are finding more and more ways to capitalize off of it. Even though it is quite obvious how much of an invasion of privacy it is.
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katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
Hi! I also find that my Facebook is not as well “synced” with my thoughts and beliefs. For the most part, all my other social medias are which is odd. What makes Facebook so different? As for the advertising, I also have times where I just think of an item and next thing I know I am getting ads about the item! But chances are, we have probably liked, shared commented or searched about this item at some point and didn’t even think twice about it. But the algorithms were listening and they pay attention. So next thing you know, you’re getting ads!
Week 4 Blog Post 2
The article we read this week talks about the three reasons junk news is able to spread so quickly across social media. The three reasons being: algorithm, advertising, and exposure.
“Social media platforms rely on algorithms to determine how news and content are disseminated and consumed. The information that is delivered through Facebook’s Newsfeed, Google’s search, and Twitter’s trending topics, is selected and prioritised by complex algorithms that have been coded to sort, filter, and deliver content in a manner that is designed to maximize users’ engagement with the content and time spent on the platform.” I’ve noticed in my daily use of social media, my algorithms seem to be pretty on par with what I normally view except for Facebook. On Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok I usually get fed things that I’m interested in like makeup hauls or tutorials, Taylor Swift, etc. However, on Facebook I always get targeted posts that definitely lean conservative if not go all the way to QAnon. It’s weird because I have no political affiliation associated with my Facebook and I don’t post anything political on there. It’s also never posts that lean liberal, it’s always conservative.
“This advertising model contributes to the spread of junk news in two important ways. First, the advertising model itself rewards viral content, which has given rise to clickbait. Clickbait is content designed to attract attention — often by stimulating outrage, curiosity, or both — in order to encourage visitors to click on a link to a webpage.” The advertising model of social media platforms is insane. I swear I can think of an item I might want and next thing I know it’s being advertised to me. I see people all the time who fall for clickbait news articles because they don’t read past the headline and the headline was created to spark an outrage. In fact, when Kobe Bryant died, I thought it was a clickbait article because we see so many fake news articles about celebrities such as Betty White and Clint Eastwood who have “died”. 
“What might explain why people selectively expose themselves to political news and information? The partisanship explanation suggests that people pay attention to political content that fits an ideological package that they already subscribe to.” I do think that people tend to expose themselves to a confirmation bias and only follow people and news that already aligns with their viewpoints. I know I don’t follow anyone on Twitter or Instagram that don’t align with my political views because I don’t want to be annoyed when I scroll those social media sites. On Facebook it’s a little different, because my family all share different political beliefs. I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong to follow people who share our beliefs, but we should be mindful of it and sometimes expose ourselves to different beliefs so we can stay educated.
Howard, Philip, and Samantha Bradshaw. OII | Three Reasons Junk News Spreads so Quickly across Social Media. 26 Mar. 2018, https://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/blog/three-reasons-junk-news-spreads-so-quickly-across-social-media/.
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katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
Hi! I like how you brought up having an open mind is an important quality in social media. I completely agree! It is especially important for anyone in a role that may require you to work directly with a client. I also like how you brought up adaptability. I think this a great quality for anyone to have honestly. The world is constantly changing and in order to be successful, you must be able to adapt to the changes around us!
Week 4 Post #1
I think the most important qualities a social media consultant should have come down to three things: Social knowledge, adaptability, and a open mind. I believe that social knowledge is important because in order to be successful on and with social media you have to be able to know what is popular and what is not and then act on it. By doing this you are not only staying in the loop but are more likely to gain a following by staying with the trends. Adaptability in social media is what sets apart a short career or a long career, as well as short and long term success. If you are a one hit wonder or stay with your old ways when the times and trends are changing you will lose your following, you have to stay on top of your game and adapt with the media. Finally an open mind, if you go into social media and think that you way is the only way you will go no where you have to learn from others and from your success and failure and be open to change. 
I think something I would do to improve is maybe create a Tik Tok I know it is a huge platform and many have been successful through it. I so far have made an Instagram, 2 Twitters, and a Twitch were I am an affiliate and used to be quite active. In the future I should make a Tik Tok like I said and start streaming on Twitch again.
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katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
Blog Post 2 Week 4
I agree with the article about how algorithms are foundational to our experience of the internet today. We see it on every social media platform. The algorithm is programmed to show you things that you are most interested in, and to filter out the things you aren’t interested in. I see this all the time on Facebook. I have hundreds of friends on there, but I only ever see a handful of their posts. The algorithm is programmed to show me the posts of people that I interact with the most on the app. Same thing with TikTok. The algorithm shows me videos that I am more likely to find interesting. I see people on TikTok complaining all the time about how their views are significantly lower than usual, and their first question is usually “What’s going on with the algorithm”.
The advertising section of the article was especially interesting because it mentions the fact that the social media apps sell our information to companies so that they can show us micro-targeted messages. So, when people jokingly make a comment about how all you have to do it think about an item and all of a sudden you are being shown ads for it, its probably true. But it isn’t because your phone read your mind. It’s because at some point you probably liked a post or searched for something that was related to the item in question. Then that information about you searching, or liking a post was sold to a company who then targeted you with ads for said item. Either way, whether its your phone reading your mind or companies sneakily selling your information, it’s still creepy.
I agree with the article about how we rely on selective exposure because we don’t want to face the cognitive dissonance of exposure to radically new and challenging information. I agree because I have witnessed it. If someone wholeheartedly believes something, chances are they don’t want to hear anything that contradicts their belief. So they ignore it. This is also probably why people selectively expose themselves to political news and information, like what was stated in the article.
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katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
Blog Post 1 Week 4
I believe that a social media consultant should possesses a few important qualities. These qualities include being knowledgeable about social media and all the different aspect of it. Along with being a good listener and a good problem solver. The client will be coming to you with a problem or issue with their social media and the expectation is that you will be able to find a solution. I also believe that a social media consultant should be friendly and approachable. You have to be good with talking to people and comfortable asking questions in order to get the information needed to understand the clients’ thoughts.
If I were to be a social media consultant to myself for my professional social media presence, I would start with setting a schedule of when to update things and when to make posts. I need to be more involved on LinkedIn, but I just tend to forget about it. All I really done is create a LinkedIn account and have put the bare minimum of information on there.
For the most part, I mainly use social media to help boost my Etsy shop. I mainly use Instagram to post photos of my items, and recently I have been posting a lot of reels on Instagram. After I started posting reels I noticed a significant increase in traffic to my Instagram page, and even noticed more traffic to my Etsy shop directly. More people were favoriting my items on Etsy, primarily within the few days after I posted a reel. Although I am not very consistent with posting. I believe if I was to post more frequently and consistently, I could turn more of this traffic coming to my shop into actual sales. One thing I want to become better at is creating a social media schedule and having posts in my drafts that were created ahead of time, so I don’t have to create a new post each time. This will probably help motivate me to post more often if I have everything thought out and pre-planned.
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katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
Hi! I definitely agree that social media is a major factor when it comes to how divided our society is. Everyone immediately believes everything they see on the internet. Even though most people making comments or spreading information probably aren’t qualified or a good source. But that doesn’t stop people from spreading the misinformation. I believe that when social media was created, nobody intended for it to become as big as it is or for it to be used as a way to spread mass misinformation. But it did. And now we need to find a way stop the effects it has had on society.
Week 3 Blog Post
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The documentary The Social Dilemma shows how social media (namely Facebook) uses its algorithm to manipulate its audience’s viewpoints, emotions, and behaviors.
This is interesting because this year it was revealed that Facebook was actively pushing out QAnon, right wing conspiracy theories and Facebook groups to join. 
 “In summer 2019, a new Facebook user named Carol Smith signed up for the platform, describing herself as a politically conservative mother from Wilmington, North Carolina. Smith’s account indicated an interest in politics, parenting and Christianity and followed a few of her favorite brands, including Fox News and then-President Donald Trump.
Though Smith had never expressed interest in conspiracy theories, in just two days Facebook was recommending she join groups dedicated to QAnon, a sprawling and baseless conspiracy theory and movement that claimed Trump was secretly saving the world from a cabal of pedophiles and Satanists.” (Zadrozny, 2021)
It turns out that “Carol Smith” wasn’t a real person and was actually a researcher employed by Facebook. They were employed to study Facebook’s “role in misinforming and polarizing users through its recommendations systems.“ (Zadrozny, 2021) CEO Mark Zuckerberg has denied these claims that Facebook has promoted QAnon conspiracies and Facebook groups.
However, it makes sense that Facebook and other social media platform’s algorithms were promoting QAnon because we saw on January 6, 2021 the affects of these conspiracies. People stormed the Capitol building and claimed the election was stolen. Where did they get this “information”? Facebook, Reddit, 4chan, etc. It is absolutely crazy how much of an impact social media has on people’s perception of politics and news. I don’t follow any political pages on social media, yet everyday a Facebook group like “Patriots for Trump” or Ben Shapior’s page are actively promoted to me. It’s no wonder people take social media so seriously when it comes to forming their own opinions. It’s crazy and so irresponsible on Facebook’s part.
The Social Dilemma (2020)
Zadrozny, Brandy. “‘Carol’s Journey’: What Facebook Knew about How It Radicalized Users.” NBC News, https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/facebook-knew-radicalized-users-rcna3581. Accessed 14 Nov. 2021.
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katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
Hi! I completely agree that TikTok has the algorithm completely figured out. It really is terrifying to know how much information all these technology companies have on us. They track almost every single thing that we do. Sometimes I don’t even realize when I accidentally spend a significant amount of time on TikTok. Sometimes it is so hard to stop scrolling to the next video. Sometimes I go to get off of TikTok by sliding up on my iPhone screen, but it just scrolls to the next video and I end up watching that one, and a few more as well. It’s scary to think that while many of us know the danger and how manipulative these apps and companies are, we still are not able to fully escape the grasp of social media.
Week 3 Blog Post
I watched The Social Dilemma last year when it first came out. It was the first time that I had ever thought deeply about hoe much data social media sites keep about us. Social media uses big data and algorithms to keep our attention on their app. It is very powerful because it is a proven fact that if we see things that we are interested in, we will keep our attention there.
One app that has their algorithms down to a science is TikTok. Everybody’s “for you” page on TikTok is completely different. It is completely based on what the app has noticed that you pay attention to or interact with. For example, if you spend more time watching videos of dogs, then your page will suddenly have more dog videos. However, your best friend might be seeing completely different videos based on what they are interested in. It does get kind of creepy to think about how much data these apps actually have about us. 
The documentary describes the use of “positive intermittent reinforcement” when it comes to notification on our phone. It is like a slot machine every time we check our phone. We hope to see one or multiple notifications when we check our phone and when we do, we feel the need to open our phone and check it.
On a personal level, these problems could be solved by putting my phone on do not disturb or turning off unnecessary notifications. This would keep me off my phone for a certain about of time. On a professional level, businesses can’t really do much to stop the use of big data and algorithms because it is how they compete with other companies. The social media companies would only be able to stop this if they decided to stop making any profits for their service. On a societal level,  we need to stop believing everything that we see and read on social media. It will positively impact everyone’s mental health.
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katlyncnuddesblog · 3 years
Week 3 Blog Post
I have actually watched this documentary before on Netflix, but I completely forgot about it. So, I re-watched it for this assignment. And it brought back all the memories of how horrified I was after watching it the first time. It was honestly very disturbing to hear current and former employees talk about how scared they are for society because of technology and social media. It really showed how powerful these companies are and how powerful their algorithms are. The danger of it is that it is affecting people’s mental health. Everyone is obsessed with how many likes, comments and views they get on every post. It has also become a space for fake news which is when false information is spread. People have started believing every single thing they see on the internet and studies have shown that the world is more divided than it has ever been. Which is causing more and more issues in society. There is more hate in the world than ever.
I believe that the companies that have started these issues, need to be held responsible. Something needs to be done to help combat the social media epidemic. The way people are so obsessed with their phones and technology is extremely concerning. But at this point, we can’t function without technology. But there are ways each person can try to combat this. We need to spread awareness about how we need to put our technology down more often and spend more time technology free. The more we spread the word about this, the more people will likely understand and take action against it. I know that after watching that documentary I have become more nervous about what is going on in the world.
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