Katie's Story
7K posts
A lady who has been through a lot, is not always poltically correct, tells it as she sees it, and lives her life on her own terms.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
katie-in-nebraska · 1 year ago
Crazy neighbors or HOA drama?
Another question I have received asks if I have any stories about the crazy HOA or crazy neighbors.
Here is what I know about my previous HOA. They are still fighting. A fight broke out at the annual board meeting a couple of months ago and the police had to be called to break it up. 
Remember the neighbor who would not respect my boundary of social distancing during covid? Well, she did get covid and was very sick, but did not require hospitalization. Even after this experience she continued to make fun of those who took the pandemic seriously.
I do currently reside in a neighborhood with an HOA and neighbors that are close by, but I don’t have any outrageous stories to share. Sorry! No drama here, it is peaceful.  
My neighbors are friendly. One is a retired police officer, so she keeps an eye on our street. She jokes she doesn’t miss much on her corner. The one next door neighbor travels a lot, she is retired, and I rarely see her. For the past several weeks she has been visiting her daughter in Mississippi. The next-door neighbor on the other side, is very nice. There is a family of three, two dogs and a cat.  Their dogs never bark. I need a dog like that.  Sometimes the family shares their goodies with us. They brought over some birthday cake to share, and it was fabulous.  The people across the street are nice, sometimes I chat with them.
 The last time I recall a HOA issue was when the next-door neighbor parked his truck a little way over on the yard near their driveway. He did this so his wife could get her car out of the garage without him having to move. I recall when I saw this happen, I wondered how long that would be allowed to go on. According to him, the HOA complained. I think it was more of a safety issue than the fact that he parked in the yard because he parked closer to the fire hydrant. So, the truck’s tires were only a couple of steps away from the yellow fire hydrant. Yes, the fire hydrants are yellow here, which is super weird.
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katie-in-nebraska · 1 year ago
Update on Juvi
I have move the blog as you can see the last post, but for those of you keep asking for an update.... here you go.
Okay for those of you don’t remember Juvi, below is a short descrption.
He became my neighbor in 2015. His mother purchased the property, moved him in with a young girl, while she continued to live in a neighboring town. He was 15 years old. Once he turned 16 years old, his mother provided him with a new car.
He used marijuana frequently; the smell was unbearable. It was also believed he was selling drugs because lots of people were in and out of the home at all times of the day and night. Not one of the people stayed more than a couple of minutes. Sometimes, they would have a handshake in the front yard and then the seller would check his hand before handing the person something.
This man also banged on my door all hours of the night.
I called the police numerous times, but nothing was ever done.
Shortly after the George Floyd incident, this man threatened me and two other white women in front of the police. The police refused to do anything because he was black, and we were white. They said the country attorney wouldn’t prosecute the case because of it. I called the county attorney’s office and was told they couldn’t help me because the police did not write a report.
I have heard from previous neighbors that he continues to be a problem, the HOA continues to pretend he isn’t breaking any rules, and he is a father now.  Yes, he has a child that will be three this fall. He is no longer with the mother, so I have been told.
I know that Juvi continues to have runs in with law enforcement. He was arrested in December of 2022, April of 2023, and in June of 2023. He was convicted on May 30. 2023 of a being a prohibited person with a firearm.  Less than 30 days later, he was arrested on June 27, 2023, and charged with criminal mischief and third-degree domestic assault. He spent less than 24 hours in jail.  Someone (I think it was his mother, but I am not sure) paid $2000 to bail him out.
How do I know all of this? It is a public record.  Someone told me and I looked it up to see if it was true.
Why would I care? I worry about the people who are still living there and are trying to turn things around. Occasionally, I will receive an email or help asking me about who I think they can contact to get the police to do something or who I contacted in the past.  When I lived there, I did try to make a difference, I testified at legislative hearings and met with officials, but I feel like my words fell on deaf ears.
Plus, if I wasn’t so nosy about what was happening, I would have nothing to share with those who asked me for an update. =)
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katie-in-nebraska · 1 year ago
Reminder here is the new blog link
I moved this to google awhile ago.
Katie's Story (misskatiestory.blogspot.com)
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katie-in-nebraska · 3 years ago
I said NO
Today I want to write to the man/ his mother who groped me when I said no and no one listened.
Your son is not the saint you portrayed him to be. You thought I was the horrible one because I lived in a trailer. Never mind that it wasn’t my choice to go school clear across town with kids who lived in houses that I could only dream about.
In Junior High your son and I were friends that was the extent of it. Well, I am not sure if friends is the right word. The kids used to call me tuna. Why? It was just a form of bullying that I had to go through. Anyway, I was talking to him on the phone before dinner. I had to get off the phone to eat and he asked me what we were having. I told him tuna casserole and he told me that you are what you eat. I was pissed. It hurt my feelings. He laughed.  You told him to buy me a Valentine’s Day Card, which I did not want. Your son had not been kind to me and was making me super uncomfortable. I threw the card away.  Why if you son had made me uncomfortable did I agree to take a limo and go with him the night of 9th grad graduation? I felt pressured into it. Amber was my friend she was going with Jim who was your son’s friend. I also did not want to the be only left out.
Your son got mad when I let Jim the courage on me and wouldn’t let him do it. I did not want to be touched by him. Why? He had groped me. As we waited for the classes to start on the Southeast corner by the school, your son grabbed my butt. Everyone laughed, but me. I didn’t find the humor in it. I was mortified.
The summer before 10th grade your son tried to pressure me to have sex with him. He would tell me that I was going to tell my parents that I was going swimming b/c I like to swim and we would go have sex. I didn’t want to. He never thought that if I went swimming I would not smell like chorine or look like I had an exposure to the sun such as any redness.  Your son would constantly try to force me to have sex with him He told me that if I didn’t he was going to tell my parents that I was using drugs and hanging around the “wrong” kind of people. He also tried to convenience me to be his hs girlfriend before classes started in the fall. I told him I didn’t want to be tied down and want to be able to date around. Eventually, him left me alone when I introduced him to Sherri S. who introduced him to someone girl who had sex with him. I remember he was elated that he beat his 16th birthday. I thought he would leave me alone but he didn’t. He tried to put his hands up my shirt as I stood at my locker between classes. I have never felt so violated when no one would listen. It was the second time your son traumatized me.
 Shortly thereafter, you called my mom to tell her that I was hanging around some girl that lived in a group home.  First of all, I didn’t know the girl. I had to ask around to find out who she was. Second of all, how did you find out she lived in a group home.
I told my parents what your son did to me. They told you and you didn’t believe them.  You said it never happened.  Wells, it did. In over 30 years I have never changed my story about what happened. I have been forced for the past 30 years to be traumatized by what your son did to me. While he got away scott free.
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katie-in-nebraska · 3 years ago
I am mad
every right to feel what ever emotion I want to feel.
Right before Christmas, I received an opportunity, I thought would lead open a door. A woman who I know texted me and told me about an opening. Okay the pay wasn’t great $10/hour, but it could work into a GaShip which is what I have been wanting so badly. I was told to send over my documents, and we would do an interview the next day. The job was a basic administrative job. Basically, you answer the phone, some emails, and scan some stuff. With over 20 years of office experience, my skills were clearly not an issue. The interview lasted 10 minutes. How do you decide about someone after 10 minutes? No clue, but this lady did. Earlier this week I received a rejection email. It was two whole lines. Telling me I was not selected and wishing me well. So, I sent back a reply thanking for her letting me know and requested feedback about the skills I would need to acquire to make me a better candidate. Her response was super strange. She told me that the job was very competitive. How the hell could it be? I was the only one who was asked to interview. So, I was told. She also referred me to Career Services. Clearly she simply did not like me and doesn’t want me and thinks I am a piece of shit.  She didn’t want me once she saw me. I have grey hair coming. Sorry dumbass I cannot change my age. This is clearly an example of age discrimination.
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katie-in-nebraska · 4 years ago
Here is the link to a new adventure
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katie-in-nebraska · 5 years ago
Blog has been moved!!!
Please follow this link to read about all of craziness!
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katie-in-nebraska · 5 years ago
Today’s work adventures
Totally tried to be cool this morning and failed so hard… 
 A man was in the breakroom, when I entered to fill up my water bottle. He had a papertowel in his hands and the papertowel was being used to keep his hand from touching the fridge door. I decided I am going to show this man that I am cool too and don’t touch anything without a papertowel because it is the “in” thing to do.  I missed one important step, I didn’t dump yesterday’s water. Now I am drinking yesterday water filled with ice and filter water.  I don’t recommend doing this... it’s not that great tasting.
Eight-ball… How accurate are these things?
I am occupying someone else’s desk. Due to Covid-19, I had to move to the another floor. It was either that or go home and work. So, here I sit working at another person’s desk.  I don’t have room for my stuff, so all of my notes are under my desk in a trash can. Yep, it is super-duper classy!
Anyway back to the Eight-ball, each time I pick it up (no it doesn’t belong to me, it’s an eight-ball, now can you not pick it up) it says, “Outlook not so good.” I am thinking this thing has to be broken because everything should be super-duper!
Update to this...
I should have taken the Eight-ball seriously. Within a hour of this  happening, I wanted to walk out and quit.  A person verbally absused me and I got in trouble for asking a member of our leadership to take over.  
Lesson to be learned.... Eight-ball is always right!
Major things were left out of my job description….
I never was told that I would have to be abused by the public and no one would rescue me. Today I learned, I was wrong to ask someone else to take over. Even though it was mentioned during a team meeting; if you get a verbally abusive person, please let someone in leadership know and we will handle.  This guy was young enough to be my son and he felt the need to talk down to me and imply I am dumb. No one cared. The only thing our leadership cared about was that I asked someone else to handle it.  I was so wrong for doing this.  Another day of being abused by the public and no help from leadership; I feel so loved (NOT).
Building a clock at work
We are so slow at work. If I could I would bring my laptop in and work on my book, but I cannot. So, I find other ways to entertain myself. I have colored many pictures, read many books, made lists about what I need to get done, and daydreamed about the future.  One of my co-workers, has a found a unique way to pass the time, he is building models and has built a functioning clock.  This was his second go around. The first one he brought in was a 6 feet fall, so he decided it wasn’t a good thing to do at work.
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katie-in-nebraska · 5 years ago
HOA Tensions Rise
The annual meeting is fast approaching and people are scrambling to get rid of the current board members. Some are even campaigning hard to get votes. One lady is super pushy and tells you things you want to hear. For example, she told me that I have my own “fan base” and everyone loves me there.  She followed it up by telling me how people want me to vote. A neighbor told me that the best way to describe her is a politician.  I started laughing and It took me a moment to regain my composure. Once I could speak without laughing I told her the woman is a politician, she lost to our current Congressman. The woman wasn’t upset she was a politician, she was upset to learn she is a Democrat.  
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katie-in-nebraska · 5 years ago
Update on supplies during Convid-19
Picking up my online grocery order is always a mystery. This week I wasn’t able to get tea.  Last week, I had to settle for gourmet rice because they were out of the reasonably priced stuff.
One of things that I have noticed is that you can buy all of the junk food you want, but you cannot get the stuff that is good for you.
How is everyone else doing?
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katie-in-nebraska · 5 years ago
HOA update
Rumor on the street..... 
A current board member told me the following:
HOA president is resigning.
All HOA board members, but one is resigning.
Does this mean we may get a new HOA board and the drug ring may be broken up? I don’t know for sure, but I hope so.
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katie-in-nebraska · 5 years ago
Impossible task
I have been tasked to find a graduation gift for a girl who doesn't like girly things and hates glitter. For someone who thinks glitter makes everything better, this an impossible task.
I ordered a personalized laundry bag, lingerie bags, and Tide pods.
I hope she likes it. 
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katie-in-nebraska · 5 years ago
Dealing with rude people
It is never a dull moment at work.  Dealing with the public, can be challenging. 
A lady called and was mad because the last person she spoke with was too slow.  
She had a few minutes left on her lunch break. 
She wanted me to perform a miracle and break a Federal law.   
I poliety explained, I couldn’t do what she asked.  
She let me know she wasn’t happy.
Dealing with this time of people, makes me glad that I am leaving soon.
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katie-in-nebraska · 5 years ago
Reading at work
Things at work are so slow.  I have been reading two to three books per week.  
Today, I was reading a free ebook on my Nook. I  was not expecting it to have smut in it. I felt a little naughty reading those words while I was at work.
I did learn a new word tallywacker. I had never heard the term before. I thought it was a made up word. I Googled it and found this.... https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=tallywacker
Here is a link to the book:
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katie-in-nebraska · 5 years ago
Lana exists...
Was I the only one would was shocked when Lana showed up at the end?
 I am curious to see what happens next week.
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katie-in-nebraska · 5 years ago
Looking at how far I have come...
It is never wise to compare yourself to others becasue we don’t always know what they have been though.  When we see someone who is doing something better than us, we can get down on ourselves.
I made it out of proverty, surived a horrible man, surived working for Mormons, and survived almost loosing my job because I had two surgeries in one year.  In less than four months, I get to start another chapter of my life, I am so excited.
When I see a post like this....
First day back to work in the office craziness parking downtown is crappy my bad knee almost gave out by the time I got to the car elevator that were already a problem are pretty much useless now so a lot of stairs today I keep this up I lose a lot of weight 😊☺️ if my back and knees don't give out first 🥺🥺 
....It makes me realize how well I write! Oh my there are people who write better than I. Is it nice of me to share this? Well, probably not, but she posted it pubically.  Does she know I shared it? No. Did I ask for permission? No. Do I know this writer? Yes, haven’t seen her in years.  Maybe she never learned to write? Well, she has an associate degree.  What is my big beef with this posting?  Read it. BTW this parking garage doesn’t use a car elevator. The elevator is just an elevator.
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katie-in-nebraska · 5 years ago
Great compliment
Someone from another department called me on Friday, to tell me that I am too good to remain in my position. She asked if I had been offered a position to a new team that was formed months ago.  I said no. She told me that she was going to see what she could do because I deserved better. She was shocked when I thanked her but told her not to bother because I had turned in my notice.
It made me feel good that someone thanks, I am great and deserve so much more. I am moving on to something so much better.
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