Kathleen's face went blank for a moment, the mention of Gabe sending her mind into a whirlwind of thoughts and feelings. But the brunette quickly shook it off and replaced the flat line her mouth had turned into momentarily to a smile. "Oh, you know Gabe?" 
Coralie and Kathleen - Venting Over a Venti
Coralie giggled at the girl’s bow. She thought for a minute, thinking of someone they both might know who could have introduced them without the girls completely realizing it. “Maybe…the deputy?” She suggested. She wasn’t sure, but it was a guess. It was possible Gabe could’ve introduced them and Coralie just didn’t realize it.
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Kathleen couldn't help the proud expression that broke out on her face, thinking fondly on those memories. "All thanks to me of course." she joked with a playful wink. "If I let you choose our outfits, whew! I don't even want to think about that."
Gabe & Kathleen| Old Faces
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Kathleen nodded, raising her brows as a grin grew on her lips. "Oh yeah, that's the best." she agreed. Thinking of many times she'd craved a coffee and was able to have it in her hands, just how she liked it, in minutes. "Just how I like it, when I like it." nodding her head once more. 
Kathleen & Caroline| Shopaholics
"Classic girl favorite, I should have known." Caroline laughed. "Must be nice knowing how to make exactly what you are wanting."
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Kathleen looked down at her empty cup with a shrug. "Sure, that's fine." What she really wanted was something a little stronger but she didn't want to come off like a boozer right off the bat. Plus, this was her first time really going out since Gabe, she wanted to take it slow. Kathleen turned to face him again, leaning against the wall a bit to display her best assets a little better. "Get me more?" she asked with a sweet smile, but she winked as she tilted her cup his way. 
Alan and Kathleen | Party Hard
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Kathleen scrunched her face into a displeased frown "You're right! What where you thinking? Absolutely ridiculous." she said sternly, though she couldn't hold the act for long and cracked a smile before giggling. "Ease up Phil, you're doing fine." she said reassuringly as she helping him to get a hold of everything. She then turned for the counter to set the stuff down but turned back to Phil before she got there. "Oh, and you don't have to call me boss. Kathleen is just fine." flashing a grin before she turned back to the counter. 
Kathleen & Phil | Coworkers
Phil was finally starting to get a hang of his new job. He did especially well in the mornings, since he wasn’t rushed by each customer to make the perfect coffee. He was carrying a couple open bags of beans to start a new roast. His eyes were focused on his goal when Kathleen ran into him. He reached to grab everything so he didn’t spill the beans. “It’s okay boss, I should have been watching where I was going.” He smiled.
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Kathleen's perfectly trimmed brows shot up in surprise, and she took a couple of curious steps back towards him. "You know, I don't think I've met anyone who hasn't had a candy bar." trying to keep the shock out of her tone. "Sugar isn't your thing?" There had to be a good reason behind someone avoiding a candy bar for as long as he had. 
Terrance and Kathleen | Presidential Coffee
To his surprise, Terrance liked the flavor. “To be fair, I’ve never actually eaten a chocolate bar before.” It was a very easy thing for him to admit, though had he been a child, it would have seemed more like a joke to anyone. 
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Outfit in Party Hard
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Since she made her own schedule, Kathleen always made sure to have the weekends off, and this was exactly why. Kathleen was already on her second drink, and she planned on many more before the night was over. The brunette found a spot on the wall and watched the people partying around her as she downed the rest of her drink. 
She looked up from her empty cup when she was spoken to, her eyes scanning the man in front of her. Her look of boredom faded away, replaced by an amused smile she came to meet his striking eyes. Now this is more like it, she mused. "Maybe you haven't been looking hard enough then," she replied simply. 
Alan and Kathleen | Party Hard
It was finally the weekend, which called for Alan’s favorite time. Partying and drinking. He arrived to the party and immediately had a drink in his hand. He walked around, saying his hellos and eyeing the new girls. A particular brunette caught his eye. 
He walked over to her and smiled, “I’ve never seen you around here before, beautiful.”
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Kathleen & Phil | Coworkers
Kathleen clocked shrugged off her jacket as she walked through the doors of the Bean and Bag, her coffee shop. After a couple of days off she wasn't quite ready to get back into work mode, but as the boss she didn't really have much of a choice. Luckily it seemed to be a fairly slow morning, only a couple of customers quietly looking over the newspaper or reading in the shop. 
When she rounded the corner Kathleen managed to run right into one of her employee's, Phil. With an apologetic smile the brunette grabbed half of what he was carrying to keep him from dropping it. "Woah, sorry about that Phil." 
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Kathleen gave a mock bow "Thank you, thank you," a light giggle escaping the brunette. But she took on a more serious expression after Coralie's question, the very same thing she'd been wondering since the girl had arrived. She racked her brain one last time before answering, "You know, I've been wondering the same thing actually." 
Coralie and Kathleen - Venting Over a Venti
Coralie smiled and finished her coffee. “That was really good. It’s always good, though.” She looked at the girl and shook her head. “I’m sorry. I feel like I know you, but I don’t know how we might have met. Maybe we have someone in common?”
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Kathleen nodded slowly, tucking on of her brown locks behind her ear. "We did." she agreed with a smile to match his own. "Cutest couple in town, I think." she joked. 
Gabe & Kathleen| Old Faces
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Kathleen bit her lip, racking her brain for the right answer. It really depended on her mood, and sometimes the weather. "I'm a Frappe kind of gal." she said finally with a playful wink. 
Kathleen & Caroline| Shopaholics
Caroline nodded and fiddled with her purse. “What’s your favorite kind of coffee?”
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Kathleen nodded, brows raised. Lord knew she would love to have someone to get her all dolled up instead of spending hours on it herself. "That's good, it's always good to stick with something you're passionate about." offering a warm smile as she still contemplated splurging on the shoes. 
Kathleen & Caroline| Shopaholics
"Thanks." Caroline smiled over at the brunette. "It was fun, and having someone do my own hair and makeup. That was a blessing on its own. But I am very happy that I am doing something I love now."
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Kathleen's lips twitched into a smile, she'd caught his little slipped. And it made her wonder exactly what he felt. But she didn't want to open that can of worms seeing how he was already upset. "Well, I don't regret loving you. So I would say it wasn't a mistake either." said the brunette as she tried to catch his eye. 
Gabe & Kathleen| Old Faces
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"Like does it bring people in or does it work as in makes matches?" she asked, hoping to clarify what she'd meant. But before she could answer Kathleen went ahead and just answered both to be safe. "Well my first one didn't go so well, I had tree ladies show up and only one guy. But this last time wasn't as terrible." Truth be told it really wasn't going so well but she wasn't one to complain. "But I did manage to hook a couple of people up!" She added with a smile, proudly placing her hands on her hips.
Kathleen & Isabelle| Women of Business
"Speed dating?" She tilted her head in question. "Does that actually work?" 
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Kathleen nodded, though she was only half listening. Her mind swirling with possibilities of how she might have met this woman before. She just couldn't shake the familiar vibe she was getting and wanted to know why. "Oh, uh yeah, its super nice." nodding her head as she pulled heself back to the conversation. 
Coralie and Kathleen - Venting Over a Venti
"You’ve always got to have something to do." Coralie smiled. "I guess it’s nice to not have to move around a lot. You always know where you’re going to be."
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Kathleen smiled "Same, enjoy your day!" she called after him, the ding of the bell on the door the only noise left in the empty coffee shop now. With a sigh she went about doing some cleaning she'd rather not be doing. 
Ben and Kathleen
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