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katelightsblog · 3 years ago
#hope #faith #love.
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katelightsblog · 3 years ago
What’s the drive force behind your work, passion or necessity?
Hmm, why do we get up each morning despite everything and still go to work? What’s actually the drive force behind it?. Well let’s find out from my point of view of course, feel free to add yours.
Waking up each morning or whatever you work time might be, and getting all dressed, ready to go to work is many a times not very pleasant to most people. One of these reasons is that people get easily bored with their work, maybe due to monotony of work, that is repetition of course or maybe they feel as if it’s just another burden to ease off their shoulders as a result of numerous bills to pay. One of the things which really sucks is not having money to take care of your bills 😔, so I understand at I’d that.
What should really drive our ambition to work each day, I’ll tell it to you and it’s love. Yes, love for whatever work you do is very important, it’s better than to be saddled with what makes you feel as if you’re carrying a huge burden on your shoulders. Now I’m not saying that you should quit your current job that you’ve been putting up with for sometimes now, I don’t advise rash decisions. All I’m saying, is that let love be the drive force behind your job or work.
Well the next question here is that how can I fall in love with a job I’m trying to put up with? My answer to that question is that follow your heart, do whatever is in your heart.
Okay let me end it with this, don’t quit your job, because let’s face you still have bills to pay. Try testing the waters, follow your heart with advise from experts of course. One more thing, don’t throw all your eggs in one basket. Be rational and at the same time follow your heart.
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katelightsblog · 4 years ago
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katelightsblog · 4 years ago
You can follow my space on Quora to learn more about Jesus and the personal relationship that He wants to have with you.
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katelightsblog · 4 years ago
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The Joy of the Lord is my strength 🙏.
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katelightsblog · 4 years ago
Answer to What is the easiest way to really meet Jesus Christ? by Anne Benzow https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-easiest-way-to-really-meet-Jesus-Christ-1/answer/Anne-Benzow?ch=99&share=5089ac91&srid=uzNCf7
Knowing the Lord is as a result of the drawing of the Father towards Himself through His Holy Spirit. God loves us unconditionally. Stay blessed.
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katelightsblog · 4 years ago
WHAT IS AN INFERIOR GOOD: An inferior good is one whereby the purchases of it decreases as consumer income increases. Consumers tend to buy less of these goods as the individual consumer income rises. When the consumer income increases, there tend to be a shift in demand from inferior goods to more costly substitute. Examples of these inferior goods are instant noodles, less costly grocery products, canned and frozen foods among others.
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katelightsblog · 4 years ago
What does impact mean?
When I say I am impacting others, what do I mean. keep in mind that this is a rhetorical question.
Well let's look at this from Christ's perspective. What would Jesus say impact is and how does He see impact. So this write-up is basically looking at impact through Jesus lens.
Let's start with this. For the Lord, impact has everything to do with lives. Now let's consider why Jesus came to earth. For this, we would be looking at John 3:16 as an example to answer to answer the question "why Jesus came to earth". So before I get into this, let's establish this fact and that is Jesus is the Son of the Living God and He is the Christ and Messiah who takes away the sins of the world. It's gets even better, and that is He frees us from bondage to sin and condemnation, guilt and accusations.
Looking at John 3:16 as the answer to the question "why did Jesus came to earth". In John 3:16, we see it says here "that for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life". Bear in mind that I quoted this verse from King James version. Let's go further to read verse 17. It says here that "For God sent His Son into the world not to condemn it but so that the world might be saved through Him". So I'm done with putting up the scripture that answer the above question, let's dive a little bit deeper into this. The main purpose of Jesus coming into the world was that it might be saved through Him. By believing in our hearts that Jesus is the Christ and truly that God raised Him up from the dead, and by confessing with our mouth the Lord Jesus we receive salvation.
Since we've already answered the question why Jesus came into the world, it seems fair enough that we should go to our previous question. Our previous question was "how does Jesus see impact". Again to answer this we'll have to look at Isaiah 61:1 which says " The spirit of the Lord God is upon me to, because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; He hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound". Hmmmmm, that scripture really got to my heart. Now we've seen according to Isaiah that Jesus sees impact in regard to blessing lives and just blessing them for the better, encouraging them and freeing them that they may live a fulfilled live in Him because He is the one to give them life and life in abundance. Likewise, we should see impact as Jesus sees it. Impact is not measured by popularity or the amount of Fame you have. Rather, it's just blessing lives and this isn't restricted to just giving monetarily but also by loving others, praying for them, forgiving them, encouraging them and as many as you may wish to add to the list, but it is to the end that Jesus be glorified through your actions.
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katelightsblog · 4 years ago
“Oh Lord, You know the depths of my heart, my longings for something powerful and wonderful, my regretful sighing for the realities of daily life. I praise You, the compassionate God, for You will act on my behalf at the right time, in exactly the right way. My life is an open book before You. You know my dreams and my weaknesses. Burn away the evil in me. Line up my longings with Your own. I lift up my hands to You with confidence, knowing I will receive mercy and find the grace to help me. Lord, I call on You, knowing You will answer. Amen.”
— Darlene Franklin
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katelightsblog · 4 years ago
Romans10:9; If anyone would confess the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine that God raised Him up from the dead, thou shalt be saved (King James version).
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katelightsblog · 4 years ago
“Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.”
— Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
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katelightsblog · 4 years ago
“The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.”
— Unknown (via surqrised)
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katelightsblog · 4 years ago
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Kenneth E Hagin
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katelightsblog · 4 years ago
Hmmm, I choose prayer!!
“Fear triggers either despair or prayer. Choose wisely.”
— Max Lucado
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katelightsblog · 4 years ago
“I figure, if a girl wants to be a legend, she should go ahead and be one.”
— Calamity Jane (via marijuanamodels)
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katelightsblog · 4 years ago
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katelightsblog · 4 years ago
There's that someone you can always count both in the good times and even when things seems tough, that person is Jesus. Get to know Him and you won't regret it.
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