katcornwellrp · 3 months
I had no idea that World Chocolate Day even existed. 
Not that I needed another reason to spoil Gabe, though I'll take the opportunity. 
I hope you would like double chocolate strawberry muffins.
Stamets would refer to these as mushrooms, because of the similar shape.
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katcornwellrp · 3 months
Sh*t, f*ck, d*mn…
At least we still have five months to find a tree and decorations.
// Image Credit - @/christmas_clock on Twitter
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katcornwellrp · 4 months
// Tie In/Spoilers for Novel Drastic Measures
// ⚠️ CW/TW - Canon Typical Violence
She’d been sat at a table with the lower decks crew, whose party she’d crashed but who also showed an interest in her career. 
While she held her margarita glass she exhaled slowly. “You’re young enough to have learned about what happened on Tarsus IV from school, the Academy. I’m one of those who’d lived through it as it happened.”
They all eagerly listened, and some of those who had a particular interest in history moved so they’d be closer. 
She continued, “At this time Gabe and I had been split up, though we’d continued talking. I knew he’d been assigned to the Outpost there, it was one of his first Command postings but also a bit of Security too. I’d been stationed on Starbase One, and had my practice. When I heard of what happened I’d sent them notice that I’d be away and temporarily reassigned them so they could still continue to receive the care they needed.” Looking at them all she continued, “I’ve retired from therapy, as I believe in that sense by my own experiences I’m traumatised to the point I need therapy and I’m seeing Dr Culber on a definite weekly and as needed drop in.”
Those following in her footsteps now looked shocked, looking at each other then back to her. 
She half smiled, “I can own it, I’m just as fucked in the head as anyone else who’d survived the things I’ve seen would be. For everything wonderful out here, there is something equally horrifying.”
The margarita pitchers were being passed around again, as were trays of various foods from various places. 
Continuing on, “I’d boarded one of the ships flying to Tarsus IV, as part of the response. There would be evaluations and assessments that needed to be made, referrals to ongoing care. That wasn’t the only reason I had for going. I went for Gabe, knowing he would need someone familiar.”
One of them spoke up, “You’ve been with him a long time. Admittedly we’re still kinda scared of him, because of other him.”
She nodded, “I have, I’ve loved him all my life and because of a miracle I’m not about to question he’s here. He’s not like the bastard who’d pretended to be him, and I know it’s going to take everyone time to trust him. All I ask is that you give him a chance. He’s suffered enough at the hands of others.”
They nodded and she decided to continue on. “Gabe had been Security, and at that time he still was. Onboard the ship I had stayed close to Security and their wives, partners. I understood how they’d been feeling, that unsettling fear that makes it impossible to breathe or think clearly. I was trying to hold them together while falling apart myself. It felt like I had laid down on the hull with a shuttle parked on my chest and the ship went to warp. I couldn’t breathe, my only thoughts had been if Gabe was alright. Not hearing from him only made those feelings worse.”
The group was silent, listening as they continued to nibble. 
She exhaled, closing her eyes for a moment before she spoke again. “We’d docked at the Spaceport and the group of us took a residential deck there. I’d checked in with Command, and the Commander of Security there. I knew what had happened, and also was told that Gabe had been on a hunting expedition for Kodos through the mountains, they’d keep me posted as to when they’d heard from him. Again I’m falling apart myself while trying to hold everyone else together. We’d deep scrubbed our quarters, the corridors of that residential deck because we’d all been climbing the walls mentally. Together we’d baked chocolate muffins, talked about better times with those we cared about planetside, and took turns going to the Commander for updates.”
Looking around the room she spoke softly, “For me, it gets dark at this point. Fair warning.”
They nodded, wanting her to continue and the history buffs had been taking notes as she spoke. 
She had to take a few deep breaths before she could continue, trying to blink back tears and steady her voice. “The Commander had sent us all a message that there had been a firefight in the mountain tunnels, and that some of the tunnels had collapsed. We’d started loosing our collective shit. I’d been crying, screaming, punching the bulkhead until I’d broke my wrists. I knew I couldn’t actually go planetside, as I’d be of no use to anyone until my wrists had been repaired.”
Another of them had spoke again, “So that’s how you broke both wrists.” She nodded, “Yes, and not many know that. Don’t fight the bulkhead, it always wins.”
Her voice trembled, now she couldn’t hold back the silent tears. “As I’d been returning from the hospital, people approached me saying how sorry they were and they couldn’t imagine how I felt. Others approached saying I’d be alright with time though the ache never goes away. So I asked one of them to explain to me exactly what the fuck was happening down there now. That’s when they told me the Commander was starting to declare end of watch. I ran down that corridor to his office and pulled rank, told him not to do that until everyone had been brought back home. I was ready to fight the bulkhead again, I wanted to call Gabe but knew I couldn’t as he’d be working. I knew I had to trust him and those with him to bring him home.”
The room was silent enough to hear the rumblings of the engines as they coasted through space, they’d been given a new layer to something from the history books - something they couldn’t learn from said books. 
She wiped her tears and downed the last of what was in her glass. “Time felt like it was moving slowly, as we all held our breath and waited. We’d repeated the anxiety cleaning, the muffin baking, though now we couldn’t allow ourselves our memories as we all fell apart even saying a name. I ensured everyone had my contact information, as I had every intention of taking a shuttle to whichever ship Gabe ended up on when he left Tarsus IV.”
Dr Culber had been listening in the whole time, as Tilly had gone to get him as soon as some of the lower decks began asking questions about her career and Gabe. They’d stood off to the side, out of view but listening and allowing her to continue. 
One of them had refilled her glass, and passed her another glass of shrimp. She accepted and continued. “The Commander came to tell me which ship he was on, and had arranged for a shuttle to take me. I’d sent everyone I’d been with onboard a message and left immediately. I’d found Gabe after he’d broke the training dummy, and that’s around the time we began our arrangement of seeing each other. You could say we’d been taking things slow since then, until recently when I’d moved to his quarters.”
There were still plenty of those who looked absolutely horrified by what she’d shared, and looking back she still felt equally horrified for having lived through it. 
Dr Culber decided now was the time to walk over and make his presence known, “I never thought I’d see the day you’d share something like this, especially with a group. We had discussed this, when I’d been reading your medical records.”
She nodded, “I hadn’t either. Though now maybe I’ll appear more human to them, and not viewed through my rank and profession.”
Dr Culber nodded, as Tilly went to go pick up a shrimp ring. “I’ve got someone who would like to see you in sick bay, and he asked for shrimp.”
Smiling she stood, turning to the group she had a look around. “Goodnight, and you can guess who I’m going to see now.”
As she was leaving, they’d started playing their music again. Some had been sat in groups, no longer thinking about the party but what they’d just heard and discussing it alongside what they knew from the history books. 
She walked slowly alongside Dr Culber and Tilly, headed to sick bay. She’d need some medication for her knee, in addition to being there to visit Gabe. 
They’d been granted more than a few miracles. They lived to old age, and still had each other. 
She chose love, and to walk a new road. These last few weeks was the happiest she’d been in a long time. 
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katcornwellrp · 4 months
// OOC Writer’s Note
Shipping is now closed. Kat has found her Gabriel! @/GabrielLor17027
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katcornwellrp · 4 months
// CW/TW - Loss, Heartbreak
Kat was sat alone on the sofa in the captain’s quarters, which under the current circumstances were now hers. 
Earlier Tilly had dropped off a tray of chocolate muffins, saying that she and Paul had found time to bake them whilst working. She’d also said while chocolate won’t fix everything, it did help a bit. 
She smiled and nodded, knowing it to be true. 
Dr Culber had also sent her a message, gently reminding her that she needed rest otherwise she’d run herself into the ground. Also if she wanted to talk, he was there. 
She knew she’d been working possibly a bit much, she had to ensure the crew and the ship were alright. 
Missing him came in waves, it somehow felt like she were loosing him a third time. 
First when the Buran went down, second when they all found out the man who hadn’t returned wasn’t actually their/her Lorca, and now it seemed to settle into her mind and it ached with every breath that he was gone. 
She tried to her best to not let it be visible to everyone around her, she didn’t want them to think she were weak or compromised due to this. 
Still she held onto the hope that somehow he may have survived, and been trying to return. 
Now as she sat with a glass of his single malt and a chocolate muffin, she wondered which exactly hurt more - Klingon torture or heartbreak. It was very close, too close to call. 
Turning she looked out the window and closed her eyes, wishing that she were wrong and that he’d survived somehow. 
She’d have to take things a day at a time, an hour even. Regardless of the outcome, she’d have to be ok eventually - even if the ache in her heart never fully healed. 
Looking back on her life, she could say she’d had only one regret - and that was pushing him away due to her own ambitions in Starfleet. It was stupid, they could have made things work. 
If he did return, she only hoped he would look for her; and she would do everything she were able to ensure they had a better outcome. 
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katcornwellrp · 4 months
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katcornwellrp · 5 months
She’s standing and squinting.
Did she actually /hear/ his voice?
Or did she just have too much caffeine this morning and now is exhausted/hallucinating?
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katcornwellrp · 5 months
// CW/TW - Mentions of War, Loss and Mourning
Kat awoke alone in the captain’s quarters onboard Discovery, and knew she’d have to take them back to Starbase One. 
There was no telling what would await them when they arrived, and she knew she’d have quite the shitstorm to deal with upon arrival. 
She had wanted to honour the crew, for everything they’d been through during the war. They’d more than earned their decorations. 
In the back of her mind, she knew she’d have to handle the situation left by mirror Lorca. Her Lorca would be declared deceased, and hopefully she could salvage his record and reputation from the damage done by his imposter. 
She ran her hand along her collarbone as she dressed, feeling the sapphire and diamond three stone necklace that she’d always wore. It had been a gift from him, during their Academy days. He’d bought it for her birthday, along with a pair of matching diamond and sapphire earrings. 
The thought of what she had to do filled her with dread, though she was doubtful that he had survived. 
Though she had the means to go looking for him, she couldn’t ask the crew and Stamets to jump back to the mirror timeline. They’d only just returned, and she truly had no idea of where they’d even begin to look. They still had things to handle here, that couldn’t wait. 
If by some small chance he had managed to survive and come home, she’d happily return to Command and have everything reversed. She’d admit that she was wrong, and that by some miracle he’d survived and come home. 
She held onto that small glimmer of hope, despite knowing what she’d have to do upon their arrival at Starbase One.
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katcornwellrp · 5 months
// CW/TW - Mentions of War, Loss and Mourning 
After speaking to the crew, Katrina had returned alone to Gabriel’s quarters onboard Discovery. 
She knew the man that did not return to the ship was not /her/ Gabriel. 
Looking around the living room, she felt the weight of how much she missed him and how much she truly did love him. 
As she walked further into the empty Captain’s Quarters she walked into the bedroom and picked up Gabriel’s pillow. She held it against her chest, smelling his usual cologne and she began to cry as she held the pillow. 
Her heart ached and she felt completely shattered, she missed /her/ Gabriel; not the imposter who had his face and voice. 
This war had cost them so much, and now it had taken someone very close to her that she had dearly loved. 
Ultimately she knew she would have to declare him deceased to Command, and that decision weighed heavily on her. 
She wasn’t sure if someone from this timeline could survive the mirror timeline. How she hoped she was wrong, and that he was still alive, somehow. 
She would much rather have Gabriel in her arms, rather than his pillow. 
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katcornwellrp · 5 months
Headcanons and Backstory 
This is a bespoke portrayal of Kat Cornwell. Canon is the foundation for my headcanons. ~
She and Gabriel had met at Starfleet Academy, they’d been inseparable and were dating at the time. 
While they’d both been very ambitious regarding their careers with Starfleet, now she wants to make a different choice. If she gets a second opportunity to be with Gabe she’s going to choose him and do everything she’s able to make the relationship work.
After Graduation they’d broke up, they each had ambitions for their careers and she was scared they might not work out.
Looking back, it was her only regret in life. She’s only ever truly loved Gabriel, and still does.  ~
Rather than remain onboard Enterprise during the battle with Control, she chose to return to Discovery with Dr Hugh Culber. 
Hugh couldn’t bear to leave Paul, and convinced her that they might be able to locate her Gabriel. 
That was plenty for her to make the decision to return to Discovery. 
She was offered an early medical retirement, which she turned down. She wanted to be onboard in the event they found Gabe. 
She is no longer a practicing therapist, due to her own trauma and PTSD. She will help Gabriel recover, even though she’s no longer practicing.  ~
⚠️ Regarding Mirror Lorca 
Since Hugh was able to return via the mycelial network, it’s very possible that Mirror Lorca could return the same way. 
While Kat deeply loves Gabriel, she knows the differences between Prime and Mirror - and since the events on Discovery with Mirror Lorca she’d be able to identify him on sight. Mirror wouldn’t be able to fool her again so easily.
She wouldn’t be nearly as nice to Mirror as she would be toward Prime Lorca.
~ ⚠️ CW/TW - Abuse (Mirror Lorca), Torture (Klingons, Sarcophagus), PTSD
~ Lorca - Ship Preference is Gabriel Lorca
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katcornwellrp · 5 months
RP Pinned Post
“Love is a choice... and one doesn't just make that choice once. One makes it again and again.”
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// Disclaimer - I am not any of the celebrities I may post about nor am I affiliated with them. This is an RP Account for entertainment purposes only.
// Canon Information about my Character
// Account Rules and Writer’s Note -
See previous post
// * Ships and Timelines *
Gabriel Lorca or Christopher Pike
(Would prefer a Lorca)
⚠️ Semi Selective - Preferably Star Trek Discovery and Strange New Worlds Characters 
// Additional Information
// Layout - Online Image Search
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katcornwellrp · 5 months
Account Rules
~ Read Bio and Pinned before Interacting.
~ Ask on Timeline prior to sending a DM. DM’s are for plotting/discussing character only. Refrain from sending starters without prior plotting.
~ Out of Character (OOC) Comments //
~ Writer does not equal character.
~ Communication is important, good things fall apart without it (or with poor/lack of communication).
~ Do Not Rage Subtweet, applies both in character and OOC. If there is an issue please message me so we can sort it.
~ Shout Outs - I do not mind the occasional shout out after a reader has been following and reading for some time. Please refrain from excessive shout outs.
~ No hate or bigotry of any kind. You will be blocked.
~ I reserve the right to mute/unfollow/block at my discretion without explanation. 
⚠️ OOC Writer’s Note
If you cannot respect my decision for my muse, kindly unfollow. No more. * Semi Selective
~ Prefer to Interact with Star Trek Characters. 
Preference given to Discovery characters but willing to interact with other Trek characters.
* Star Trek OC’s welcome here!
~ Ships - Preference to Gabriel Lorca
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katcornwellrp · 5 months
RP Disclaimer
~ I am not any of the celebrities I may post about nor am I affiliated with them. This is an RP Account for entertainment purposes only.
~ I am not affiliated with Paramount, the writers or show runners of Star Trek.
~ We are neither endorsed or associated with Paramount, the writers or show runners of Star Trek.
~ No copyright infringement is intended or implied. 
~ All images used are fair use for non commercial nature, and does not effect the potential market of the original copyright owners. 
~ All creative writing is my own.
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katcornwellrp · 5 months
// OOC Writer’s Note 
✨ Experienced Writer
✨ New Muse
✨ This is an RP Account for Writing Purposes Only
✨ Mature Themes, MDNI
✨ Planned Storyline
✨ RP/Parody
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