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How it Begins
"I don't think I'm capable of writing."
Ivan leaned against his chair sighing. He couldn't describe anything in the city of gardens. He wanted to at least bring something of him to the surface to the world. With a distant look, he tried to cheer himself up and return to his craft.
He had a lot to think about, but the words wouldn't come out. What do you mean he thought about writing?
The muse appeared with a deep look and waited for some movement from him, but Ivan, absorbed in his concern, did not notice her entering the room. But he perceived something different in his heart: he really felt something pulsing, coming out of his chest. He needed to admit to himself that writing about the city of gardens at that time was not possible to tell his truth. Of course he valued this place, but his self needed to express itself, to free himself. And that was what should drive him to write.
The young man pushed his chair closer to the table and began to type a few words:
How does it start? What about this anguish I'm feeling?
Valquíria was a very sure young woman, but at that time she was in complete despair. Her hair was a source of torment to her. It was quite difficult to accept it after hearing insults and laughter.
She noticed people mocking as if she was an animal. It was only by assuming the curls that all the terror began again. After entering her room, she cringed and began to whine. Her two cousins spied on her without her realizing it and they ran away when they realized she was going to leave the room.
Valquíria had to admit: She could be safe as much as she wanted, but her image was her weak point.
The muse watched attentively the boy's movements. "Why did you propose to write about this, Ivan?" The questions came, but he was only willing to write.
As a black woman, Valquíria never set out to question much about the concept of race, but she felt part of the pain of her ancestors on her skin.
Other questions came. "You're not even a black woman, Ivan. Do you really think you have the right to write about it?” While the internal judgment took place, the muse continued to watch the movement of the young man's fingers on the keyboard. Seeing the frustration in Ivan's eyes, she touched his shoulder.
"I want to reach my potential, Ivan. Finish the story, don't forget that. I was born to shine and I need you to give vent to my shine. I'm counting on you.”
Ivan finally stared at his muse and she smiled at him and disappeared. Hours passed when the young man's eyes stared at the computer screen and his fingers hammered its keys. Ivan seemed proud of the feat he achieved that day: He finally found the heroine of his story. He didn't find all her nuances, this was something he hoped Valquíria would surprise him. He also hoped to be competent enough to be able to unearth the plot as special as that of his inspiring muse.
"This is where your story begins.” Thought the young man.
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✨We promise you: You're not alone.
It is Flash Fiction Friday and we're all writing together ^^
✨ New to FFF? Let us fill you in!
Flash Fiction Friday is a fun writer event that’s meant to inspire, share and connect writings of all genres and writers of all ages. It’s designed to make people want to write, especially if they’re feeling blocked. Everyone and everything is welcome!
We always do our very best to keep the prompt’s genre open, entertaining, positive and encouraging.
Write between 100-1000 words. It can be any genre, in any text format and 18+ is fine by us, just please tag accordingly.
Use this Friday’s theme in your text. Any way you see fit.
Post on your tumblr blog and remember to tag us at @flashfictionfridayofficial!! So we’ll see it, read it and reblog it!!
Deadline is 24 hours after the prompt has been issued (12 pm CET).
And then, next Friday, we’ll mention your work in a showcase post on our main blog before our next prompt drops.
Please post your entries as regular posts, not screenshots — or provide the text as a regular post as well. Let’s keep everything as accessible as possible!
If you have a question, check out our FAQ page! If your question isn’t on there, don’t hesitate to ask!
You don’t need to ask for permission or need to get added to a list to join in. Just write, have fun and don’t forget to tag us!
We do not condone fiction, asks or comments that contain: direct hostility, unconstructive critique, LGBTQIA+ hate, slurs, racism and/or general no-no behaviors.
If you want to be closer to the epicenter, you can come chat on our open discord:
✨ We also introduced our very own Wishing Well, a place for you to whisper your prompt suggestions into. And we’ll listen! Check everything about it out HERE.
✨All your amazing works from last week can be found HERE.
Go check them out and consider supporting your fellow FFF writers with some likes and reblogs!
✨ And now, the new prompt!
It is getting spookier! Today's prompt is "An Empty Grave". Empty? Why? Was there something supposed to be in there, and if yes--where is it now? Or perhaps there is nothing weird about this at all? Just your local kids playing a prank? And whatver the meaning behind it may be, one question remains: What is your character doing there at the empty grave? Whether the supernatural is at work or or not, we're eager to read what you think of! So go get to it!
The Collective <3
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Como começar a escrever um livro
Olá, como vai? Hoje eu gostaria de compartilhar com vocês algumas sugestões de como começar a escrever um livro, ou como voltar a escrever, focado em quem já tem uma ideia inicial para o enredo.
Um lugar quieto
Sei que parece óbvio, mas nem tudo depende da escrita ou de histórias bem estruturadas. O primeiro passo é ter um espaço onde você possa se concentrar e claro, um equipamento adequado. Me sinto muito velha ao dizer isso, porém, não consigo escrever em um celular. O espaço é limitado e a forma de digitar é incômoda. Então, se eu não consigo me sentir confortável, provavelmente não vou conseguir me concentrar. Antes disso, eu costumava usar o computador de casa, onde todo estava perto ou tinha acesso, ou pior, eu tentava fugir para uma biblioteca longe de casa. Bem, posso dizer que não foi uma boa experiência.
Se organize
Agora que você tem um lugar para escrever, está na hora de organizar as coisas. Nesse momento, já devemos ter uma ideia do que queremos fazer. Ou pelo menos um conceito do que escrever. Você gosta de um caderno para fazer anotações ou gosta de colocar tudo em uma página de web? Esse é o momento! Reúna todos os materiais e links que você possa precisar, como um dicionário, ou alguma página importante. Sabe o suficiente sobre seu tema? Está na hora da pesquisa. Reúna as informações necessárias, mas não gaste muito tempo nisso. Por enquanto precisamos colocar em um lugar só o que vamos usar.
As coisas estão indo bem. Lembra das informações que reunimos? É aqui que vamos destrinchá-las. Se você ainda não colocou suas ideias no papel, principalmente, de forma que elas façam sentido, esse é o momento. Pegue as ideias que você teve até esse momento e as coloque em um lugar só.
Você pode fazer de duas formas. Um, você organiza cada informação numa sequência que faça sentido para sua história ou tentar encontrar suas cenas baseadas nas informações que você tem, partindo também do conceito e ou prompts/trope que você queira explorar.
Cenas base
Sim, gosto de usar as cenas base para encontrar a estrutura central do meu enredo. Elas são o que nos guia durante a escrita. Uma cena para a introdução da história, uma para o meio ou o desenvolvimento e uma para a conclusão da história. É claro, você pode ignorar essa dica se você tem uma ideia mais concreta do que escrever, mas para os perdidos ou bloqueados, analisar o que você tem pronto pode dar um pontapé inicial.
Roteiro ou improviso
Aqui é onde o seu estilo de escrita vai falar mais alto. Você gosta de escrever sem um roteiro e com os próximos passos planejados? Se você não gosta de planejar, pode pular esse tópico, mas se você se sente melhor sabendo o que vai acontecer, aqui vai a dica: faça um roteiro dos capítulos ou cenas! Você não precisa ter todas as cenas planejadas, o importante é saber de onde você começou, por onde vai e onde quer chegar. Por isso, as cenas base são essenciais, elas servem como um guia durante o processo da primeira versão do seu livro.
Tema e premissa
Se você ainda tem dúvida do que sua história se trata, tente achar o assunto principal, e depois tente encontrar qual seria o objetivo principal do seu protagonista. Essa é uma sugestão extra, porém, é mais fácil construir uma boa história quando temos um profundo entendimento do que vamos escrever, criar cenas e as reações dos personagens se torna bem mais descomplicadas. Por exemplo, se a premissa é o amor incondicional de dois amantes, eles farão tudo um pelo outro, agora, se fosse amor incondicional x ganancia, esses personagens ficariam em conflito com esses sentimentos opostos, se tornando bem mais fácil construir o enredo.
Divida o enredo em partes pequenas
É aqui que continuamos nosso planejamento. Sim, dividir o enredo em partes. É onde planejamos nossos capítulos, ou transformamos um grande bloco de ideias em várias cenas, de forma que o processo de escrever durante longos meses seja mais palatável. Eu poderia ter colocado esse tópico junto com o roteiro, mas ele é tão importante que preferi falar dele separadamente.
Sinceramente? Para mim é quase impossível escrever algo sem um mínimo de planejamento, e se você é como eu, deve ter feito algum até o momento. Agora é quando pegamos esse planejamento e começamos a encaixar em capítulos. Ou você faz um roteiro com cada cena que vai estar em cada capítulo (ou nos próximos capítulos) ou você define o que irá acontecer neles.
Um bom exemplo é a história que estou escrevendo, o primeiro capítulo é a minha introdução, de mundo, protagonista, mentalidade, status quo, dificuldades e as pessoas em volta do meu protagonista. O segundo geralmente é o início obstáculo/dificuldade e aquele personagem ou conflito que vai fazer meu protagonista querer mudar algo ou querer algo.
Assim, fica bem mais fácil, não? Eu posso usar a mesma técnica para tudo o que eu escrevo, quebrando o enredo em partes menores, mas raramente a história fica parecida com outras que escrevi, já que o importante é a situação em que o personagem se encontra. Na minha história o protagonista é despedido e está buscando um novo emprego, encontrando uma vaga de babá e a partir disso o enredo começa a se desenrolar. Não precisa ser nada complexo, algo a se prestar atenção é como você escreve suas cenas e se elas passam a emoção necessária.
Se concentre na Introdução
Nesse ponto, eu gostaria dar uma ênfase maior para os primeiros capítulos da sua história. Sei que todos conhecem a jornada do herói, e eu nem sempre sigo essa técnica, embora eu sempre use algumas partes dela. Uma introdução bem feita é o aspecto mais importante. Na verdade, uma primeira cena bem feita é a sugestão mais importante que eu poderia dar. Se eu não gostar da primeira cena ou se ela se parecer com algo que eu já li antes, palavra por palavra, é possível que eu largue o livro no mesmo momento. Agora, se eu me divertir ou se me chamar a atenção, é garantia que eu vá lê-lo até o final. Curiosidade é a alma do negócio, e da literatura também.
Nesse post não vou dizer as possibilidades de como escrever uma primeira cena, porque temos alguns posts no blog sobre o assunto. Também temos sobre estruturas narrativas e sobre as cenas bases também. Então, seria interessante se você desse uma olhada nos outros posts do blog. E claro, outra boa sugestão é manter uma rotina de escrita e de leitura. Quem não lê, não conhece seu próprio nicho e não conhece as possibilidades que existem para tal tipo de enredo, e também não conhece muito bem a gramática ou combinações de orações, frases e parágrafos, e quem não escreve com frequência, provavelmente não terá muita prática em desenvolver enredos interessantes.
Essas foram as sugestões para quem está querendo começar a escrever e quer voltar a escrever, não são todas as sugestões, mas por enquanto, ficamos por aqui. Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou gostaria de saber de algo específico, não hesite em me mandar uma pergunta.
Até a próxima!
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5 formas de começar uma história
Olá, como vai? No post de hoje veremos algumas formas de iniciarmos nossas histórias.
Sempre gostei de me aventurar em desafios criativos e me focar em aspectos que chamasse minha atenção para o lado mais emocional de uma história. É por isso que hoje veremos alguns desses exemplos.
Writing prompts
Uma forma de nunca ficar sem ideias são os writing prompts ou os desafios criativos, seja lá como você gosta de chamar. Há vários tipos espalhados na internet na forma de sugestões que vão desde palavras soltas até sentenças e conceitos complexos. Meu preferido é a escrita livre, é claro. Pego um conceito ou trope interessante e uso meus personagens favoritos, ou ao menos, personagens que fariam sentido para o tipo de história sugerido. Um bom exemplo é o trope colegial. Sobre o que você gostaria de escrever? Uma líder de torcida? O jogador de basquete? O garoto inteligente e excluído? Um professor exausto? Sempre haverá algo que pode criar uma identificação conosco, e se tem identificação, é provavelmente que uma história novinha esteja pronta para vir ao mundo.
Um diário
A maneira mais fácil de se ter ideias é registrar o que acontece a seu redor. Não tem jeito, especialmente se você gosta de enredos com o pé no chão, começar a anotar suas experiências é o primeiro passo para criar histórias. Essa ação nos permite praticar a escrita e também nos ajuda a nos expressarmos sem filtros, a fim de encontrar nossa voz na escrita. Com o tempo entendemos nossas preferências. 1ª ou 3ª pessoa? Narrador Onipresente ou personagem? Certas palavras também, temos tendencias de usar algumas específicas e até como construímos nossos textos. E isso só é possível quando praticamos.
Mas, claro, se você não souber sobre o que escrever, pense em algo que tenho acontecido, vale situações que você tenha visto em uma notícia, um momento especial e incomum, algo que tenha te surpreendido, uma conversa com um amigo, recordações emocionais, como seu primeiro dia no colégio, a morte de um ente querido, a primeira paixão, até uma cena de livro que tenha ficado em sua cabeça ou uma música que te faz imaginar uma nova situação é interessante.
Transforme em algo diferente
Esse é um bom exercício de escrita. Pegue um livro, uma música ou até um acontecimento que você testemunhou e tentei imaginar um resultado diferente, se perguntando “e se?”, e se acontecesse um terremoto na sua cidade? E se você tivesse mantido contato com aquele colega do colégio? E se sua mãe tivesse casado com uma pessoa diferente?
Uma cena
Pegue uma cena qualquer e imagine o que viria a seguir, mude os personagens e ambientação e apenas escreva o que vier a mente.
Comece sua história pela descrição de onde o personagem se encontra. Uma floresta, um colégio, o quarto dele? A partir daí desenvolva seu enredo.
Espero que esse texto tenha te ajudado a ser mais criativo! Te vejo em uma próxima vez.
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hey artist
if you have a brain that really likes creating stuff, like
like u REALLY just love to make stuff,
I want you to know something.
this is very, very important
• you do not need to make something every day to still be an artist, it's okay to relax and enjoy things other people have made
• even if you don't finish your projects, they are still valuable
• big number on social media is the most painful thing to pursue and it relies heavily on luck and does not determine your worth
• you need to make art that isn't up to your artistic standards before you'll have the skills to create art you can be truly proud of
• drink some water. it's not related to being an artist but I know you're dehydrated.
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You want to write.
It shouldn't be that hard: you simply need to sit down, and type. In fact, you are already sitting down. But you are scrolling down on Tumblr, once again, reading about your mutual's amazing works, and their compelling plots, and their amazing characters, and- You stop. No, you promised yourself you would work on your project today. It excites you, you have had it itching on your mind while you were busy, and now that you are free, alone in your room and with the whole afternoon for yourself, you can finally scratch that itch.
You quit Tumblr. The calendar Widget accuses you, looking at you with all the tasks that are still marked red throughout the week, a parade of errands, deadlines, and appointments that stretch along the month. Feeling your anxiety kick in, you make sure nothing is as urgent as to keep you distracted today. Nothing is. Except maybe that hang out with your friends this Saturday: you still haven't checked the public transport schedule. Quickly, you type your destination and calculate which is the best bus to take. Most options are good enough, but you opt for the one that will let you eat peacefully and still catch the bus with no hurry. Having decided, you get into your friend's group chat and let them know you will be there at 15:30. When the new message makes the others move, you notice how old your wallpaper is. It annoys you.
You slip into your Photo Album and scroll around in search of a new wallpaper. Nothing convinces you. Most are too bright for your liking, and not very aesthetic. Pinterest is the solution. Your recommended page catches your eye for a second, but you power through because you have already lost enough time, and you are here on a quest. Or you would be, if not for the fact you just found a picture that just summarized the feeling of your project in a single image. You save it to your pin board, and a tiny lightbulb lights up in your mind. You could craft a moodboard. The image you found is perfect, you may be able to put something together. There were these pictures at the beginning of the board that could look amazing in the corners. Maybe downloading them and heading over to PicsArt will do the trick.
It looks great after some mingling. You choose pics, delete others, and manage to put together a moodboard you are very proud of. So you head over to Tumblr to post it, format the post to look amazing and spend some time tagging funny quotes. You wonder if you should add more Easter Eggs, but after reflecting on it, you post it as it is. Then, you check your feed to make sure you aren't missing anything, and find out your favourite mutual just published an excerpt. After reading it, a plot bunny is born in your head. You are not sure of the logistics, though, so you open a new tab in Google and do a little research. Just a little, because your current project mustn't be overridden by this new idea. In fact, weren't you supposed to be writing right now?
You go back to your home screen and slide into Spotify to choose some music. If you are going to write, you need to set the mood, of course. Now, what would be the best playlist? A scary one for that tension scene you've been eager to write? Suggestive since the main character and the love interest are about to confess to each other? Maybe just some chill music to drown the background noise. That would be the best. Now that you have the music, you have to find the position because your back is killing you from being lying down all day.
A notification catches your attention: your friends are confirming they are up to hanging out on Saturday. You get in to send a "hahaha". Then you start the song again because this tiny distraction disrupted the flow. And now, now! Now you can begin writing.
You open your story and reread your last paragraph. And you remember why you stopped last time: you were supposed to find a name for this new character. You stopped writing because no name you thought about encapsulated the essence of this new person who randomly decided to appear in your project. The imactivity causes the screen to go black.
It's obvious: you are not in control anymore, up to the point that this project is taking a toll on you. But, oh, all your Tumblr friends, all these amazing stories you read... they do seem to know what they are doing. Unlike you, they do write, because they do know how to, and they are good at it. And, meanwhile, here you are, unable to get a single word down even though you are craving to do it.
Maybe you simply have to learn from them, pick up the clues they leave, and study how they build their chapters. Maybe you have to read a lot more. That's it. That's what you have to do.
You open Tumblr again.
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This is one I've posted before but I've actually learned how to properly scan and edit photos now so yeet
This is also one I remastered & it looks much better now
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Caged Giant(Titan Origins) pt 3
Part 1 -- Part 2
Still going with the same title, for now. More story and direction in the next part, but for now, some context clues and lots of giant/tiny interaction!
Content warnings in tags.
It was a quiet night. In the desolate forests of the north, where a single road snaked through the dense conifers, an unusual pair dozed off together.
Stretched out across the cold ground, Sky’s titanic form laid still, nearly completely motionless save for the swelling of his chest as he breathed, warm puffs of air swirling from his nostrils. In his hands lay Lark, the human, abandoned by her own kind.
She slept curled up in the giant’s palm, who held her close to his face as they slept. It was an exhausting and eventful night, and the quiet dawn was a small comfort in the midst of a war.
Sky was the first to awaken. While he was accustomed to sleeping, his instincts woke him up to check on the tiny little thing sleeping in his hand. Blue eyes blinked awake and darted down to his curled fingers, wherein Lark slept quietly.
Sky breathed a sigh of relief and slowly rose up, cradling the human’s small form in his fingers. He sat up and cupped his hands in front of his face and examined Lark, watching for a few moments for any sign of stirring. When she continued sleeping, the titan decided to let her doze for a little longer. He leaned back against a sturdy pine, his massive form straining and creaking the branches and trunk. Even sitting, the top of his head nearly cleared the top of the trees.
The titan sighed, glancing around the surrounding forest. They had settled down not far from where he found Lark by the side of the forest road. This area was not safe in the daytime, as there were likely to be traveling scouts. Sky, being 130 feet tall, stood high above the treeline, his huge frame visible for miles. It was best to lay low until it was time to move.
Some time passed. Lark was finally starting to stir, waking up dreamily in the giant hands of a titan. She blinked herself awake and rolled over, bumping into Sky’s fingers, which curled protectively on top of her. Lark laid still for a moment, remembering quickly that she and Sky were something of a team now. Confined in the giant’s hand was a comfort for her, not something to fear.
Lark reached up and placed her hand on the tip of Sky’s index finger, giving it a few pats. Sure enough, Sky looked down and stretched open his hand, seeing the smiling face of his tiny companion looking up at him.
“Why, good morning.” Sky rumbled, his solemn face softening into a warm smile as he looked down at his hands resting in his lap.
“Mmm… morning.” Lark replied sleepily, stretching out her limbs as Sky stretched out his fingers. She peered up at the giant’s face, partially obscured by his chest.
“I hope you slept well. It’s been quiet so far out here.” Sky said as he scanned the area again.
“I slept pretty good! What’s the plan for today?” Lark asked up at the titan.
“You know… I’m too hungry to think straight.” Sky rumbled as he shifted uncomfortably against the creaking pine. As if on cue, the giant’s stomach groaned, the sound sending shivers down Lark’s spine.
“Oh… of course…” Lark said quietly as she instinctively gripped Sky’s fingers tightly. The two had such a nice night together, it made her forget that she was in the hands of a man-eating giant. She already narrowly avoided getting eaten by him, not once, but twice.
“Mmm… it’s too bad nobody’s come around yet this morning.” Sky sighed as he leaned his head back and licked his lips. “Although…” He then glanced down at Lark and lifted her up closer to his face.
Lark couldn’t help but stiffen up as Sky stared at her as he mentioned, not very subtly, eating humans.
“Hey, I don’t mean you.” The giant laughed as he noticed the concerned expression on his tiny companion’s face.
“I… am not okay with the idea of anyone being eaten, Sky.” Lark said as she averted her gaze from the giant’s. “I know it’s how you sustain yourself, but… I don’t know… there’s gotta be other options.”
“Well, sure…” Sky rumbled as he brought Lark even closer to his face to speak. “I can’t expect you to be okay with it. Hmm.” The giant glanced around the quiet glade. Part of him was hoping for another convoy of humans to pass by, but how could he capture them now that he had Lark to fret about?
“No, but… I don’t want you to starve, either.” Lark said as she noticed that Sky was holding her closer and closer to his huge face. “I just… wish I could help you, somehow. But there’s no way one human could cook enough food for a titan.” The woman sighed in defeat as she leaned back against Sky’s fingers.
“Yeah. Maybe if humans weren’t so scared of me, we could help each other instead, huh.” The giant chuckled. It was because of fear that the war against titans started, after all. The two races have never known peace.
“Don’t worry though, Lark. I won’t eat anyone with you around.” Sky nodded as he leaned forward and started to stand to his full height.
“R-really? But…” Lark stammered as she put her arms out to brace herself as the giant’s hand rocked her with his rising movements.
“It’s no problem.” He lied. Ignoring the pang in his abdomen, Sky glanced around, his head and chest rising about the treeline. Among the conifers were various deciduous trees. The giant reached out with a massive hand and plucked a heavy branch off of a large maple, and proceeded to chew on it, stripping the leaves with his teeth and crunching down on the woody part with ease.
Lark watched in shock as the titan snacked on a plain branch of leaves and twigs. Not only did he chow down on the tender leaves, but on the bark and pulp of the wood. His enormous teeth made short work of the branch, and Sky reached over without a word and yanked off another branch, eating it in the same manner as the first. He made a face that showed pleasant surprise as he chewed on the tough, rather inedible substance.
“Is that… good?” Lark asked as she stared upwards at the hungry giant from his free hand.
“Yeah, actually.” Sky swallowed and continued eating. “It’s sweet.”
“What else do titans eat?” Lark asked curiously, still amazed how Sky made an entire tree seem edible.
“You know. I don’t think we have a specific diet… I’ve eaten all sorts of things.” Sky mumbled as he crunched down. “I don’t know if you know this, but our history is pretty unknown. Not even other titans know where we came from or what our purpose is.”
“I know that titans appeared out of nowhere a while ago…” The human replied as she glanced at Sky’s towering form. She never imagined that she would be in this situation, huddled up in the middle of a giant man’s palm. Yet here she was, after spending the night with him, no less.
“Mhm, some came from the earth, some from the mountains, even the seas.” The giant said as he looked up at the sky thoughtfully, a leafy branch hanging out of his lips. “I woke up in a meteor so… hmm.”
Sky stopped chewing and stared down at Lark suddenly. His face became serious.
“Does that make me an alien?” He said, without a hint of irony in his voice.
Yet, as Lark gazed up at his intense, glowing blue irises, she glanced down at her lap.
“I… maybe? Huh…” She muttered. “Meteors come from space… UFOs come from space…”
“I’m a god damn alien.” Sky retorted as he loudly bit down on a thick maple branch. He chewed a few times before chuckling and holding Lark up to his face. “Anyways, are you hungry, Lark? Thirsty? Sorry, I should have asked sooner. I can’t think straight on an empty stomach.” The giant said gently as he gazed at the tiny woman sitting cross-legged in his palm.
Lark stared back at him, wide-eyed, in the face of a giant man who moved on quite fast after declaring himself extra-terrestrial. Though, as soon as he asked her that, she blinked and nodded at him.
“...I am, actually. But I don’t think I can eat what you’re eating.” She giggled.
“What, you’re telling me you can’t bite down on this solid hunk of wood?” Sky rumbled in amusement as he leaned over and snapped off the top of the tree, biting into it with a loud crunch.
Lark smiled and shook her head, rather enamored by the titan’s jaws. “I’m just a little human!” She giggled. “Anyways, don’t worry about me too much, Sky. Food has been hard to come by for us for a long time, too.”
“But you’re so little… there should be plenty, no?” Sky mused as he chewed, peering curiously down at the woman in his palm.
“We’re in a war, remember?” Lark sighed, laying back in Sky’s hand. It was so easy to forget, being in the hands of the enemy… literally.
“Oh yeah… so where’s all the food then? Hoarded?” The giant asked.
“Probably. By the rich, people who have stocked up, overpriced grocery stores...” Lark shrugged.
“Then that’s where we’ll go.” Sky nodded as he finished off the last of his woody snack and stood up, scanning the horizon.
“Go? Go where?” Lark squeaked as she was rocked about by the giant’s stance. She peeked out through Sky’s protective fingers at the landscape, so small in comparison to her living perch.
“To the ‘store’.” The giant smiled as he took one thunderous step, then another. Each step in his massive stride carried them swiftly through the forest. Sky held the woman close to his chest as he walked, securing her firmly.
“Wh-what? You can’t just… you’re not going to just, steal, are you?” Lark gasped as she was positioned comfortably against the broad chest of the giant.
“If I recall correctly, you are a bit of a thief, yourself.” Sky chuckled, glancing down at the woman in his hands.
“I-I am a lot more small and discreet than you are! Everyone will suspect Mr. Giant if he smashes a hole in a building and swoops a massive handful.” Lark said shakily as the wind whipped around her. Sky’s enormous stride made short work of the ground, easily going as fast as a car even at a walking pace.
“Aww, I like that. Mr. Giant.” Sky boomed as his towering body pushed through trees and branches, snapping them with loud cracks as his arms and legs brushed past. “Don’t worry, I know a certain outpost that would be happy to lend us some supplies.” His lips curved into a mischievous grin.
Lark stared up at the giant’s face incredulously. “You mean…”
“Yup. The very group of humans that left you.” Sky winked down at Lark. “They owe us big time.”
Lark instinctively gripped Sky’s hand tighter. It was true that the group she was with left her in the woods alone last night to fend for herself after encountering Sky. But was it really a wise decision to incite them further by breaking into the camp?
“Sky… I… really don’t need much. I’m not very big.” Lark said timidly as the two of them quickly approached the location of the camp.
“Don’t worry yourself so much. Just sit back and let Mr. Giant handle it.” Sky rumbled as he unzipped his jacket’s breast pocket and lifted Lark towards the opening. Before she could protest, Sky tilted his palm and slid her neatly inside.
“Sky!-” She squeaked as she was enveloped in his warm, roomy pocket. She slid down past the zipper and into the bottom of the fabric-lined pocket, where it was dark but not completely. The giant’s hand patted her a few times from the outside, pressing her against his chest before those same fingers pulled the zipper shut- except for a small crack, enough for Lark to peek out of if she so chose.
With his hands free, the titan smirked as he planted his boots in the ground and cracked his knuckles. The outpost was just ahead, in a clearing in the trees. Just beside it was a wooden watchtower, unsurprisingly alerted to his presence. Sky moved towards the tower first.
“Titan! Titan here!!” The man in the watchtower yelled into his radio as Sky approached. With just a few steps, he closed the distance, and bent down so that his face was level with the human’s.
“Great observation.” Sky smiled, and the man at the top of the tower froze. Face to face with a titan, his first instinct was to reach for his rifle slung across his back. As he fumbled for the strap, Sky wasted no time in sticking his fingers inside and pinching the man between his index and middle fingers.
The man screamed as he was lifted out of the tower, held precariously in front of Sky’s face. The titan’s first instinct was to drop him into his mouth, but as he parted his lips, he remembered his promise to Lark.
“Ahh. Darn.” He said in annoyance, then kicked the base of the tower with his boot, sending the entire structure crumbling to the ground with a loud crash. He then looked to the captured human in his hand, sighed, and held him upside-down until all of his weapons and tools fell and clattered to the ground.
“Hang in there, will ya?” Sky muttered as he reached out and dropped the man onto a leafy branch, leaving him to hold onto it for dear life.
With the guard taken care of, Sky then turned his attention towards the main camp. Surely enough, they were already clamoring about, alerted to his presence. The titan merely strode in, parting trees like wheat stalks, planting his enormous boots in the ground as he surveyed the structures.
There were several buildings and tents, parked vehicles, and what appeared to be a storage shed, all placed rather haphazardly in the middle of a clearing in the woods. A few voices shouted from between the buildings as they ran inside, desperate to find cover from the colossal invader.
Sky smiled as he looked down on the frantic group, shifting his weight on his feet as he observed that most of the group was not here. Only a few stragglers remained while the rest of the humans had already gone off in their vehicles for the day. This couldn’t have been easier.
“You all better stay where you are.” The giant rumbled as he crouched down and peered more closely at each structure. At his size, it was difficult to look inside the tiny windows of the makeshift buildings and sheds.
As Sky bent down, Lark shifted in his breast pocket. The change of gravity made her flail as instead of being snug against the man’s body, she was sagging into the fabric underneath her. Peeking her head out, she immediately recognized the place, and realized, thankfully, that Sky was being rather careful with how he was handling the campsite.
“What are you looking for?” She asked Sky breathlessly as she held onto the teeth of the zipper surrounding her head.
Sky glanced down at the tiny face of Lark poking out of his jacket. He gestured with his large hands at the buildings surrounding them. “Which one has supplies? Or better yet, your belongings?”
“Th-that one, that’s where my stuff is-” Lark pointed towards one of the buildings, her tiny hand barely visible to Sky as he glanced down at her. He peered at her, glancing from the building and back to her. He was fairly certain that he knew which one, but he wanted to be sure.
“You, c’mere.” The giant growled as he reached around the back of a shed, where he saw a human hide behind previously. His enormous fingers wrapped around the sneak, who shrieked as he was caught.
Sky brought the loud little human to his face and looked him over. “Oww, oww!” He cried, squirming between the giant’s thumb and forefinger.
“I’m not hurting you. Relax… I just want you to fetch something for me.” Sky said as he loosened his grip on the man even more so, and yet the man only howled more.
“As if I’ll do shit for you! After I almost got eaten… wait, that blue mouth… it was YOU!” The man shouted as he pointed his finger at Sky’s puzzled face.
“Me? Oh, were you in the jeep last night?” Sky chuckled, peering at Devon even closer.
“You ASSHOLE! You broke several ribs when you pulled me out of it! I’ll kill you, let me go!!” The distraught man shouted, and yet Sky’s hand merely closed around him, trapping him even more securely.
“Hey now, keep shouting like that, and I just might finish the job.” Sky said lowly as he brought Devon up close to his right eye. “However… I need you to fetch some things for me. You know, for the one you all left behind.”
“Did you hear me? I said I’m not doing shit for you!” The man barked as he pushed and shoved against Sky’s fingers.
“It’s not for me. It’s for Lark.” Sky uttered as he started to tighten his grip on Devon.
“Lark? She’s still around? With you, no doubt, that traitor!” The man shouted.
Sky sighed, then shifted back onto his knees, kneeling tall on the ground as he angled his head back and dangled Devon above him. His piercing blue eyes stared upwards at the writhing, stubborn little man above his face.
“You know, it’s courteous to hand people their things before tossing them out in the wilderness alone.” The titan rumbled as Devon’s hazel eyes grew wide at the sight below him. Sky’s face filled his vision, eyes burning with contempt. It was all so familiar to Devon, who was almost met with a wet grave in the mouth of this very giant.
“I told Lark I wouldn’t eat people with her around… but I don’t think you really count.” Sky rumbled as he parted his lips and drew his blue tongue along the top of them.
“Wait… okay, wait! I-I don’t want to get eaten so… I’m sorry, please!” Devon cried as his chest burned with pain, pinched between the giant’s fingers, dangling precariously above Sky’s hungry jaws. “I’ll do what you ask… just put me down!”
Sky’s eyes burned into Devon’s for a moment. Lark huddled up inside Sky’s breast pocket, anticipating the horrifying sounds of her ex-comrade getting devoured whole while she curled up helplessly in the darkness.
Sky relented, and bent down, placing Devon onto the ground. He then reared back up and pointed his enormous finger at the whimpering man.
“Collect Lark’s things, along with extra supplies. You got 10 minutes.” The titan boomed as he voiced his commands.
Devon stared at the giant’s fingertip, wider than his own head, then clutched his sides. He spun around in place and marched off towards the inner encampment, where he disappeared in one of the buildings. Twice now, he escaped the jaws of death, only thanks to the traitor. He couldn’t understand why the titan was favoring Lark, but he was in no position to demand answers anymore.
As the injured man went off to fulfill the titan’s request, Sky sat back and watched, observing the barren encampment. A couple humans darted in the windows here and there, but all was silent otherwise. The giant grabbed his chest zipper and pulled it open, peeking down into the pocket where Lark was.
“I’d say this is going on smoothly. Do you need anything else while we’re here?” Sky asked his timid little friend.
“I couldn’t possibly ask for more… um… thank you for doing this, and for sparing Devon’s life, again.” Lark said as she placed a hand on her fluttering chest as she stared up at the opening in the enormous pocket.
“No problem. These people owe you for how they treated you, and well, he’s more useful this way. I can’t exactly pick out such tiny little objects with these hands.” Sky rumbled as he held his hands out, partially gloved.
Lark smiled shyly and pulled herself up, peeking out of the pocket from the zipper’s teeth. Her encampment, all too familiar, looked so small and meaningless from Sky’s chest. As she glanced at the giant’s hands held out, his shadow cast over the buildings below, and the immense girth of his limbs, she felt only incredibly, absolutely, small. Nothing more than an accessory on his outfit, like an adorable adornment peeking out of his breast pocket. She sunk lower between the zipper.
Devon finally emerged from the doorway below, carrying a duffel bag stuffed with various things. The man groaned as he dragged it along the ground, the pain in his ribs too great to carry much weight.
“Here. All of her things, plus some rations.” Devon grunted as he used his foot to push the bag towards the towering titan, who glanced at him with scrutiny.
“Thanks.” Sky said as he reached out and plucked the bag off the ground between his fingers. He brought it to his face and examined it, then placed it back in front of Devon. “Open it, I want to see what’s inside.”
“C’mon, really? I just stuffed everything in there…” the dark-haired human groaned, and Sky raised an eyebrow at him.
“You think I trust you not to sneak something dangerous in there? Open it.” The giant rumbled.
Devon grimaced, standing in the shadow of the titan. He couldn’t stand looking up at him, forced to comply with his demands. If only the rest of his group were here, with their weapons and vehicles. At least then he’d have a chance of getting away.
With one arm holding his ribs, Devon crouched down and unzipped the bag, pulling each item out in view of the giant. Once everything was unpacked, Sky looked everything over, nodding with approval. He then placed his hand flat on the ground in front of the pile of belongings.
“Looks good. Just put everything in my hand, we’ll sort it later.” The giant said as he crouched down low to allow his hand to lay flat, palm facing upwards.
Devon grumbled as he bent down painfully and tossed each object into the giant’s outstretched palm. He glanced up occasionally, seeing the watchful blue eyes of the titan, as well as the timid little face of Lark as she peeked out of Sky’s pocket. The man seethed, yet obeyed.
“Much obliged, little guy.” Sky winked as he cupped everything in his hand and stood up, towering over the quiet encampment, leaving Devon standing in the middle to contemplate the giant’s comment with great disdain.
As Sky turned to leave, he remembered the guard that was in the tower, whom he hung from a branch. With his free hand, he approached the tree and peeked between the leaves and branches, eyeing the poor man clinging to the tree 70 feet above the ground.
“Want some help?” Sky chuckled, holding his hand out underneath him.
“I… I don’t wanna be stuck up here!” The guard said shakily, looking down at the giant’s broad hand. There was only so much time before his arms gave out.
Sky curled his fingers around the guard and snapped the branch as he pulled away, securing the human inside of his fist. He held him for a moment, feeling his warmth against his fingers. So small, weightless. The giant’s fingers uncurled slowly, and the guard stared up at him, motionless.
The titan was overcome with an unusual wave of sympathy for the tiny man. The way he looked in his hand, completely vulnerable, helpless. Any other time, Sky would have eaten him without hesitation. And yet… this human did nothing to warrant such an end.
Lark peeked out of the zipper, seeing the guard in Sky’s right hand. She recognized him as Clay, one of her group members.
Soon enough, Sky let out a sigh. He crouched down and placed his hand on the ground, letting Clay climb off.
“Sorry. Hope your ribs aren’t broken.” He rumbled as he stood up and stepped away, disappearing through the trees and leaving nothing but giant boot prints in the grass. Clay stood there watching, then touched his ribs painlessly.
As Sky walked, he clutched the collection of tiny belongings in his hand. Once they were far enough from the encampment, he stopped and let out a long breath.
“How are you holding up, Lark?” Sky asked gently down to his pocketed companion.
Lark peeked her head out and looked up at the giant. “I’m fine, um, thanks again for this…”
“It’s no problem. Let’s sort through this stuff.” Sky said as he lowered his enormous body and sat cross-legged on the cool ground. Once settled, he fully unzipped his breast pocket and reached in, pinching Lark between his fingers and removing her from the fabric confines.
Sky set Lark in his left palm, in the middle of her belongings strewn about. She looked at everything, recognizing most of her stuff with some random bits and bobs thrown in there. Devon was not thorough, but this was more than what she expected from him.
“Looks like everything’s here!” Lark said cheerfully as she sat in Sky’s palm and started putting things in the bag. Sky smiled and held his palm steady, watching her pack. All of her tiny little articles of clothing, snacks, and tools looked like colorful flakes in his enormous hand.
Lark caught sight of the giant watching her, and met his gaze. His expression was serene, as if he was completely content in seeing her do something as mundane as packing a duffel bag.
“Sky… can I ask you a question?” Lark asked timidly up at the gentle giant, who nodded.
“Of course.” He said eagerly.
“Why did you spare everyone? You’re a huge, terrifying man that eats humans like me. It would have been so easy for you to just...” Lark clutched her bundle of clothes close to her and averted her gaze, curling up in the giant’s palm.
Sky fell silent and dropped his gaze in thought. He could feel his tiny companion’s faint weight upon his upturned palm.
“I don’t know. It’s strange. I have this gnawing pain in my gut, even after eating the whole tree.” He said quietly. “But… you all are just so small, there’s no way you could fill me up. I don’t want to eat you, but my stomach is saying otherwise. It doesn’t make sense.”
Lark looked up at Sky’s face, which fell solemn. She put down her clothes and crawled forward on his palm, placing her little hands against them reassuringly.
“Well, I guess being hungry all the time might make you feel desperate. Like when you wanted to eat me…” She laughed uncomfortably, remembering how she literally fell into his mouth when they first met. “But you should be full after eating, right?”
“Yeah, that’s the thing, though. I get these… pangs in my gut. And then I can only think about eating one thing. Sometimes it’s humans, sometimes it’s clay or gravel or even metal.” The giant sighed as he placed his right hand on his stomach.
“...metal?” Lark asked incredulously.
“Yes.” Sky said through a grimace. His belly felt like it was tying itself in knots. “I guess it wasn’t happy with the tree.”
“… you should not be eating trees! And gravel! Sky…” Lark gasped as she gripped the giant’s glove under her.
“Well, normally I don’t get sick if I eat those things…” Sky said with a blush. “I’ve eaten plenty of trees. But today is just not a tree day.” He chuckled as he slowly laid on his back with a groan, resting his left hand on the ground along with Lark and her belongings.
Lark glanced at her things strewn about the giant’s hand, and decided to quickly stuff everything away before attempting to climb up closer to Sky’s face. His enormous body sank heavily into the grass, while the giant closed his eyes and rubbed his belly painfully.
“Are you going to be okay, Sky?” Lark asked as she carefully walked up along Sky’s forearm. Sky grunted in response, keeping still as his tiny companion resorted to scaling him.
“Yeah. I’m tough.” He chuckled, opening one eye and peering over towards his shoulder, where Lark’s tiny head appeared over the curve of his chest. “Where are you going, hm?”
“Oh, um, do you not want me to climb you?” Lark suddenly felt silly, having invited herself up on the giant’s body without permission. But her fears were dashed when Sky helped her up onto his chest by lifting his arm up, pushing her right onto his left breast.
“Just be safe about it, that’s all.” Sky smiled as he lifted his massive head up to see the tiny woman standing on his chest. She looked so out of place, as if she didn’t plan on what to do once she did get on top of the mountain.
Lark crouched down on Sky’s chest, hearing the rumble of his breaths and the pounding of his heart just below her. She glanced behind her, where the rest of his body lay outstretched, so wide.
“Your poor tummy.” Lark said as she watched Sky’s giant hand slowly rub up and down on his middle. “I can’t believe what you put in there.”
“If you’re so concerned, you can rub it from the inside.” Sky said cheekily, and Lark stared at him in shock.
“Noo!” She squeaked, and the giant giggled in response.
“I’m kidding, c’mon.” Sky smiled as he reached up and gave the top of her head a careful, gentle pat. “But don’t worry, I can handle eating things that humans can’t. Just part of being a titan.”
Lark closed her eyes as the pad of Sky’s finger touched her blonde hair. The force of his touch combined with his soft chest underneath her made her fall back on her rear with a gasp.
“If you say so…” She said quietly in response as she glanced around her. The giant’s massive chest and jacket surrounded her, and suddenly she felt safer than ever before. It was like nothing in the world could get to her now.
“Are you going to lay here for a while, you think?” Lark asked, glancing towards Sky’s head, which was laid back on the ground while he rubbed his belly.
“I think so. Why?” Sky asked in response, lifting his head up slightly so he could peek at the little woman on his chest.
“Uh, I dunno, I kinda want to sort through my things and get a snack from my bag… um, if that’s alright.” She said as she fiddled with her fingers, glancing at the giant’s peering blue eyes.
“You just want to stay on top of me, huh?” Sky rumbled with a smile.
“I was trying to avoid saying it that way…” Lark sighed.
“Aww. You like being on my chest.” The giant chuckled as he reached over on his left side and fumbled around for Lark’s duffel bag.
“It’s new, okay? I’ve been in your hand for the most part… this is a lot more stable.” The human said as she placed her hands on both side of her and patted the giant’s coat.
“Well, who am I to deny you a comfortable rest? Stay as long as you like.” The titan smiled as he produced her bag, bringing it up to his chest and setting it beside her.
Lark smiled sheepishly at the titan’s welcoming gesture. She reached over and rummaged in her bag for a granola bar, then laid back on Sky’s broad chest.
Sky glanced down at her, a tiny little thing laid out on his left breast. Her entire body rose and fell with every breath in his lungs.
“Come closer.” Sky said, peering down at her. The woman sat up and looked at him quizzically.
“I’m literally on top of you…” Lark responded, to which Sky brought his right hand up to his bare neck and patted it invitingly with a knowing smirk.
“No, closer. Don’t be shy.” The titan rumbled as he stretched his neck out, exposing his warm skin.
Lark stared at his neck and jaw from her perch on the giant man’s chest nervously. It was one thing to rest on his clothed chest, but for him to invite her to his bare neck…
The shy woman touched her arms, remembering the embrace of the titan’s lips the night before. It felt like a dream, a wonderful one. Perhaps, to Lark, the concept of a giant truly loving a human was just too unheard of for her to accept it fully.
And yet, she found herself rising up with a wobbly gait, shoes sinking into the giant’s chest as she scaled it, making her way along the man’s oversized zipper.
Sky laid still, calmly breathing as her little feet tread gingerly up his pectorals. It almost tickled him, sending small shivers up his neck. He thought about helping her up, grasping her and lifting her to his neck, but he was patient. It was intriguing to him, being so large that his body was like a mountain she was climbing, and every little movement of hers was transmitted to his senses.
“Almost there…” The titan rumbled as she grasped the edges of his jacket collar. He dared not to move his head now, for fear of shaking her.
Lark stood in place, fingers curled around a single tooth of the giant’s jacket zipper. Before her was the muscular, wide neck of the giant. Sky’s massive body was like a whole world in itself, and she was merely glimpsing a portion of it across her entire vision.
“I don’t suppose there’s a certain way you want me to do this?” The woman squeaked, touching her fingers to her breasts. This was all so new to her, she didn’t want to embarrass herself with the giant anticipating her every touch.
“Whatever you want.” Sky smiled, unable to see Lark as she stood on his collarbone. “It’s warm, you’ll see.”
With a final exhale, Lark let go of the zipper and stumbled forwards, stepping directly on the giant’s soft throat. Her feet sunk into his neck and she immediately lost balance and fell forwards, clinging to Sky’s larynx.
Lark froze for a moment, hearing the rush of the titan’s breaths through his throat beneath her. The sound was like a distant waterfall, deep and droning. She giggled and pressed her cheek into Sky’s bare skin, her body finding itself quite comfortable in the crook of his neck.
“Ah…” Sky said softly, and Lark’s eyes widened as his voice rumbled in his throat. “Interesting choice.”
“What?” Lark responded questioningly.
“Oh, well, if you want to stay there it’s fine. But you might have a hard time napping. You’ll get bumped every now and then.” Sky said softly, bringing his hand up to his neck and brushing his fingertips against the woman’s legs.
“Bumped?” Lark asked again, glancing up at the bottom of the giant’s jaw from her position on his throat.
Sky merely tilted his head back slightly and swallowed, sending his larynx up towards his jaw and back down along his neck. The protrusion slid down against Lark’s body, which indeed bumped into her rather quickly.
“Ah. I see now.” Lark said as she became acutely aware of the sound of the giant’s wet gullet. She planted her palms against his skin and pushed herself down his neck, settling into his soft, lower throat.
“Sorry.” Sky chuckled as he himself settled in the grass, glancing up at the clouds. The pain in his stomach persisted, but it was easier to ignore when he had Lark to snuggle with. Though, as he swirled his tongue in his mouth, he remembered the way that she tasted.
“It’s okay, you can’t help it.” Lark said as she snuggled into the giant’s neck, pressing her face and hands against his warm skin. Sky was right, this was a lot warmer than the surface of his jacket.
The two laid together for a while, just enjoying each other’s company in the quiet forest. Moments like these made it easy to forget about the turmoil the world was in, with everyone in arms against each other. Humans against humans, humans against titans. It was rare to come across such peace.
“I want this war to end.” Sky said suddenly, staring up at the clouds. “It’s pointless. It will just keep going until something is done. But I know other titans don’t feel the same way.”
Lark glanced up towards the giant’s face as he spoke, hearing mostly a deep rumble in his neck.
“Why is that? Have you met other titans?” She asked.
“A few. They’re all the same. Merciless, gluttonous. I suppose I was that way too, before I met you.” Sky rumbled as he reached up to his neck and touched his fingertip to Lark’s body.
“Mmm. They’re scary.” Lark said quietly, shifting under the giant’s touch.
“I’ll protect you though, Lark. Don’t worry.” The titan declared as he pressed his fingertip against the woman’s tiny form, keeping her pinned against his neck as he sat up and crossed his legs.
Sky pinched Lark between his fingers and lifted her up to his face, smiling at her warmly. His blue eyes danced as he examined her adorable little face looking up at him.
“You’re so darn cute.” The giant huffed as he pushed his nose against the front of her body.
Lark blushed, placing her palms on Sky’s nose as she looked deep into his eye.
“I-I’m glad you think so.” She replied softly, feeling her cheeks warm from the attention the titan was giving her.
“Mmm… I can’t let anyone else get a hold of you y’know.” Sky rumbled as he angled his tiny companion above his face, gently but firmly gripping her waist between his thumb and forefinger. His eyes glowed with delight at Lark’s worried expression.
“What do you mean?” She asked, staring down at Sky’s enormous face. She suddenly felt very vulnerable, like the giant was up to something.
“Well, simple! I’ll just have to eat you before another titan does.” Sky winked before slowly opening his pale blue mouth, directly below Lark’s dangling feet.
“Oh, no… no, Sky.” Lark tucked her legs in as his lips curled around his massive teeth, lining the entrance to his deep, cavernous maw.
“Ahh… it’s alright, I’ll make it quick.” Sky rumbled in response, opening his mouth even wider and even going so far as to lower the woman’s body down in the middle of his open mouth, holding her in place while his teeth and tongue surrounded her.
“Sky!” Lark said, panicking. The giant’s moist breath stuck to her skin as she was held precariously inside, staring down the man’s wide open gullet. Her breath caught in her chest as the titan toyed with her fate.
Suddenly she was lifted out of his mouth, and again she was met with the giant’s glowing blue eyes. They softened upon seeing her panic, and Sky leveled his head and placed her gently on his palm.
“Was that too much?” He asked softly, using his index finger to smooth down Lark’s frazzled blonde hair.
Lark huffed at his touch, wiping her face with her jacket sleeve. “Uh, it was a little scary.” She said, running her fingers through her hair anxiously.
Sky couldn’t help but smile as she fussed. He brought her to his face again and pushed the tip of his nose into her.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t actually going to swallow you.” Sky said as he nuzzled his nose against the little woman’s entire body. “I just like to tease…” Sky said as he pulled away to look at his little friend directly. “Um, you can tell me if I take it too far, though. I don’t want to overwhelm you.”
“I-I’m fine… I trust you, Sky.” Lark said with a smile, finding it hard to be upset at the gentle giant.
“But you’re so small…” The giant whined as he pushed his nose into her again, holding her steady on his large palm. “I could hurt you without even realizing…”
Lark felt his nose push into her again, and she rested her cheek against the bridge of it. No longer shaken, her heart softened at the giant’s words.
“You’re a good giant, Sky…” The woman said with an amused smile. She couldn’t bring herself to be angry at the titan for his rambunctiousness. He reminded her of a playful dog; a very, very big one.
“I just… am so happy to have you with me. It’s lonely being a titan. Humans are afraid of me, and other titans are only interested in wreaking havoc.” Sky said as he opened his eyes softly and gazed at the sweet little human hugging his nose.
“And yet here you are, letting me hold you, caress you… even…” The giant uttered as he pulled back and brushed his lips against Lark’s body, breathing on her warmly.
“Mmm…” Sky moaned as he planted his lips on Lark’s upper body and face and kissed her.
Lark squirmed with delight under his touch, holding her breath as the man’s enormous lips pressed into her. Her own little lips kissed him back, a tiny little peck engulfed by his encompassing embrace. She found herself panting heavily with excitement as she pressed her face into Sky’s upper lip.
“So sweet… like dessert… it makes me want more.” Sky rumbled between kisses, licking his lips to moisten them and steal her scent.
“Sky...” Lark whispered between breathless kisses, her limbs wrapping around the giant’s lips. His hunger for her was becoming more and more obvious, and yet she wasn’t resisting.
Sky smiled as he went from kissing her to licking her, poking his tongue out and grazing her legs and arms with the tip. His breath warmed her as she lay flat on his palm, overtaken by the giant’s enormous face above her.
“Ahh… would it really be so bad, Lark? To swallow you whole… have you all to myself.” The titan moaned as he swirled his tongue around, feeling her legs and arms against it. “I’d be so gentle.”
“Mmm, that...” Lark gasped, feeling the giant’s saliva soaking into her clothing. Her face was flushed red now, and she was overcome with her feelings for him, so much that it almost erased her fear of being eaten. “Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if it was you…”
“If only.” Sky sighed as he gave her one final kiss and pulled away, licking his lips deliberately. “But I’m content with this. Just a little, tiny taste of tiny you. Hmm… to think I would be playing with a human in this way… I enjoy it very much.” Sky said, flashing his teeth gleefully.
Lark bit her lip as he pulled away, feeling so much warmer after the titan’s tongue caressed her. She was almost disappointed that it didn’t go further.
“You like having all of me...” Lark said breathlessly as she laid on Sky’s palm, trembling, excited.
“It turns out I like how teeny tiny you are, Lark.” Sky chuckled, staring at her warmly as she quivered in his hand. “Precious.”
Lark blushed deeply and rubbed her arms as she gazed up bashfully at Sky’s face from the comfort of his enormous palm. She stared at his mouth longingly, the embrace of his lips and tongue so fresh on her mind.
Her gaze did not go unnoticed, and Sky couldn’t help but hold her in front of his mouth as he parted his lips and ran his blue tongue along them.
“Someone’s gotten over their fear rather quickly, hmm?” The titan giggled as he held Lark in his palm, watching her stare at his lips with flushed cheeks.
Lark bit her own lip and turned her gaze away as the giant teased her.
“N-Not entirely, but…” She mumbled, running her fingers along her arms, feeling the wet and sticky surface from the giant’s saliva.
“It’s progress. Makes me happy.” Sky nodded as he leaned back and stretched lavishly, holding Lark in his closed fist as he raised both his arms up and yawned. Lark giggled in surprise as she was lifted, quite securely, above the man’s head.
“For now, though, I think we should move on. It’s not good to stay in the same place too long, at least when you’re my size.” The titan said as he returned his hand to his face and addressed the little woman sitting in his palm.
“Alright… as long as you don’t expect my little legs to keep up with yours.” Lark said with a smile as she settled down in the giant’s palm.
“Naw. I’ll carry you everywhere, it’s my pleasure.” Sky winked before slowly rising to his feet. His head cleared the tops of the trees and he scanned the horizon. It was now midday, and the sun was high in the northern forest.
“We can go anywhere, you know. Home is where I am.” The titan said as he peered down at the woman in his hand.
“Anywhere?” She asked, and the giant nodded.
“I want to see the meteor.”
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Always on the run
Fear holds me back. Because of it, I didn't allow myself many things. I didn't allow you to follow my dreams. I didn't allow myself to be myself and that's why I don't identify with the “me” that I show to other people. Sometimes even the “me” that I show to myself seem false to me. That's why I often feel like a fake.
I have a very brave friend. This friend encouraged me to overcome my fears and be more disciplined. As much as he is only in my mind, he is a friend more real than most of the friendships I have today.
You must imagine that I’m quite a lonely person... You guessed right. I haven't managed to cultivate many friendships during my life and I haven't allowed myself to be sincere in most of them... But not with this friend of mine. After all, how do you pretend to someone who knows everything you're thinking?
We've been friends since I was a kid. “We have” more or less the same age and, in a way, we matured together. Incredible as it may seem, we disagree many times, but it is not easy to undo this friendship. We already had a big fight, but not even that was able to undo that bond.
One day he alerted me: that I am not following the path I should have followed. He understands that the choice is mine, but he felt, or rather, he knew that I’d be in a lot of trouble in the future if I don't give up on this idea and dedicate myself to my projects again.
But as I said, fear holds me back. Fear has the unbearable habit of forcing me to do things I don't want to and paralyzing me when trying to do the things I really want. I had a fight with my friend and said that he wanted me to remain stagnant as usual. I didn't recognize myself in that fight, nor did I recognize my friend, because he, in the greatest calm in the world, something that is not very normal to happen, said that he understood my revolt and understood if I wanted to get away from him to think about something.
That's what happened and months went by. Not because I was still irritated with him, but because of the tasks that were given to me during that period. And I must say that as time passed I felt like a fake for a lot longer than I did before I walked down that road. Fear continued to make me camouflage who I really was to the people I came to know and the demands of everyday life only made the situation worse. Not to mention that masking who I really am can be unbearable over time. I really wasn't where I was supposed to be.
After not being productive and not fulfill the demands, I went into a state of shock. I got home after another tiring day paralyzed and nothing could make me leave that prison. Fear managed to trap me once more and there was no escaping it. I was isolated in my room for a long time. My relatives often knocked on the door to find out what was going on, but I always replied that I wanted to be alone and after many insistences I decided to lock the bedroom door and continue in that hell.
I decided to write what I was feeling to free myself and when I tried to get my diary, which was in a place that was difficult to access after not writing in it for so long, I came across many objects from the past. Many writings, extremely personal drawings... They were a mix of plans and promises that I hadn't been able to keep. Soon nostalgia came to the surface with a mixture of frustration, but even though I didn't know why, I decided to keep looking at all that.
If my friend appeared out of nowhere after that? No. That was a moment of silence. In the end, I wrote in the diary:
“I realized that I don't know myself and that I'm even less able to forgive the bad things I've done and the good things I've stopped doing. However, I want to change that and end this bad feeling I feel right now. My friend, if you're wandering through my mind, know that I really need your help. You were right and I didn't admit it at the right time. I know I have your forgiveness, but it is myself that I most need to forgive and be forgiven. I know there is no easy solution to my problem, I just want to feel better. But maybe I deserve to go through that pain.”
“Fear holds you back, but it doesn't always have to be like that.”
"I just want to know what to do..." I said.
“I don't have that answer, but you do and you're refusing to hear it. Fear doesn't have that answer and will never allow you to have it because it wants you not to know that to keep you imprisoned.
“Deep down you know what you have to do, you just don't know how to do it. Besides, you also know that I'm here for any situation, don't you?”
I agreed and kept thinking about those words. Of course, things didn't change overnight and it took me a while to feel confident, but that moment of reflection was something very meaningful for me. I am immensely grateful for having this friendship, but I hope that in the future I will not be so alone anymore.
Fear doesn't have to stop me forever.
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emergency commissions open!!
i got in an accident and im struggling to gather the money to pay for the damage to my car. anything will help❤️
sketch $40 (+$5 to add more characters so 2 characters is $45 USD etc.)
line art with detail: $50USD
watercolor portraits: $60USD +$5,10,15 based on complexity of background (applies to watercolor and gouache mediums)
reference sheets: $65USD (added cost for different mediums)
comics cost depends on medium and amount of panels (message for details if interested)
payment methods: paypal, venmo, zelle
time: 1-3 weeks
you can see more examples of previous comms in the #tarocommissions<3 below
Please message me if you are interested or have any questions! If you want to commission but don’t have a solid idea, I do not mind making concepts and suggestions to help!! :D
And keep in mind you can receive a physical piece!! you can securely provide your address and then the payment for shipping is usually less than $5USD if you live in the states :)
tysm for all your love and support!
-taro <3
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Thank you.
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I'm really enjoying this fic. Everything is really interesting.
Something Unexpected (18)
Words: ~1.4k
First Part
Last Part
Next Part (soon)
“Hello there, Princess. It’s nice to see you again.” The traitor grins down at her.
“What are you doing here?” She asks him.
“What? No hello?” He huffs a laugh, before seeing her dead serious expression. “Ah, actually, yeah. That’s fair. I don’t blame you.” He admits, his eyes flick to her wings twitching behind her, “Your wings are fixed,” he observes happily. “They look really nice.” He gives her a warm smile. It's the kind of smile that would have made her blush if they were still back in the woods before he betrayed her. But they're not, they're in the gruesome present. So, she just glares up at him.
“What are you doing here.” She asks more assertively, it’s more of a statement this time.
“Just enjoying this beautiful evening. You had the right idea; it is much nicer out here than it is in there” He grins, leaning against her path. His hands lay over the track her chain rides on. She’s not sure he knows he’s doing it, but he’s blocking her in. Fear creeps up her spine as she realizes that with just one casual gesture, he’s trapped her here.
“It was nice, until you came out to ruin it.” Her fear wrestles against her anger, but her anger comes out on top. “But I guess you like ruining things. So, congratulations.”
“Is that what you think I’m here to do?” His eyes soften as he looks down at her. He looks genuinely hurt. She tells herself it's probably fake. But if not... then good, he deserves it.
“What else would you be here for.” She says dryly. “I trusted you.” She adds quietly. “Do you know how hard that was for me to do?”
“I know… I- I’m-” He begins an apology.
“No. I don’t care if you’re sorry. That doesn’t change anything!” She grows in volume, rage completely taking over now. “You know what you’ve done? You’ve ruined my life. I have nothing left! Nothing! You took all of that away from me! This,” she kicks her leg rattling her chain, drawing his attention to it, if he hasn’t already seen it. “This is all I have!” she shouts up at him. “Everyone ignores me, or they look at me like I’m some-some- I don’t know, some exotic beetle! Do you know what that’s like? No!” She cuts him off before he can respond. “No, of course you don’t. You don’t know anything! You’re the same size as everyone else! You have no clue what It’s like to be me. You know what you told me- what you PROMISED, wouldn’t happen? You lied. It’s all happening. I can’t leave my room without this damn chain. Did you know that? I have to be escorted everywhere! And no one even looks at me. And the prince, well he hates me. He can’t stand being near me. And all of this,” She makes a big gesture around herself, “it’s all your fault! And you want me to, what? Great you with open arms? Ask you how you’ve been? Augh! I hate you so much.” She balls her shaking hands into fists and glares up at him.
“Well.” He grimaces down at her, “Did you get all that out of your system?” He did not just say that to her. She gawks up at him, wishing she could wipe that cocky expression off of his face. She finds herself hating him more each second. “You can be mad at me all you want. But look, we don’t have a ton of time here, and well… I have a plan.” He whispers, sending a chill through her. Him with a plan is one of the most dangerous combinations she could imagine right now.
“No, I don’t care.” She wants to yell at him again, but she heaves a sigh, deciding he’s not worth the energy. “Just leave me alone.” She tries to shoo him away. Instead, the bastard leans in, engulfing her in his shadow.
“I meant what I said out in the woods you know.” He says quietly
“Sure, Oliver.” She sneers up at him, he frowns in response. All he is, is caught in the web of his own lies. She doesn’t feel bad for him.
“I meant most of what I said out in the woods. Okay? Like, when I said that I’d break you out of here if you were unhappy? I… I meant that.” He looks at her intently, in a way that no one else has yet this evening. In a way that no one has since she was taken to the castle. Taken to the castle by him she reminds herself harshly. But still, he looks at her like he actually sees her. She isn’t an accessory, she isn’t a trinket, or an insect. She’s someone he spent three days in the woods with. She’s someone who told him all of her secrets. She’s someone who so stupidly trusted him, and he’s trying to get her to do that all over again. Not a chance. The eye contact makes her feel weirdly vulnerable, but she doesn’t want to be the one to look away first.
“So, what? Do you have another buyer? Is that it? Don’t you think people will get suspicious if you just keep turning me in for ransom.” She raises her eyebrows.
“Listen, I’m serious right now.” He looks away first, small victory for her. “For what might be the first time in my whole life, I actually plan on keeping my word.” His eyes flick back down to her.
“Yeah. How long did you spend practicing this little speech in the mirror? It’s really good.”
“Princess. I am trying to commit treason for you.” He huffs.
“Oh, you’re doing this for me? Wow. Should I be grateful? I mean seeing how the last thing you did for me worked out, I’m not sure. How much is it going to cost me this time-“
“I know. I know,” he interrupts her. “I messed up, alright? I’m trying to fix it” He looks down at her with pleading eyes.
“Yeah. Well you ‘saving’ me or, whatever it is you’re trying to do, that’s not going to make you a good person, okay? You won’t feel any different, and I’m not going to hate you any less. If you really wanted to help me, you would just save yourself all the trouble, and leave me alone. I’m fine here.”
“You’re fine?” His jaw clenches. “You call this fine,” he hooks a finger around the chain. She stumbles forward, falling back as he pulls her leg out from under her. “Really?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Hey! Get away from me!” She shouts, trying to pull the chain from his grasp, but he holds tight. “I-I-I’ll scream! I’ll scream for the guards.” She feels her heart hammering in her chest as she looks straight up at him looming over her. She hates how small she feels here. Why can’t things ever go her way?
“Oh. And they’ll hear you?” He says quietly, his voice taking a dangerous edge that causes her to freeze. He’s right. They’re at the opposite end of the garden because she wanted to get as far away from everyone as possible. The guards would never hear her. She looks up at him silently, with wide eyes. “I have a plan,” he repeats slowly, unfurling his finger and releasing her chain. He looks over her, out into the garden.
“Yeah, you’ve mentioned.” She grumbles, picking herself up. “Alright. You have a plan. And in your plan, you just… expect me to trust you again?”
“I mean, that would make everything easier. Yeah.” He shrugs.
“I made that mistake once already. I’m not doing it again.” She crosses her arms stubbornly. “So, thank you for the visit, it was really… something seeing you again.” She grimaces. “I politely decline your offer. I am not interested in your plan, and I’m never going to trust you. It was good talking to you though. You’re dismissed, you can go.” She lifts her chin with all of the regal training she’s ever been given. It’s hard to make someone feel small when they are several times your size.
“Right. Well, you see Princess, fortunately for me, I don’t really need you to trust me for the plan to work.”
With that his hands come forward again. He breaks the chain with some tool she didn’t notice before. Then in a blink he’s pulled her in a loose fist. She shouts, pushing against his fingers uselessly. She is completely powerless to stop him from shoving her into the satchel slung over his shoulder and zipping her into a pocket.
“You can thank me later.” His muffled voice calls to her, and he finishes his stroll through the garden with her bouncing against his hip in her new prison.
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Something Unexpected (17)
Wordcount: ~1.7k
First Part
Last Part
Next Part
Lark swallows her pride and makes a loud ruckus opening the door, giving the humans enough warning to separate themselves.
“It would be easier to get things done if I didn’t have to lug this blasted chain around with me, you know!” She grumbles, loudly scraping the chain behind her as she gathers it in her arms. “I’m certain my leg will be bruised forever at this rate.” She looks over to the prince with a dramatic sigh, the lady he was holding has now stepped a respectable distance away, not that they should care what she thinks. She’s just a “little insect” to them, as the lady so kindly put it. Perhaps they don’t want her to raise a big stink about it? Would anyone actually care if she told them? She doesn’t think so, and she doesn't care enough to consider what all they might be scheming. That will have to be a problem for her future self to handle. Her current self just has to survive this party, and then she can just go to bed.
“Are you alright, little princess?” It’s the lady who speaks, Lark’s wings twitch irritably at how she addresses her. Little Princess. Ugh. “It frightens me to think how easily that glass could have hurt you.” Though on the surface her words seem nice enough, her tone takes a taunting lilt. Lark narrows her eyes, looking at her for a moment before giving her a cold smile.
“Ah, yes. Humans are much clumsier than fairies. Accidents are bound to happen around more, ah, ogreish beings. It’s just… human nature.” She grins as the woman’s composure is shaken, “Thankfully, the only think that got hurt was my gown. I appreciate the concern miss..?” She trails off, leading her to share her name.
“Lady Natalia.” She says coldly, sounding much too enamored with herself, like her name carries some kind of weight. Well, it doesn’t mean anything to me, Lark thinks to herself. She repeats her name with a dismissive nod before looking over to the prince. She can’t help the sly smile from ghosting her lips as Lady Natalia bristles at being so quickly cast aside and ignored. Welcome to the club, lady.
“Are you ready?” Lark holds the chain out for Prince Oliver to affix back in place on his jacket. Once she’s reclaimed her spot on his shoulder, they are back to the ball.
It is much the same as when they had left. There are more obnoxious formalities, and several more “dances” that she’s forced to observe from the sidelines. Eventually, it is announced that the evening’s entertainment will begin shortly. Prince Oliver takes a seat on a throne to the right of his father, and everyone gathers in a large circle. A man steps through the crowd. Lark’s heart constricts in her chest as she recognizes him instantly.
She doesn’t know his name, not his real one anyway. But she recognizes his face. Could anyone forget the face of the person that ruined their life? It’s his fault she’s here. He tricked her, told her he was the prince, told her that there would be no cages, she would be safe. Lies, all lies. She wants to kick herself for being so easily fooled. All he had to do was smile at her and say a few reassuring words, and she was in the palm of his hand, literally. A burning hatred grows inside of her. She hates him, she really does. But she hates herself too, for believing him in the first place.
He steps through to the center of the circle that has formed. With a cool smile fixed on his lips he bows to the royals before him. His eyes clock her upon the prince’s shoulder. She thinks she sees his smile faulter for a moment, but in the blink of an eye he’s maintained his showmanship, so she’s left wondering if it was just her imagination. He gives her a slight bow of his head as well, before launching into a beautiful opening monologue, introducing the play. The other actors take their places, standing frozen like statues behind him. He steps back into the scene and the actors come to life around him.
She finds that this is the only part of the evening she doesn’t have to pretend to enjoy. Though, it seems Prince Oliver has a hard time. He sighs occasionally, and fidgets often. Not a fan of theatre, Lark notes absentmindedly as she watches the production. She’s never seen anything quite like this back in her kingdom.
They speak so eloquently in such interesting, twisting rhymes. Though she hates him, she has to admit this un-named rogue plays his part beautifully. As the play continues, she finds herself rooting for him- no for his character. The obstacles seem insurmountable around him. Will he defeat the evil merchant that’s blackmailing him, or will the lies and rumors consume him? Will he be able to talk to the maiden and explain the situation, or will she believe all the lies and hate him forever? Will he tell her he loves her? She’s perched on the edge of Oliver’s shoulder, watching the story unfold.
A fight breaks out! No doubt it's goons sent from the evil merchant. They spar with fast-paced choreography. You would think the blows are actually landing! In fact, the first few fooled Lark completely. She gasped audibly, and Prince Oliver stole a glance down at her out of the corner of his eye, before shaking his head and turning back to the play, a bored expression stuck on his face.
The hero falls, outnumbered. Lark finds that she holds her breath in anticipation of the hero’s next move. The goons start closing in and- Prince Oliver stands, politely shuffling out of his seat, and away from the crowd, away from the story.
“Hey, hey wait! I want to see how it ends!” She hisses up at him, trying to see the play over his shoulder, until too many bodies are in between them and the action. Prince Oliver ignores her, heading out to a small gaggle of nobles by a refreshment table in the other room. Someone pours him a drink, she sighs frustrated. "Seriously?"
“They all end the same.” He mutters, not giving her any more context than that. She wants to tell him that she’s never seen a play before, so that means nothing to her. But she knows her complaints would fall on deaf ears. She huffs and lets herself pout on his shoulder for just a moment.
It’s like he knew she was having a good time, and wanted to find a way to ruin it for her. She knows that logically that is highly unlikely, she doesn’t actually think he would try to go out of his way to make her miserable. Mostly, from how he interacts with her, one would think that them being chained together is a punishment for him. He doesn’t touch her unless he absolutely has to, he refrains from talking with her, he flinches under her hand if she touches his neck or jaw to steady herself. No, she doesn’t think he’s out to get her, she just thinks he’s unfortunately stuck with her as he is unfortunately stuck with him. The words little insect echo in her mind. He hadn’t said the words, but he didn’t deny them, he didn’t defend her. Is that truly what he thinks of her? Lark wishes her magic were that of a stronger fae, then she could do something like steal his dreams, or at the very least give him a good zap. Anyway, she hears muffled cheering from the other room and frowns, wondering what happened but knowing that she’ll never get the satisfaction of knowing. Oh well, she supposes, there’s nothing to do about it now.
“Your highness,” She puts on her nice, formal voice for him. Maybe he’ll take her more seriously that way. “Since the festivities are coming to an end, might I spend some time out in the garden? I would love to just get some fresh air before bed tonight.” He hums thoughtfully. “You don’t have to accompany me. The guard can look after me and take me back to my rooms. You can come in and enjoy the last of the party.” She offers.
“Fine.” To her surprise, he agrees. “You have been very well behaved this evening, so I suppose that you deserve a small reward.” He speaks quietly. She can't really tell if he's talking to her, or if he's mostly just talking to himself. His tone cold and calculating, and hushed so that no one else around would hear. He walks her out into the hall, and hands her off to a guard. She politely thanks him before she’s taken out into the castle gardens.
The guard hooks her chain to a track that was built through the gardens, specially for her. The track follows the paths through the gardens and is outfitted with a wooden pathway built to her scale. It was finished only recently.
Walking through the garden almost makes her feel like she’s back home. Of course, that’s only if she ignores the tugging of the chain on her ankle, and the scape of metal behind her, reminding her that she is more prisoner than princess nowadays. It certainly isn’t perfect, but at least now she has a space where she can be relatively alone. She can move around without being man-handled by the clumsy human hands that seem to constantly surround her.
Maybe if she continues her “good behavior” for the prince, he will pull for more luxuries to be given to her. It’s sad to think that a night stroll chained to a pathway in the garden is her highest luxury right now. She tries not to feel sorry for herself, and distracts herself instead with the fresh air and the beautiful flowers.
The flowers here are nothing like the flowers in her kingdom. Not the flowers themselves, though some of them are unique to the human kingdom. It's the way they are maintained that is so strikingly different. Even in the gardens, the humans take something that is so wildly, naturally beautiful, and they shove it into the confines of their own personal desires. The hedges are trimmed into perfect cubes, or sculptures, the grass grown to such a specific, even height. Flowers maintained, each in their own section. Nothing is allowed to be free here. It makes her feel less alone.
Suddenly, footsteps crunch on the gravel approaching her. Ugh already? She turns to tell the guard that she isn’t ready to go inside just yet, but her voice catches in her throat as she looks up at him. That’s not her guard.
“Hello there, Princess,” he smiles his signature easy smile. She hates that it's familiar to her. “It’s nice to see you again.”
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Um desenho de um dos meus neopets.
Drawing of one of my neopets.
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As a writer, allow yourself the headspace to be imperfect and you’ll realize how liberating that can be if you’re feeling pressured to get things *just right* all the time.
Each story is there to teach you something. At some point, by going over it again and again and again, you’re simply treading water. You’re not learning anything new. You’re not allowing yourself to advance to the next story that has something else to teach you - something that is vital to your growth and abilities as a writer.
So put THE END on your project and move on.
“But…but….it’s not perfect yet!”
That’s okay. That’s the point of moving on to the next project. You can get a better view of the mistakes you’ve made in the past by learning new perspectives and skills in the future.
Consider this your permission slip to release a project you’ve been fiddling with for ages. Let it go. Stamp it with a big red DONE.
Then you’re free to explore your next adventure with a new project!
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DIÁRIO DE PLANEJAMENTO #15 - Como desenvolver uma rotina
Oii, como vai? Hoje eu gostaria de falar um pouco sobre como criar o habito de escrever.
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DIÁRIO DE PLANEJAMENTO #18 - O caos no meio do planejamento
Oii, como vai? É um prazer te receber mais uma vez, porque aqui estamos nós, o primeiro post do ano! E com a continuação de um projeto bem mais pessoal do que eu jamais pensei que fosse fazer nesse blog. Para aproveitar o ensejo do nosso diário, vou discorrer mais alguns pensamentos que eu geralmente não diria.
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