Kash Note Book
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kashingout17 · 3 months ago
All I am is a man I want your world in my hands. Hate that you’re taken but here I’m stand at the end of your bed why you giving me head with my Head in the clouds but my gravity centered if you touch my neck bitch I’ll touch yours and you in those little high waisted shorts you know what I’m think about and what I’m thinking about one love, two mouths, one love , one house , no shirt, no blouse just let me turn you out baby i will take your breath away there's not much to say anyway Sometimes the silence will guide your mind To a place so far away that your arm start to goosebumps. The minute that my left hand meets your waist and I love to watch your face when put your finger in my mouth because you know I love the way taste.
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kashingout17 · 3 months ago
😓💭Have you ever noticed how you are a different person to different people?. Annoying to one. Talented to another. Quiet to some. Unknown to many. But who are you really? You lie-first to yourself, then to others. Each small lie demands another, creating a web that traps you. You don't realize how one lie becomes another, how each story pulls you further from your true self. With every fabrication, you lose a piece of yourself Nobody truly knows who you are not even you. You feel tired, not from talking but from the weight of all you haven't said. Your lies become a mask, a story you're constantly trying to maintain. You're building walls around your heart, keeping yourself hidden. So you create versions of yourself-some beautiful, some broken, all incomplete. And in the middle of all these stories, your true self waits, quiet and patient.
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kashingout17 · 3 months ago
😌💭Sometimes, you must learn to not see the good in people but to see exactly what they show you. People will always reveal their true intentions—if they want to be in your life, they will. Their effort speaks the simple truth of their interest in you. Stop making stories about what could be. Stop hoping. Instead, see what is real. When someone truly wants you, their actions will be clear and soft. Your worth isn't about how hard you try to be chosen, but how deeply you know your own value. The world has a way of bringing what truly belongs to you. Real connections won't make you shrink or beg. They will come naturally, like finding a quiet home inside yourself-gentle, true, certain. Trust that what is meant for you won't slip away. Trust that your heart knows more than uncertain promises. Your energy matters. Your time matters. Keep both for connections that see and honor all of you.
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kashingout17 · 4 months ago
😔🗯️Sometimes, loving someone means letting them go. It's a cruel irony someone who once occupied every corner of your mind can fade into silence. They become a distant memory a fleeting image at the end of a long hallway, only resurfacing in casual stories, a chuckle at something they once did, the warmth of their embrace, or the way they saw parts of you that even you had forgotten. But then, memories stir the pain again the sleepless nights spent wondering if they ever truly cared. Sometimes, love isn't about holding on it's about knowing when to let go. It's about recognizing the time and heart you've given, realizing that now, it's your time to leave.
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kashingout17 · 4 months ago
📝😌🗯️The truth is, we all carry our own battles. Each of us running from something, whether it's our past, our fears, or our pain. It's part of being human-that instinct to flee from what hurts us, to guard ourselves against being seen too closely. That's why when you meet someone who genuinely wants to understand you, to stand by you despite the messiness within, it's worth holding onto. Don't let pride or ego sabotage something meaningful. These moments of connection are rare, and often they slip away because we're too wrapped up in our own defenses. Because what we truly fear isn't being understood. It's being left behind once we are."
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kashingout17 · 4 months ago
🧐🗯️It's better to admit you walked through the wrong door than to spend your life in the wrong room. It takes courage to acknowledge a misstep, but staying where you don't belong out of fear or stubbornness leads to a life of quiet dissatisfaction. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. Recognizing you're in the wrong place isn't failure-it's a step toward finding where you truly belong. The longer you stay, the harder it becomes to leave but true strength lies in admitting that a change is needed and in finding the courage to walk out the door. Growth requires movement, even if it means starting over. Don't settle for the wrong room when the right one is still out there, waiting for you to enter.
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kashingout17 · 4 months ago
😔🗯️We are all trying to survive someone's absence, so we keep telling ourselves that we are okay without them, that life goes on. But deep down, we know that it hurts a little more every day to wake up to nothing but a void. We keep telling ourselves that better days await us, but deep down, we know the best days were the ones they spent with us-the days filled with echoes of laughter, calming silence, and tears that were wiped away with love. We are all trying to forget someone. Love hurts in unexpected ways. So instead of letting them go, hold on to them. This life is too long without the ones who make you feel alive in your darkest days.
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kashingout17 · 4 months ago
Your significant other may love you... But if they can't choose you, you must let them go and walk away. You are way too valuable to linger and wait. You deserve to be chosen unconditionally. Soon you will understand that people who are at war with themselves can't give you peace. People who lie to themselves can't give you honesty. People who betray themselves can't give you loyalty and people who can't love themselves can't really love you at all. They can't really give you what they can't give themselves, and that's where it all starts. Change is never easy. We fight to hold on, and we fight to let go. Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than hanging on.
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kashingout17 · 4 months ago
"If I asked you to name everything you love, how long would it take before you named yourself? Most people hesitate to put themselves on that list, lost in the idea that loving oneself is somehow selfish or undeserved. We're quick to express love for family, friends, passions, and even material things, but when it comes to ourselves, we often fall silent. It's as if we forget that we too deserve the same care and compassion we so easily give to others. Learning to love yourself is not just an act of kindness but a necessity. Without it, we rely too heavily on external validation, waiting for others to fill a void only we can fill. So, next time you think of what you love, remember to start with yourself.
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kashingout17 · 9 months ago
I’ll never love anybody the way that I love you that’s a fact. With you, breaking up was just never on the table it’s never even occurred to me. So in a sense our love was entirely deferent type kind of love. I remember someone once said losing this of love it like a piece of tape that you rip off and try to reapply it’ll stick again maybe but it won’t be like the first time. When i really think about it again it makes me sad that we can never stick the same way twice.
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kashingout17 · 1 year ago
I’m Paradoxical. I like to be happy but I think about sad things all the time. I don’t really like myself but I love the person I’ve become. I say I don’t care but I care too much. I crave attention yet I reject everything that come my way. I healed people but broke my own heart trying to fix them. I love to listen but I never tell them what going on inside me.
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kashingout17 · 2 years ago
😌💭The truth is, none of us are easy to date, deal with, or please all the time. We have our vices. attitudes and way of doing things that make us unique. You wont like everything about somebody, it's impossible. This is life, and it isn't about finding the perfect person, there's no such thing. It isn't about living some happily ever after fairy tale. Its about finding someone you're willing to work for, and who is willing to work for you. It's simple, but yet so hard to achieve.
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kashingout17 · 3 years ago
Lets Just Talk
Don’t you get tired of the fighting? Let just chill instead of our voice raising and just tell me how you feel. See you could be my peace but you rather go to war you not into tryna heal you rather poke at our wound while it still sore. I’m busy with my own problems and I need you to be there until I get myself right it hard for me to please you when I’m like this we not unhappy it’s really misunderstood this shit be so out the blue cause most of the time we good. I can’t get these thoughts out my head I will never understand. I don’t want another woman and you don’t need another man I just need you to agree this shit is getting weak so again I need you to be my peace.
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kashingout17 · 3 years ago
Lost Relationship
The grass is not greener on the other side. The grass is greener where you water it at. Everybody yard looks better then yours because you have never done what was necessary to grow your own. It takes discipline to grow, it takes sacrifice to grow and more importantly it’s going to take patience to grow. You could try to rush that process and jump on somebody’s else yard but I promise you. You would never be as grateful as you would growing your own.
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kashingout17 · 3 years ago
😞🗯 Forgetting Your Face #TooCloseToTouch
Would it be easier to forget about all the thing we’ve made the thought of that make me afraid and I can’t really fake it and I know down the road I won’t remember your face and all the things we made is even crazier. I don’t mean to kill this dream we have but I’m used to you lying though your teeth before your feeling seems to start and maybe I can stay or run away from the pain inside but lately , I’m aware that I don’t care for the ones I’m about to leave behind because I rather forget all the deceive then to believe a lying tongue. 
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kashingout17 · 3 years ago
They say love is blind. Now I disagree. Infatuation is blind, love is all-seeing and accepting. Love is seeing all the flaws and blemishes and accepting them. Love is accepting the bad habits and mannerisms, and working around them. Love is recognizing all the fears and insecurities, and knowing your role is to comfort. Love is working through all the challenges and painful times. Infatuation is fragile and will shatter when life is not perfect. Love is strong and it strengthens because it is real and is sad that it had to come to this for me to figure this out my scaredness made me blind to love and my pride made arrogant and naïve.
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kashingout17 · 3 years ago
😌🗯Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don't. And believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance -tale it, if it changes your life - let it. Nobody said that it would be easy They just promised it would be worth it
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