karthik-a-lokesh · 5 years
5 years of friendship
You are the some of the most important people in my lives. You helped me when I was struggling, offered support and a shoulder to cry on, made me laugh when I needed the most and you are just generally amazing people.
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The longer a friendship lasts the stronger that bond grows. Outside of my immediate family it’s you my friends I’ve had for years that make up the truly special people and ones I see…
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karthik-a-lokesh · 5 years
It's just a mistake...
It’s just a mistake…
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It’s been long time since I have written something. So thought of doing it. As I was lacking the topic, I am going to write about a common mistake we all do in our lives. It’s accepting others mistakes as yours and blaming self .
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I have done this thing lot of times. Some other person will do mistake, but we end up accepting it as our own mistake and we will blame it as much as possible.…
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karthik-a-lokesh · 5 years
Did u know?
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karthik-a-lokesh · 5 years
My next step is to fail....!!
My next step is to fail….!!
You may wonder why he said like this…. It’s nothing but just the truth… Yes it’s hard but I wanna fail once… I wanna be a example for numerous children.
I want to prove the children that fail is not final but your final should not be failed one…. Bcz failing will teach you more and failed person will know more than the succeeded one..
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Now a days students die just because they fail, because…
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karthik-a-lokesh · 5 years
What is belief
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It Is an emotion, is a hope , is a kind of ability of mind, where a person think that he can do it Or he can bring a perfect result..
Now a day’s you may not see self belief in younger generation. They are just filled with negative emotions and They just don’t want to think about it. They don’t wanna realize their capacity.
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They just think that it is not my kind, I…
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karthik-a-lokesh · 5 years
Faith and hard work
How you can achieve success…?
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I suggest you 2 words.. belief and hard work
What do u know about faith…it’s just your beliefs or Your thoughts of help done by the God/positive energy/ some Kinda vibe✌️….
What about hard work? It is believing yourselves.
As Hollywood actor Will Smithsaid If u can, then u can do it. Let me give you a simple example to differentiate…
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karthik-a-lokesh · 5 years
Coorg Vs Disaster
The reality sometime bitter than the expectations. This happens to the people who travels to the Scotland of India.
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Due to increased tourism in coorg, the same is spoiling the city. Which is because tourist don’t respect the land and they throw the waste wherever they want.
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Now a days due to heavy rain coorg is dissolving (flood,landslide etc) if it continues coorg may not be there…
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karthik-a-lokesh · 5 years
Coorg Vs Disaster
The reality sometime bitter than the expectations. This happens to the people who travels to the Scotland of India.
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Due to increased tourism in coorg, the same is spoiling the city. Which is because tourist don’t respect the land and they throw the waste wherever they want.
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Now a days due to heavy rain coorg is dissolving (flood,landslide etc) if it continues coorg may not be there…
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karthik-a-lokesh · 5 years
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When a place is referred to as the Scotland of India, it needs no further introduction. Coorg is a tranquil, little town in Southern Karnataka, cradled in the Western Ghats. It is famous mainly for its austere sights, varied wildlife, world-class coffee and the Kodavas, the ethnic warrior people of Coorg.
In recent years, the place has been gaining popularity as one of the most-visited tourist…
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karthik-a-lokesh · 5 years
Mangalore: people and culture
Tulunadu Mangalore is famous for it’s abundant culture…
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(pic: Yakshagana credit:. https://images.app.goo.gl/Kme2nhCcSokzrCDs6 )
Different types of dances like yakshagana, pili nalike (tiger dance), different types of cuisines, cultural events like kambala, tulunada vaibhava, beach festival, you may need more than one year to watch and enjoy all these particulars..
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(Pic: character of…
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karthik-a-lokesh · 5 years
Kerala: The Gods Own Country
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The monotonous whip of the wind and the drone of the engine compel one’s mind to think, to revisit the past and explore the darkness of the future with the multicolored torch of imagination. When one is on a trip and has a long way to go, the mind is the best of friends. (Credit: Anatomy of Journey by Rohit Nalluri) So I imagined about the holy places in Kerala. As Kerala is famous for temples…
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