karlshuker · 5 years
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ShukerNature - Book 1: Antlered Elephants, Locust Dragons, and Other Cryptic Blog Beasts
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karlshuker · 5 years
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The Questing Beast, also known as the Beast Glatisant, is a monster that appears in the legend of King Arthur. It is said to have the head and neck of a snake, the body of a leopard, the legs of a stag and the haunches of a lion. Its name comes from its distinctive cry, which is said to sound like “thirty couple hounds questing.”
The Questing Beast was first mentioned in the 13th century French text Perlesvaus, where it appears to Arthur after his son Mordred is born. He discovers that the beast is born from a human woman and a devil.
Image source.
Monster master list.
Suggest a spook.
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karlshuker · 6 years
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This drawing was given to Karl Shuker on July 25th, 1987, by Tim Dale. The actual witness of this sighting has not been named. The witness described Nessie looking akin to the famous Surgeon’s photo hoax. They also described seeing a hump above the water that measured 25 to 30 feet in length and 1 and a half feet long. Nessie is typically sighted with more than one hump, and sometimes those humps can be up to 50 feet in length.
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karlshuker · 6 years
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Karl Shuker taught me about Mystery Rhinos. So happy.
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karlshuker · 6 years
Read as much information as possible re: the cryptid that you plan to seek before setting forth into the field – too many crypto-expeditions in the past have set out ill-equipped with knowledge on the animal that they are seeking. Know your cryptid thoroughly, and then you have a decent chance of discovery. A fair time ago, one ill-fated expedition clearly did not do this, because it actually went looking for the cryptid concerned in entirely the wrong country! Incredible but true.
Karl Shuker (via cryptid-wendigo)
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karlshuker · 6 years
One aspect that I emphasise time and time again is that with cryptozoology, there are no facts, only opinions, as to what any given mystery beast may be – only if physical remains of that beast are obtained that can be examined scientifically can it be formally, conclusively identified. And once that happens, the beast is no longer a mystery beast, a cryptid, because it is no longer a mystery. So, the moment that a mystery beast is formally identified, it is no longer a creature of cryptozoology but is now a creature of mainstream zoology.
Karl Shuker (via cryptid-wendigo)
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karlshuker · 6 years
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The Golden Yeti is an award that is given out by the International Cryptozoology Museum. The award has only been given out physically twice so far, in 2015 and 2016. It aims to honor those members of the Cryptozoological community that show outstanding work in their field. The two winners so far have been Jeremy Efroymson (2015) and Karl Shuker (2016). 
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karlshuker · 6 years
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The Journal of Cryptozoology is a peer-reviewed journal that was launched in 2012. There are currently four editions: 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2016. In each volume of the Journal, there are three or four papers on different topics, written by different Cryptozoologists and the editing is done by Dr. Karl Shuker. It is published by the Centre of Fortean Zoology Press. The emblem of the Journal is a King Cheetah, chosen because “it is a perfect example of what Cryptozoology should be concerned with.” 
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karlshuker · 6 years
Cryptozoologist Karl Shuker was a contestant on Britian’s Who Wants to Be A Millionaire. The episode was aired in November of 2001. None of his questions touched on the subject of Cryptozoology, but Shuker still walked away with an impressive £250,000.
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karlshuker · 6 years
As in all areas of life, there will always be those who support you and your work, those who are disinterested, and those who denigrate.
Dr. Karl Shuker (via cryptid-wendigo)
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karlshuker · 6 years
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And why not??
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karlshuker · 6 years
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Books for which I’ve written a foreword (1996-2018)
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karlshuker · 6 years
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The Journal Of Cryptozoology (Editor) (2012-present day)
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karlshuker · 6 years
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Of Monsters And Miracles (CD-ROM format) (Contributor) (1995)
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karlshuker · 6 years
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10 books for which I have acted as Contributor (1996-2016)
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karlshuker · 6 years
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Tales Of The Damned: An Anthology Of Fortean Horror (Contributor) (2016)
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karlshuker · 6 years
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Folk Horror Revival: Field Studies (Contributor) (2015)
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