karinofestonia · 9 years
Yeah. So exciting.
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Is it November already?
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karinofestonia · 9 years
I was feeling so much better five seconds ago.
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karinofestonia · 9 years
Whoa there, no need to get defensive. It’s just an innocent question.
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No, I do not have a boyfriend.
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Happy? Not that my personal life is any of your business. 
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karinofestonia · 9 years
“This is all true. But what about the happy drunks? They’re hilarious.”
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“Up until they puke on you and pretend that nothing happened. But be my guest, I’m sure there’s plenty of people that love to get wasted around here.”
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karinofestonia · 9 years
“You sound bitter towards the drunks of the island.”
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“Drunk people are incredibly annoying. And loud. I don’t have time to deal with their emotional breakdowns and horny selves.”
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karinofestonia · 9 years
“Erm…no problem. Ah, the library..I was wondering where I could find it?” 
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“Next to the music room. Left door when you climb down the stairs to the foyer. The first one. It should be easy, there’s a carving on the door, a book.”
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karinofestonia · 9 years
So, you mean the door isn’t closed yet? That someday you’ll see me the same way I see you?
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I can’t close it, I owe it to Rasmus. Maybe, I can’t promise it will be easy though.
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karinofestonia · 9 years
I actually can’t count on any of them. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to accept I’ll be part of your life too.
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I already did. Just not in the way you want me to, not yet.
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karinofestonia · 9 years
You’re funny, thinking I have siblings and friends to talk. I’m as lonely as you, Karin. And no, no matter what you think, I’d never take Rasmus away from you. I marry Rasmus and you will have your brother and you’ll get a sister. 
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You have three siblings, surely one can lend you a ear from time to time, you can’t always be this annoying. I don’t want a sister, I want everything to go back to how it used to be before you.
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karinofestonia · 9 years
I… I don’t know. Maybe.. Nevermind. But this is exactly what I’m trying to avoid. You treat me like a menace, like I’ll steal your brother away from you, when in fact I won’t.
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I’ll make it easy for you to understand. You marry Rasmus and that’s it, I have no one left. Don’t you get it? I’m not like you, I don’t have a handful of siblings, dozens of friends and god knows how many pets to snuggle.
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karinofestonia · 9 years
I don’t need a special treatment, I just need to get your trust.
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Why? Why is it so important for you to have my trust? Isn’t it enough to have my brother?
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karinofestonia · 9 years
I want you to see I’m not a bitch who is going to steal your brother from you. Yes, I’m going to marry him, but he still be your brother, and you’re going to have a sister. I do want us to become friends.
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Sorry to burst your little bubble but I don’t do friends. And the ones I have certainly don’t get a special treatment. Look at Jaan, next time he makes a public appearance he won’t look the same.
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karinofestonia · 9 years
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karinofestonia · 9 years
Hmm, whoever this Jaan is, I’m really sorry for him. I could ask my father to us there. I can tell him you need to be there and that I want to go with you to get close to my future sister in law. He can’t say no to me.
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He has it coming. What? You want to take a trip with me to Berlin? The two of us? Together? You’re funny when you make an effort.
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karinofestonia · 9 years
Who’s Jaan? Hm, nevermind. I can’t teleport you to Berlin, but I could do something about it.
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No I’m not interested in hiring someone else to do it, I want to make sure he sees my face when my knuckles break his jaw. Wait, what could you do about it?
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karinofestonia · 9 years
I guess I can live with that. Perhaps I could help you.
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I don’t think you can. Unless you can magically teleport me to Berlin so I can beat the heck out of Jaan. Can you?
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karinofestonia · 9 years
“You’re welcome. You should be positive, I’m sure the letters will come in, the pages filled and your worries will go away.” 
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“Right, yes... I know that, yeah. Thank you. Do you need anything?”
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