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I miss clubbing, I miss live music
Diviera Drive
Bowery Electric
Friends & Lovers
C'mon Everybody
Bed Vyne Brew
Basquiats Bottle.
Watching the house music/edm docu got me all teary eyed. The dance floor, the lights, the people, the journey. Ugh i miss it.
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Hello Tumblr, its been a minute.
I feel so much love and nostalgia for New York City. I am constantly still liking NYC Instagram accounts, beautiful photos, top 10 reasons to live in NYC, browsing stories for what friends are up to. I miss it.
Deep down though, leaving was inevitable - the constant stress, hustle to work to pay rent and build your name, your reputation/relevance, to work on noteworthy projects to prove your worth... the reality of it all was very exhausting but it really is up to you to say yes or no to the things that build or the things that drain you.
I spent so much time working on cool but UNPAID passion projects. It makes me doubt how much worth I have as a dancer, as a choreographer.
Ultimately I hated being treated as a piece of disposable meat, after having worked as a health professional, being paid ON TIME, being a source of reliable advice, being in charge and responsible for numerous shops.
The eyes in which others see you as a "dancer" ranged from admiration to sex object, especially as more and more of the trend is to shake your ass and stripper dance to gain likes and subscribers on social media.
I'll always remember one of my best friends during uni, a gorgeous triple threat dancer turned lawyer, why she wanted to be a lawyer. She replied, I dunno gain some respect from the world? To me she was immeasurably talented, kind, beautiful, funny, smart, loving. In the end, while the world can admire your beauty and talent in the short term, you want to be respected.
Not only that, in the world of white supremacy and misogyny the only way to take back power is to NOT play into the sexist, racist tropes.
Perhaps thats why the sexy dancing gets a bit old when you know better. It's fun for awhile but you are also constantly aware of the sterotypes you are reinforcing, since you already know the struggle of being taken seriously in your own career.
We know the world over adores films, music, dance and artists. What do we turn on to soothe our souls? What do we rely on when lockdown was enforced? What keeps all these endless social media platforms filled with content? The names of respected artists win prizes, awards, are knighted by the Queen, their names in history books. However anyone pursuing their love of the arts is often seen as irresponsible and foolish.
You literally cannot have one without the other, and that "overnight success" takes at least 10-15 years of solid grind, if not a lifetime of training.
I dont get why artists are treated so badly when the world adores the arts.
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Farewell NYC
So we are here in this moment in time.
I am heartbroken to be leaving the city, but it is what it is and I know I have a lot more work ahead of me. It is time to reset, reflect and reevaluate the trajection, the path and review what worked. and didnt work.
I'm sad because, like always I TOOK SO MUCH FOR GRANTED! It's not til you leave a place that you realize how many people you've connected with, how lucky you are to find the work that you have, and to be able to chase your dreams everyday. Most adults gave up on that a long time ago and adjusted to "settle down life".
I'm sad because I wanna finish teaching the kids and studios I've connected to. I'm sad because I didnt get to have a drink one last time with everybody. And to be honest, goodbyes just suck ass.
I'm so lucky to have worked in some of the most respected organizations, that support and respect me and continue to invest in me and my growth as an artist.
Im sad because I finally found someone that put up with my shit and takes it calmly and even though we have our differences, he listens and does his best to get me, but also challenge me in my thinking. I could let go and trust he wasnt sleeping around with all the girls in the scene. Maturity isnt anything to do with age, but how much shit life has thrown at you and how youve managed to handle it.
Im sad I never performed at Carnival or set a piece at Carnival. I never got a regular teaching slot at the big 3. I got to sub though. I fucked up some opportunities by not living into my biggest self and playing small. I didnt challenge myself everyday. I didnt set SMART goals. I didnt lose weight. I didnt get booked by a big name agency. I didnt practice. I didnt session as much as I could have. I didnt enter battles.
I did get to be in the room and work with people I really respected. I got to live an artist life on my terms. I got to pick and choose what I did day to day. I got to be totally selfish and create my own little world. I got to explore all the random avenues of creativity, underground and major stage.
Being surrounded by so much talent and greatness all the time is a double edged sword...of constant inspiration and next level challenges, and constant "Im not good enough" and depression. It's so very important to not get too caught up in the rat race but to focus on your own goal and your own progression. That quote or meme about being your own competition is absolutely what needs to be focused on.
Also to structure your life a bit better. Understand the seasons that an artists year goes through and prepare and plan accordingly. Write down dates to present and work backwards.
You will nneed to set yourself up with a better chunk of money to "adult" properly. Credit ratings, tax, rent deposits, equipmemt, promotional content, business cards, business accounts. Think bigger and do bigger. You have all the skills already. Why are you so scared, why are you being lazy, thats not usually you at All!
Love the ones youre with. You dont know when the next time will be so just take each moment as it is because that's all you may have.
GET PREPARED in your downtime. Learn a new skill each year. Dont stop growing.
Find boutique agencies that cater to your look and style specifically.
Find a signature look & style.
Stop asking when - Say I CAN AND I WILL.
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Be (the) Best, at one thing.
Yo. I dont know if it's the kiwi tall poppy syndrome thing or the asian humble head down thing, but I never set out to be THE BEST at anything, except to get Dux (Valedictorian) in high school. I strategically chose Statistics instead of Algebra because all the other smart kids aka my competition chose Algebra. I won.
And here I am 3am watching more and more Cirque videos that get my hyped AF because of these marvellous humans doing incredible tricks and wishing I could take off a year and train like that (literally run away with the circus). I wanna do aerial silks, lyra, pole, fly through the air, spin in a hoop, fly on a trapeze. Regular ground dancing seems so normal these days.
Yet a very small voice inside me says "You're not even GREAT at dancing yet!!!" And it pisses me off. It pisses me off that I set aside all this time to be a dancer, changed my whole life route from a path of security and financial wealth , and I am still so mediocre.
I mean I know I put in some work, but just not nearly enough focus to BE THE BEST at any one thing. I also *just* texted someone "focus on the strengths, forget the rest" in response to seeing some dancers struggle with choreography but trusting they know other stuff that isnt being used in this particular moment. Why am I constantly chasing what I cant do instead of growing and developing what I CAN do and just STICK WITH IT!?
I cringed at being called a "Waacker" for some time because I wanted to be an overall VERSATILE dancer that could adapt to more than one setting, but ended up being mediocre in a bunch of things. I even stopped Waacking for awhile, to diversify. And where has that taken me? Nowhere.
Meanwhile I see everyone else that just stayed in ONE FUCKING LANE get ahead, and sometimes I would be strong enough to console myself that ONE DAY I'd be able to prove my worth by showing everything I have gained by learning so much more, but really - have I shot myself in the foot?
I know a lil bit if everything, be able to explain them well enough - but not be able to win any battles or even feel confident enough to battle anymore.
The simplest solution would be to
- Focus on waacking and street jazz choreography
- But what about house and voguing and breaking?
I so wish I'd started this as a 22 year old
What am I gonna say when I am 42?
Is it time to go back to a day job, buy a house and set up for a family and retirement?
Is it time to make myself super famous in China ?
Or should I not give into fear and stay in NYC and see what unfolds.
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Tonight was amazing. One of those nights that remind me why I love this city! Taught a great school residency workshop, stumbled upon a new taco spot, tried a Cactus Tostada, go to a Lindy Hop audition, bump into one of my fave swing dancers from Midsummer Night Swing, follow him - Lalaine - to a party and bump into one of my fave house-multistyle dancers from Ladies of Hip Hop - Latasha - and dance for another 3 hours to amazing live big band party. Musicians that dance are like the best thing ever. Dancers that really study and dig into the root of their craft are also the best. She explained waacking, house and hip hop in relation to Lindy Hop and seriously demonstrated it too. The slightest nuance and so open and giving. I love her! Amazing knowledge. I met so many new people and felt so much joy just dancing, being in the moment and having fun! Nothing to prove, connect to the music and listen to people with an open heart. It's nice to be the new girl in the scene.
Big Apple Lindy Hoppers Audition
Lalaine R.
Swing 46 Jazz Bar
Elvey Vilner Big Band
Latasha Barnes
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Feels like a huge weight has lifted off my chest. The permission, the faith, the belief in oneself, in the journey, in the process, can relieve you of the self imposed pressure of "must achieve now! when it will be my turn? how long will this last? how come xyz isnt happening"? ". Time and time again, if we are totally honest with ourselves we already know what is missing, we know what work we have put in or havent, and its not about beating ourselves up about it, but by owning it, doing what we can, with what we have in this moment...and then releasing it to the universe in good faith. #LoHo #Day2
I wish I could keep this feeling of knowing in a bottle and inhale it whenever that damn artist insecurity pops up!
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Creative Debacle
Damn, thinking back on all the crazy opportunities I have turned down that could've led to something.
Today I turned down being an audition assistant for an upcoming Broadway Show because I have work, not just standard work but teaching, which requires me to be there, as its recital season. Am I stupid? The choreographer is a friend of mine I met 6 years ago training here. She is back on a mission. I feel like Im stuck in the same place.
The REAL reason they say to do this shit while you're young is so that you dont have bills to pay, and you don't jeopardise your work and risk being homeless for a "maybe" chance. The last minute cool stuff may be your big break! Oh but if I dont go to work, I may not have a place to live. 🙈🙈🙈
Show business repeatedly asks you to ditch people (that trusted you enough to give you a job) last minute to cling onto the next fame vine and see if you hold on long enough to make it to the next.
It's perfectly acceptable to drop out of rehearsals for a show you are starring in, to go take the next job because that's just how it is. I got dropped from a personal invite to dance on a major TV show just because I emailed for a schedule, so I knew when to take off work. He said I was too hard to work with. That to me is very unprofessional.
Professionalism was drilled early into me. Reliability, dependability were taught to be admirable traits. Being on time, making sure I followed through with my word, completing tasks. All part of being a good, honourable human being with integrity.
But in this business? Flightiness seems to be rewarded, along with tardiness, as long as you're brilliant. Broken promises behind a trail of pipe dreams.
"Friends" ditching me at midnight before a concept video shoot we had planned weeks in advance. Videographer, studios booked and paid for. Then the nerve to say "who said we wanted to film this in the first place" when it was them who asked me to get it down on film. Our friendship never recovered. They never apologized in person. I was in a slump for months, not wanting to trust anyone anymore nor choreograph. It broke me a little.
How can you do that to people that invested so much time and energy to you? Behind the scenes, without you even knowing.
Decisions can be so hard sometimes. Maybe if I'd taken more risks I'd be further ahead by now. But here I am, the mothafucking turtle getting nowhere because I play by the rules.
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Is anyone living in the moment anymore?
Or are we too busy self-taping to prove we have lives?
Sharing or Whoring?
Your views earn jobs
But dis-counts the efforts unmarked by insta-minutes.
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Pull back, release.
1. Today was cool to go to JACK again, its such a fun little blackbox - are we in outer space? are we in a burrito? So much fun chatting and dancing w Bryce.
2. Reigned in crazy kids in class finally (tiger mom in me coming out), drilled formations for ages but its like a game to them. Just gotta set boundaries first.
3. Taught a super fun express pop up bday class, seeing Ripley had a fire and Pearl was the only option left. Ladies were pretty good dancers, not absolute beginners... but the one girl being shady about the moves she wasnt able to do naturally rather than listen to instructions on how to get it.
4. Then finally went to MIGUEL ZARATE'S CLASS, been a fan of his work since the invention of YouTube.. Amazing people in class too. Precision, Texture, Feeling. Mishay is phenomenal to watch. #JazzFunkForever
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17 hr day
Proud of myself today
Newark NJPAC class 9:25am 10:20
- Didnt take shit from slackers
- Taught 3 new sections
- Ran the piece top to bottom, cleaner.
LIC EDN class 1:00pm - 2:30pm
- Stuck with a plan and completed it
-Started with 3 games for fun and let go
- Made sure the kids knew names of step, approval by Michele.
LHS, Lawrence 5:45pm - 7:15pm -
- Good cypher warm up
- Finished most of plamned choreography
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CEBO Hip Hop Hands
Maintain the bounce and groove the whole time (down down down down on half notes)
Arm Combos:
1. Elbow Elbow, Arm Arm, chest sky chest
2. Vertical Up then Chest, Horizontal side to Box
Elbows in, Push out , pull in
3. Heel, Kneel, Shoulder, Chest, around the head, pull in
4. Swing under, figure 8 to sandwich, around the head, chest pop.
Feet Combos
1. Walking 4 steps fwd and back
2. Party machine
3. Step R L, Criss Cross, Kick Ball Change.
4. Grapevine, behind side front and tap
Body Combos
1. Chin side, Body & Feet twist side , Chest pop, knees and toes in out.
2. Lean back front, back front, front back in.
3. Circle R around swing R. Left around swing L.
Ccombinations of hands + combination feet + body groove.
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My way works!
It can be daunting sometimes when a much more experienced teacher, studio owner is observing you teach. However, tonight I learnt to trust MY WAY, tools I have collected in my loooong journey of dance and feel proud that my instincts produced results!
I felt a win tonight!
Empowering young dancers rather than scolding them.... creating a new narrative that they can relate and align with was MUCH easier than telling them off and correcting the old fashioned way.
I definitely felt a shift in the room when I encouraged them to shine and give me sass than telling them off for not dancing full out. Giving them a story or lyrics to connect to, rather than focusing solely on movement corrections. Change the mind, change the intention, and it comes out in the movement.
Waacking DEFEINITELY is behind this. I never learnt it studying anything else. I get so complacent sometimes and lose sight of my power, its definitely been a struggle for a minute. I have to remmeber I have been dancing for 32 years and all these lessons I have invested into it should NOT be taken lightly.
I can get so down on myself for not achieving "commercial" success, but in reality, I have learnt and developed myself so muxh more internally by not chasing materialistic things, but rather sticking with what FEELS good and looking after myself, my soul and self respect.
I am so glad I was able to empower young dancers tonight. I forget the power I have to influence and steer minds by sharing gems of psychology.
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Its funny when you live in NYC for awhile, Times Square becomes the place to avoid. Its crowded and packed with tourists, and you just wanna get to where you need to be like, 5 mins ago! Tonight I passed through, on the way back from dancing at Brickhouse nice. It's nice when its empty, like 11:45pm on a Wednesday night in winter.
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Old Way with Archie
I loooooove Archie so much, he is like the ultimate dance father in NYC. I’ve taken his class only a handful of times - he’s always at the same time as Danielle so you have to make a choice. Tonight my friend Rich James (WHO JUST PERFORMED AT THE GRAMMYS!) was there, so it was nice to take class with him and Archie is so wonderfully supportive of all of us.
- Side to side step touch : hips sway and dip, with bounce, with shimmy
- Catwalk: To prepare: Rise up to releve, bend the knees, hand on hip. Technique: Walk L foot cross over = photograph, walk right foot front = travel. Detail: Hip sways out on the foot you are stepping on. Do not bounce, keep the upper body still and height while catwalking. Variations: (1) Photograph Photograph. (2) Double Up! (3) Sideways Suzie Q - keeping knees together, but continue to tip hips and keeping upper body still.
Creep - body hunched forward while cat-walking in parallel, still popping hip out - often while serving face or with hands on hips. Back in the day they called it creeping before cat-walking.
- Serving Face: What’s do you serve on a plate? There’s nothing tastier than your face! Hands flatten like a plate, palms face up, wrists close to chin. (1) Sliding parallel from chin out. (2) Criss Cross. (3) Sliding forward in an arc out. Giving Face: Styling hands like holding wine glass and offering your “mask” by extending from your chin straight out to your opponent. “Honey I don’t know what happened to your face, but use mine instead”.
- Cut Throat - Style hand into flat blade and cut throat in a flat line under chin. Variation: (1) Use 1 finger and turn head upon nail sliding to a certain point, still in a straight line. (2) The Colombian Necktie - drug cartel/drug lords would kill by slitting someone’s throat ear to ear, then pulling their tongue out from the bottom of their neck. Slide your finger from ear to ear, and pull out from neck with fist while looking head back.
- Old Way is influenced by: Martial Arts, Military, and Lines/Models. Blades, Spears, Knives (and plates). Fingers may be pointed straight out and flat, thumbs tucked (martial arts), or out to create a frame.
- Arm Exercises | Lines: (1) V, T, Parallel forward, Parallel up (above head, pull them back to be in line from side angle). (2) Four Right Angle Boxes - Front R, Front L, Overhead L, Overhead R ; Variation - move in 3 instead of 4s. (3) Pull from behind, strike diagonally, and cut out. 4) Pushing palms out front, or to the side, or above.
- Hand performance - is more of a new way / vogue femme element. Telling a story with your hands. Note this is different with arm performance, and while they may be mixed together frequently, some stricter judges will cut you if you put arm performance (e.g flexing etc) in a hand performance category.
Butterfly over the head - keep the elbows up and pressed back to create a diamond overhead. One hand palm up, other hand palm down. Swivel at the wrist to flap down down (over forehead) and back back (behind the head) When hands swivel back, they should be as far back as to when hands swivel front. Glide the base of the hand along your head to keep it smooth. Variation: One handed butterflies.
- Military Walks: Marching while styling shoulders (1) Bouncing both shoulders up and down on quarter beats (2) Alternating shoulders on quarter beats; variation knocking chin up to walk backwards, head knocking shoulder back down to walk forwards again. (3) Sideways walks: With body facing L side, front foot R, back foot behind L, front foot R, back foot L swings front to change sides, body faces R side. Continue doing with arms and blades. (4) High Knee March with angled arms - one hand on hip, other hand resting on front knee cap. Swivel head side to side.
- Side to side angles: Facing front in A frame, one hand on hip, other hand cradling head like pin up pose. Switch to other side. Give profile of face while looking up slightly. Switch sides. Detail: be sure to keep body flat to front, elbows pressed out to create sharp angles. Variation: Change levels while switching sides consecutively to end in a wide 2nd position plie (squat).
- Pivot on one foot to turn. Heel toe to swivel around while staying in one pose. Knee slide to move forward. Get up by straigtening back leg into A frame and standing up straight.
- Banji Style: When the gay voguers spotted a hood guy / bboy they were into, and used the code word to express they were into him. Banji style is voguing with a hip hop / hood / bboy feel - baseball cap, stylized as if a hood guy was voguing. Using cap to turn the head, arms variation, more hunched over, gun signs. This is an old style that not many people do anymore but the OG’s will recognize it.
- Pop Vogue existed! Extending arms in front, then in back and turning body then head, like a twist-o-flex. Popping old way lines, or tutting patterns.
- Runway: To look as tall as possible. Different walks vary with the stride, height of picking up feet, and how arms rest or sway. Naomi Campbell sways arms in front. Evening gown use hands sway at sides to keep dress moving and out of the way, keeping body still. European keep arms behind. Sportswear, can have a bit of bounce.
- Everything is for the camera, keep that in mind so you don’t look crazy transitioning and caught awkward movement mid snap. Be Exact.
- Get there and pose perfect. No extra movement is needed. Know where the movement ends and don’t do extra jiggle or unnecessary things.
- Better to wait than be late. Move to every second beat, rather than rushing.
- Know the inspiration, the rule to create your own. Martial Arts & Military Lines.
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Morning ritual:
Lemon water
Attitude of Gratitude
1. My personal insights that have led me to where I am today, the self wisdom and self reflection that is possible to guide us closer to our purpose.
2. Being a strong, healthy and discerning woman
3. Having people that care about me and check in with me.
4. Receiving opportunities that push me to be my best self
5. Opening doors to making money without me physically having to be there
6. A calmness in being able to take my time.
Meeting the love of my life, organically.
Opportunities to work bi-country and continue to increase my earnings to 4k a month
Become a solo performance artist
Continuing to work with the best in the world in dance, events and entertainment
Teach in meaningful environments, in respected programs that enrich our communities mentally, spiritually and physically.
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Thank you!!! @theblankpagesproject for inviting me in today to your awesome school to teach a lil something! 💖🙌💥💃 So grateful for our continued dance journey from 2010 til now, fighting for this dream in this crazy city, and for dedicated students that come out despite the cold and snow! #moredance #moredreams #newgoals #lovethe90s #brooklyn #danceclass #friday #bdcalumni #hiphop (at Brooklyn, New York)
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