karakuroku-archive · 10 years
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Hello everyone! Apologies for my inactivity, I’ve been pretty busy. Soooo if you noticed this blog is now an archive blog, I’ve made an all new Tumblr blog with the same URL mostly because I want to start fresh, and because my tags were a mess goddammit
It’s up to you whether you’ll follow back or not, I’d appreciate it if you did though c: See you all there! Or not, eheh
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karakuroku-archive · 10 years
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Hello everyone! Apologies for my inactivity, I’ve been pretty busy. Soooo if you noticed this blog is now an archive blog, I’ve made an all new Tumblr blog with the same URL mostly because I want to start fresh, and because my tags were a mess goddammit
It’s up to you whether you’ll follow back or not, I’d appreciate it if you did though c: See you all there! Or not, eheh
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karakuroku-archive · 10 years
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Hello everyone! Apologies for my inactivity, I’ve been pretty busy. Soooo if you noticed this blog is now an archive blog, I’ve made an all new Tumblr blog with the same URL mostly because I want to start fresh, and because my tags were a mess goddammit
It’s up to you whether you’ll follow back or not, I’d appreciate it if you did though c: See you all there! Or not, eheh
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karakuroku-archive · 10 years
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Hello everyone! Apologies for my inactivity, I’ve been pretty busy. Soooo if you noticed this blog is now an archive blog, I’ve made an all new Tumblr blog with the same URL mostly because I want to start fresh, and because my tags were a mess goddammit
It’s up to you whether you’ll follow back or not, I’d appreciate it if you did though c: See you all there! Or not, eheh
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karakuroku-archive · 10 years
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Hello everyone! Apologies for my inactivity, I’ve been pretty busy. Soooo if you noticed this blog is now an archive blog, I’ve made an all new Tumblr blog with the same URL mostly because I want to start fresh, and because my tags were a mess goddammit
It’s up to you whether you’ll follow back or not, I’d appreciate it if you did though c: See you all there! Or not, eheh
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karakuroku-archive · 10 years
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Hello everyone! Apologies for my inactivity, I’ve been pretty busy. Soooo if you noticed this blog is now an archive blog, I’ve made an all new Tumblr blog with the same URL mostly because I want to start fresh, and because my tags were a mess goddammit
It’s up to you whether you’ll follow back or not, I’d appreciate it if you did though c: See you all there! Or not, eheh
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karakuroku-archive · 10 years
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Hello everyone! Apologies for my inactivity, I’ve been pretty busy. Soooo if you noticed this blog is now an archive blog, I’ve made an all new Tumblr blog with the same URL mostly because I want to start fresh, and because my tags were a mess goddammit
It’s up to you whether you’ll follow back or not, I’d appreciate it if you did though c: See you all there! Or not, eheh
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karakuroku-archive · 10 years
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Hello everyone! Apologies for my inactivity, I’ve been pretty busy. Soooo if you noticed this blog is now an archive blog, I’ve made an all new Tumblr blog with the same URL mostly because I want to start fresh, and because my tags were a mess goddammit
It’s up to you whether you’ll follow back or not, I’d appreciate it if you did though c: See you all there! Or not, eheh
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karakuroku-archive · 10 years
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Hello everyone! Apologies for my inactivity, I’ve been pretty busy. Soooo if you noticed this blog is now an archive blog, I’ve made an all new Tumblr blog with the same URL mostly because I want to start fresh, and because my tags were a mess goddammit
It’s up to you whether you’ll follow back or not, I’d appreciate it if you did though c: See you all there! Or not, eheh
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karakuroku-archive · 10 years
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Hello everyone! Apologies for my inactivity, I've been pretty busy. Soooo if you noticed this blog is now an archive blog, I've made an all new Tumblr blog with the same URL mostly because I want to start fresh, and because my tags were a mess goddammit
It's up to you whether you'll follow back or not, I'd appreciate it if you did though c: See you all there! Or not, eheh
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karakuroku-archive · 10 years
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…Look at some transparent’s I made 0v0 Feel free to use them~
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karakuroku-archive · 10 years
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Some spooky ghosts to drag around.
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karakuroku-archive · 10 years
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A Giant Twisting Serpent Skeleton Emerges from the Loire River in France
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karakuroku-archive · 10 years
stage 1 of friendship: what’s up ily so much!
stage 2 of friendship: oh god i hope i’m not being too clingy or bothering them
stage 3 of friendship: hey dickhead fucking answer me
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karakuroku-archive · 10 years
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karakuroku-archive · 10 years
Don’t confuse my personality with my attitude. My personality is who I am. My attitude depends on who you are.
Frank Ocean (via fuckreiva)
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karakuroku-archive · 10 years
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What god are you?
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