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Winter'21/22 reset prep & plan
Hi angels, it's been a minute since my last blog post but I'm back and ready for a much needed transformation.
Winter is the PERFECT time for a reset and for getting yourself back on track after a detour (which are very common and very normal and totally okay!)
I myself haven't been feeling so great lately, due to a combination of things, a lack of time and energy and I haven't been doing the things that make me feel like me and I have felt like in certain situations, I've violated my own boundaries and abounded my values for the sake of others and a few events in my life completely changed the way I view the world, myself and others. But this is not what this post is about, this post is for anyone that feels like they need a fresh start or feels like they need to get back on track! (although I def have to make a few posts about some of these topics because they are SO important)
You need a fresh start before new year's so you can become the best version of yourself. You do not want to be making major changes without addressing your current problems.
Grab a pice of paper and pen and get ready to dig deep! Remember the theme of this is RESET.
Phase 1 (plan)
Figure out what you want out of this reset. Everyone's journey is different. I personally want to get back to where I was, you could want to turn a new page after heartbreak, or you could want to completely abandon your old life and your old self and start from the beginning. Everyone's going to have different needs, identify them.
Reflect on your current situation
Figure out exactly which areas of your life that you've neglected, and find out why
Identify bad habits you want to get rid of
Identify your triggers
Try to get a clear idea of where you want to be at the end of winter (this is going ti be different for everyone)
Notice if anything's been bothering you lately (do you seem to have less energy, are you forgetting things easily, that sort of thing)
Remember good habits/ routines you had implemented but now no longer engage in
Identify the situations/ people/ events/ habits that do not serve you, and let go of them
If it does not make you feel good, it has no place in your life
Find out which situations/ trauma remain unresolved, and sit with yourself for while and try to work them. Feel free to reach out to someone if needed.
Shadow work is perfect for this!!
Get crystal clear on who you are as an individual, what you stand for, what you believe in, what you like, what you dislike, etc. get to know yourself!
re-examine your goals and re-focus if needed
Phase 2 (feel your best)
Get back on your diet (if you were on one like keto, paleo, Mediterranean, intermittent fasting, plant-based, etc.)
This time of year I find that people tend to eat heavier, more sugary meals, I for one am guilty, and they tend to upset my gut. I would recommend you find out which foods make you feel bad/ sluggish/ heavy/ nauseous/ bloated/ etc. and limit them
Now is a great time to go on a water fast if you're experienced with fasting
Try to walk and dance more
If you've stopped working out, ease your way back into it, starting with once a week, twice a week, etc until you're back at your regular pace.
Swap out your usual routine for something less intense (walking instead of running, lighter weights, etc.)
Get your blood tested!!! check your vitamin D, B12 and iron levels
Tea has so many benefits and will keep you warm!
Face & Body care
If you've been neglecting your self-maintenance this is the time to get back to old routines. Personally, I haven't found the energy for my weekly facials however I enjoy them so much and I've decided this is something I want back in my life, I also need to get back on my IPL schedule. This is going to be different for everyone.
clarifying treatments
henna masks
hair masks in general
get a trim or look into dusting if you want to maintain your length
ACV rinses are great
Give your hair a break from relaxers, heat, bleach, etc.
How to smell good from head to toe, AKA my scent routine
Also, figure out if you have BO and try to get rid of it (I can make a post on this!)
Phase 3 (mental wellbeing)
This is the star of this reset!
Give yourself a social media detox, whatever that looks like for you (take a break/ edit your followers and following lists/ completely delete/ deactivate your account/ only use social media on your laptop/ use extensions to limit your social media usage/ only for 30 minutes a day/ etc. figure out what works best for you and what you need)
Cut out toxic people from your life and people who do not make you feel good
Find out what drains your energy (people, places, situations, social media, listening to too much music with harmful lyrics, partying, gossiping, etc.)
Get clear on your personal values
Get clear on your personal boundaries (in relationships, friendships, at work/ school, mental boundaries as well)
Identify any self-sabotaging or people pleasing behaviour
Let go and detach yourself from anything that does not serve
Release shame
Forgive yourself
Recognize and stop comparison
Get clear on what you will and will not tolerate
Place some rules on yourself and your life, if you find yourself going down a slippery path (I will not vape, I will not entertain a man just because I'm bored, I'm will not gossip, etc.)
Work on getting eight hours of sleep
Journal to organize your thoughts
Once again, shadow work!!!
Go on a dopamine detox
Recognize red flags in relationships, friendships, work place, etc.
Recognize your own red flags and work on them
Give yourself closure if you need to
Vent to a friend who is willing to help
Remove yourself from harmful situations
Choose to be happy
Reconnect with old friends
Smiling is an instant mood booster
Work on your insecurities
practice intentional kindness, to yourself and others
Speaking of, self-compassion is so so important during this journey
Find your comfort shows/ movies/ food for fun
appreciate and find joy in the little things
Work on any traumas you may have (childhood, generational, relationships, friendships, etc.)
Identify unhealthy patterns in your life
Recognize what your grateful for
Recognize the areas in your life where you have improved, things your proud of yourself for, no mater how small
Heal energetic cords
Choose to put things behind you and to move on
Be intentional with everything, with your healing, with your emotions, with your thoughts and your actions
Journal for self-reflection
celebrate small victories
Positive self talk in the mirror is life-changing
Find out what fulfill you
Let go of limiting beliefs
make your self and your wellbeing a priority
Remind yourself of moments life has been kind to you
Focus on healing
Stop caring about other people's judgements of you
learn to control your emotions and reactions
Phase 4 (living)
Now is a great time for any of your usual reset rituals
Spend time with people you leave you feeling good
Do something nice for someone
Yoga + meditation for new beginnings
Practice LOA, whatever that means for you
Get back on track with your studying
revisit and relearn old skills
Do small things that make you happy (baking brownies, buying flowers, painting your nails, etc.)
Explore your city!! there are so many fun things to do
Consider taking a trip somewhere
Buy yourself a symbolic piece of jewellery
Asses your money habits
Make any and all lifestyle changes necessary
Work on reimplementing any good habits/ routines back into your life
Get enough sleep!!
Go out in nature! it's so healing
make plans for days when you are not feeling so great
I just want you to know that I am so so proud of you for putting in the effort to better your self and your life. Self-improvement journeys are never linear and you will have bad days, bad weeks or bad months and that's okay! it is a part of growth.
Lots of love,
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JUSB🌻, IG: buffiieee
Melanin Queen, Quality THICKNESS
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Bestselling author and chronicler of Black life “Eric Jerome Dickey” is dead at 59 … R.I.P.
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