kamille04 · 8 months
Autumn, rains, mood...🤧
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kamille04 · 9 months
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Don t know why it reminds me about school🏫
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kamille04 · 9 months
Romance is not mandatory to have a good plot!
Let's repeat it until society understand.
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kamille04 · 9 months
Didn't post for so long(((
But i have so much incomplete sketches i want to share, but i still cant make it the way i really like but
Making a new sketches instead🙃
So catch a new one sketch of that cutties.
His name Alex btw
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kamille04 · 10 months
It s been a long time since i drew on a paper
This is old one with June...
Forgot there is no Ctrl+Z lol
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kamille04 · 10 months
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Once upon a time during a shipwreck, a whale swallowed a little girl and swam with her far, far away from family that may have been dead. She spent days in darkness and fear where she is and what waiting for her...
And everyone can be in the place of this girl
In fact, the whale is an anxious thoughts and a fear that gobbled her, and the ocean is a new place in which she had to find herself. And what should she do next?
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kamille04 · 10 months
In the morning, it’s a little bit breezy in the kitchen, but still acceptable to open the windows wide, inhale the fresh air and enjoy coffie with toasts🧋
The temperature has not dropped below 26C, which is nice🙌 I just want to enjoy the last warm days before all this little autumn things like winds, rains and dark clouds will apear👀🌪️
A big pile of leaves has already accumulated in the yard just in front of the window. It’s shining beautifully in the sun, but still need to be cleaned up soon, because immediately at the first rain this golden pile will turn into a mess🍁
(P. S. And sometimes it’s kinda annoying me)
June M. Harrison
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kamille04 · 10 months
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Their story💥
Kristina was bullied since Primary school by her older brother Paul who spread rumors that she is goofy, and no one wanted to hanging out with her until she met her completely opposite - Mel.
Mel didn’t want to make friend with anyone after balley school where other white thin girls mocked at her. She also was regullary bullied by her parents, classmates and even teachers about her weight. Thats why she became so private.
But when Kristina met on launch Melani, which shared with her lanchbox , she wouldn't get out of her (she also very clingy) and Mel can't get rid of her.
Since then they become a BFF💜💜💜
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kamille04 · 10 months
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June's new friends at school!
As you can see they have sooo diffrent personalities, but they are a best friends since primary school
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kamille04 · 10 months
🍂 This photo was made ages ago (maybe a year, lol) but i'm already can't wait for autumn atmosphere with gold leaves, rainy or cloudy weather, thoughtful walk and hot drinks🍂
Summer was pretty chill🌿, but autumn is just my love (of course it s not a storm outside the window & I'm not going to the school anymore)😸
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kamille04 · 10 months
Moving to New Crest (continued)
All this pretentious intro was supposed to hint that I had moved from Boston to the small town New-Crest to my aunt Alice and her 12-years old daughter, my cousin Katie. And now, when such a big changes are taking place in my life for the first time, I need to fix them somewhere for my posterity, if I ever have them and humanity will not die out in the near future. (Pov: I'm honestly always trying to be optimistic)
New Crest is a small town in Connecticut almost on the coast of the ocean. Actuallly this place look more like a village especially after Boston, but I should say that it's very beautiful here. Like you founding yourself somewhere in England backwoods. There is a lot of bushy trees and plants, the streets are clean, I haven't even seen a can of cola anywhere, and the houses look neat and cozy like on postcards from a vacation in Europe. There is atmosphere of a quiet, comfortable wilderness. Of course we have a more lively district with markets, large buildings and shopping malls, but Alice's house is located on the suburb closer to nature - small hills, trees, unpaved roads, an hour away from the bustle of the city center.
At night, and even during the day, I very rarely heard the noise of cars though we live near the road, when in Boston I could not sleep because of cars noise if I opened the window wide.
In addition, it's warm here in summer, the intense heat lasts no more than two weeks, and in winter the temperature is not lower than -6C (thats the heaven for me living all my life in cold Massachusetts). And as I learned from Google while I was getting here in Connecticut all sorts of earthquakes, tsunamis and tornadoes are very unlikely. That is very important to find out before moving somewhere. In my opinion, it is perfect place, because I am extremely hard take the cold and heat and in some kind of apocalypse I would definitely die first.
June May Harrison
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kamille04 · 10 months
That new girl i drew almost in one evening! And ready to share soon...🌪️
(P. S. She is kinda ambiguous)
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kamille04 · 10 months
Had a little walk today. #adore willows💚
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kamille04 · 11 months
Seven by Taylor Swift. Love that day🌿🤍
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kamille04 · 11 months
Drawing June's new school friends. I think the gonna be lovely🧡🧡🧡, but about them later...
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kamille04 · 11 months
The stars twinkle so brightly in the night country sky. In big cities like Boston, where i came from, this small white dots are barely noticeable in the sky because of large amount of electric light. And sometimes it's good to just get up and look at them. It is naive to expect some asterisk will fall and believe this is the solution to all problems, but then for some reason comes a piece in heart and thoughts become quieter.
(It was supposed to be a beautiful intro, but that's the only thing I came up with. LoL)))
June М. Нarrison 20 August 2023
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kamille04 · 11 months
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My name is June May Harrison. I'm 15👩‍🦱
❗Important information about me: I often jump from topic to topic and my thoughts gets chaotic most of the time.🙄
Sometimes I start talking about one thing, and end up completely another thing, don't understand how it happend.
But still quate a lot of my friends told me they enjoying talk to me, i don't know why🙈
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